Letting Go famous quotes
STARTLING & INVENTIVE...This is not a movie that lets go of you easily.
-- A. O. Scott -
Stay in the Word. The moment you start letting go of that, you're on the road to compromise. Stay grounded, remain pure, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
-- Adam Young -
The past is for learning from and letting go. You can't revisit it. It vanishes.
-- Adele Parks -
The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfill God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, the divine will.
-- Adolf Hitler -
Let go of this world and take hold of God with both hands.
-- Adrian Rogers -
Spirituality does not require that you work hard toward achieving a result in the future as much as it requires you to be fully present, sincere and committed now, with absolute honesty and willingness to uncover and let go of any illusions that come between you and the realization of Reality.
-- Adyashanti -
Real meditation is not about mastering a technique; it's about letting go of control.
-- Adyashanti -
What if you let go of every bit of control and every urge that you have, right down to the most infinitesimal urge to control anything, anywhere, including anything that may be happening with you at this moment? If you were able to give up control absolutely, totally, and completely, then you would be a spiritually free being.
-- Adyashanti -
True meditation is letting go of manipulating our experience.
-- Adyashanti -
The mind wants to land, to fixate, to hold a concept, but the only way you can be really free is by not fixating. That's part of true maturity, and it's one of the hardest things for spiritual people who have had true and powerful revelations to go through - to accept the degree of surrender needed to literally let go of all experience and all self-reference. Even in great revelations, there is almost always something that wants to claim, "I am this." Every time you claim, "I am this", you just claimed another sense perception, thought, emotion, or feeling.
-- Adyashanti -
Let go of all ideas and images in your mind, they come and go and aren’t even generated by you. So why pay so much attention to your imagination when reality is for the realizing right now?
-- Adyashanti -
Real meditation is not about mastering a technique; it’s about letting go of control. This is meditation. Anything else is actually a form of concentration. Meditation and concentration are two different things. Concentration is a discipline; concentration is a way in which we are actually directing or guiding or controlling our experience. Meditation is letting go of control, letting go of guiding our experience in any way whatsoever. The foundation of True Meditation is that we are letting go of control.
-- Adyashanti -
There is a very Simple Secret to being happy. Just let go of your 'demand' on this moment. Any time you have a demand on the moment to give you something or remove something, there is suffering. You're Arguing with 'What Is' - Your demands keep you chained to the 'dream-state' of the conditioned mind. The desire to 'control'... is, ultimately, our unwillingness to just be awake.
-- Adyashanti -
The unknown, our own true nature, has the capacity to wake itself up when you start to fall in love with letting go of all the mental structures you hold onto. Contemplate this: there is no such thing as a true belief.
-- Adyashanti -
When you let go of the egoic self what you're getting in exchange is the whole universe.
-- Adyashanti -
If you know how to let go and be at peace, you know everything you need to know about living in the world.
-- Ajahn Brahm -
Love, oneness, is no separation between you and life. It is a progressive letting go, a progressive not fault finding. Just do nothing and love this moment. Its very beautiful and very deep.
-- Ajahn Brahm -
If you let go a little you will have a little happiness. If you let go a lot you will have a lot of happiness. If you let go completely you will be free.
-- Ajahn Chah -
Letting go a little brings a little peace. Letting go a lot brings a lot of peace. Letting go completely brings complete peace.
-- Ajahn Chah -
When the heart truly understands, it lets go of everything.
-- Ajahn Chah -
Once you understand non-self, then the burden of life is gone. You'll be at peace with the world. When we see beyond self, we no longer cling to happiness and we can truly be happy. Learn to let go without struggle, simply let go, to be just as you are - no holding on, no attachment, free.
-- Ajahn Chah -
Do everything with a mind that lets go. Do not expect praise or reward.
-- Ajahn Chah -
Remember you dont meditate to get anything, but to get rid of things. We do it, not with desire, but with letting go. If you want anything, you wont find it.
-- Ajahn Chah -
We practice to learn how to let go, not how to increase our holding on to things. Enlightenment appears when you stop wanting anything.
-- Ajahn Chah -
If you let go completely you will have complete peace.
-- Ajahn Chah -
The forest is peaceful, why aren’t you? You hold on to things causing your confusion. Let nature teach you. Hear the bird’s song then let go. If you know nature, you’ll know truth. If you know truth, you’ll know nature.
