Claims famous quotes
I don't think that when Zionism began there was a claim that we were losing - even in part - our capacity to contribute to other peoples.
-- A. B. Yehoshua -
There never comes a point where a theory can be said to be true. The most that one can claim for any theory is that it has shared the successes of all its rivals and that it has passed at least one test which they have failed.
-- A.J. Ayer -
Many people can rightfully claim, as much as anyone can rightfully claim anything, that much of their lives have been spent stumbling through a cloud of cluelessness.
-- Aberjhani -
I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
It [the Sudetenland] is the last territorial claim that I have to make in Europe.
-- Adolf Hitler -
Whoever says that all music is prohibited, let him also claim that the songs of birds are prohibited.
-- Al-Ghazali -
The attempt to divide art and politics is a bourgeois which says good poetry, art, cannot be political, but since everything is … political, even an artist or work that claims not to have any politics is making a political statement by that act.
-- Amiri Baraka -
Someone who claims to know what happens after death is probably someone we should be suspicious of -- they might be a ghost.
-- Andrew W.K. -
Mickey Mouse... is always there-he's part of my life. That really is something not everyone can call their claim to fame.
-- Annette Funicello -
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who claim to have found it.
-- Anodea Judith -
This theory [the oxygen theory] is not as I have heard it described, that of the French chemists, it is mine (elle est la mienne); it is a property which I claim from my contemporaries and from posterity.
-- Antoine Lavoisier -
If ever my life can be of any use to you, come and claim it.
-- Anton Chekhov -
I claim the right to take a stand once in a while.
-- Antonio Tabucchi -
Finally, if nothing can be truly asserted, even the following claim would be false, the claim that there is no true assertion.
-- Aristotle -
Whoever claims the right to redistribute the wealth produced by others is claiming the right to treat human beings as chattel.
-- Ayn Rand -
An extraordinary amount of arrogance is present in any claim of having been the first in inventing something.
-- Benoit Mandelbrot -
If you have a hammer, use it everywhere you can, but I do not claim that everything is fractal.
-- Benoit Mandelbrot -
Once a new paradigm takes hold, its acceptance is extraordinarily rapid and one finds few who claim to have adhered to a discarded method.
-- Bernard Lown -
Democracy works when people claim it as their own
-- Bill Moyers -
Democracy only works when we claim it as our own
-- Bill Moyers -
I like to regard myself as someone who's capable of critical thought, that is to say, who can evaluate claims.
-- Bill Nye -
Nor all America can claim him now: Forevermore he is Mankind's and God's.
-- Bill Vaughan -
My first inclination is to be a bit skeptical about the claims that human-produced carbon dioxide is the direct contributor to global warming.
-- Buzz Aldrin -
I try to be objective. I do not claim to be detached.
-- C. Wright Mills -
I believe that the extraordinary should be pursued. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
-- Carl Sagan -
Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence
-- Carl Sagan -
In 1976 I wrote a lot about women trying to claim the right to work.
-- Cathy Guisewite -
When I was young, I thought confidence could be earned w/ perfection. Now I know that you don't earn it; you claim it.
-- Cecelie Berry -
I'm on a quest to claim absolute victory on every front.
-- Charlie Sheen -
If a woman is really injured by her marriage, she should sue under the employer liability act. She should claim damages--not alimony.
-- Charlotte Perkins Gilman -
It's been my experience that people who make proclamations about themselves are usually the opposite of what they claim to be.
-- Chelsea Handler -
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
-- Christopher Hitchens -
Forgotten were the elementary rules of logic, that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and that what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
-- Christopher Hitchens -
If You Don’t Claim Your Humanity, You Will Become A Statistic.
-- Chuck Palahniuk -
Impressive claims are made far more impressive by making them exact
-- Claude C. Hopkins -
If a claim is worth making, make it in the most specific way
-- Claude C. Hopkins -
King consciously steered away from legal claims and instead relied on civil disobedience.
-- Constance Baker Motley -
The first ingredient to being wrong is to claim that you are right.
-- Criss Jami -
Getting buried alive will always be my claim to fame.
-- Crystal Chappell -
My central claim is that we can become like Christ by doing one thing -- by following him in the overall style of life he chose for himself.
-- Dallas Willard -
Obviously Linux owes its heritage to UNIX, but not its code. We would not, nor will not, make such a claim.
-- Darl McBride -
Satan can wreak havoc but he cannot claim the victory.
-- David Jeremiah -
Money is not wealth. Money is a claim on wealth.
-- David Korten -
The Gospel is open to all; the most respectable sinner has no more claim on it than the worst.
-- David Lloyd-Jones -
Red protects itself. No colour is as territorial. It stakes a claim, is on the alert against the spectrum.
-- Derek Jarman -
I don't claim to be a musician, I didn't go to Julliard.
-- Dick Dale -
Beware of anyone who claims to be neutral, for they always have an agenda.
-- Douglas Wilson -
The proudest thing I can claim is that I am from Abilene.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower -
To claim you are more detached, more alien to everything than anyone, and to be merely a fanatic of indifference!
-- Emile M. Cioran -
In my view you cannot claim to have seen something until you have photographed it.
-- Emile Zola -
Claim your divine, glorious selfhood. Think it, talk it, live it and it will demonstrate itself in your life.
