Monsters famous quotes
Come, come, come. Without a monster or two it's not a quest, merely a gaggle of friends wandering about.
-- A. A. Milne -
Nearly all monster stories depend for their success on Jack killing the Giant, Beowulf or St. George slaying the Dragon, Harry Potter triumphing over the basilisk. That is their inner grammar, and the whole shape of the story leads towards it.
-- A. N. Wilson -
If you read about Mussolini or Stalin or some of these other great monsters of history, they were at it all the time, that they were getting up in the morning very early. They were physically very active. They didn't eat lunch.
-- A. N. Wilson -
Perhaps we should keep our monsters about us, lest we become them ourselves.
-- Adam Dunn -
Premie' re approximation: j'e cris pour de truire, en les de crivant avec pre cision, des monstres nocturnes qui menacent d'envahir ma vie e veille e. First general point: I write to destroy, by describing exactly the nocturnal monsters that threaten to invade my waking life.
-- Alain Robbe-Grillet -
You worry that we're becoming monsters. Merlin, we already were monsters. You didn't make us any worse.
-- Alastair Reynolds -
My father was a monster. A monster! I cut with my family when I was 23 and I never see them again.
-- Alejandro Jodorowsky -
Miserere is about redemption, and the triumph of our best impulses over our worst. It's also about swords, monsters, chases, ghosts, magic, [and] court intrigues. It's also really, really good.
-- Alex Bledsoe -
Violence is never the right answer, unless used against heathens and monsters.
-- Alexander Anderson -
There still remains to mortify a wit The many-headed monster of the pit.
-- Alexander Pope -
I'm a monster, you know. I'm one of the dangerous ones. No you aren't, he promised. Your one of us.
-- Alexandra Bracken -
I have a private theory, Sir, that there are no heroes and no monsters in this world. Only children should be allowed to use these words
-- Alfred de Vigny -
It is conventional to call 'monster' any blending of dissonant elements. I call 'monster' every original inexhaustible beauty.
-- Alfred Jarry -
Art alone develops weaklings, science alone, monsters. Somewhere, somehow, we must combine the two.
-- Alfred Kinsey -
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
-- Alice Sebold -
I love this profession, but God, it can just destroy people, and I don't want that to happen and become some monster.
-- Alyson Hannigan -
I don't particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding. No matter how much free day care you throw at women, babies are still time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness.
-- Amanda Marcotte -
I learn more with each film, and I gain confidence in my style of working. But at the same time, each one is a new monster.
-- Amber Sealey -
Introspection is a devouring monster. You have to feed it with much material, much experience, many people, many places, many loves, many creations, and then it ceases feeding on you.
-- Anais Nin -
The monster I kill every day is the monster of realism. The monster who attacks me every day is destruction. Out of the duel comes the transformation. I turn destruction into creation over and over again.
-- Anais Nin -
Big Business and Politics are twins, they are the monsters who kill everything, corrupt everything.
-- Anais Nin -
The piano is a monster that screams when you touch its teeth.
-- Andres Segovia -
Who would have guessed that the monster of fraud was a democracy?
-- Andrew Davidson -
Monsters just outside our peripheral vision are scarier to contemplate than monsters miles away or in someplace only a fool would set foot in.
-- Andrew Pyper -
People like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves... they feel better then. They find it easier to live.
-- Andrzej Sapkowski -
Among the monsters, I am well hidden; who looks for a leaf in a forest?
-- Angela Carter -
I'm quite interested in the absolute roots of narrative, why we tell stories at all: where the monsters come from.
-- Anne Enright -
She raised her head finally. He looked the same, but then, he always did. She'd seem him kill twice, and he betrayed no reaction at all. He was a monster, not even human. But he was her monster...
-- Anne Stuart -
I am able to play monsters well. I understand monsters. I understand madmen.
-- Anthony Hopkins -
A German philosopher once wrote that he who fights monsters must take care that he doesn't become one himself.
-- Anthony Horowitz -
For those of us who live in the shadow of this noisy monster, there aren't too many of us who are sorry to see it go.
-- Anthony Weiner -
The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters
-- Antonio Gramsci -
Poverty, the most fearful monster that ever drew breath.
-- Aristophanes -
But the problem is to make the soul into a monster
-- Arthur Rimbaud -
There's only one drummer. We all travel to his beat. Well, I couldn't sing his song. Because for me, it wasn't a truthful statement. Well, Linda sang it, and it was a monster for her.
-- Barry McGuire -
Light had a way of keeping the monsters of my imagination at bay.
-- Becca Fitzpatrick -
Busted. I'm a monster. Jev is my deceptively harmless-and shockingly handsome-alter ego.
-- Becca Fitzpatrick -
I'm glad I brought this course, this monster, to its knees.
-- Ben Hogan -
Villains used to always die in the end. Even the monsters. Frankenstein, Dracula - you'd kill them with a stake. Now the nightmare guy comes back.
-- Benicio Del Toro -
Unable to attribute misfortune to chance, unable to accept their ultimate insignificance within the greater scheme, the people looked for monsters in their midst.
-- Bernard Beckett -
People who commit monstrous crimes are not necessarily monsters. If they were, things would be easy. But they aren't and it is one of the experiences of life.
-- Bernhard Schlink -
I think I may have created a monster with my - I won't say act - but with my redneck pose.
-- Billy Carter -
They did the Monster Mash, it was a grave yard smash.
-- Bobby Pickett -
I really hate the creature film convention that says you have to wait until the end to see the monster. One hour and all you've seen is just the tip of the creature's tail.
-- Bong Joon-ho -
I am a fan of the monster and horror genre but that's not my style as a director.
-- Bong Joon-ho -
When you first think of making a monster movie you have to realize that a lot of people may be down on you because there is a big prejudice against such films.
-- Bong Joon-ho -
The monster was the best friend I ever had.
-- Boris Karloff -
A little threat of evil is always the far better way to fill the seats. But sometimes the monsters aren't who we think they are.
-- Brad Meltzer -
I've been grateful enough, smart enough to take the work with Ian McKellen in Gods And Monsters
-- Brendan Fraser -
To exclude anything that appears in your universe is not love. Love joins with everything. It doesn't exclude the monster. It doesn't avoid the nightmare - it looks forward to it.
-- Byron Katie -
I sometimes have a horrible fear of turning up a canvas of mine. I'm always afraid of finding a monster in place of the precious jewels I thought I had put there!
-- Camille Pissarro -
I did get offers from Hollywood, but they were all scripts with monsters in them. If I had done them, I would have disappeared. I would have come back to France anyway, and I would have had to start all over again and lost a lot of time.
-- Carole Bouquet -
So you're a Shadowhunter,' Nate said. 'De Quincey told me that you lot were monsters.' 'Was that before or after he tried to eat you?' Will inquired.
-- Cassandra Clare -
I'll just have them change the entry in the demonology textbook from 'almost extinct' to 'not extinct enough for Alec. He prefers his monsters really, really extinct.' Will that make you happy?
-- Cassandra Clare -
I’m a monster,†said the shadow of the Marquess suddenly. “Everyone says so.†The Minotaur glanced up at her. “So are we all, dear,†said the Minotaur kindly. “The thing to decide is what kind of monster to be. The kind who builds towns or the kind who breaks them.
-- Catherynne M. Valente -
Monsters almost always are culture's way of working out their fears.
-- Catherynne M. Valente -
I consider it useless and tedious to represent what exists, because nothing that exists satisfies me. Nature is ugly, and I prefer the monsters of my fancy to what is positively trivial.
-- Charles Baudelaire -
Our media are completely lost in a wilderland of moral equivalence, eagerly prostituting themselves to monsters and terrorists.
-- Charles Foster Johnson -
Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded.
-- Charlie Chaplin -
To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own.
-- Charlie Hunnam -
The Republicans find their faith imperiled by Barney Frank's marriage. There is always a shadow on the wall, a monster in the closet, a mysterious rustling in the teeming underbrush of the conservative Id.
-- Charlie Pierce -
It's the camel's nose in the tent. Look at Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Idi Amin--every one of these monsters, on seizing power, their first act was to confiscate all firearms in private hands...
-- Charlton Heston -
Ever since I was two, I've loved octopuses, monsters, abandoned buildings.
-- China Mieville -
Fantasy and science fiction can be literal as well as allegorical and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a monster like a giant squid for what it is, as well as searching for metaphor.
-- China Mieville -
The inclination to believe in the fantastic may strike some as a failure in logic, or gullibility, but it’s really a gift. A world that might have Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster is clearly superior to one that definitely does not.
-- Chris Van Allsburg -
I haven't turned into some rich monster. I've kept my perspective. But I am a bit spoiled. It's hard not to be a little spoiled by having a lot of money.
-- Christine McVie -
Imaginative writers often project their own monsters and meanings on basic facts.
-- Christopher Bram -
The monsters of the mind are far worse than those that actually exist.
-- Christopher Paolini -
I am an invisible monster, and I am incapable of loving anybody. You don't know which is worse.
-- Chuck Palahniuk -
Be careful in the company of monsters that you don't become one.
-- Cindy Gerard -
I'm telling you, monsters aren't born, they're made.
-- CJ Roberts -
Who has not asked himself at some time or other: am I a monster or is this what it means to be a person?
-- Clarice Lispector -
A monster lies in wait in me,a stew of wounds and misery.But fiercer still in life and limb,the me that lies in wait in him
-- Clive Barker -
All things are true. God's an Astronaut. Oz is Over the Rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live." - Peloquin
-- Clive Barker -
A monster is a person who has stopped pretending.
-- Colson Whitehead -
We never see other people anyway, only the monsters we make of them.
-- Colson Whitehead -
Many [book] even lay flat in the floor open. Their spines upward. Elinor couldn't bear to look! Didn't the monster know that was the way to break a book's neck?
-- Cornelia Funke -
Theres nothing to fear but fears themselves, such as monsters, rejection, food poisoning, redundancy, monsters, and oxford commas.
-- Craig Benzine -
I love zombies. If any monster could Riverdance, it would be zombies.
-- Craig Ferguson -
Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde is a metaphor for alcoholism. He drinks a potion, becomes a monster. I know exactly how he feels.
-- Craig Ferguson -
You seek up a big monster for him to fight your wars for you.
-- Dave Matthews -
The modern geography of the brain has a deliciously antiquated feel to it - rather like a medieval map with the known world encircled by terra incognito where monsters roam.
-- David Bainbridge -
I am a monster. I am the Son of Sam. I love to hunt.
-- David Berkowitz -
That's what it felt like - that if I let a little of the hurt out, it would keep pouring out until I was a deflated balloon of a person, with a big monster of hurt in front of me.
-- David Levithan -
Kill off the sacred bear. Kill off the ancestral crocodile. Kill off the myth-wrapped tiger. Kill off the lion. You haven't conquered a people, or their place, until you've exterminated their resident monsters.
-- David Quammen -
There is no word in the English language for the feeling someone gets when they suddenly realize they're standing next to an unholy monster impersonating a human. Monstralization, maybe?
-- David Wong -
Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?
-- Dennis Lehane -
Single vision produces worse illusions than double vision or many-headed monsters.
-- Donna J. Haraway -
We all have a Monster within; the difference is in degree, not in kind.
-- Douglas Preston -
The Monster’s crimes were so horrific that a mere man could not possibly have committed them. Satan, in the end, had to be invoked.
-- Douglas Preston -
This is what I do for fun - brainstorm about monsters!
-- Drew Goddard -
We are not afraid of predators, we're transfixed by them, prone to weave stories and fables and chatter endlessly about them, because fascination creates preparedness, and preparedness, survival. In a deeply tribal way, we love our monsters...
-- E. O. Wilson -
The predominance of mind is no more than a stage in the evolution of consciousness. We need to go on to the next stage now as a matter of urgency; otherwise, we will be destroyed by the mind, which has grown into a monster.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls.
-- Edgar Allan Poe