-- Ajahn Chah -
The heart of the path is quite easy. There's no need to explain anything at length. Let go of love and hate and let things be. That's all that I do in my own practice.
-- Ajahn Chah -
Instead of becoming the world’s expert on Buddhism, just let go, let go, let go.
-- Ajahn Sumedho -
Meditation is a skilful letting go: gently but with resolution.
-- Ajahn Sumedho -
Ask yourself: If I can't avoid it, change it, or make it go away, what if I changed my response to it? What if I decided to stop letting it bother me?
-- Al Siebert -
We are presented with an unpleasant choice between either committing to peculiar concepts about immaterial deities or letting go entirely of a host of consoling, subtle or just charming rituals for which we struggle to find equivalents in secular society.
-- Alain de Botton -
We attain freedom as we let go of whatever does not reflect our magnificence. A bird cannot fly high or far with a stone tied to its back. But release the impediment, and we are free to soar to unprecedented heights.
-- Alan Cohen -
Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be
-- Alan Watts -
But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be.
-- Alan Watts -
You know that if you get in the water and have nothing to hold on to, but try to behave as you would on dry land, you will drown. But if, on the other hand, you trust yourself to the water and let go, you will float. And this is exactly the situation of faith.
-- Alan Watts -
Nothing is more creative than death, since it has the whole secret of life. It means that the past must be abandoned, that the unknown cannot be avoided, that 'I' cannot continue, and that nothing can be ultimately fixed. When a man knows this, he lives for the first time in his life. By holding his breath, he loses it. By letting go he finds it.
-- Alan Watts -
If only we would learn every day of our lives to overcome those things in our character which are negative, to let go and let God take them over, we would all know what it was to experience harmonious living.
-- Albert E Cliffe -
Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us. We cannot stand aside and let God do it.
-- Albert Einstein -
As soon as you awaken to the power you have, you begin to flex the muscles of your courage. Then you can dream bravely: letting go of your limiting beliefs and pushing past your fears. You can start to come up with a truly original dream that germinates in your soul and bears fruit in your life.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
Before you can move in new directions, you must first let go of what's not working for you.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
So now you can let go, my darling...Let go...Let go of this poor old body. You don't need it anymore. Let it fall away from you. Leave it lying there like a pile of worn-out clothes...Go on, my darling, go on into the Light, into the peace, into the living peace of the Clear Light.
-- Aldous Huxley -
Results only come to those who master the paradoxical art of doing and not doing, of letting go as a person in order that the immanent and transcendent unknown quantity may take hold. We cannot make ourselves understand; the most we can do is to foster a state of mind in which understanding may come to us.
-- Aldous Huxley -
I think your emotion changes from person to person. As you get older, a lot of people become cynical because of the experiences they have had and haven't been able to let go of, whether they've been cheated on or whether it hasn't worked out. It's so easy to turn around right now and say, "Just let it go."
-- Alex Pettyfer -
—I don't want to lose you —Then why are you the one that keeps letting go?
-- Alexandra Bracken -
I think love is something you figure out later on in life, and you have to make a lot of mistakes to figure out what love is, which is why we all have shitty, tumultuous relationships when we’re younger, and it’s harder to let go,
-- Alexandra Daddario -
I sometimes say the conflict in the work is the conflict of my own thoughts and anxieties. It's a civil war in my head. The top part [of my artwork] is you letting go and floating. You become part of the air and you've tapped into the heartbeat of the universe. I guess that's what people do when they meditate.
-- Ali Banisadr -
Because if she let go of her grief even for a minute it would only hit her harder when she bumped into it again.
-- Alice Munro -
A shrieking rise of power rushed into my pathways, rocking me against the wall. Ido's body slammed into mine. He was not going to let go. Not now. The Rat Dragon howled, his heavy blue force driven back by the onslaught of sinuous gold. Raw,rejoicing energy flooded my seven centers of power; opening,pushing, seeking. And behind it all, a presence exulting in the joy of release and reunion. I looked up and finally my mind-sight was clear. I could see the Mirror Dragon. My Dragon.
-- Alison Goodman -
One of the biggest challenges in my job is letting go of the movie once you go home at night, and knowing you can't do anything to your performance once you've laid it on film.
-- Amber Heard -
A bad marriage is like an electrical thrilling machine: it makes you dance, but you can't let go.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
We generally look around for what is not there fretting over it and thus letting go of what is there.
