Relief famous quotes
Our common country is in great peril, demanding the loftiest views, and boldest action to bring it speedy relief.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Your job is to preserve yourself, not to descend into their hole. It's a relief when you arrive at this place, the point of absurdity, because then you are free, you owe them nothing.
-- Abraham Verghese -
I've got the kid. I feel a little more relief that I don't have to just think about myself too much.
-- Adam Sandler -
I am an instrument in the shape/ of a woman trying to translate pulsations/ into images for the relief of the body/ and the reconstruction of the mind.
-- Adrienne Rich -
When you taste super-success after tasting super-failure, there is huge relief.
-- Akshay Kumar -
The scratches in Yoko Ono records are moments of relief.
-- Albie Sachs -
Theres nothing like reading about a world that feels dead to throw your own beautiful, colorful life into sharp relief.
-- Ally Condie -
Ask those who love Him with a sincere love, and they will tell you that they find no greater or prompter relief amid the troubles of their life than in loving conversation with their Divine Friend.
-- Alphonsus Liguori -
A pessimist asked God for relief. Ah, you wish me to restore your hope and cheerfulness, said God. No, replied the petitioner, I wish you to create something that would justify them. The world is all created,said God, but you have overlooked something
-- Ambrose Bierce -
It is a solemn thing to find oneself drawn out in prayer which knows no relief till the soul it is burdened with is born. It is no less solemn afterwards, until Christ is formed in them.
-- Amy Carmichael -
When I used my knife, it brought psychological relief. I know I have to be destroyed. I was a mistake of nature.
-- Andrei Chikatilo -
I have an Alka-Seltzer bat. You know-plop, plop, fizz, fizz, when the pitcher sees me walking up there he says, 'Oh, what a relief it is'.
-- Andy Van Slyke -
I always think I'm terrible. So it's always a relief when I find out that I wasn't. I've had roles where I realized that I was in way over my head - and that is my biggest fear.
-- Anne Hathaway -
All parents are an embarrassment to their kids. Often, grandparents are the relief. Kids don't have to resist you.
-- Anne Lamott -
Having chicks around is the kind of thing that breaks up the intense training. It gives you relief, and then afterward you go back to the serious stuff.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
The delicate droop of the petals standing out in relief, is like the eyelid of a child.
-- Auguste Rodin -
The back is like a frame, the front body, the painting that it throws into relief.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
For most people reform meant relief from ecclesiastical extortions.
-- Barbara Tuchman -
Practically everything from hairstyles to lifestyles is endorsed as some sort of drug to be taken Now for Instant Relief.
-- Benjamin Hoff -
Like her friend and admirer Clarice Lispector, Hilda Hilst was a passionate explorer of the sacred and the profane, the pure and the obscene, and shows, in this discomfiting, hypnotic work, just how rarely those categories are what they seem. The translation is excellent - what a rare relief.
-- Benjamin Moser -
The hole in my heart, I can’t even begin to describe. It’s hard when you open your heart and let someone in and then suddenly they’re not in it anymore. It doesn’t matter whose fault it is; that empty spot stings so bad that you want to find any kind of relief, or wrap yourself up so tight you can’t feel it anymore. I knew it might be there a little while. Or maybe even a long while. For both of us.
-- Bill Konigsberg -
At the extremity of hardship comes relief and at the tightening of the chains of trials and tribulations comes ease.
-- Boonaa Mohammed -
I'm on the verge of tears by the time we arrive at Pastels since I'm positive we won't get seated but the table is good, and relief that is almost tidal in scope washes over me in an awesome wave.
-- Bret Easton Ellis -
My first year in the big leagues, I made $17,000. It was easy to go out and get another $17,000 relief pitcher. I never worried about innings or pitches. I just pitched.
-- Bruce Sutter -
The three-thousand hitting thing was the first time I let individual pressure get to me. I was uptight about it. When I saw the hit going through, I had a sigh of relief more than anything.
-- Carl Yastrzemski -
Originally, I came from Texas, and we lived on - I guess you'd call it welfare, what we called relief.
-- Carol Burnett -
I've always been drawn to solitude, felt a kind of luxurious relief in its self-generated pace and rhythms.
-- Caroline Knapp -
I'm an incredibly negative person, so any form of success is only ever going to be a relief to me and set my default position back to neutral.
-- Catherine Tate -
When one has come to accept a certain course as duty he has a pleasant sense of relief and of lifted responsibility, even if the course involves pain and renunciation. It is like obedience to some external authority; any clear way, though it lead to death, is mentally preferable to the tangle of uncertainty.
-- Charles Horton Cooley -
Life being full of harsh realities, we seek relief from them in a variety of pleasing delusions.
-- Christian Nestell Bovee -
Life is where you're at. Whatever you're doing is enough. You don't need to do everything well all the time. When you live your life like that, it's a huge relief.
