Cells famous quotes
For the most part I have been able to meet all my goals, but I always strive for bigger goals in life so everything's not complete just yet. My first aspiration was to be known as a singer and also as an advocate for sickle cell disease. I try to be that inspiration, you know. It's not as bad as people try to make it seem. I mean, it is, but it's not. People don't have to be afraid of it; they don't have to be held down by it. Try to find triumph in the situation.
-- A. J. Green -
This [discovery of a cell-free yeast extract] will make him famous, even though he has no talent for chemistry.
-- Adolf von Baeyer -
Finally, you will find that there is no half-measure when it comes to loving someone. You either don’t, or you do with every cell in your body, completely and utterly, without reservation or apology. It consumes you, and you are reborn, all the better for it.
-- Adrian Tan -
You'd be surprised how difficult it is relinquish a cell phone
-- Adrien Brody -
These little grey cells. It is up to them.
-- Agatha Christie -
It is the brain, the little gray cells on which one must rely. One must seek the truth within--not without." ~ Poirot
-- Agatha Christie -
The idea of prosthetics is a tool. Most peoples cell phones are prosthetics. If you leave your cell phone at home, you feel impacted by not having it. Its an important part of your daily function and what you can do in a day.
-- Aimee Mullins -
When one is undone—sprawled across the cold tile of a public bathroom in a pool of one’s own vomit, or shivering in the back of a taxi in a pair of urine-soaked skinny jeans with no money for cab fare and a dead cell phone battery—much like a wobbly toddler or an unhinged politician, one immediately looks for someone else to blame. God. Your parents. Ex-girlfriends. Undocumented immigrants. Marvin in Human Resources. China.
-- Aisha Tyler -
The cell, over the billions of years of her life, has covered the earth many times with her substance, found ways to control herself and her environment, and insure her survival.
-- Albert Claude -
For over two billion years, through the apparent fancy of her endless differentiations and metamorphosis the Cell, as regards its basic physiological mechanisms, has remained one and the same. It is life itself, and our true and distant ancestor.
-- Albert Claude -
If we examine the accomplishments of man in his most advanced endeavors, in theory and in practice, we find that the cell has done all this long before him, with greater resourcefulness and much greater efficiency.
-- Albert Claude -
Man, like other organisms, is so perfectly coordinated that he may easily forget, whether awake or asleep, that he is a colony of cells in action, and that it is the cells which achieve, through him, what he has the illusion of accomplishing himself.
-- Albert Claude -
It is the cells which create and maintain in us, during the span of our lives, our will to live and survive, to search and experiment, and to struggle.
-- Albert Claude -
This attempt to isolate cell constituents might have been a failure if they had been destroyed by the relative brutality of the technique employed. But this did not happen.
-- Albert Claude -
Is it absurd to imagine that our social behavior, from amoeba to man, is also planned and dictated, from stored Information, by the cells? And that the time has come for men to be entrusted with the task, through heroic efforts, of bringing life to other worlds?
-- Albert Claude -
Until 1930 or thereabout biologists [using microscopes], in the situation of Astronomers and Astrophysicists, were permitted to see the objects of their interest, but not to touch them; the cell was as distant from us, as the stars and galaxies were from them.
-- Albert Claude -
I remember vividly my student days, spending hours at the light microscope, turning endlessly the micrometric screw, and gazing at the blurred boundary which concealed the mysterious ground substance where the secret mechanisms of cell life might be found.
-- Albert Claude -
Looking back 25 years later, what I may say is that the facts have been far better than the dreams. In the long course of cell life on this earth it remained, for our age for our generation, to receive the full ownership of our inheritance.
-- Albert Claude -
I like to experience the universe as one harmonious whole. Every cell has life. Matter, too, has life; it is energy solidified. The tree outside is life... The whole of nature is life... The basic laws of the universe are simple, but because our senses are limited, we can't grasp them. There is a pattern in creation.
-- Albert Einstein -
A living cell requires energy not only for all its functions, but also for the maintenance of its structure.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
To regulate something always requires two opposing factors. You cannot regulate by a single factor. To give an example, the traffic in the streets could not be controlled by a green light or a red light alone. It needs a green light and a red light as well. The ratio between retine and promine determines whether there is any motion, any growth, or not. Two different inclinations have to be there in readiness to make the cells proliferate.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
Fuel cell vehicles run on clean-burning hydrogen and are three times more efficient than the traditional combustible engine.
