Generosity famous quotes
Alfred Nobel stipulated that no distinction of race or colour will determine who received of his generosity.
-- Abdus Salam -
The demon of intemperance ever seems to have delighted in sucking the blood of genius and of generosity. What one of us but can call to mind some relative more promising in youth than all his fellows, who has fallen a sacrifice to his rapacity?
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Innocence can be redefined and called stupidity. Honesty can be called gullibility. Candor becomes lack of common sense. Interest in your work can be called cowardice. Generosity can be called soft-headedness, and observe : the former is disturbing
-- Abraham Maslow -
If our animosities are born out of fear, then confident generosity is born out of hope. One of the central lessons I have learned after a half century of working in the developing world is that the replacement of fear by hope is probably the single most powerful trampoline of progress.
-- Aga Khan IV -
Letter-writing on the part of a busy man or woman is the quintessence of generosity.
-- Agnes Repplier -
Do everything with a mind that lets go. Do not expect praise or reward.
-- Ajahn Chah -
The company of certain people may excite our generosity and sensitivity, while that of others awakens our competitiveness and envy.
-- Alain de Botton -
It's easy to be generous with money. Far harder to be generous with your time.
-- Alan Bleasdale -
Money is but one venue for generosity. Kindness is an even more valuable currency.
-- Alan Cohen -
Too many have dispensed with generosity in order to practice charity.
-- Albert Camus -
Good-humor and, generosity carry day with the popular heart all the world over.
-- Alexander Smith -
Curiosity endows the people who have it with a generosity in argument and a serenity in their own mode of life which springs from their cheerful willingness to let life take the form it will.
-- Alistair Cooke -
If we based everything in Hollywood on who was a nice guy, holy moly, we would have no movies. No actors would work. This is not an industry that is ruled by kindness and generosity.
-- Amy Sherman-Palladino -
Three or four threads may be agitated, like telegraph wires, at the same time, and if I were to tap them all I would reveal such a mixture of innocence and duplicity, generosity and calculation, fear and courage, I cannot tell the whole truth simply because I would have to write four journals at once.
-- Anais Nin -
I want people to help me reanchor the church to undeniable, mind-boggling, culture-shifting demonstration of compassion and generosity. Because, generosity was the hallmark of the early church.
-- Andy Stanley -
While generosity may be the antidote for the dizzying effects of wealth, your appetite for more may function as an antidote against God-honoring generosity. Your appetite for more stuff, status, and security has the potential to quash your efforts to be generous. And that's a problem.
-- Andy Stanley -
As counterintuitive as it seems, generosity begins wherever you are. It is important to make generosity a priority.
-- Andy Stanley -
Generosity helps us make a concerted effort to keep the needs of others in the forefront of our thinking. Not for guilt's sake, but for the sake of being good stewards of the resources we have been privileged to manage.
-- Andy Stanley -
Generosity won't happen unless you make it a priority. The best way to make giving a priority is to make it the very first check you write every month. Before the mortgage. Before groceries or clothing. Before saving. Whatever the amount, do it first.
-- Andy Stanley -
We thought: we're poor, we have nothing, but when we started losing one after the other so each day became remembrance day, we started composing poems about God's great generosity and our former riches.
-- Anna Akhmatova -
All my experience of the world teaches me that in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the safe side and the just side of a question is the generous side and the merciful side.
-- Anna Brownell Jameson -
Generosity is often the stalking horse of control.
-- Anne Truitt -
It is easy to be lenient at other people's expense, and call it generosity of mind.
-- Anthony Daniels -
When you give yourself, you receive more than you give.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
The modest man has everything to gain, and the arrogant man everything to lose; for modesty has always to deal with generosity, and arrogance with envy.
-- Antoine Rivarol -
That's the whole challenge of life - to act with honor and hope and generosity, no whatter what you've drawn. You can't help when or what you were born, you may not be able to help how you die; but you can - and you should - try to pass the days between as a good man.
-- Anton Myrer -
I feel the desire, or rather the intense need, to do something useful for society, and that is what stimulates me. In every situation I always look for what is positive and beneficial for my fellow citizens.
-- Antoni Tapies -
Work as hard as you can, whatever you do, and try to spread generosity of spirit.
-- Audrey Hepburn -
Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.
-- Barbara Bush -
At best the family teaches the finest things human beings can learn from one another generosity and love. But it is also, all too often, where we learn nasty things like hate, rage and shame.
-- Barbara Ehrenreich -
He who lives according to the guidance of reason strives as much as possible to repay the hatred, anger, or contempt of others towards himself with love or generosity. ...hatred is increased by reciprocal hatred, and, on the other hand, can be extinguished by love, so that hatred passes into love.
-- Baruch Spinoza -
When we don't ask, we don't let others give. When we fear rejection, we don't let generosity arise.
