Adjusting famous quotes
It is men who face the biggest problems in the future, adjusting to their new and complicated role.
-- Anna Ford -
Pain doesnt have a face and pain doesnt have a certain way of adjusting. Pain is universal.
-- Aunjanue Ellis -
In the future, Chiropractic will be valued for its preventative qualities as much as for relieving and adjusting the cause of ailments.
-- B. J. Palmer -
Words are one of our chief means of adjusting to all the situations of life. The better control we have over words, the more successful our adjustment is likely to be.
-- Bergen Evans -
The moment is freedom. — I couldn’t live by a rigid schedule. I try to live freely from moment to moment, letting things happen and adjusting to them.
-- Bruce Lee -
There is a vast difference between treating effects and adjusting the cause.
-- Daniel D. Palmer -
Chiropractic embraces the science of life, the knowledge of how organisms act in health and disease, and also the art of adjusting the neuroskeleton.
-- Daniel D. Palmer -
Natural politicians are skilled actors, recreating reality, adjusting and ad-libbing, synthesizing the scenes, saying the same thing over and over again and making it seem that theyare saying it for the first time.
-- David Maraniss -
Adjusting to the passage of time is a key to success and to life: just being able to roll with the punches.
-- Dolly Parton -
The first effect of adjusting to other people is that one becomes boring.
-- Elias Canetti -
For diabetes in particular, we know there's a relationship between lack of glucose regulation and complications like blindness and kidney failure. So if you were diabetic and you knew that you could get your glucose in a tight, normal range just by adjusting your lifestyle, wouldn't that be great?
-- Eric Topol -
She was no longer struggling against the perception of facts, but adjusting herself to their clearest perception.
-- George Eliot -
It's tricky when I'm constantly traveling and adjusting to new time zones and trying to also keep up with my workouts.
-- Joe Manganiello -
Instead of adjusting students to docile membership in whatever group they happen to be placed, we should equip them to cope with their environment, not be adjusted to it, to be willing to stand alone, if necessary, for what is right and true.
-- Joel Henry Hildebrand -
The market insures that any quantity of money is capable of performing all the work required of a medium of exchange by adjusting its purchasing power to the underlying conditions of supply and demand.
-- Joseph Salerno -
It seems to me that the least deserving recipients of wealth are inheritors. Further, there are many indications that inheritors often have trouble adjusting to their unearned inheritance. An inheritance tax would de facto help remedy this.
-- Julian Robertson -
Aerobic dancing is already adjusting to injury problems and will probably phase out to some extent.
-- Kenneth H. Cooper -
A god whose creation is so imperfect that he must be continually adjusting it to make it work properly seems to me a god of relatively low order, hardly worthy of any worship.
-- Martin Gardner -
The spiritual power in the gospel is denied when we augment or adjusting gospel into no gospel at all. When we doubt the message alone is the power of God for salvation we start adding or subtracting, trusting our own powers of persuasion or presentation.
-- Matt Chandler -
Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? A thermometer only reflects the temperature of its environment, adjusting to the situation. But a thermostat initiates action to change the temperature in its environment
-- Nido R Qubein -
It was physically difficult, adjusting to wheelchair life, but I remember a great relief and happiness that I was finally getting somewhere, finding musicians to work with that were sympathetic.
-- Robert Wyatt -
Today, not starting is far, far worse than being wrong. If you start, you've got a shot at evolving and adjusting to turn your wrong into a right. But if you don't start, you never get a chance.
-- Seth Godin -
We survive day by day on this planet by adjusting down, adjusting down. Little by little, imperceptibly, we adjust to increasingly deadly conditions, and come to accept them as 'natural' or inevitable.
-- Sonia Johnson -
Justice is that system of adjusting conflicting interests which makes the group strong and progressive rather than weak and retrogressive whereas injustice is a system of adjusting conflicting interests which makes a nation weak and retrogressive rather than strong and progressive.
-- Thomas Nixon Carver -
Science is a matter of adjusting language to explain material reality. Art is a matter of adjusting material reality to create a sense of life.
-- Walter Darby Bannard -
What we have seen in the way of adaptation and adjustment seems to indicate that families are adjusting parenting to the world ofwork, rather than the labor markets and industries responding to the parenting and family needs of their employees.
-- Sheila Kamerman -
The transitional period was tough, I won't kid you. You go from a certain family dynamic to adjusting to a completely new one. It took a few months for us all to fi nd our feet.
-- Donna Air -
That is to say, politics is essentially about the management of fear, an economy of fear, continually adjusting the level of fear to produce the right level of affect in the citizenry.
-- Simon Critchley