-- Albert Wynn -
We must move away from our dependency on fossil fuels, and I am glad that GM has invested over $1 billion in hydrogen fuel cells cars to meet this goal.
-- Albert Wynn -
One Spirit Medicine opens the doors to the invisible matrix of wisdom where everything is intertwined, where every thought we have impacts every cell in our body and every molecule in the cosmos.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
The social body persists although the component cells may change.
-- Aldous Huxley -
I helped you because you're new, and because when there's two people in a cell then there's only a fifty percent chance they'll take you.
-- Alexander Gordon Smith -
Love is the feeling that emanates from the heart and extends through the blood to every cell of the body.
-- Alexander Lowen -
There is a wealth of information built into us ... tucked away in the genetic material in every one of our cells ... without some means of access, there is no way even to begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature.
-- Alexander Shulgin -
The magic of the mechanisms inside each genetic structure saying exactly where that nerve cell should go - the complexity of these mathematical models is beyond human comprehension.
-- Alexander Tsiaras -
The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.
-- Alexis Carrel -
I think most people in the developed world would admit to carrying some sort of handheld device, whether it's a laptop or a cell phone, at all times.
-- Alexis Denisof -
If we do not work on all three levels -- body, feeling, mind -- the symptoms of our distress will keep returning, as the body goes on repeating the story stored in its cells until it is finally listened to and understood.
-- Alice Miller -
Man’s usurpation over nature is an egotism that will destroy human as well as whale kingdoms. … Academies should return to wisdom study in tree groves rather than robot study in plastic cells
-- Allen Ginsberg -
What is the flesh and blood compounded ofBut a few moments in the life of time?This prowling of the cells, litigious love,Wears the long claw of flesh-arguing crime.
-- Allen Tate -
I sprung you because I've got a message for you" "doesn't your family own a cell phone company?" "only a little one
-- Ally Carter -
The best standardisation committee in the world is nature herself, but in nature standardisation occurs mainly in connection with the smallest possible units: cells. The result is millions of flexible combinations in which one never encounters the stereotyped.
-- Alvar Aalto -
To transcend the identification with the body one has to realize the auspiciousness and divinity residing within each cell of the body. One needs to realize the illusory nature of the body.
-- Amit Ray -
Variable but forecastable renewables (wind and solar cells) are very reliable when integrated with each other, existing supplies and demand. For example, three German states were more than 30 percent wind-powered in 2007-and more than 100 percent in some months. Mostly renewable power generally needs less backup than utilities already bought to combat big coal and nuclear plants' intermittence.
-- Amory Lovins -
The inner chambers of the soul are like the photographer's darkroom. Like a laboratory. One cannot stay there all the time or it becomes the solitary cell of the neurotic.
-- Anais Nin -
The mechanist is intimately convinced that a precise knowledge of the chemical constitution, structure, and properties of the various organelles of a cell will solve biological problems. This will come in a few centuries. For the time being, the biologist has to face such concepts as orienting forces or morphogenetic fields. Owing to the scarcity of chemical data and to the complexity of life, and despite the progresses of biochemistry, the biologist is still threatened with vertigo.
-- Andre Michel Lwoff -
We all fall into our habits, our routines, our ruts. They're used quite often, consciously or unconsciously, to avoid living, to avoid doing the messy part of having relationships with other people, of dealing with a person next to us. That's why we can all be in a room on our cell phones and not have to deal with one another.
-- Andrew Stanton -
You bet being funny helps accomplish things. I've always maintained that people don't realize how many brain cells it takes to be funny. And politics ought to be fun -- after baseball it's our next favorite national pastime.
-- Ann Richards -
Letters of the condemned. Last words scratched on a cell’s wall. To write like that.
-- Anna Kamienska -
Dial Star' is about an aspiring actress who finds the cell phone of AnnaLynne McCord and impersonates her.
-- AnnaLynne McCord -
Physically, the heart is an organ that keeps us alive through a coordinated network of cells beating together. Spiritually, the heart is the center of love, the force that makes our lives worthwhile. Globally, the heart is a symbol of a new organizing principle for how to live together on this finite jewel of a planet.
-- Anodea Judith -
[Our lab uses] a desktop inkjet printer, but instead of using ink, we're using cells.
