Welfare famous quotes
52 minutes ago
My mom was on welfare and the occasional food stamp, but I have never participated in any of those governmental programs, even the ones that kind of work like education, scholarships and whatever, and I managed to do just fine.
-- Adam Carolla -
The Pope is only concerned with the spiritual welfare of his flock.
-- Aga Khan IV -
As far as unwed mothers on welfare are concerned, it seems to me that they must be capable of some other form of labor.
-- Al Capp -
Where is love exchanged? Where is the love felt when a state administrator stuffs a welfare check into an outgoing mail?
-- Allen West -
I left Delhi, in 1971, shortly after Collective Choice and Social Welfare was published in 1970.
-- Amartya Sen -
Legislation can neither be wise nor just which seeks the welfare of a single interest at the expense and to the injury of many and varied interests.
-- Andrew Johnson -
Slavery didnt break up the black families as much as liberal welfare rules.
-- Andrew Young -
For many of those who had historically supported welfare programs in the broadest sense, it was perfectly reasonable to enact legislation in which poor people were the objects of efforts to assist them.
-- Barney Frank -
He who is unconscious of the ties which connect him with every individual of his species feels no obligation to make sacrifices for their welfare or happiness.
-- Benjamin Robbins Curtis -
To feed ten mouths, she had to call on Mr. Welfare.
-- Big Daddy Kane -
Thomas Jefferson explained, Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated. .. If Congress can determine what constitutes the general welfare and can appropriate money for its advancement, where is the limitation to carrying into execution whatever can be effected by money?.
-- Bill Drayton -
I've got the hungries for your love and I'm waiting in your welfare line.
-- Buck Owens -
We are confronted by the appearance of social institutions unintentionally created, vital for the welfare of society, which are not the result of reasoned planning
-- Carl Menger -
Originally, I came from Texas, and we lived on - I guess you'd call it welfare, what we called relief.
-- Carol Burnett -
We must recognize that personal freedoms diminish as the welfare state grows. The price of more and more public programs is less and less private freedom.
-- Caspar Weinberger -
A program that saves young people produces more welfare than one that saves old people.
-- Cass Sunstein -
Speaking as a black person, welfare is the worst thing that's ever happened to us.
-- Charles Evers -
Welfare makes you dependent upon someone to take care of you.
-- Charles Evers -
No one ever laid out the sequence of events that led to my mother being prosecuted and imprisoned for alleged welfare fraud.
-- Chris Gardner -
I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No. No.
-- Craig T. Nelson -
Not only is your own happiness and welfare related to others, but the more you help them, the happier you will be.
-- Dalai Lama -
Other-oriented feelings congruent with the perceived welfare of another person.
-- Daniel Batson -
The welfare system in the United States is vile.
-- Daniel Keys Moran -
Speaker Newt Gingrich says that what is wrong with the present system is not that people abuse welfare but that welfare abuses people.
-- Daniel Schorr -
We spend billions of pounds on welfare, yet millions are trapped on welfare. It's not worth their while going into work.
-- David Cameron -
I have deep feelings for the welfare and comfort of others.
-- DeForest Kelley -
I think everything in my life has led to my animal welfare work.
-- Doris Day -
Europeans call it socialism, Americans call it welfare, and Barack Obama calls it change.
-- Douglas Holtz-Eakin -
Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, of course, lays out the delegated, enumerated, and therefore limited powers of Congress. Only through a deliberate misreading of the general welfare and commerce clauses of the Constitution has the federal government been allowed to overreach its authority and extend its tendrils into every corner of civil society.
-- Ed Crane -
The function of intellect is to provide a means of modifying our reactions to the circumstances of life, so that we may secure pleasure, the symptom of welfare.
-- Edward Thorndike -
Welfare is ... the victim of national compassion fatigue.
-- Ellen Goodman -
Man's highest duty is to protect animals from cruelty.
-- Emile Zola -
G.D.P. is not a measure of how much value is produced for consumers. Everybody should recognize that G.D.P. is not a welfare metric.
-- Erik Brynjolfsson -
The future of Norway isn’t about competing on being the cheapest but the most innovative. We have an expensive welfare state and the only answer to continue that way is to become more competitive, especially on knowledge,
-- Erna Solberg -
The agencies are the Walmarts of the welfare agency
-- Eva Cox -
Indeed, in US politics, 'poverty', along with 'welfare', 'unwed mothers' and 'crime', became code words for blacks.
-- Frances Fox Piven -
The Nordic welfare model is in many aspects a good model but it needs more of a choice for individuals.
-- Fredrik Reinfeldt -
But the general welfare must restrict and regulate the exertions of the individuals, as the individuals must derive a supply of their strength from social power.
-- Friedrich List -
An individual, in promoting his own interest, may injure the public interest; a nation, in promoting the general welfare, may check the interest of a part of its members.
-- Friedrich List -
You cannot tackle Britain's debts without tackling the unreformed welfare system.
-- George Osborne -
The proper education of a man decides his welfare, but the interests of a whole family are secured by the correct education of a woman.
-- George Q. Cannon -
It is incumbent upon every person of every description to contribute to his country's welfare.
-- George Washington -
In the old world that is passing, in the new world that is coming, national efficiency has been and will be a controlling factor in national safety and welfare
-- Gifford Pinchot -
The country will also need 'new forms of social welfare' instead of its current system which is excessively centred on pensions.
-- Giorgio Napolitano -
Modern economics and the welfare state borrowed heavily on the future.
-- Gregory Benford -
The welfare of each is bound up in the welfare of all.
