Poverty famous quotes
What keeps me up at night is poverty and unemployment.
-- Abdallah II -
SO the richest are often the poorest as this saying goes, "Loneliness is the ultimate poverty"
-- Abigail Van Buren -
The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations.
-- Adam Smith -
A proper home can provide the bridge across that terrible gulf between poverty and a better future.
-- Aga Khan IV -
In the past, we spoke of poverty, misery only in the south. Now there is a lot of misery, a lot of bad that creates victims in the north as well. This has become manifest: the global system was not made to serve the good of all, but to serve multinational companies.
-- Ahmed Ben Bella -
I would rather be rich affluent and greedy and go to hell when I die, than live in poverty on this earth.
-- Al Capone -
You know, Saudi Arabia has a lot of poverty also. Regardless about what you hear about the viceroy and people being rich, et cetera.
-- Al-Waleed bin Talal -
Poverty, first of all was never a misfortune for me; it was radiant with sunlight.. I owe it to my family, first of all, who lacked everything and who envied practically nothing.
-- Albert Camus -
There is a solitude in poverty, but a solitude which restores to each thing its value.
-- Albert Camus -
Poverty doesn't imply necessarily violence.
-- Alberto Fujimori -
This growing poverty in the midst of growing population constitutes a permanent menace to peace. And not only to peace, but also to democratic institutions and personal liberty For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom.
-- Aldous Huxley -
But to the world no bugbear is so great, As want of figure and a small estate.
-- Alexander Pope -
Men praise poverty, as the African worships Mumbo Jumbo--from terror of the malign power, and a desire to propitiate at.
-- Alexander Smith -
Owain crossed his arms over his chest. "I've gone straight. Only good, clean jobs for me now." "So, in other words," North said, "you're living in poverty?
-- Alexandra Bracken -
Yes I graduated from high school. Welfare. Temporary work, please. What is my problem? I want to eat.
-- Alexis De Veaux -
Riches without faith are the greatest poverty.
-- Ali ibn Abi Talib -
No wealth like education and no poverty like ignorance
-- Ali ibn Abi Talib -
We think of poverty as a condition simply meaning a lack of funds, no money, but when one sees fifth, sixth, and seventh generation poor, it is clear that poverty is as complicated as high finance.
-- Alice Childress -
Poverty is not just a lack of money; it is not having the capability to realize one's full potential as a human being
-- Amartya Sen -
Development requires major source of unfreedom: poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as well as systematic social deprivation, neglect of public facilities as well as intolerance or overactivity of repressive states.
-- Amartya Sen -
I attempted to see famines as broad "economic" problems (concentrating on how people can buy food, or otherwise get entitled to it), rather than in terms of the grossly undifferentiated picture of aggregate food supply for the economy as a whole.
-- Amartya Sen -
Sometimes the lack of substantive freedoms relates directly to economic poverty
-- Amartya Sen -
Between the sun and poverty there was us for a little while.
-- Ana Castillo -
I thank fate for having made me born poor. Poverty taught me the true value of the gifts useful to life.
-- Anatole France -
There was never a war on poverty. Maybe there was a skirmish on poverty
-- Andrew Cuomo -
If freedom is to be saved and enlarged, poverty must be ended. There is no other solution.
-- Aneurin Bevan -
Poverty cannot deprive us of many consolations. It cannot rob us of the affection we have for each other, or degrade us in our own opinion, of in that of any person, whose opinion we ought to value.
-- Ann Radcliffe -
Anfering sex for money is not a profession that glorifies women; it is a profession born of desperation, poverty, alieatioin, and loneliness.
-- Ann Rule -
Few things have more impact than nutrition on a child's ability to survive, learn effectively and escape a life of poverty.
-- Ann Veneman -
Have the courage to appear poor and you disarm poverty of its sharpest sting.
-- Anna Brownell Jameson -
Poverty must be reduced not only for reasons of moral and justice, but also of security.
-- Anna Lindh -
When an ecstatic is asked the question, What is it that love dares the self to do? she will answer: Love dares the self to leave itself behind, to enter into poverty.
-- Anne Carson -
I left Xerox for the non-profit sector because it was clear to me that only public/private partnerships can pull off a turnaround plan at the scale we need to tackle global poverty.
-- Anne M. Mulcahy -
Poverty treads close upon the heels of great and unexpected wealth.
-- Antoine Rivarol -
If poverty makes man groan, he yawns in opulence. When fortune exempts us from labor, nature overwhelms us with time.
-- Antoine Rivarol -
In general, Russia suffers from a frightening poverty in the sphere of facts and a frightening wealth of all types of arguments.
-- Anton Chekhov -
Poor people who had escaped from poverty as I had, feared it, hated it and fled from it all their lives. Those born rich could afford to be touched by it.
-- Anzia Yezierska -
Poverty, the most fearful monster that ever drew breath.
-- Aristophanes -
In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge.
-- Aristotle -
Neglect of an effective birth control policy is a never-failing source of poverty which, in turn, is the parent of revolution and crime.
-- Aristotle -
If you've ever really been poor, you remain poor at heart all your life.
-- Arnold Bennett -
Those who have suffered, who have known poverty or oppression, are generally the most prone to kindness. Perhaps it is well to endure some misery if only to learn this lesson.
-- Arthur Lynch -
Society can transport money from rich to poor only in a leaky bucket
-- Arthur Melvin Okun -
If you surrender everything to the government and give it total power to plan the whole economy, this will not guarantee your economic security, but it will guarantee the descent of the entire nation to a level of miserable poverty--as the practical results of every totalitarian economy, communist or fascist, have demonstrated.