-- Anthony Atala -
We all come into existence as a single cell, smaller than a speck of dust. Much smaller. Divide. Multiply. Add and subtract. Matter changes hands, atoms flow in and out, molecules pivot, proteins stitch together, mitochondria send out their oxidative dictates; we begin as a microscopic electrical swarm. The lungs the brain the heart. Forty weeks later, six trillion cells get crushed in the vise of our mother’s birth canal and we howl. Then the world starts in on us.
-- Anthony Doerr -
I turn and turn in my cell like a fly that doesn't know where to die.
-- Antonio Gramsci -
My contemplation of life and human nature in that secluded place [cell 54 of Cairo Central Prison] taught me that he who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never, therefore, make any progress.
-- Anwar Sadat -
Two places in this world make it impossible for a man to escape from himself: a battlefield and a prison cell.
-- Anwar Sadat -
There is just no sensible, logical reason why we would not make use of stem cell research.
-- Arlen Specter -
Brain cells create ideas. Stress kills brain cells. Stress is not a good idea
-- Arthur Frederick Saunders -
If you feel someone suspicious is following you, the best thing to do is to talk on your cell phone, Even if you just act as if someone is on the other end, it will make them think twice.
-- Arthur Mitchell -
I was sentenced to life plus 30 years by an all-White jury. What I saw in prison was wall-to-wall Black flesh in chains. Women caged in cells. But we're the terrorists. It just doesn't make sense.
-- Assata Shakur -
I only used a cell phone for the first time after I was released. I had difficulty coping with it because it seemed so small and insubstantial.
-- Aung San Suu Kyi -
We can wash the skin of our bodies with a bath, but through asana practice we not only purify our blood and cells, we are cleansing the inner body as we practice.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
Yoga is when every cell of the body sings the song of the soul...
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
The yogi cannot be afraid to die, because he has brought life to every cell of his body. We are afraid to die, because we are afraid we have not lived. The yogi has lived.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
The one thing I'm absolutely obsessed with lately are gadgets! New cell phones; I walk around with three phones because I have all the new ones, and I can't choose which I prefer.
-- Bar Refaeli -
What we want is for people to know that you can get affordable health care and most young Americans, they're not covered and the truth is they can get coverage all for what it costs to pay your cell phone bill.
-- Barack Obama -
Releasing the chains to the material means experiencing life within each cell, moment to moment, each moment renewed.
-- Barbara Brennan -
This act is as horrible as killing a cancer cell. It must be done for the sake of the future of the whole. So be it: be prepared for the selection process which is now beginning. We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed... The destructive one fourth must be eliminated from the social body.
-- Barbara Marx Hubbard -
If somebody had told me in the 1980s that Gerry Adams would shake hands with Ian Paisley or Peter Robinson I would have said put that man in a white suit and lock him up in a padded cell.
-- Barry McGuigan -
An important verity about knowledge is that the brain works most effectively with consciously retained information. We more easily remember what we want to recall later. When we feed our fourteen billion brain cells with information that will enrich us and help others, we are really learning to Think Big.
-- Benjamin Carson -
Everything is grounded in mystery. Everything is swimming, and the stable does not exist. Life is a series of guesses, and there is mystery in a match. The commonplace is the habitual and the habitual is a mystery that has grown stale from sense-insistence. Life undulates; there is no such thing as a level; a straight line is a myth, and all directions are indirections. Up and down are movable points on horizons that do not exist; focus is an eye-trick, and motion is cell-palpitation. All things radiate from a common point, and differences are the same looked at from various angles.
-- Benjamin De Casseres -
The securest place is a prison cell, but there is no liberty
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Barry L. Jacobs and colleagues from the neuroscience program at Princeton University showed that when mice ran every day on an exercise wheel, they developed more brain cells and they learned faster than sedentary controls. I believe in mice.
-- Bernd Heinrich -
I remember one point seeing I had like 60-some different cell phones. I know I only use one.
-- Bernie Kosar -
Ants offer special advantages for some important kinds of basic biological research. The colony is a superorganism. It can be analyzed as a coherent unit and compared with the organism in the design of experiments, with the individuals treated as the rough analogues of cells.
-- Bert Holldobler -
I believe fuel cells will finally end the 100-year reign of the internal combustion engine. . . Fuel cells could be the predominant automotive power source in 25 years.
-- Bill Ford -
I am pro-life. I believe human life begins at conception. I also believe that embryonic stem cell research should be encouraged and supported.
-- Bill Frist -
Remember when friends was friends, and LL had a Benz? And cell phones and beepers was the new trends? When Koch was the Mayor and Reagan was the Pres?
-- Biz Markie -
Let man reawake and consider what he is compared with the reality of things; regard himself lost in this remote corner of Nature; and from the tiny cell where he lodges, to wit the Universe, weigh at their true worth earth, kingdoms, towns, himself. What is a man face to face with infinity?
-- Blaise Pascal -
All cell phones in the air 'cause I want to see you guys shine.
-- Blake Lewis -
I support stem cell research, including embryonic stem cell research.
-- Bob Ehrlich -
It's getting harder and harder to differentiate between schizophrenics and people talking on a cell phone. It still brings me up short to walk by somebody who appears to be talking to themselves.
-- Bob Newhart -
Hello, cell. How are you? Still dank and dirty? Me? I've taken up a new habit: talking to my cell. It's like talking to myself but slightly more pathetic.
-- Brandon Mull -
The Bible was a consolation to a fellow alone in the old cell. The lovely thin paper with a bit of matress stuffing in it, if you could get a match, was as good a smoke as I ever tasted.
-- Brendan Behan -
As I get older and I get more of this dialogue and I lose more and more brain cells, it really does become the most difficult part of the job!
-- Brent Spiner -
We are the people who won the Second World War and saved the world. We went to the moon. We gave the world the cell phone and Bruce Springsteen. There's no telling what we can accomplish.
-- Brian Williams -
We have always underestimated the cell...The entire cell can be viewed as a factory that contains an elaborate network of interlocking assembly lines, each of which is composed of a set of large protein machines...Why do we call [them] machines? Precisely because, like machines invented by humans to deal efficiently with the macroscopic world, these protein assemblies contain highly coordinated moving parts.
-- Bruce Alberts -
When two people become entangled, one person will conform to the energy of the other person. When one of them is a healer whose cells are vibrating at a higher level, the client's cells become entangled, and their energy is lifted. That's why that old saying, "physician heal thyself," is so important, even though most don't understand it: If the physician's energy is going to influence or, in scientific terms, "entrain" the patient's, the doctor's must be higher.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
Just like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to the environmental signals that
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
A renaissance in cellular biology has recently revealed the molecular mechanisms by which thoughts and perceptions directly influence gene activity and cell behavior...Energy psychology, through its ability to rapidly identify and reprogram limiting misconceptions, represents the most powerful and effective process to enhance physical and emotional well being.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
Beliefs and thoughts alter cells in your body.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
In reality, a cell is a biological mini-me compared to the human body. A cell has every biological system that you have.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
One of the first papers I wrote at the University of Wisconsin, in 1977, was on stem cells. I realized that if I changed the environment that these cells were in, I could turn the cells into bone, and if I changed the environment a bit more, they would form fat cells.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
Single cells analyze thousands of stimuli from the microenvironment they inhabit. The more awareness an organism has of its environment, the better its chances for survival. When cells band together they increase their awareness exponentially. Division of labor among the cells in the community offers an additional survival advantage. The efficiency it enables more cells to live on less. Evolution is based on an instructive, cooperative interaction among organisms and their environment enables life forms to survive and evolve in a dynamic world.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
If I brought you down to the size of an individual cell so that you could see your body from that perspective, it would offer a whole new view of the world. When you looked back at yourself from that perspective you would not see yourself as a single entity. You would see yourself as a bustling community of more than 50 trillion individual cells.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
You may consider yourself an individual, but as a cell biologist, I can tell you that you are in truth a cooperative community of approximately fifty trillion single-celled citizens.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
If humans were to model the lifestyle displayed by healthy community of cells , our societies and our planet would be more peaceful and vital
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
At 25, you've got millions of brain cells to kill.
-- Bruce Willis -
Asking the questions - that's what changes lives. Every cell in your body is awake with inquiry. And you cannot believe the old thoughts again.
-- Byron Katie -
Cell genetics led us to investigate cell mechanics. Cell mechanics now compels us to infer the structures underlying it. In seeking the mechanism of heredity and variation we are thus discovering the molecular basis of growth and reproduction. The theory of the cell revealed the unity of living processes; the study of the cell is beginning to reveal their physical foundations.
-- C. D. Darlington -
Emotions are the glue that holds the cells of the organism together.
-- Candace Pert -
Every cell is a triumph of natural selection, and we’re made of trillions of cells. Within us, is a little universe.
-- Carl Sagan -
My fat cells have a memory like Einstein! I'm proof that surgery is not a magic potion. There are many ways to sabotage it.
-- Carnie Wilson