Byron Katie famous quotes
Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don't have to like it... it's just easier if you do.
-- Byron Katie -
Low self-esteem is not possible when you understand the nature of everything. Depression is not possible. The universe is absolutely friendly.
-- Byron Katie -
Some children are afraid to die because their parents are afraid to die. My own children have come to understand that it's totally okay with me if they die. They don't have to live for my sake.
-- Byron Katie -
Spare yourself from seeking love, approval, or appreciation-from anyone. And watch what happens in reality, just for fun.
-- Byron Katie -
It's a wonderful world when you have what you want at all times.
-- Byron Katie -
My experience is that the teachers we need most are the people we're living with right now.
-- Byron Katie -
For me, if somebody tells me to go away, that is an opportunity: for me to give the person a better life, to realize where not to be, and to see what could be even better than being with that person I love.
-- Byron Katie -
The world is nothing but my perception of it. I see only through myself. I hear only through the filter of my story.
-- Byron Katie -
Mind is infinitely creative. And when it's not stuck, that's where the joy comes from. Something happens, and the way we think about it, understand it, see it, is actually hilarious, whereas before it used to depress us.
-- Byron Katie -
When they attack you and you notice that you love them with all your heart, your Work is done.
-- Byron Katie -
People don't need sudden revelations. They get what they need when they need it, thought by thought by thought. It's a constant thing when the mind starts to wake up to itself.
-- Byron Katie -
Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.
-- Byron Katie -
Every mind deserves to be free. When the mind is free, that's the end of suffering.
-- Byron Katie -
Peace doesn't require two people; it requires only one. It has to be you. The problem begins and ends there.
-- Byron Katie -
Asking the questions - that's what changes lives. Every cell in your body is awake with inquiry. And you cannot believe the old thoughts again.
-- Byron Katie -
As long as you think that the cause of your problem is “out thereâ€â€”as long as you think that anyone or anything is responsible for your suffering—the situation is hopeless. It means that you are forever in the role of victim, that you’re suffering in paradise.
-- Byron Katie -
When the creative mind is unleashed and understands its true nature, it's unlimited. There's nothing you cannot do.
-- Byron Katie -
Inviting people to inquiry is much more powerful to me than describing my experience. When people hear me tell the story, they often say, "Oh my goodness, I get it. I get it!" But it's not enough.
-- Byron Katie -
The Work always leaves you with less of a story. Who would you be without your story? You never know until you inquire. There is no story that is you or that leads to you. Every story leads away from you. Turn it around; undo it. You are what exists before all stories. You are what remains when the story is understood.
-- Byron Katie -
My mother became a believer, and then I became a believer. But when I was 43 years old, I began to think for myself, somehow, by fluke and by grace. And I thought, "Oh, my. I was so mistaken." The world isn't what I believed it to be. I am not what I believed me to be, and neither is anyone.
-- Byron Katie -
A mind that doesn't question its judgements, makes the world very small and dangerous.
-- Byron Katie -
I am never unhappy, you can achieve that as well.
-- Byron Katie -
all the advice you ever gave your partner is for you to hear
-- Byron Katie -
Pay close attention to the particular thoughts you use to deprive yourself of happiness.
-- Byron Katie -
It's our nature to be free, and until we're stuck in a stressful belief system, we're pretty happy.
-- Byron Katie -
When you discover that all happiness is inside you, the wanting and needing are over, and life gets very exciting.
-- Byron Katie -
Everyone has equal wisdom. It is absolutely equally distributed. No one is wiser than anyone else.
-- Byron Katie -
Until you can see everything in the world as your friend, your work is not done.
-- Byron Katie -
If people are living their lives for security and comfort and pleasure, then mind's every waking moment will be plotting those things. That's how it stays identified - as a body, as a you.
-- Byron Katie -
Being present means living without control and always having your needs met.
-- Byron Katie -
Mind is everything. There's nothing that it's not.
-- Byron Katie -
What you’re believing in the moment creates your suffering or your happiness.
-- Byron Katie -
If we are in silence - in absolute silence with no thoughts - for 10 minutes, it's only a thought that tells us we were silent for 10 minutes. Our only proof is a thought.
-- Byron Katie -
Placing the blame or judgment on someone else leaves you powerless to change your experience; taking responsibility for your beliefs and judgments gives you the power to change them
-- Byron Katie -
The world you live in is 100 percent your own responsibility. If you don't like your world, it doesn't work to say, "Well, it's my mother's fault. She taught me how to think."
-- Byron Katie -
This is the time. This is the place. This is the vastness. Right here is paradise. Always. Always.
-- Byron Katie -
When you're comfortable and secure, it's not enough. The mind doesn't stop there because it has to continue to focus itself as this body, so it moves to pleasure. And pleasure really is a non-existent thing. When we're experiencing pleasure, we're trying to hold onto it as it leaves, so it really isn't pleasure. Pleasure is pain because we're grasping.
-- Byron Katie -
Your most intimate relationship is the one you have with your thoughts.
-- Byron Katie -
Realizing that people should lie when they do makes me a little more open-minded, a little more tolerant, when my child or my partner lies.
-- Byron Katie -
Happiness is the natural state for someone who knows that there's nothing to know.
-- Byron Katie -
There's no one who can teach you except yourself. Each of us needs to look at what our belief system really consists of. Look at the concepts that come across your mind and just notice what you believe.
-- Byron Katie -
If your beliefs are stressful and you question them, you come to see that they aren't true - whereas prior to questioning, you absolutely believe them. How can you live in joy when you're believing thoughts that bring on sadness, frustration, anger, alienation, and loneliness?
-- Byron Katie -
To understand our own thinking is to understand all thinking.