-- Cindy Crawford -
If I had to define life in a single phrase, I should clearly express my thought of throwing into relief one characteristic which, in my opinion, sharply differentiates biological science. I should say: life is creation.
-- Claude Bernard -
There are compensations for growing older. One is the realization that to be sporting isn't at all necessary. It is a great relief to reach this stage of wisdom.
-- Cornelia Otis Skinner -
A manager uses a relief pitcher like a six shooter, he fires until it's empty then takes the gun and throws it at the villain.
-- Dan Quisenberry -
It helps to be stupid if you're a relief pitcher. Relievers had to get into a zone of their own. I just hope I'm stupid enough.
-- Dan Quisenberry -
To be specific, is to exhibit a knowledge of the principles and art of adjusting; a comprehension of facts so systematized that they are available for the relief of disease.
-- Daniel D. Palmer -
I knew you could find a certain relief in begging God, it had helped me, but on the other hand, God never answered directly and that was always depressing.
-- Darcey Steinke -
In a lot of ways, it was a huge relief, not being a member of a troupe, being able to make your own decisions and kind of live your own life.
-- Dave Foley -
My show is constantly evolving... new tricks are added, old ones are dropped... so it stays fresh. But it's the randomly selected participants from the audience that make it fresh and provide some of the best comic relief.
-- David Copperfield -
It was a relief to be able to do my own band, because I was very responsible for all this amazing music I didn't want to mess up before.
-- Dhani Harrison -
Because your character is always full of ambition, the news of my being locked up must have been much harder on you than it was on me. When I was arrested, it was almost a relief to know that I could now experience what you were experiencing yourself. I am so afraid that they are breaking your spirit.
-- Diet Eman -
. . . We love fog because it shifts old anomalies into the elements surrounding them. It gives relief from a way of seeing
-- Eavan Boland -
Those who have been once intoxicated with power, and have derived any kind of emolument from it, even though but for one year, never can willingly abandon it. They may be distressed in the midst of all their power; but they will never look to anything but power for their relief.
-- Edmund Burke -
The Unhappy may, possibly, by indulging Thought, hit on some lucky Stratagem for the Relief of his Misfortunes, and the Happy may be infinitely more so by contemplating on his Condition.
-- Eliza Haywood -
How can I be kind? How can I find bird-relief in the nest-building of day-to-day? Necessity supplies no velvet wing with which to escape. I am indeed and mortally pierced with the seeds of love.
-- Elizabeth Smart -
When every man has realized that his birth is a defeat, existence, endurable at last, will seem like the day after a surrender, like the relief and the repose of the conquered.
-- Emile M. Cioran -
That's it. With equal parts regret and relief, the Jane's Addiction experiment is at an end.
-- Eric Avery -
Superficial parallels were drawn between the Church and the Nazi Party, with its emphasis on active involvement by every member. The women's auxiliary of the Party and the Hitler Youth were regarded by some as secular equivalents to the Church's Relief Society, MIA, and the Scouting programs.
-- Fawn M. Brodie -
There is a great relief in experiencing the worst vicariously.
-- Fiona Shaw -
You cannot achieve happiness. Happiness happens and is a transitory stage. Imagine how happy I felt when I got relief from bladder pressure. How long did that happiness last?
-- Frederick Salomon Perls -
It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what relief the addict finds, or hopes to find, in the drug or the addictive behaviour.
-- Gabor Mate -
Near the end I asked him one night in the hospital corridor what he thought was happening, and he said, "Tell her everything you haven't said," and I smiled with relief. "There's nothing," I said. "I've already told her everything.
-- Gail Caldwell -
That sculpture is more admirable than painting for the reason that it contains relief and painting does not is completely false. ... Rather, how much more admirable the painting must be considered, if having no relief at all, it appears to have as much as sculpture!
-- Galileo Galilei -
The Doors are perfect paintings; a relief from the picture world I’ve created for myself.
-- Gary Hume -
I've been working with Pat Robertson on Africa debt-relief, and we disagree on virtually everything except certain very specific, inalienable rights, and the truth is that morality and patriotism come in all shapes and sizes.
-- George Clooney -
Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress.
-- George Eliot -
When people realize you're not the stuffed shirt they think you are it's such a relief and you have people who really like to be around you.
-- George Hamilton -
I had set the standard for my style of relief pitching so high that when I came back to the rest of the pack, everybody said I was done.
-- Goose Gossage -
What is gained by debt relief and aid can be lost if we don't get a proper trade agreement in Hong Kong,
-- Gordon Brown -
I was just in Las Vegas, where prostitution is legal. Which is a relief because I live in Los Angeles, where it is mandatory.
-- Greg Fitzsimmons -
The poverty of the poor is not a call to generous relief action, but a demand that we go and build a different social order.