-- Helen Keller -
The powers of Congress are totally inadequate to preserve the balance between the respective States, and oblige them to do those things which are essential for their own welfare or for the general good.
-- Henry Knox -
After years of piecemeal reform the current welfare system is complex and unfair.
-- Iain Duncan Smith -
A welfare state, properly conceived, can be an integral part of a conservative society.
-- Irving Kristol -
Ambition that centers on the glory of God and welfare of the church is a mighty force for good.
-- J. Oswald Sanders -
This desire for equity must not lead to an excess of welfare, where nobody is responsible for anything.
-- Jacques Delors -
Corporate welfare isn't necessarily a bad thing.
-- James Surowiecki -
A tax can never be favorable to the public welfare, except by the good use that is made of its proceeds.
-- Jean-Baptiste Say -
How we treat the earth basically effects our social welfare and our national security.
-- Jim Fowler -
One of the main effects (I will not say purposes) of orthodox traditional economics was ... a plan for explaining to the privileged class that their position was morally right and was necessary for the welfare of society.
-- Joan Robinson -
All civil rulers, as such, are the ordinance and ministers of God; and they are all, by the nature of their office, and in their respective spheres and stations, bound to consult the public welfare
-- Jonathan Mayhew -
There are no free lunches on welfare.
-- Joseph A. Califano, Jr. -
True benevolence or compassion, extends itself through the whole of existence and sympathizes with the distress of every creature capable of sensation.
-- Joseph Addison -
A democratic state is not proven by the welfare of the strong but by the welfare of the weak.
-- June Jordan -
Do you know what the Negro is? Animal right out of the jungle. Passion. Welfare. Easy life. That's the Negro.
-- Leander Perez -
I do hope that all nations can live in complete security and welfare.
-- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -
Not even the vicissitudes of fortune are contrary to nature or to the providential ordering of the universe. It all flows from the gods, who determine what is needed for the welfare of the whole universe, of which you are a part.
-- Marcus Aurelius -
Let the welfare of the people be the ultimate law.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a child is to kill or torture an animal and get away with it.
-- Margaret Mead -
Can't trust a fascist--truth is always your first sacrifice to the welfare of the state
-- Matthew Woodring Stover -
I have no family. My only responsibility is the welfare of Quebec. I belong to the province.
-- Maurice Duplessis -
Marriage, the family unit, was the "original Department of Health, Education and Welfare."
-- Michael Novak -
We're at the crossroads. Down one road is a European centralized bureaucratic socialist welfare system in which politicians and bureaucrats define the future. Down the other road is a proud, solid, reaffirmation of American exceptionalism.
-- Newt Gingrich -
we live in a society which salves its conscience more by helping the interestingly unfortunate than the dull deserving ...
-- P. D. James -
The majority of Aboriginals do not want handouts because they realise that welfare is killing them.
-- Pauline Hanson -
When we look after the welfare of others, we promote and participate in God’s kingdom work.
-- Reggie McNeal -
Specialization makes the welfare of the society vulnerable to the market and to political forces beyond national control.
-- Robert Gilpin -
The consequences for human welfare involved in questions about human capital spillovers are simply staggering. Once one starts to think about them, it's hard to think of anything else
-- Robert Lucas, Jr. -
The welfare of a child is not to be measured by money only, nor by physical comfort only.
-- Ryan Lindley -
Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it
-- Stephen Harper -
Prison is, simply put, the bottom rung of the welfare ladder.
-- Stephen Reid -
For women who turn to welfare, Big Brother becomes Husband.
-- Tammy Bruce -
The people of one county can not be indifferent to the welfare of the people in another county.
-- Thomas Jordan Jarvis -
The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.
-- Thomas Sowell -
I'm not saying that people on welfare don't contribute in their own way, but as many as possible should be encouraged to be economically active as well as socially and culturally active.
-- Tony Abbott -
If conservationists will attempt to resume responsibility for their need to eat, they will be led back fairly directly to all their previous concerns for the welfare of nature.
-- Wendell Berry -
As the Republican platforms says, the welfare of the farmer is vital to that of the whole country.
-- William Howard Taft -
And I have a plan to do even better, to end welfare as we know it
-- William J. Clinton -
Far more has been accomplished for the welfare and progress of mankind by preventing bad actions than by doing good ones.
-- William Lyon Mackenzie King -
Nature teaches beasts to know their friends.
-- William Shakespeare -
Prejudices of any kind are the destroyers of human happiness & welfare.
-- Abdu'l-Bahá -
As Starbucks' CEO Howard Shultz explains, the high-quality customer service that makes it possible for his company to charge a premium for its coffee results from the investments it makes in employee welfare and training.
-- James O'Toole -
Be genuinely concerned for the welfare and growth of others. Feel their strengths.
-- Leon Nacson -
I can't pinpoint a period in history or a place in the universe where religion has actually helped the welfare of man.
-- Madalyn Murray O'Hair -
More Americans are enjoying the freedom of independence from the chains of welfare
-- William Reynolds Archer, Jr. -
There is a missionary spirit—a spirit which urges us to live outside ourselves and to be concerned for the welfare of others.
-- Carlos E. Asay -
Quite the most Christian thing that has happened in my lifetime is the Welfare State.
-- Donald Soper, Baron Soper -
The future of Norway isn't about competing on being the cheapest but the most innovative. We have an expensive welfare state and the only answer to continue that way is to become more competitive, especially on knowledge.
-- Erna Solberg -
We will know our forgiveness is complete when we have a genuine desire for the welfare of the people who have wronged us.
-- Virginia H. Pearce