-- Bernie Glassman -
It seemed to be a makeshift replacement for love, absenting oneself from stifling atmospheres, because love basically was a torrential storm of feeling; it thrived only in partnership with laughing generosity and truthfulness.
-- Bessie Head -
While America has always been and always will be a safe harbor for those being persecuted by tyrannical governments we must be vigilant to ensure those individuals are not taking advantage of America's generosity and good will.
-- Bill Shuster -
Out of the Indian approach to life there came a great freedom, an intense and absorbing respect for life, enriching faith in a Supreme Power, and principles of truth, honesty, generosity, equity, and brotherhood as a guide to mundane relations.
-- Black Elk -
I've found nothing but support and generosity from older comics. I think comedians are a lot nicer than the stigma is, at least from my experience.
-- Bo Burnham -
What is so interesting about giving is not only that it pays, but that it pays in such unexpected ways. When you live with generosity, blessings come to you from corners and avenues you never would have expected.
-- Bob Burg -
Living with generosity creates a swelling tide that raises all ships. Not just yours; not just the other person's; everyone's.
-- Bob Burg -
Generosity has built America. When we fail to invest in children, we have to pay the cost.
-- Bob Keeshan -
...writing is not a performance but a generosity.
-- Brenda Ueland -
The generosity of Montanans is inspiring.
-- Brian Schweitzer -
Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Because there is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded, nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort.
-- Carmen Agra Deedy -
The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward.
-- Carol Ryrie Brink -
Time cannot be packaged and ribboned and left under trees for christmas morning.Time can't be given.But it can be shared
-- Cecelia Ahern -
Our football belongs to the working class and has the size, nobility and generosity to allow everyone to enjoy it as a spectacle.
-- Cesar Luis Menotti -
Children must early learn the the beauty of generosity. They are taught to give what they prize most, that they may taste the happiness of giving.
-- Charles Alexander Eastman -
It was our belief that the love of possessions is a weakness to be overcome. . . . Children must early learn the beauty of generosity. They are taught to give what they prize most, that they may taste the happiness of giving. . . . The Indians in their simplicity literally give away all that they have—to relatives, to guests of other tribes or clans, but above all to the poor and the aged, from whom they can hope for no return.
-- Charles Alexander Eastman -
In all of my years of service to my Lord, I have discovered a truth that has never failed and has never been compromised. That truth is that it is beyond the realm of possibilities that one has the ability to out-give God. Even if I give the whole of my worth to Him, He will find a way to give back to me much more than I gave.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
If you strive to become a good human being with the qualities of generosity, humility and having reverence for life...just maybe you'll become a great musician.
-- Charlie Haden -
The way I work is not the way that you work, and the whole point of any creative act is that. What I have to offer is me, what you have to offer is you, and if you offer yourself with authenticity and generosity I will be moved.
-- Charlie Kaufman -
Fernand Point's philosophy instilled what cuisine is all about: generosity and hugeness of heart.
-- Charlie Trotter -
What is called liberality is often no more than the vanity of giving, of which some persons are fonder than of what they give.
-- Charlotte Lennox -
Ask for help. Receiving is an act of generosity.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Begin to build up confidence and joy in your own richness. That richness is the essence of generosity. It is the essence of resourcefulness ; that you can deal with whatever is available around you and not feel poverty stricken.
-- Chogyam Trungpa -
Generosity is self-existing openness, complete openness. You are no longer subject to cultivating your own scheme or project. And the best way to open yourself up is to make friends with yourself and with others.
-- Chogyam Trungpa -
Every trait of beauty may be referred to some virtue, as to innocence, candor, generosity, modesty, or heroism. St. Pierre To cultivate the sense of the beautiful, is one of the most effectual ways of cultivating an appreciation of the divine goodness.
-- Christian Nestell Bovee -
It was the seventh of November, 1918. The war was finally over. Maybe it would be declared a holiday and named War's End Day or something equally hopeful and wrong. Wars would break out again. Violence was part of human nature as much as love and generosity.
-- Claire Holden Rothman -
Anything you do from the soulful self will help lighten the burdens of the world. Anything. You have no idea what the smallest word, the tiniest generosity, can cause to be set in motion...Mend the part of the world that is within your reach.
-- Clarissa Pinkola Estes -
Generosity, generosity, generosity, must be the beginning and ending of our life
-- Cornelia Connelly -
One's performance is often heightened by the brilliance and generosity of other actors.
-- Cyril Cusack -
We are all, by nature, clearly oriented toward the basic human values of love and compassion. We all prefer the love of others to their hatred. We all prefer others’ generosity to meanness. And who is there among us who does not prefer tolerance, respect and forgiveness of our failings to bigotry, disrespect, and resentment?
-- Dalai Lama -
Giving material goods is one form of generosity, but one can extend an attitude of generosity into all one's behavior. Being kind, attentive, and honest in dealing with others, offering praise where it is due, giving comfort and advice where they are needed, and simply sharing one's time with someone - all these are forms of generosity, and they do not require any particular level of material wealth.