-- Gustavo Gutiérrez -
One of the things that Africa needs, everybody seems to agree, is some measure of debt relief.
-- Gwen Ifill -
Beyond the emotionalism and the obvious sense of relief on all sides, I think that there is a recognition that reality may intrude, that perhaps the steps ahead and the days ahead are going to be much more difficult than one expects.
-- Hanan Ashrawi -
My environment can give me relief from sin and tension, only the Lord can cure it.
-- Henry R Brandt -
You would think that everyone would leap at the chance to get rid of sin. Not so. They want relief not a cure.
-- Henry R Brandt -
Finding relief in your problem is fine, but it will not cure the problem.
-- Henry R Brandt -
Tis long ere time can mitigate your grief; To wisdom fly, she quickly brings relief.
-- Hugo Grotius -
The return of democracy in our land has indeed thrown the problems of development into bolder relief.
-- Ibrahim Babangida -
Cities have a psychogeographical relief, with constant currents, fixed points and vortexes which strongly discourage entry into or exit from certain zones
-- Ivan Chtcheglov -
Giving debt relief to people that really need it, that's what foreclosure is.
-- J. P. Morgan -
I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to
-- Jake Gyllenhaal -
I read the Romans had bread and circuses. We had home relief and boxing.
-- Jake LaMotta -
Facts were never pleasing to him. He acquired them with reluctance and got rid of them with relief. He was never on terms with them until he had stood them on their heads.
-- James M. Barrie -
Many access roads are too dangerous for relief workers, preventing them from carrying out assessments or reaching people in need.
-- Jan Egeland -
I have been working, as emergency relief coordinator, on an international scale, very hard to build a wider alliance of partners in assistance efforts.
-- Jan Egeland -
I`m going to work night and day to make sure that Americans get the tax relief that they need and deserve, and that our economy needs and deserves.
-- Jay Carney -
The wealthy are generally impressed with an idea, that they shall never stand in need of public charitable relief; but a little less confidence would become them better.
-- Jean-Baptiste Say -
And though the meaning fits, there's no relief in this. I miss my beautiful friend.
-- Jeff Buckley -
Think of an abstract painting as very, very low relief - a thing, not a picture.
-- Jerry Saltz -
The second time I took acid, I watched myself in the mirror for nine hours. What I realized, when I stared, was that my face looked exactly the same when I cried as when I laughed. After awhile I couldn't tell which I was doing. Relief was just pain inside out.
-- Jerry Stahl -
I think, being an actor, it's just a relief every time you get a part.
-- Jillian Bach -
The Minnesota spirit of compassion and help for people in need has moved countless Minnesotans to step forward to provide relief for the survivors of Hurricane Katrina.
-- Jim Ramstad -
I did try when I wasn't doing the singing to do as much comedy as I could because I thought with Comic Relief you are duty bound to anyway.
-- Jo Brand -
In Genesis, it says that it is not good for a man to be alone; but sometimes it is a great relief.
-- John Barrymore -
I don't mind doing scripted material. It's actually kind of a relief, because improvising is a little bit like screenwriting on your feet.
-- John C. Reilly -
I find I can't get rid of my trashiness as an artist. A lot of my themes in painting, to the extent that there are intentional themes, are meant to bring that conundrum into high relief.
-- John Currin -
A satirist is a man whose flesh creeps so at the ugly and the savage and the incongruous aspects of society that he has to express them as brutally and nakedly as possible in order to get relief.
-- John Dos Passos -
When our needs are permitted to grow to an extremity, and all visible hopes fail, then to have relief given wonderfully enhances the price of such a mercy
-- John Flavel -
Can we please rename The Sandy Relief Bill to the Supplemental Iraq War Funding Bill so the GOP Congress can vote for it?
-- John Fugelsang -
What a relief it was to discover that I wasnt realy an idiot! I simply had a learning disability.
-- John H. Johnson -
In terms of, like, instant relief, canceling plans is like heroin.
-- John Mulaney -
It is 100% easier not to do things than to do them, and so much fun not to do them - especially when you were supposed to do them. In terms of instant relief, canceling plans is like heroin,
-- John Mulaney -
Pursuing employment or climatic relief, we live in voluntary exile from our extended families and our longer past, but in an involuntary exile from ourselves and our own past.
-- John Thorn -
Of some calamity we can have no relief but from God alone; and what would men do, in such a case if it were not for God?
-- John Tillotson -
How beautiful is forgetting! What relief it would be for the world to lose some of its contents.
-- Jonathan Safran Foer -
...the habit of falling hardens the body, reaching the ground, to in itself, is a relief.
-- Jose Saramago -
When one has too great a dread of what is impending, one feels some relief when the trouble has come.
-- Joseph Joubert