-- Amit Abraham -
(He) was in love with the idea of revolution. Men like that, even when they turn their backs on their party and their comrades, can never let go of the idea: it's the secret god that rules their hearts. It is what makes them come alive; they revel in the danger, the exquisite pain. It is to them what childbirth is to a woman, or war to a mercenary.
-- Amitav Ghosh -
I used to have a lot of superstitions, and then I realized that it was kind of hogwash. Once I let go of them, I relaxed a lot.
-- Amy Adams -
And sometimes we cling because the memory is so painful that we can't stop visiting it and hoping to make it come out differently. The risk of letting go is that we have to confront our own selves and our own possibilities.
-- Amy Bloom -
The wrong kind of guy to fall in love with is the guy who will let go of the steering wheel as a joke. A guy who finds it amusing to make you uncomfortable, which is more common than you'd think, is someone you want to avoid.
-- An Na -
I am an excitable person who only understands life lyrically, musically, in whom feelings are much stronger as reason. I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls.
-- Anais Nin -
Someday without any reason dance in frenzy in total let go.
-- Anandmurti Gurumaa -
As we walked, I began to wonder what the opposite of molting was and why, unlike the body, which sheds everything, the soul cannot let go but compiles and accumulates, growing annual rings around the things it wants and dreams and remembers
-- André Aciman -
Fear is only a verb if you let it be. Don't you dare let go of my hand!
-- Andrea Gibson -
Haiti is the kind of place that grabs your heart, and never lets go ... When you arrive in Port-au-Prince, the first thing that strikes you is how vibrant the colors are. Buses, buildings, fences, clothing, everything is brightly painted in primary hues. On closer inspection, you see the reality behind this brightly colored landscape: a dark, grinding poverty, the worst in the Western hemisphere.
-- Andrea Mitchell -
Clearly the hardest thing for the working artist is to create his own conception and follow it, unafraid of the strictures it imposes, however rigid these may be... I see it as the clearest evidence of genius when an artist follows his conception, his idea, his principle, so unswervingly that he has this truth of his constantly in his control, never letting go of it even for the sake of his own enjoyment of his work.
-- Andrei Tarkovsky -
Wisdom is not about what you know, but how you know it. If knowledge is a measure of the grasp an individual has of a given subject, wisdom is a measure of his grip. Does he hold his ideas lightly or loosely? Will he let go when they show signs of wear or inappropriateness?
-- Andrew Hargadon -
Be who you want to be and not care about what others think." -Andy Sixx Rock n roll isn't meant to be taken so seriously, I think sometimes people forget it's meant to be fun. A rock show is meant to be a time for people to have fun and let go of the drudgeries of life....
-- Andy Biersack -
We must shift our allegiances from fear to curiosity, from attachment to letting go, from control to trust, and from entitlement to humility.
-- Angeles Arrien -
When I was willing to let go of what I wanted, I received what was truly mine. I’ve realized that the latter is always the greater gift.
-- Anita Moorjani -
I'm at my strongest when I'm able to let go, when I suspend my beliefs as well as disbeliefs, and leave myself open to all possibilities. That also seems to be when I'm able to experience the most internal clarity and synchronicities.
-- Anita Moorjani -
Transform your world by transforming your internal state. Start by learning to let go of negative self judgment, and replace it with positive and loving thoughts about yourself. Be kind to yourself, and watch your external world change.
-- Anita Moorjani -
Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.
-- Ann Landers -
Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies.
-- Ann Landers -
I invite you to read again the full accounts of this inspired vision. Study them, ponder them, and apply them to your daily life. In modern terms we might say we are invited to "get a grip." We must hold on tight to the iron rod and never let go.
-- Ann M. Dibb -
Writing down your thoughts is both necessary and harmful. It leads to eccentricity, narcissism, preserves what should be let go. On the other hand, these notes intensify the inner life, which, left unexpressed, slips through your fingers. If only I could find a better kind of journal, humbler, one that would preserve the same thoughts, the same flesh of life, which is worth saving.
-- Anna Kamienska -
Suddenly they were dancing, holding each other tight, moving in circles that symbolised their relationship, both afraid to let go, both willing the song to continue while silently their insides tore.
-- Anna McPartlin -
Letting go of the need for perfection releases a burst of energy - and guess what - you may accidentally do a good job.
-- Anna Olson -
The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.
