Boredom famous quotes
It is to our lack of proper content ("notre manque de contenu propre:;», Fr.), of our inner emptiness that we need occupations and distractions, otherwise ("faute de quoi", Fr.) we experience boredom, which is nothing elses than the feeling of unease that take hold of us when our spirit is not absorbed by the mirages of life.
-- African Spir -
What strange impulse is it which induces otherwise truthful people to say they like music when they do not, and thus expose themselves to hours of boredom?
-- Agnes Repplier -
The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits.
-- Albert Camus -
Something must happen; that is the reason for most human relationships. Something must happen; even servitude in love, in war, ordeath.
-- Albert Camus -
Any country where I am not bored is a country that teaches me nothing.
-- Albert Camus -
It is not enough to accept boredom, you must embrace it. It is only when you have completely embraced it that you can go beyond it.
-- Albert Low -
The few love affairs which had come my way had been rather silly and sordid. They had not revealed the possibilities of love; in fact I had thought it a somewhat overrated pleasure, a brief and brutal blindness with boredom and disgust hard on its heels.
-- Aleister Crowley -
I did not love you out or boredom or loneliness or caprice. I loved you because the desire for you was stronger than any happiness.
-- Alessandro Baricco -
We try to 'self-medicate' ourselves against boredom with mobile phones in any given moment of free time.
-- Alex Bogusky -
Boredom or being sick of what you've done before is a big part of being in a band.
-- Alex Kapranos -
Do you realise that people die of boredom in London suburbs? It's the second biggest cause of death amongs the English in general. Sheer boredom...
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
The main thing I got from growing up in a suburb is the boredom you have as a child.
-- Alia Shawkat -
There are six reasons anyone does anything: Love. Faith. Greed. Boredom. Fear..." he said, ticking them off on his fingers; but he lingered on the last, drawing a deep breath before he said, "Revenge.
-- Ally Carter -
There are 6 reasons that a person does anything: Love, faith, greed, boredom, fear... revenge.
-- Ally Carter -
Boredom is the specter that haunts children from kindergarten to graduation on every continent.
-- Amanda Ripley -
Boredom is actually the most plentiful substance in the universe.
-- Amber Dermont -
Bore, n. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Boredom is usually what spurs either bad decisions or any decision at all.
-- Amy Seimetz -
The way to recognize a dead word is that it exudes boredom.
-- Anais Nin -
You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.
-- Andy Warhol -
It's precisely in those moments when I don't know what to do, boredom drives one to try a host of possibilities to either get somewhere or not get anywhere.
-- Anish Kapoor -
Clarice has a curious chemical reaction to boredom and the result can be similar to dynamite in the hands of a lunatic ...
-- Anne Morice -
My despair is less despair than boredom and loneliness.
-- Anthony Swofford -
A well-stocked mind is safe from boredom.
-- Arthur C. Clarke -
They had not yet attained the stupefying boredom of omnipotence; their experiments did not always succeed.
-- Arthur C. Clarke -
Utopia was here at last: its novelty had not yet been assailed by the supreme enemy of a ll Utopias - boredom.
-- Arthur C. Clarke -
Is boredom anything less than the sense of one's faculties slowly dying?
-- Arthur Helps -
If life — the craving for which is the very essence of our being — were possessed of any positive intrinsic value, there would be no such thing as boredom at all: mere existence would satisfy us in itself, and we should want for nothing.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
A great affliction of all Philistines is that idealities afford them no entertainment, but to escape from boredom they are always in need of realities.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
Something doing every minute' may be a gesture of despair-or the height of a battle against boredom.
-- B. F. Skinner -
One thing I can say about George... he may not be able to keep a job, but he's not boring.
-- Barbara Bush -
Many persons lead lives of crushing boredom.
-- Barbara Mertz -
It's all there-the boredom, the devotion, the horror and even the humor in an industrial war fought on a global scale that we'll never see again. Unit histories just do not get any better.