-- Emmet Fox -
Apply the ABC’s of success to your life. Ask, Believe and Claim It.
-- Eric Thomas -
Jeanine claims you're all dangerous Insurgents.
-- Evelyn Eaton -
To know the history of science is to recognize the mortality of any claim to universal truth.
-- Evelyn Fox Keller -
There are many people who claim to be good cooks; just as there are many people who, after having repainted the garden gate take themselves to be painters.
-- Fernand Point -
The rightful claim to dissent is an existential right of the individual.
-- Friedrich Durrenmatt -
The emancipation of woman will only be possible when woman can take part in production on a large, social scale, and domestic work no longer claims anything but an insignificant amount of her time.
-- Friedrich Engels -
We, we live! ours are the hours, and the living have their claims.
-- Friedrich Schiller -
Publicly, they claim to be thrilled to have the opportunity to engage directly with their customers; privately, they suspect, maybe even fervently hope, that Facebook and its spawn are fads.
-- Gary Vaynerchuk -
Do not let anyone claim tribute of American patriotism if they even attempt to remove religion from politics.
-- George Washington -
I'd like to vote for the candidate similar to the one the Right absurdly claims Obama is.
-- Glenn Greenwald -
I make the best pancakes you'll ever have! And I claim that title gladly. On Saturdays I make them for everybody.
-- Gloria Estefan -
The more powerful the class, the more it claims not to exist.
-- Guy Debord -
Of course, if one ignores contradictory observations, one can claim to have an "elegant" or "robust" theory. But it isn't science.
-- Halton Arp -
The statements of certain western officials show that contrary to their absurd claims, westerners are disqualified, and impetuous, lacking any cultural background.
-- Hamid-Reza Assefi -
I always claim that the writer has done 90 percent of the director's work.
-- Harold Ramis -
The purpose of education is to keep a culture from being drowned in senseless repetitions, each of which claims to offer a new insight.
-- Harold Rosenberg -
The moment a man claims a right to control the will of a fellow being by physical force, he is at heart a slaveholder.
-- Henry Clarke Wright -
Show me a man who claims he is objective and I'll show you a man with illusions.
-- Henry R. Luce -
Painters and poets alike have always had license to dare anything! We know that, and we both claim and allow to others in their turn this indulgence.
-- Horace -
Human beings are the only creatures on earth that claim a God and the only thing that behaves like it hasn't got one.
-- Hunter S. Thompson -
Many modern philosophers claim that probability is relation between an hypothesis and the evidence for it.
-- Ian Hacking -
Every day is your day if you claim it. If you wait for somebody else to make it for you, you're going to be disappointed.
-- Iyanla Vanzant -
No one who claims this to be a small world has ever flown across the Pacific.
-- J. Maarten Troost -
How I wish that more men who claim to be evangelical really believed the Word of God--that it IS the Word of God, that it is God speaking.
-- J. Vernon McGee -
As soon as one nation claims the right to take preventive action, other countries will naturally do the same. If we go down that road, where are we going?
-- Jacques Chirac -
Not many people can lay claim to having broken Time, and we did it purely by accident.
-- James A. Owen -
Dead people belong to the live people who claim them most obsessively.
-- James Ellroy -
I don't expect that the million will ever be won, simply because there is no confirming evidence for any paranormal claims to date.
-- James Randi -
You are perfectly entitled to invent your life and to claim that it's true.
-- James Salter -
Never try to time the bond market. Anyone who claims to know the future of interest rates is certifiable.
-- Jane Bryant Quinn -
We are firm believers of the paranormal, but we believe over 80 percent of all claims can be disproved.
-- Jason Hawes -
Beautiful and diabolical. You make me impatient indeed to claim you.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Misguided liberal Joseph Stiglitz.Columbia University professor and Nobel Prize winner, claims the American dream is dead.
-- Jedediah Bila -
When people claim to know who I am, I can no longer act freely.
-- Jerzy Kosinski -
Never claim as a right what you can ask as a favor.
-- John Churton Collins -
Riches cannot rescue from the grave, which claims alike the monarch and the slave.
-- John Dryden -
At the heart of anything good there should be a kernel of something undefinable, and if you can define it, or claim to be able to define it, then, in a sense, you’ve missed the point.
-- John Peel -
That claim was not intended to be a factual statement.
-- Jon Kyl -
I'm not certain that the BBC can claim to be making a wide enough range of distinctive programmes to make the case convincingly.
-- Jonathan Dimbleby -
No one has a monopoly of the true God, nor is there a nation or religion that can claim, or at any rate prove, that it has been given the exclusive right to the Creator or sole knowledge of His Being.
-- Jose Rizal -
Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys.
-- Joseph Conrad -
You can't make a representation and then claim you didn't make it. You know, it just shouldn't work that way.
-- Judd Gregg -
I shall develop the thesis that anyone acting communicatively must, in performing any speech act, raise universal validity claims and suppose that they can be vindicated.
-- Jurgen Habermas -
I certainly don't know if you could claim that every theft is wrong, but I'll prove to you that every theft is forbidden, by simply locking you up.
-- Karel Capek -
No act of man can claim to be more than an attempt, not even science.
-- Karl Barth -
We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.
-- Karl Popper -
Freedom is not something that one people can bestow on another as a gift. Thy claim it as their own and none can keep it from them.
-- Kwame Nkrumah