Should famous quotes
Once a leader delegates, he should show utmost confidence in the people he has entrusted.
-- A. B. Simpson -
You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by your dictation.
-- A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada -
The soul should be examined in the light of other souls.
-- A. D. Gordon -
I know that you should always say yes to adventures or you'll lead a very dull life.
-- A. J. Jacobs -
This is what the Sabbath should feel like. A pause. Not just a minor pause, but a major pause. Not just lowering the volume, but a muting. As the famous rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel put it, the Sabbath is a sanctuary in time.
-- A. J. Jacobs -
Death should take more care with his paperwork.
-- A. Lee Martinez -
Justice should be cheap but judges expensive.
-- A. P. Herbert -
Why should you mind being wrong if someone can show you that you are?
-- A.J. Ayer -
It seems to me that more and more we've come to expect less and less from each other, and I think that should change.
-- Aaron Sorkin -
When they are assailed by despair, young people should let universal concerns into their lives.
-- Abbe Pierre -
He did say I fascinated him, but he really should have clarified to me that I was just the fascination for the day.
-- Abbi Glines -
The only reason you should be in college is to destroy it.
-- Abbie Hoffman -
The stage has been reached where our armed forces should withdraw beyond the borders It's not the end. It's the start of a new era.
-- Abdullah Ocalan -
Why to mute fish should'st thou thyself discoverAnd not to me, thy no less silent lover?
-- Abraham Cowley -
The curse should no longer rest upon the world itself, but upon that which is sinful in it, and instead of monastic flight from the world the duty is now emphasized of serving God in the world, in every position in life.
-- Abraham Kuyper -
Wanting to work is so rare a merit, that it should be encouraged.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
One of the goals of education should be to teach that life is precious.
-- Abraham Maslow -
Jihad should be waged in places where there is war. Bombings in places where there is no war is not a good thing.
-- Abu Bakar Bashir -
He who fears to weep, should learn to be kind to those who weep.
-- Abu Bakr -
When you advise any person you should be guided by the fear of God.
-- Abu Bakr -
You should not quarrel with your neighbour, for he will remain where he is, but your high handedness will become the talk of the people.
-- Abu Bakr -
Obey me as I obey God and His Messenger; if I disobey them, then you should disobey me.
-- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi -
A butler in an English household should, however, be English, and as much like an archbishop as possible.
-- Ada Leverson -
Your life should be a story you are excited to tell.
-- Adam Braun -
You should feel good about yourself because of your accomplishments. Not because somebody yelled at you to feel good about yourself.
-- Adam Carolla -
The U. S. trade deficit with China shows that while we value the potential of their market, they value the reality of our market. It is in this area that we should use our leverage.
-- Adam Schiff -
It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.
-- Adam Smith -
In another situation, and in an active station in life, I should have been keenly occupied, and the founding of an order would have never come into my head.
-- Adam Weishaupt -
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavement, even if it leads nowhere?
-- Adele -
Thus one should know oneself to be of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss[Sat-Chit-Ananda].
-- Adi Shankara -
To attain our aim we should stop at nothing even if we must join forces with the devil.
-- Adolf Hitler -
To whom should propaganda be addressed? To the scientifically trained intelligentsia or the less educated masses? It must be addressed always and exclusively to the masses.
-- Adolf Hitler -
No politician should ever let himself be photographed in a bathing suit.
-- Adolf Hitler -
I do not see why man should not be as cruel as nature
-- Adolf Hitler -
Certain people always say we should go back to nature.I notice they never say we should go forward to nature. It seemstometheyare more concerned that we should go back, than about nature.
-- Adolph Gottlieb -
When engaged in eating, the brain should be the servant of the stomach.
-- Agatha Christie -
People should be interested in books, not their authors.
-- Agatha Christie -
Not just in modeling, but in society, there's so much pressure about what a woman should be, and, of course, it's just so unobtainable. You can never become that thing, because it's such a projection.
-- Agyness Deyn -
However much you love somebody, you should always keep a part of yourself to yourself. Never give it all. You can never be yourself otherwise.
-- Aidan Chambers -
And the price for being a homo-hater should be as high as anyone can pay.
-- Aidan Chambers -
I suppose I should be happy to be misread; better be that than some of the other things I have become.
-- Aimee Mann -
You should think about your own death 3 times per day at the very least.
-- Ajahn Chah -
A monarch should be ever intent on conquest, lest his neighbours rise in arms against him.
-- Akbar -
The teachings of elegant sayings Should be collected when one can. For the supreme gift of words of wisdom, Any price will be paid.
-- Akkineni Nagarjuna -
Young people should be helped, sheltered, ignored, and clubbed of necessary.
-- Al Capp -
Why should I talk to you? I don't know where you're from.
-- Al Davis -
A brand should strive to own a word in the mind of the consumer.
-- Al Ries -
We should not be ashamed to acknowledge truth from whatever source it comes to us, even if it is brought to us by former generations and foreign peoples. For him who seeks the truth there is nothing of higher value than truth itself.
-- Al-Kindi -
We should not feel embarrassed by our difficulties, only by our failure to grow anything beautiful from them.
-- Alain de Botton -
It is perhaps sad books that best console us when we are sad, and to lonely service stations that we should drive when there is no one for us to hold or love.
-- Alain de Botton -
An article on playwrights in the Daily Mail , listed according to Hard Left, Soft Left, Hard Right, Soft Right and Centre. I am not listed. I should probably come under Soft Centre.
-- Alan Bennett -
I had to be a grown-up when I should have been a little boy, and now that I'm a grown-up my little-boyness has exploded out of me. I've lived my life backwards.
-- Alan Cumming -
You should *have* an experience; it shouldn't just *be* an experience.
-- Alan Cumming -
I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said.
-- Alan Greenspan -
The music business doesn't take up that much of my time. I probably should put a little more energy into it.
-- Alan Jackson -
Simple things should be simple and complex things should be possible.
-- Alan Kay -
There's not a single thing on offer in this all-too-temporary world for which you should ever sell your soul.
-- Alan Keyes -
I should have written books instead of reading them.
-- Alan Lightman -
People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.
-- Alan Moore -
Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.
-- Alan Moore -
Emirates Stadium should be named after Arsene Wenger
-- Alan Pardew -
I tried to push him away with my head. I apologise to everyone. I should not have got involved in it.
-- Alan Pardew -
There's a voice inside you that tells you what you should do.
-- Alan Rickman -
The audience should feel like voyeurs. Their response is absolutely crucial.
-- Alan Rickman -
Why should it be essential to love rarely in order to love much?
-- Albert Camus -
What the world requires of the Christians is that they should continue to be Christians.
-- Albert Camus -
If God did not exist, we should have to invent him. If God did exist, we should have to abolish Him.
-- Albert Camus -
No path leads from a knowledge of that which is to that which should be.
-- Albert Einstein -
The Bible is a great source of wisdom and consolation and should be read frequently
-- Albert Einstein -
The democratic process on which this nation was founded should not be restricted to the political process, but should be applied to the industrial operation as well.
-- Albert Gallatin -
I am convinced that nobody should be afraid of peace.
-- Albert Reynolds -
If I see everything in gray, and in gray all the colors which I experience and which I would like to reproduce, then why should I use any other color?
-- Alberto Giacometti -
That the situation appears hopeless should not prevent us from doing our best.
-- Aldo Leopold -
To me a book is a message from the gods to mankind; or, if not, should never be published at all.
-- Aleister Crowley -
The perfect borscht is what life should be but never is.
-- Aleksandar Hemon -
If you wanted to put the world to rights, who should you begin with: yourself or others?
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
Surely people should eventually cease to be surprised at anything? And yet they continue to be.
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
When Shonda Rhimes writes her autobiography, it should be called How to Get Away With Being an Angry Black Woman.
-- Alessandra Stanley -
That's what true love should be like-the person should be part of your soul and you should know what they're feeling all the time.
-- Alex Flinn -
You should never wear a baseball cap when working in close quarters in the attic: You never see that beam above you!
-- Alex Trebek -
Coppola has problems getting financing, so why should I not have problems getting financing.
-- Alex Winter -
The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another.
-- Alexander Graham Bell -
The deliberative sense of the community should govern.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
This [a state militia system] appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
There is no reason why I should call myself a democrat.
-- Alexander Lebed -
You should not be misled about the so-called single opposition candidate. There are so many of them now that you will lack the fingers to count them.
-- Alexander Lukashenko -
There are many women whose lives would be immeasurably improved by widowhood, but one should not always point that out.
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment.
-- Alexander McQueen -
Clothes and jewellery should be startling, individual.
-- Alexander McQueen -
Many are willing that Christ should be something, but few will consent that Christ should be everything.
-- Alexander Moody Stuart -
I consider not what Parmenio should receive, but what Alexander should give.
-- Alexander the Great