Brad Pitt famous quotes
I think happiness is overrated. Satisfied, at peace-those would be more realistic goals.
-- Brad Pitt -
The greatest thing an actor can experience is discovery. The greatest thing an artist can walk away with is to learn something about themselves and the world and this was one of those.
-- Brad Pitt -
You must lose everything in order to gain anything.
-- Brad Pitt -
Family comes first so I only have this specific window of time available to me and because of that I actually get more done.
-- Brad Pitt -
Gay marriage is inevitable. The next generation, they get it. It is just a matter of time before it becomes a reality.
-- Brad Pitt -
I got into [producing] to be part of stories that wouldn't necessarily be right for me as an actor.
-- Brad Pitt -
I'm probably 20 percent atheist and 80 percent agnostic. I don't think anyone really knows. You'll either find out or not when you get there, until then there's no point thinking about it.
-- Brad Pitt -
My main concern is quality and I think there is quality to be found in all categories of filmmaking.
-- Brad Pitt -
America is a country founded on guns. It's in our DNA. It's very strange but I feel better having a gun. I really do. I don't feel safe, I don't feel the house is completely safe, if I don't have one hidden somewhere. That's my thinking, right or wrong.
-- Brad Pitt -
I come from the belief that all good films find their time whether it's on opening week or sometime later. That's certainly true with some of my favourite films that might relate to this [The Assassination of Jesse James] film in terms of cadence like Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, or McCabe & Mrs Miller or Days of Heaven. I found them 10 to 20 years after they were made.
-- Brad Pitt -
The choice or decision to take on a film certainly isn't calculated as far as doing something that will be successful against something that will have a smaller audience. It's all a gamble to me, I don't bet on the horses; I just go with the story that speaks to me and that I feel strongly about which is this one [The Assassination of Jesse James].
-- Brad Pitt -
Fatherhood is the best thing I ever did. It changes your perspective. You can write a book, you can make a movie, you can paint a painting, but having kids is really the most extraordinary thing I have taken on.
-- Brad Pitt -
Jesse [James]was known as a kind of Robin Hood character and also it was known that his exploits were somewhat dubious - however, he perpetuated this myth. Our film [The Assassination of Jesse James ] really takes place at the end of all that, the last year of his life, at the end of all that celebrity.
-- Brad Pitt -
Do you know how you tell real love? It's when someone else's interest trumps your own.
-- Brad Pitt -
I had the luxury of working on the script with Andrew [Dominik] for a good year before the film started, so I was already intimate with the story [of The Assassination of Jesse James] and felt quite prepared walking into it.
-- Brad Pitt -
The woman is the reflection of her man. If you love her to the point of madness, she will become it
-- Brad Pitt -
[Robert]Ford had the idea that through fame he would receive some personal validity, but he didn't. I feel that these are not the main themes, but certainly themes that are at play in this film [ Assassination of Jesse James].
-- Brad Pitt -
There are certain aspects of celebrity that I understand, although that's not the main point of the story [ in Assassination of Jesse James] , but it is one of the by products. I certainly understand what its like to be hunted and have a bounty on my head but at least nobody is pointing guns at me.
-- Brad Pitt -
By nature, I keep moving, man. My theory is, be the shark. You've just got to keep moving. You can't stop.
-- Brad Pitt -
I look at my kids and I feel I'm at the precipice of this job, like just kind of tipping over the other side. I'm very conscious of time I guess is what I want to say, and I want to be there as long as I can with my kids, and I also want to make sure I do all the things that are important to me.
-- Brad Pitt -
I find all of my performances come down to mathematics in a sense - how do you approach the problem of this character? Sometimes I crack that problem, sometimes I don't.
-- Brad Pitt -
I grew up in Oklahoma and Missouri, and I just loved film. My folks would take us to the drive-in on summer nights, and we'd sit on the hood of the car. I just had this profound love for storytelling.
-- Brad Pitt -
I have very few friends. I have a handful of close friends, and I have my family, and I haven't known life to be any happier.
-- Brad Pitt -
Let us be the ones who say we do not accept that a child dies every three seconds simply because he does not have the drugs you and I have. Let us be the ones to say we are not satisfied that your place of birth determines your right for life. Let us be outraged, let us be loud, let us be bold.
-- Brad Pitt -
No more excuses. I can't blame anything on my parents. I'm responsible for my mistakes and my choices.
-- Brad Pitt -
You make yourself what you are. You have control of your own destiny.
-- Brad Pitt -
Get into something that's really personal that means something to you, where you have something to say and is something really individualized. I wish I was more aware of that when I started my career instead of doing a few things I was told would be good for me. And they weren't, because it left me empty, so I didn't do a good job anyways. I think that's what's key to what we do: It's got to be personal.
-- Brad Pitt -
By employing the intelligence of natural systems we can create industry, buildings, even regional plans that see nature and commerce not as mutually exclusive but mutually coexisting.