-- Anna Quindlen -
There's some muscle group around your shoulders that seizes up during the perfection dance and doesn't let go until you are asleep, or alone. Or maybe it never really lets go at all.
-- Anna Quindlen -
If you let go of me now,†I whispered, stretching against him, “it could be another six hundred years before you find me again. Are you willing to take that risk?
-- Anne Fortier -
There's no magic bullet; there's no pill that you take that makes everything great and makes you happy all the time. I'm letting go of those expectations, and that's opening me up to moments of transcendent bliss. But I still feel the stress over 'Am I thin enough? Am I too thin? Is my body the right shape?'
-- Anne Hathaway -
If you’re not someone who has a natural and effortless love for yourself, it’s hard to let go of your desire to please other people, and that’s really not an ingredient for a happy life.
-- Anne Hathaway -
If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
I had to sit with my senses. This clear, beautiful intuition took over. I knew exactly how I felt, and I wasn't confused or clouded or compromised. I realized that none of my feelings had diminished, but I might have to lose someone I truly loved. I didn't want to run away from Claire, but I knew drug addiction was strong enough that I had to be willing, if need be, to let go of the person I'd just fallen in love with.
-- Anthony Kiedis -
She praised his book and he embraced her from gratitude rather than lust, but she didn't let go. Neither did he. She kissed his cheek, his earlobe. For months they'd run their fingers around the hem of their affection without once acknowledging the fabric. The circumference of the world tightened to what their arms encompassed. She sat on the desk, between the columns of read and unread manuscript, and pulled him toward her by his index fingers.
-- Anthony Marra -
The field of consciousness is tiny. It accepts only one problem at a time.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
Now the dressing-room full of RSC hierarchy. Suddenly Trevor Nunn pushes his way through and 'Trevs' me. I've heard a lot about this 'Trevving', but never had it done to me. From what I'd heard, a 'Trev' is an arm round your shoulder and a sideways squeeze. But this 'Trev' is a full frontal hug, so complete and so intimate that the dressing-room instantly clears, as if by suction. I'm left alone in the arms of this famous man wondering whether it's polite to let go.
-- Antony Sher -
As a parent you try to maintain a certain amount of control and so you have this tug-of-war ... You have to learn when to let go. And that's not easy.
-- Aretha Franklin -
Pink Champagne is about having fun and letting go, and living your life to the fullest!
-- Ariana Grande -
As a DJ, people expect a certain sound and a certain danceability for the music. As a producer, I really like to let go of any rules that may exist.
-- Armin van Buuren -
It's me. I chose this. I chose all of this — this rock has been waiting for me my entire life. I’ve been moving towards it my whole life.
-- Aron Ralston -
Begrudging others leads to disharmony. Without harmony there can be no happiness. Therefore, let go of grudges and restore harmony. In a harmonious world, happiness is possible.
-- Arthur Dobrin -
When a man is willing to set aside the legitimate appetites of the body to concentrate on the work of praying, he is demonstrating that he means business, that he is seeking with all his heart, and will not let God go unless He answers.
-- Arthur Wallis -
From being a dream, dams have become a very cynical corrupt enterprise; a way of letting governments lay their hands on huge sums of money; a way of centralizing resources; a way of snatching rivers away from the poor and giving them to the rich. And so in a sense they've become monuments to corruption.
-- Arundhati Roy -
I think that you never fall out of love with somebody, you just let go and move on.
-- Ashley Rickards -
Suffering is our best teacher because it hangs onto us and keeps us in its grip until we have learnt that particular lesson. Only then does suffering let go. If we haven’t learnt our lesson, we can be quite sure that the same lesson is going to come again, because life is nothing but an adult education class, If we don’t pass in any of the subjects, we just have to sit the examination again. Whatever lesson we have missed, we will get it again. That is why we find ourselves reacting to similar situations in similar ways many times.
-- Ayya Khema -
Trying to achieve something in the spiritual world is just as foolish as trying to achieve something in the material world. There's nothing to achieve. There's only letting go. As we let go, more and more, of ego identifications, desires, and support systems, bliss will arise.
-- Ayya Khema -
To take in a new idea you must destroy the old, let go of old opinions, to observe and conceive new thoughts. To learn is but to change your opinion.
-- B. J. Palmer -
Our greed comes from our fear that we will not have enough - whether it is money or love that we grasp. Yoga teaches us to let go of these fears and so to realize the abundance around us and within us.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar