Divine famous quotes
Faith is unflinching trust in something divine.
-- A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada -
No morality can be founded on authority, even if the authority were divine.
-- A.J. Ayer -
Awareness of the divine begins with wonder.
-- Abraham Joshua Heschel -
If there is anything that links the human to the divine, it is the courage to stand by a principle when everybody else rejects it.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
The universe is a Divine thought that has taken form.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
The Divine does not come from somewhere above, it exists beyond time and space, and informs all life.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
Contemplation is that condition of alert passivity, in which the soul lays itself open to the divine Ground within and without, the immanent and transcendent Godhead.
-- Aldous Huxley -
The Right Divine of Kings to govern wrong.
-- Alexander Pope -
Good-nature and good-sense must ever join; To err is human, to forgive, divine.
-- Alexander Pope -
Human mercy is proof of having received divine mercy.
-- Alistair Begg -
World is a divine play. At the beginning and at the end, we are the same.
-- Amit Ray -
The head best leaves to the heart what the heart alone divines.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
Thus, while I quaff the genial wine, I live mid transports quite divine.
-- Anacreon -
The only domain where the divine is visible is that of art, whatever name we choose to call it.
-- Andre Malraux -
Our weaknesses are divine gifts that when embraced will enable us to make our purposeful contribution to the whole, which is why we incarnated in the first place.
-- Andrew Schneider -
You doubt God? Well more to the point I credit God with the good sense to doubt me. What is mortality after all but divine doubt flashing over us? For an instant God suspends assent and poof! we disappear.
-- Anne Carson -
Liberation is the path of transcendence. Manifestation is the path of immanence. Both lead to the same place: the divine.
-- Anodea Judith -
Till we can become divine, we must be content to be human, lest in our hurry for change we sink to something lower.
-- Anthony Trollope -
So multiverse or not, we still have to come to terms with the origin of the laws of nature. And the only viable explanation here is the divine Mind.
-- Antony Flew -
Whatsoever that be within us that feels, thinks, desires, and animates, is something celestial, divine, and, consequently, imperishable.
-- Aristotle -
A natural faith is sufficient for trusting a human object; but a supernatural faith is required to savingly trust in a Divine object.
-- Arthur W. Pink -
The Divine is simply that which science has not yet explained. In effect, God = Infinity - Human Knowledge.
-- Ashwin Sanghi -
Spirituality is not some external goal that one must seek, but a part of the divine core of each of us, which we must reveal.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
Eden is a conversation. It is the conversation of the human with the Divine. And it is the reverberations of that conversation that create a sense of place. It is not a thing, Eden, but a pattern of relationships, made visible in conversation. To live in Eden is to live in the midst of good relations, of just relations scrupulously attended to, imaginatively maintained through time. Altogether we call this beauty.
-- Barry Lopez -
All Religions are vehicles and a path to God's Divine Presence.
-- Bayazid Bastami -
What we call the highest and the lowest in nature are both equally perfect. A willow bush is as beautiful as the human form divine.
-- Beatrix Potter -
Love is something so divine, Description would but make it less; 'Tis what I feel, but can't define, 'Tis what I know but can't express
-- Beilby Porteus -
Many a long dispute among divines may be thus abridged: It is so; It is not so. It is so; it is not so.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
It is loving the Cross that one finds one heart, for Divine Love cannot live without suffering.
-- Bernadette Soubirous -
There is no law, divine or human, that the saloon respects.
-- Billy Sunday -
Every creature is a divine word because it proclaims God
-- Bonaventure -
The life of Jesus suggests that to be like Abba is to show compassion. Donald Gray expresses this: "Jesus reveals in an exceptionally human life what it is to live a divine life, a compassionate life.
-- Brennan Manning -
The Bible rose to the place it now occupies because it deserved to rise to that place, and not because God sent anybody with a box of tricks to prove its divine authority.
-- Bruce Barton -
God is not merely good, but goodness; goodness is not merely divine, but God.
-- C. S. Lewis -
The divine is everywhere, even in a grain of sand; there I represented it in the reeds.
-- Caspar David Friedrich -
History, facts and truth are all Divine Products, and must prevail.
-- Charles Augustus Briggs -
Even if it were proven that God didn't exist, Religion would still be Saintly and Divine.
-- Charles Baudelaire -
Quand me" me Dieu n'existerait pas, la religion serait encore sainte et divineDieu est le seul e" tre qui, pour re gner, n'ait me" me pas besoin d'exister. Even if God did not exist, religion would still be holyand divine.God isthe only being who, inorder toreign, need not even exist.
-- Charles Baudelaire -
Each person you interact with, is an entire universe unto themselves, a Divine Being, unspeakabley precious.
-- Charles Eisenstein -
The Manifesto was not a divine production but something manufactured to outwit the church's enemies.
-- Charles W. Penrose -
We know that all must, in the end, stand by the side of the Divine. There is no escape from it, because that is His will.
-- Charles Webster Leadbeater -
I trust in the perfection of Divine Timing and allow my life to unfold as it should.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Let go of the need to control. Trust in the wisdom of a divine plan.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
The best motivating factor of all, however, is divine intervention, or what I like to call The Magic of Grace.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
The Church as a divine society possess an internal principle of life which is capable of assimilating the most diverse materials and imprinting her own image upon them.
-- Christopher Dawson -
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
-- Christopher Hitchens -
Ah fair Zenocrate, divine Zenocrate, Fair is too foul an epithet for thee.
-- Christopher Marlowe -
Anxiety must go. It must be replaced by faith and solemn confidence in the outworking of the divine plan.
-- Count of St. Germain -
We are to love God most importantly so that we can grow to love people as he loved us, not so that we can feel more divine and worthy than the worldly.
-- Criss Jami -
When comprehending how different people truly are, you also comprehend the absolute necessity of some divine authority.
-- Criss Jami -
Religion promotes the divine discontent within oneself, so that one tries to make oneself a better person and draw oneself closer to God.
-- Cyril Cusack -
The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten you are divine.
-- Dan Brown -
Recognize the possibility of the divine in any given moment.
-- Dani Shapiro -
No act loses us; no violence we're subjected to destroys us; no debasement chases out the divine, and no one can take the divine from us.
-- Daniel Odier -
You always have access to your truth. You always have access to the divine feminine.
-- Danielle LaPorte -
Truths physical have an origin as divine as truths religious.
-- David Brewster -
Any place is sacred ground, for it can become a place of encounter with the divine Presence.
-- David Steindl-Rast -
Inside each person is a divine being that yearns to come into full expression
-- Deepak Chopra -
We have grown so accustomed to the idea of divine love...that we no longer sense the awe that God's coming should awaken in us.
-- Dietrich Bonhoeffer -
We take spiritual initiation when we become conscious of the Divine within us, and thereby contact the Divine without us.
-- Dion Fortune -
Psychotherapy may begin with the primitive, but it must end with the divine, for both are integral factors in the human mind.
-- Dion Fortune -
There is a divine moment in our lives when we all become one. It's called procreation, and it is reborn, continually and forever.
-- Dirk Benedict -
But nobody is visually naive any longer. We are cluttered with images, and only abstract art can bring us to the threshold of the divine.
-- Dominique de Menil -
I feel that it is vital that we all re-open our spiritual gifts and open up to the voice of the Divine.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Divine love always has been, and always will be, the answer that you seek.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Communicating with God is the most extraordinary experience imaginable, yet at the same time it's the most natural one of all, because God is present in us at all times. Omniscient, omnipotent, personal-and loving us without conditions. We are connected as One through our divine link with God.
-- Eben Alexander -
â—¦"At the deepest level of Being, you are one with all that is
-- Eckhart Tolle -
Each and every soul will become consciously aware of the ability to communicate with the divine.
-- Edgar Cayce -
The more the merely human part of the poet remains a mystery, the more willing is the reverence given to his divine mission.
-- Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton -
To make mistakes is human, but to profit from them is divine.
-- Elbert Hubbard -
Two human loves make one divine.
-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning -
Attacks of divine transports are of pride and I accept the part assigned.
-- Elizabeth Barton -
For those who trust in the Divine all things are moving towards an everlasting state of happiness, and no matter what happens at any time to them, it contributes to that state.
-- Emanuel Swedenborg -
A life of kindness is the primary meaning of divine worship.
-- Emanuel Swedenborg -
Claim your divine, glorious selfhood. Think it, talk it, live it and it will demonstrate itself in your life.
-- Emmet Fox -
But we are born to be happy, to be abundantly supplied with every good thing, to have fun in living, to consciously unite with the Divine Power that is around us and within us, and to grow and expand forever.
-- Ernest Holmes -
The Divine Plan is one of Freedom. The inherent nature of man is ever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom, because freedom is the birthright of every living soul.
-- Ernest Holmes -
The divine power moves with difficulty, but at the same time surely.
-- Euripides -
I am fully equipped for the Divine Plan of my life,
-- Florence Scovel Shinn -
Friend, you are a divine mingle-mangle of guts and stardust. So hang in there! If doors opened for me, they can open for anyone.
-- Frank Capra -
Let the famous not denounce fame. Far from being empty and meaningless, it fills those it touches with divine power.
-- Franz Grillparzer -
Magnify the divine mystery and the holiness of mankind.
-- Franz Werfel -
There is a divine depth in silence. We meet God alone.
-- Frederick William Robertson -
In every human act of charity, something larger, greater, divine has come down to visit the act.
-- Geoffrey Wood -
Not all human souls but only the pious ones are divine.
-- Georg Hermes -
The tale of the Divine Pity was never yet believed from lips that were not felt to be moved by human pity.
-- George Eliot -
Love at its highest flood rushes beyond its object, and loses itself in the sense of divine mystery.
-- George Eliot -
I live to hold communion With all that is divine, To feel there is a union Twixt Natures heart and mine.
-- George Linnaeus Banks -
Britain has no divine right to be one of the richest countries in the world.
-- George Osborne -
The capacity of passion is both cruel and divine
-- George Sand -
Love is at once more animal than friendship and more divine ...
-- George Santayana -
The tendency to turn human judgments into divine commands makes religion one of the most dangerous forces in the world.
-- Georgia Harkness -
I'm interested in spirituality and in religion and our relationship to the divine.
-- Giancarlo Esposito -
The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it.
-- Giordano Bruno -
I understand Being in all and over all, as there is nothing without participation in Being, and there is no being without Essence. Thus nothing can be free of the Divine Presence.
-- Giordano Bruno