-- Brad Pitt -
I believe in the power of journalism. To make informed decisions, you have to have an understanding of the dynamics of a situation. And journalism does bridge gaps and creates dialogue.
-- Brad Pitt -
Fame makes you feel permanently like a girl walking past construction workers.
-- Brad Pitt -
Democracy doesn't work unless the public is informed.
-- Brad Pitt -
The last Bollywood movie I watched was 3 Idiots that featured Aamir Khan in it. It was impressive!
-- Brad Pitt -
Illiada by Homer is one of the great stories in literature. And I thought its themes really resonated today, whether that was my projection or Homer's intentions. It didn't seem like we had come very far.
-- Brad Pitt -
I'm drawn to furniture design as complete architecture on a minor scale.
-- Brad Pitt -
Equality, absolutely, that's what defines us. It's what makes us great. If it doesn't sit well with your religion, let your God sort it out in the end, but that's us. We're equal
-- Brad Pitt -
One of the greatest, smartest things I ever did was give my kids Angie as their mom. She is such a great mom. Oh, man, I'm so happy to have her.
-- Brad Pitt -
I believe you make your day. You make your life.
-- Brad Pitt -
If someone wants to do drugs ... as long as he or she isn't corrupting minors or driving under the influence or endangering others, shouldn't a person have that right?
-- Brad Pitt -
It's a lovely experience walking around a museum by yourself.
-- Brad Pitt -
A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss... That's the trade-off. But I'll take it all.
-- Brad Pitt -
Being married means I can break wind and eat ice cream in bed.
-- Brad Pitt -
I believe you make your day. You make your life. So much of it is all perception, and this is the form that I built for myself. I have to accept it and work within those compounds, and it's up to me.
-- Brad Pitt -
I've always believed happiness is overrated, you know? It’s those difficult times that inform the next wonderful time, and it’s a series of trade-offs, of events, of wins and losses.
-- Brad Pitt -
Man, if I can get a burp out of that little thing I feel such a sense of accomplishment.
-- Brad Pitt -
By the time this concert ends this evening, 30,000 Africans will have died because of extreme poverty. By this time tomorrow evening, another 30,000. This does not make sense.
-- Brad Pitt -
I was hiding out from the celebrity thing, I was smoking way too much dope, I was sitting on the couch, and just turning into a doughnut, and I really got irritated with myself.
-- Brad Pitt -
When I got untethered from the comfort of religion, it wasn't a loss of faith for me, it was a discovery of self. I had faith that I'm capable enough to handle any situation. There's peace in understanding that I have only one life, here and now, and [that] I'm responsible.
-- Brad Pitt -
Getting a burp out of your little thing when she needs it is probably the greatest satisfaction I've come across at this point in my life.
-- Brad Pitt -
The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.
-- Brad Pitt -
This idea of perpetual happiness is crazy and overrated, because those dark moments fuel you for the next bright moments; each one helps you appreciate the other.
-- Brad Pitt -
I embrace the messiness of life, I find it so beautiful actually.
-- Brad Pitt -
I grew up very religious, and I don't have a great relationship with religion.
-- Brad Pitt -
Where I grew up - we started out in Oklahoma and then moved to Missouri - it was considered hubris to talk about yourself. And the downside of that was that ideas rarely got exchanged, or true feelings.
-- Brad Pitt -
I know when I go outside, there'll be a van or two and they'll probably follow us four out of seven days a week, trying to get something. But I'm just going across town and I know they're just wasting their day, so it doesn't bother me anymore.
-- Brad Pitt -
It is each American's constitutional right to marry the person they love, no matter what state they inhabit. No state should decide who can marry and who cannot. Thanks to the tireless work of so many, someday soon this discrimination will end and every American will be able to enjoy their equal right to marriage.
-- Brad Pitt -
I was hiding out from the celebrity thing, I was smoking way too much [marijuana].
-- Brad Pitt -
So I swear to God, I took one year where I just said, This year, I'm just going to cop to it and say to people, 'Okay, where did we meet?' But it just got worse. People were more offended. Every now and then, someone will give me context, and I'll say, 'Thank you for helping me.' But I piss more people off. You get this thing, like, 'You're being egotistical. You're being conceited.' But it's a mystery to me, man. I can't grasp a face and yet I come from such a design/aesthetic point of view. I am going to get it tested.
-- Brad Pitt -
I haven't known life to be happier.
-- Brad Pitt -
What occurred to me on [‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’], and also with the passing of her mother, is that there's going to come a time when I'm not going to get to be with this person anymore. I'm not going to get to be with my children anymore. Or friends, people I love and respect. And so, if we have a flare-up, it evaporates now. I don't want to waste time being angry at someone I love.
-- Brad Pitt -
There's a constant chatter in our house, whether it's giggling or screaming or crying or banging. I love it. I love it. I love it. I hate it when they're gone. I hate it. Maybe it's nice to be in a hotel room for a day - 'Oh, nice, I can finally read a paper.' But then, by the next day, I miss that cacophony, all that life.