-- Dalai Lama -
Make generosity part of your growth strategy.
-- Danielle LaPorte -
And as we meet needs on earth, we are proclaiming a gospel that transforms lives for eternity. The point is not simply to meet a temporary need or change a startling statistic; the point is to exalt the glory of Christ as we express the gospel of Christ through the radical generosity of our lives.
-- David Platt -
Central to living a life that is good, is a life that's forgiving.
-- David Rakoff -
We are an arrogant species, full of terrible potential, but we also have a great capacity for love, friendship, generosity, kindness, faith, hope, and joy.
-- Dean Koontz -
Practicing an attitude of gratitude spills over to acts of generosity.
-- Debbie Macomber -
Here's where the real power of generosity comes in. Often, the more we give, the more we receive.
-- Debbie Macomber -
In our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.
-- Deepak Chopra -
Affluence includes money but is not just money. It is the abundance, the flow, the generosity of the universe, where every desire we have must come true, because inherent in having the desire are the mechanics for its fulfillment.
-- Deepak Chopra -
What is the chief end of giving? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
-- Dennis Bakke -
Love and nonattachment are the basis of true generosity.
-- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche -
Whether we live in poverty or prosperity, we can still live generously.
-- Dillon Burroughs -
Live today the way you want to be remembered tomorrow.
-- Dillon Burroughs -
Righteousness and generosity are inseparable. The person whose heart longs for God also longs to give to others.
-- Dillon Burroughs -
There is incredible generosity in the potentialities of Nature. We only have to discover how to utilize them.
-- E. F. Schumacher -
The generosity of the Earth allows us to feed all mankind; we know enough about ecology to keep the Earth a healthy place; there is enough room on the Earth, and there are enough materials, so that everybody can have adequate shelter; we are quite competent enough to produce sufficient supplies of necessities so that no one need live in misery.
-- E. F. Schumacher -
I'm very much a Christian in ideals and ethics, especially in terms of belief in fairness, a deep set obligation to others, and the virtues of charity, tolerance and generosity that we associate with traditional Christian teaching.
-- E. O. Wilson -
All my life, Following Care along the dusty road, Have I looked back on loveliness and sighed ....
-- Edna St. Vincent Millay -
The government is far more interested in taking, in regulated taking, than in promoting spontaneous generosity.
-- Edward Albee -
I think I am incredibly generous with how much I give to my projects, but that's my generosity with the job.
-- Elena Anaya -
I want to thank the Academy for its courage and generosity.
-- Elia Kazan -
Your path is your own, but you must walk side by side with others, with compassion and generosity as your beacons. If anything is required it is this: fearlessness in your examination of life and death; Willingness to continually grow; and openness to the possibility that the ordinary is extraordinary, and that your joys and your sorrows have meaning and mystery
-- Elizabeth Lesser -
There is no satisfaction that can compare with looking back across the years and finding you've grown in self-control, judgment, generosity, and unselfishness.
-- Ella Wheeler Wilcox -
It was like a life-line to a sinking man. It seemed to bring hope where there was none. The generosity of it was beyond our belief.
-- Ernest Bevin -
Almsgiving tends to perpetuate poverty; aid does away with it once and for all. Almsgiving leaves a man just where he was before. Aid restores him to society as an individual worthy of all respect and not as a man with a grievance. Almsgiving is the generosity of the rich; social aid levels up social inequalities. Charity separates the rich from the poor; aid raises the needy and sets him on the same level with the rich.
-- Evita Peron -
When we set goals we are in command. If we know where we are going, we can judge more accurately where we are now and make effective plans to reach our destination.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
We cannot do everything at once, but we can do a great deal if we choose our goals well and work diligently to attain them.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
If you turn your life over to the Lord he can do so much more with it than we can.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
It is not unusual to hear a religious leader, a philosopher, or a poet refer to man as having a divine spark within him. Such characterizations infer that man possesses great abilities and potentials. We are frequently admonished to develop our capabilities, reach out, and set high goals for ourselves.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
If we keep a goal firmly in mind, we will know when we have reached it. This gives us a sense of accomplishment and the challenge of establishing fresh, new goals - always keeping the long-range objective in mind. If we can state our goals clearly, we will gain a purpose and meaning in all our actions.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
Generosity without delicacy, like wit without judgement, generally gives as much pain as pleasure.
-- Fanny Burney -
It is certainly a good thing always to forgive with generosity, but it is no doubt just never to forget the wrongs received: they belong to the route that leads to inner maturity.
-- Fausto Cercignani -
Writing is an act of generosity toward other people.
-- Fay Weldon -
Winning peace means the triumph of our pledge to establish, on a democratic basis, a new social framework of tolerance and generosity from which no one will feel excluded.
-- Federico Mayor Zaragoza