-- Barrett Tillman -
BOREDOM with established truths is a great enemy of free men.
-- Bernard Crick -
A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, tells you.
-- Bert Leston Taylor -
Patience and boredom are closely related. Boredom, a certain kind of boredom, is really impatience. You don't like the way things are, they aren't interesting enough for you, so you deccide- and boredom is a decision-that you are bored.
-- Bertrand Russell -
How could any entrepreneur, confronted by such amazing opportunities to help transform the world and to do so with such extraordinary colleagues, be tempted to lose focus? Especially since the work involves such breadth that the boredom of routine or specialization does not exist.
-- Bill Drayton -
Only those who want everything done for them are bored.
-- Billy Graham -
Conclusion 1: Boredom= Flared tempers= hard words
-- Bisco Hatori -
All our life passes in this way: we seek rest by struggling against certain obstacles, and once they are overcome, rest proves intolerable because of the boredom it produces.
-- Blaise Pascal -
The chief product of an automated society is a widespread and deepening sense of boredom.
-- C. Northcote Parkinson -
Do you suppose the human race invented boredom to make the prospect of death more palatable?
-- C.D. Payne -
A month passes by and brings another month. Easy to guess what lies ahead: all of yesterday's boredom. And tomorrow ends up no longer like tomorrow.
-- C.P. Cavafy -
In small towns, news travels at the speed of boredom.
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafon -
Perhaps the world's second worst crime is boredom. The first is being a bore.
-- Cecil Beaton -
Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself.
-- Charles Baudelaire -
An oasis of horror in a desert of boredom.
-- Charles Baudelaire -
The age of chivalry is past. Bores have succeeded to dragons.
-- Charles Dickens -
If there was no New Orleans, America would just be a bunch of free people dying of boredom." -Judy Deck in an e-mail sent to Chris Rose
-- Chris Rose -
The Postmodernists' tyranny wears people down by boredom and semi-literate prose.
-- Christopher Hitchens -
The laws that keep us safe, these same laws condemn us to boredom.
-- Chuck Palahniuk -
As soon as you set foot on a yacht you belong to some man, not to yourself, and you die of boredom.
-- Coco Chanel -
It is important to grasp that boredom is one of the most common - and undesirable - consequences of 'unicameralism'. Boredom is a feeling of being 'dead inside'; that is to say, loss of contact with our instincts and feelings.
-- Colin Wilson -
Most people can't handle boredom. That means they can't stay on one thing until they get good at it. And they wonder why they're unhappy.
-- Curtis Jackson -
Though the theories of plate tectonics now provide us with a modus operandi, they still seem to me to be a periodic phenomenon. Nothing is world-wide, but everything is episodic. In other words, the history of anyone part of the earth, like the life of a soldier, consists of long periods of boredom and short periods of terror.
-- D. V. Ager -
Who does not recall school at least in part as endless dreary hours of boredom punctuated by moments of high anxiety?
-- Daniel Goleman -
Boredom is a pleasing antidote for fear
-- Daphne du Maurier -
To be, in a word, unborable.... It is the key to modern life. If you are immune to boredom, there is literally nothing you cannot accomplish
-- David Foster Wallace -
The key is the ability, whether innate or conditioned, to find the other side of the rote, the picayune, the meaningless, the repetitive, the pointlessly complex. To be, in a word, unborable... It is the key to modern life. If you are immune to boredom, there is literally nothing you cannot accomplish.
-- David Foster Wallace -
If I drive myself to the brink of my ability, then I don't get stale or bored.
-- Dean Koontz -
I wanted to get that sense of peace and even boredom that comes with long familiarity.
-- Debbie Reynolds -
While my insides may be rotten, I still like a good reason to kill someone. It has to be either business, personal, or out of sheer boredom.
-- Derek Landy -
The projectors in the theater practically shut down with boredom
-- Desson Thomson -
The Chinese have a theory that you pass through boredom into fascination and I think it's true. I would never choose a subject for what it means to me or what I think about it. You've just got to choose a subject - and what you feel about it, what it means, begins to unfold if you just plain choose a subject and do it enough.