-- Brad Pitt -
Your shame will be your torture, and your torture will be your life. I wish it long.
-- Brad Pitt -
You dont know someone until you know what they want.
-- Brad Pitt -
For what it’s worth, it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be.
-- Brad Pitt -
You can’t trap justice. It’s an idea, a belief.
-- Brad Pitt -
I have love in my life, a soul mate u2014u00a0absolutely. When someone asked me why Angie and I don't get married, I replied, 'Maybe we'll get married when it's legal for everyone else.' I stand by that, although I took a lot of flak for saying it u2014u00a0hate mail from religious groups. I believe everyone should have the same rights. They say gay marriage ruins families and hurts kids. Well, I've had the privilege of seeing my gay friends being parents and watching their kids grow up in a loving environment.
-- Brad Pitt -
The kids ask about marriage. It's meaning more and more to them. So it's something we've got to look at.
-- Brad Pitt -
There are no secrets at our house. We tell the kids, 'Mom and Dad are going off to kiss.' They go, 'Eww, gross!' But we demand it.
-- Brad Pitt -
I believe everyone should have the same rights. They say gay marriage ruins families and hurts kids. Well, I've had the privilege of seeing my gay friends being parents and watching their kids grow up in a loving environment.
-- Brad Pitt -
When you first get opportunities, suddenly you get surrounded by a lot of people who want to make money off you but also are there to help. But they start telling you so much what you need to be and what you need to do to maintain some idea of career maintenance.
-- Brad Pitt -
When I was a little kid we moved to Tulsa, then to St. Louis and, by the time I was in kindergarten, we lived in Springfield, Missouri. There I basically grew up.
-- Brad Pitt -
Deregulation created this epidemic of greed which according to the rules of capitalism was OK. Beyond that there was criminal behaviour. There have been no repercussions and it's hard to make your peace with.
-- Brad Pitt -
You hear stories of intense actors who can't shed their character and who don't know who they are for a week or two after. I'm not that guy, man.
-- Brad Pitt -
With sons and fathers, there's an inexplicable connection and imprint that your father leaves on you.
-- Brad Pitt -
'The Assassination of Jesse James' remains one of my favorite films that I've done. You know, it's still labeled a loser.
-- Brad Pitt -
My kids are just waiting for me at home. I'm their father. They're wondering, 'When's Daddy coming home?'
-- Brad Pitt -
My happiest moment is the day they call wrap and I'm free. I'm not looking back.
-- Brad Pitt -
Indian cinema seems to be growing very well at its own pace.
-- Brad Pitt -
I'm 48 now and whatever I get music-wise, I get from my kids and that's it. I don't think I'll ever be hip again!
-- Brad Pitt -
I think L.A. is impossible. There's just too much media focus. You can't live a normal life.
-- Brad Pitt -
I spent the '90s trying to hide out, trying to duck the full celebrity cacophony.
-- Brad Pitt -
Actions speak louder than words, and it's no more true than with your kids.
-- Brad Pitt -
You never know when I might decide to work in a Bollywood film and do one of those dance numbers with the whole crew in the backdrop.
-- Brad Pitt -
I would love to work in a Bollywood film as there is so much drama and colour in the films there.
-- Brad Pitt -
How many stories have you read that aren't true, stories about me and Angie being married or fighting or splitting up? And when we don't split up, there's a whole new round that we've made up and we're back together again!
-- Brad Pitt -
I always liked film as a teaching tool - a way of getting exposed to ideas that had never been presented to me. It just wasn't on the list of career options where I grew up.
-- Brad Pitt -
When I was a boy, I would ask about my family history, about my bloodlines. We really didn't know that much. We had a little Indian in us from the Oklahoma Trail of Tears.
-- Brad Pitt -
When I received my first paycheck from my now known day job, I spent it on a period Craftsman chair and a Frank Lloyd Wright-wannabe lamp. With my second paycheck, I bought a stereo.
-- Brad Pitt -
When I first started, they were trying to get me into sitcoms - I think because I had that kind of Wonder Bread look and my hair always went into place. I kept saying, 'I'm not good at sitcoms. I don't know how to do that.'
-- Brad Pitt -
When I first moved to L.A., I discovered Roy London. I didn't know anything about the arts, the profession; I had no technique, I knew nothing, I'm fresh from Missouri. I sat in on a few classes, and they just felt a little guru-ish and just didn't feel right to me. Until I met Roy.
-- Brad Pitt -
When I first got out to Hollywood, they were pushing me for sitcoms, and I didn't really have an interest in them. I wanted to do films and slowly worked that way. And then it became, I guess, this curse of the leading man.
-- Brad Pitt -
What's valuable to me has become clearer as I've got older. To me, it's about the value of your time and your day and the value of the people you spend it with.
-- Brad Pitt -
The best moments can't be preconceived. I've spent a lot of time in editing rooms, and a scene can be technically perfect, with perfect delivery and facial expression and timing, and you remember all your lines, and it is dead.
-- Brad Pitt
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