Description famous quotes
Selfish hedonism is not a pejorative. It is a description - an exactly accurate description of what is involved in homosexual relations.
-- Alan Keyes -
One of the things that frequently gets lost in descriptions of depression is that the depressed person often knows that it is a ludicrous condition to feel so disabled by the ordinary business of quotidian life.
-- Andrew Solomon -
Every word, every image used for God is a distortion more than a description.
-- Anthony de Mello -
That's what alcoholics do. It's in their job description: fall apart and then keep falling apart.
-- Audrey Niffenegger -
In a universe that defies description, all systems of belief can only be false.
-- Austin Osman Spare -
Love is something so divine, Description would but make it less; 'Tis what I feel, but can't define, 'Tis what I know but can't express
-- Beilby Porteus -
When we have this description, of what a sketch is, itsattributes, we can then start inventing new things thatshare those attributes, and therefore improve our currenttechnics by inventing new and better tools that help ussketch.
-- Bill Buxton -
Once or twice I`ve been described as a light comedian. I consider this the most accurate description of my abilities I`ve ever seen.
-- Bing Crosby -
Science is the description of phenomena and the formulation of their relations.
-- Boris Sidis -
Don't say it was "delightful"; make us say "delightful" when we've read the description.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Lon Chaney and Boris Karloff didn't like the word 'horror'. They, like I, went for the French description: 'the theatre of the fantastique'.
-- Christopher Lee -
Pain is pain. It needs no description.
-- Christopher Paolini -
My job description is... being enthusiastic.
-- Dhani Harrison -
Most photographs, to me, are description, but they lack insight.
-- Duane Michals -
String theory is an attempt at a deeper description of nature by thinking of an elementary particle not as a little point but as a little loop of vibrating string.
-- Edward Witten -
The power of the rosary is beyond description.
-- Fulton J. Sheen -
All descriptions of reality are temporary hypotheses.
-- Gautama Buddha -
It is incumbent upon every person of every description to contribute to his country's welfare.
-- George Washington -
Bliss defies description, obviously, since it annihilates you, since you're not there to experience it. You get the lead-up and the come-down, never the zenith.
-- Glen Duncan -
Multiple descriptions are better than one.
-- Gregory Bateson -
A random sequence is one that cannot be algorithmically compressed : the shortest description of a random sequence is simply the sequence itself.
-- Gregory Chaitin -
What we need now is the description of the "describer" or, in other words, we need a theory of the observer.
-- Heinz von Foerster -
Most words evolved as a description of the outside world, hence their inadequacy to describe what is going on inside me.
-- Hugh Prather -
We defend ourselves with descriptions and tame the world by generalizing.
-- Iris Murdoch -
Of all the many memoirs by former Soviet officials, Palazchenko's is among the best written and also the most objective. Even his descriptions of U.S. policy are more accurate and judicious than those of some American scholars.
-- Jack F. Matlock, Jr. -
The observer and the universe are part of the same universe. It's what science discovered at the beginning of this century, when they say you can't tell where an atomic particle is. You know where they are, but not their speed; or you know their speed but not their place, because it depends on you. The one who describes is part of the description.
-- Jean-Luc Godard -
Seedy wasn't a fair description for the place, because seeds imply eventual regrowth and renewal.
-- Jim Butcher -
Faith is the physical description of God. That's what He is. It's the only word we have in our language to accurately describe His physical form.
-- Jim Rowe -
For better or worse, I've been involved in the description of political conflict.
-- John le Carre -
Measurements, observations, descriptions can only be considered scientific when they are independently confirmed by other people.
-- Jose Padilha -
I wanted to be the conduit for somebody else's experiences, filtered through me, and passed on to other people. Which is the job description, really.
-- Juliet Stevenson -
The mathematician, carried along on his flood of symbols, dealing apparently with purely formal truths, may still reach results of endless importance for our description of the physical universe.
-- Karl Pearson -
A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure.
-- Madeleine M. Kunin -
Recipes are just descriptions of one person’s take on one moment in time. They’re not rules.
-- Mario Batali -
. . . a dirty exterior is a great enemy to beauty of all descriptions.
-- Mary Martha Sherwood -
I can be described as many things, but no description of me is complete without saying 'Englishman.' My parents were from Liverpool and emigrated to Canada before I was born.
-- Mike Myers -
I've been called a minimalist composer for more than 30 years, and while I've never really agreed with the description, I've gotten used to it.
-- Philip Glass -
I shall not attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description (of pornography), and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that.
-- Potter Stewart -
We turned an anthem into an assignment, a poem into a job description.
-- Rachel Held Evans -
Unfortunately, unless the job description included a translation of the prologue of The Canterbury Tales, I was dreadfully under-qualified.
-- Rachel Vincent -
The world is out there, but descriptions of the world are not.
-- Richard Rorty -
Abstraction generally involves implication, suggestion and mystery, rather than obvious description.
-- Robert Genn -
That still feels like the most accurate description - I felt homesick, but I was home.
-- Sarah Silverman -
Descriptions of my work depress me. They make me feel pinned down.
-- Thom Mayne -
What girls do to each other is beyond description. No chinese torture comes close.
-- Tori Amos -
The description and explanation is the best part of music reviewing. There is such a thing, and you know it too, as a gift for judgment. If you have it, you can say anything you like. If you haven't got it, you don't know you haven't got it.
-- Virgil Thomson -
I regret very much that I have painted a picture that requires any description.
-- Winslow Homer -
Liberals and leftists are not wrong in describing romanticism as reactionary, because it did indeed become that after 1810. The problem is that they make that description true of the movement as a whole, as if romanticism were essentially reactionary.
-- Frederick C. Beiser -
I wish I were better at straightforward description. I feel like I'm usually overdoing it or underdoing it, and it takes a lot of tweaking to get the details right.
-- Lauren Grodstein -
One cannot build a future based on the description of a criminal past.
-- Max Gallo -
'Hamlet' is the best description of grief I've read because it dramatizes grief rather than merely describing it.
-- Meghan O'Rourke -
German can take a lot more pathos than English can. When you say "pathetic" in English it's a disparaging term, but when you say "pathetisch" in German it's just a description, not necessarily negative. That says a lot already.
-- Daniel Kehlmann -
Ronnie had it right calling it Torture. That is a much more accurate description the way I see it.
-- Ronald Coase -
An intentional object is given by a word or a phrase which gives a description under which.
-- G. E. M. Anscombe -
Whatever my job description consists of, becomes my job. Maybe it's just the way I tackle work, in general.
-- Zoe Bell