-- Diane Arbus -
He regards boredom, I observe, as the One and Mighty Enemy of his soul. And will succeed in conquering it, I am sure—if he survives the experience.
-- Dorothy Dunnett -
Hell is more like boredom, or not having enough to do, and too much time to contemplate one's deficiencies.
-- Dorothy Gilman -
Boring people are a reflection of boring people.
-- Douglas Horton -
There's a rebirth that goes on with us continuously as human beings. I don't understand, personally, how you can be bored. I can understand how you can be depressed, but I just don't understand boredom.
-- Dustin Hoffman -
He who seeks rest finds boredom. He who seeks work finds rest.
-- Dylan Thomas -
Over-excitement and boredom are states of mind which I equally shun.
-- E. V. Knox -
You'll find boredom where there is the absence of a good idea.
-- Earl Nightingale -
Boredom, anger, sadness, or fear are not 'yours,' not personal. They are conditions of the human mind. They come and go. Nothing that comes and goes is you.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
Boredom soon overcomes me when I am contemplating nature.
-- Edgar Degas -
I really think I write about everyday life. I don't think I'm quite as odd as others say I am. Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that's what makes it so boring.
-- Edward Gorey -
One of the deep fundamentals of poetry is the recurrence of sounds, syllables, words, phrases, lines, and stanzas. Repetition can be one of the most intoxicating features of poetry. It creates expectations, which can be fulfilled or frustrated. It can create a sense of boredom and complacency, but it can also incite enchantment and inspire bliss.
-- Edward Hirsch -
The first effect of adjusting to other people is that one becomes boring.
-- Elias Canetti -
In a world where thrushes sing and willow trees are golden in the spring, boredom should have been included among the seven deadly sins.
-- Elizabeth Goudge -
When people are bored it is primarily with themselves.
-- Eric Hoffer -
Marriage has for women many equivalents of joining a mass movement. It offers them a new purpose in life, a new future and a new identity (a new name). The boredom of spinsters and of women who can no longer find joy and fulfillment in marriage stems from an awareness of a barren, spoiled life. By embracing a holy cause and dedicating their energies and substance to its advancement, they find a new life full of purpose and meaning.
-- Eric Hoffer -
Greedhas no satiation point, since its consummation does not fill the inner emptiness, boredom, loneliness, and depression it is meant to overcome.
-- Erich Fromm -
I love heights. I love speed. Im on the verge of being a pyromaniac. Maybe my phobia is boredom.
-- Erin Wasson -
When you're creating you have to descend to depths. You've just got to go there - to the boredom, the banality, the loneliness and all that. Those moments of really feeling in the flow are fleeting...
-- Errollyn Wallen -
According to Gur's theory of boredom, everything that happens in the world today is because of boredom: love, war, inventions, fake fireplaces - ninety-five percent of all that is pure boredom.
-- Etgar Keret -
Three-quarters of a soldier's life is spent in aimlessly waiting about.
-- Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy -
The so-called conscientiousness of the majority of painters is only perfection applied to the art of boring.
-- Eugene Delacroix -
Boredom flourishes too, when you feel safe. It's a symptom of security.
-- Eugene Ionesco -
i'm a slave to my emotions, to my likes, to my hatred of boredom, to most of my desires
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald -
Boredom is not an end-product, is comparatively rather an early stage in life and art. You've got to go by or past or through boredom, as through a filter, before the clear product emerges.
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald -
I am tired to death! tired of every thing! I would give the universe for a disposition less difficult to please. Yet, after all, what is there to give pleasure? When one has seen one thing, one has seen every thing.
-- Fanny Burney -
I'm something that I used to be. I'm never where I feel I am, and if I seek myself, I don't know who's seeking me. My boredom with everything has numbed me. I feel banished from my soul.
-- Fernando Pessoa