-- Ayn Rand -
Inflation is taking up the poverty line, and poverty is not just economic but defined by way of health and education.
-- Azim Premji -
The man who has won millions at the cost of his conscience is a failure.
-- B. C. Forbes -
Women must be full partners in development, so they can lift themselves and their communities out of poverty.
-- Ban Ki-moon -
Every literate woman is a victory over poverty
-- Ban Ki-moon -
It is but a short step from hunger to starvation, from disease to death.
-- Ban Ki-moon -
The best anti-poverty program is a world-class education.
-- Barack Obama -
It betrays a poverty of ambition if all you think about is what goods you can buy instead of what good you can do.
-- Barack Obama -
Foreign Assistance is not an end in itself. The purpose of aid must be to create the conditions where it is no longer needed.
-- Barack Obama -
The combined efforts of millions of concerned citizens could do wonders to help the impoverished. The American people are ready for action!
-- Barbara Boxer -
I thought in this country, the best social program was a job. Yet minimum wage jobs arent paying enough to keep families out of poverty
-- Barbara Mikulski -
The news media in general are liberal. If you want to be a reporter, you are going to see poverty and misery, and you have to be involved in the human condition.
-- Barbara Walters -
Republics are brought to their ends by luxury; monarchies by poverty.
-- Baron de Montesquieu -
Republics come to an end by luxurious habits; monarchies by poverty.
-- Baron de Montesquieu -
We should make the poor uncomfortable and kick them out of poverty.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is hard for an empty bag to stand upright.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped with infamy.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Who is rich? He that rejoices in his portion.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
There is a thought that poverty is a public policy failure; poverty is man-made by action and non-action: poverty can be eliminated.
-- Benjamin Mkapa -
When a jumbo jet crashes, we will rush in with assistance, but we forget that each day 30,000 children die unnecessarily from poverty-related preventable causes - equivalent to 100 jumbo jets crashing every day.
-- Benjamin Mkapa -
Poverty is from the devil and that God wants all Christians prosperous.
-- Benny Hinn -
It did not seem to me that prejudice, poverty, discrimination, repression and racism were confined to the North of Ireland. I could see them everywhere I spoke and still cannot comprehend the mentality that argues that I should have pretended not to see them, because it wasn't my business.
-- Bernadette Devlin -
Let us never allow ourselves to think that poverty is an excuse for an invitation to totalitarianism, and if we should be tempted to think as much, let us remind ourselves that totalitarianism not only extinguishes liberty but institutionalises poverty as well
-- Bernard Levin -
We didn't starve, but we didn't eat chicken unless we were sick, or the chicken was
-- Bernard Malamud -
A job should lift workers out of poverty, not keep them in it.
-- Bernie Sanders -
Nobody who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty.
-- Bernie Sanders -
There is no reason to suppose that the world had a beginning at all. The idea that things must have a beginning is really due to the poverty of our thoughts.
-- Bertrand Russell -
Since the whole village was poor, we didnt realize our own poverty. I was happy.
-- Bidzina Ivanishvili -
It is no mere coincidence that there is both an historic and a present relationship between community (people assisting each other) and a poverty of power due to financial recession.
-- Bill Mollison -
The fellow that has no money is poor. The fellow that has nothing but money is poorer still.
-- Billy Sunday -
Feel like a broke-down engine, ain't got no drivin' wheel. You all been down and lonesome, you know just how a poor man feels.
-- Bob Dylan -
By 1990, no Australian child will be living in poverty.
-- Bob Hawke -
Better to live hundred years as a millionaire, than one week in poverty!
-- Bob Rock -
It's not a coincidence that in the Scriptures, poverty is mentioned more than 2,100 times. It's not an accident. That's a lot of air time, 2,100 mentions.
-- Bono -
By the time this concert ends this evening, 30,000 Africans will have died because of extreme poverty. By this time tomorrow evening, another 30,000. This does not make sense.
-- Brad Pitt -
Sufficiency isn't two steps up from poverty or one step short of abundance. It isn't a measure of barely enough or more than enough. Sufficiency isn't an amount at all. It is an experience, a context we generate, a declaration, a knowing that there is enough, and that we are enough.
-- Brené Brown -
The opposite of poverty isn't wealth. The opposite of poverty is justice.
-- Bryan Stevenson -
There is so much joy in native culture but so much poverty. It's very disturbing.
-- Buffy Sainte-Marie -
The cruelties of property and privilege are always more ferocious than the revenges of poverty and oppression. For the one aims at perpetuating resented injustice, the other is merely a momentary passion soon appeased.
-- C. L. R. James -
When poverty shows itself, even mischievous boys understand what it means.
-- Carlo Collodi -
we are slaves to the cost of living.
-- Carolina Maria de Jesus -
It's like a convent, the hospital. You leave the world behind and take vows of poverty, chastity, obedience.
-- Carolyn Wheat -
Why should a child's future be shaped by where they are born?
-- Catherine Marshall -
Poverty is a scandal of our times because it CAN be changed.
-- Catherine Marshall -
Do not romanticize the poor...We are all people, human beings subject to the same temptations and faults as all others. Our poverty damages our dignity.
-- Cesar Chavez -
Without Social Security, poverty rates for African American seniors would more than double.
-- Chaka Fattah -
As a remedy against all ills - poverty, sickness, and melancholy - only one thing is absolutely necessary: a liking for work
-- Charles Baudelaire -
I had noticed that both in the very poor and very rich extremes of society the mad were often allowed to mingle freely.
-- Charles Bukowski