-- Byron Katie -
The moment it begins to question itself, the mind becomes so clear that it starts working with itself rather than with the body's identification.
-- Byron Katie -
I can find only three kinds of business in the Universe: mine, yours, and God's.
-- Byron Katie -
To me, health is a balanced mind. A balanced mind knows how to get enough rest, how to eat properly, how to exercise. I have come out as just a balanced human being, and I don't know anything finer than that.
-- Byron Katie -
If you argue against reality you will suffer.
-- Byron Katie -
If you realized how beautiful you are, you would fall at your own feet.
-- Byron Katie -
If I want something, I go get it. Anything that I believe will stop me, I question.
-- Byron Katie -
Any story that you tell about yourself causes suffering. There is no authentic story.
-- Byron Katie -
What we really believe is what we manifest. What we believe, we see.
-- Byron Katie -
The whole planet is waiting for someone to do it first
-- Byron Katie -
You can never make yourself believe that you're loveable, however hard you try, because when the chips are down what you really believe rises to the surface of the mind to replace what you want to believe.
-- Byron Katie -
The world is what you believe it to be, and it changes as you change.
-- Byron Katie -
The most important relationship is the mind's relationship with itself. In other words, the ultimate - and, really, the only - relationship you have is the relationship with your own thoughts.
-- Byron Katie -
To exclude anything that appears in your universe is not love. Love joins with everything. It doesn't exclude the monster. It doesn't avoid the nightmare - it looks forward to it.
-- Byron Katie -
The nature of mind is that it loves everything once it loves itself, just as it opposes everything when it opposes itself.
-- Byron Katie -
Until the mind is open, the heart stays closed. The open mind is the key to the open heart.
-- Byron Katie -
Thinking that people are supposed to do or be anything other than what they are is like saying that the tree over there should be the sky. I investigated that and found freedom.
-- Byron Katie -
Your nature is truth, and when you oppose it, you don't feel like yourself. Stress never feels as natural as peace does.
-- Byron Katie -
It is easy to be swept away by some overwhelming feeling, so it's helpful to remember that any stressful feeling is like a compassionate alarm clock that says, "You're caught in the dream."
-- Byron Katie -
If you don't like your world, question your thoughts about it.
-- Byron Katie -
Until we question our stressful thoughts, we remain victims of the images in our head.
-- Byron Katie -
The only thing you fear is the unreality that you yourself have invented.
-- Byron Katie -
If you knew how important you are, you would fragment into a billion pieces and just be light.
-- Byron Katie -
When safety is our priority, we live our lives being very, very careful, and we wind up having no lives
-- Byron Katie -
Everyone in your life is a figment of your imagination--ev en you.
-- Byron Katie -
When I am perfectly clear, what is is what I want.
-- Byron Katie -
Fear has only two causes: the thought of losing what you have or the thought of not getting what you want.
-- Byron Katie -
How do I know that I don’t need what I want? I don’t have it.
-- Byron Katie -
The person who finds peace inside and lives it, is the one who teaches what true peace is.
-- Byron Katie -
Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you.
-- Byron Katie -
Nothing you believe is true. To know this is freedom.
-- Byron Katie -
The mind's job is to validate what it thinks.
-- Byron Katie -
The world is perfect. As you question your mind, this becomes more and more obvious. Mind changes, and as a result, the world changes. A clear mind heals everything that needs to be healed. It can never be fooled into believing that there is one speck out of order.
-- Byron Katie -
Our parents, our children, our spouses, and our friends will continue to press every button we have, until we realize what it is that we don't want to know about ourselves, yet. They will point us to our freedom every time.
-- Byron Katie -
Rather than understand the original cause-a thought-we try to change the stressful feelings by looking outside ourselves.
-- Byron Katie -
You don't get to vote on what is. Have you noticed?
-- Byron Katie -
There is nothing that isn't true if you believe it; and nothing is true, believe it or not.
-- Byron Katie -
All I have is all I need and all I need is all I have in this moment.
-- Byron Katie -
Who cares if you're enlightened forever? Can you just get it in this moment, now?
-- Byron Katie -
We don't attach to people or to things; we attach to uninvestigated concepts that we believe to tbe true in the moment.
-- Byron Katie -
The only way I can be angry at you is when I have thought, said, or done something that is unkind in my own opinion.
-- Byron Katie -
The miracle of love comes to you in the presence of the uninterpreted moment. If you are mentally somewhere else, you miss real life.
-- Byron Katie -
Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something not true for you.
-- Byron Katie -
Seeking love keeps you from the awareness that you already have it—that you are it.
-- Byron Katie -
Nothing terrible has ever happened except in our thinking. Reality is always good, even in situations that seem like nightmares. The story we tell is the only nightmare that we have lived.
-- Byron Katie -
I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours and God's. Much of our stress comes from mentally living out of our business. When I think, "You need to get a job, I want you to be happy, you should be on time, you need to take better care of yourself," I am in your business. When I'm worried about earthquakes, floods, war, or when I will die, I am in God's business. If I am mentally in your business or in God's business, the effect is separation.
-- Byron Katie -
A teacher of fear can't bring peace on earth. We have been trying to do it that way for thousands of years. The person who turns inner violence around, the person who finds peace inside and lives it, is the one who teaches what true peace is. We are waiting for just one teacher. You're the one.
-- Byron Katie -
You're never given more pain than you can handle. You never, ever get more than you can take.
-- Byron Katie -
Nothing outside you can ever give you what you're looking for.
-- Byron Katie -
It is not your business to love me. It is mine.
-- Byron Katie -
There are no new stressful thoughts. They're all recycled.
-- Byron Katie
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