Growth famous quotes
Joy and growth come from following our deepest impulses, however foolish they may seem to some, or dangerous, and even though the apparent outcome may be defeat.
-- A. J. Muste -
One-time revenue spikes that aren't repeatable won't help you achieve consistent year-after-year growth.
-- Aaron Ross -
The environmentalist's dream is an egalitarian society based on: rejection of economic growth, a smaller population, eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less, and sharing a much lower level of resources much more equally.
-- Aaron Wildavsky -
Extremists, who thrive on conflict; who do not tolerate diversity; who seek power through division and destruction. The global system they hope to create is one of new walls and new isolation, and radically smaller horizons. It is an anti-democratic, anti-economic-growth, and anti-progress agenda.
-- Abdallah II -
Collect as precious pearls the words of the wise and virtuous.
-- Abdelkader El Djezairi -
growth requires purposeful division. Responsible dissent is the essence of democracy.
-- Abigail McCarthy -
All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse towards growth, or towards the actualization.
-- Abraham Maslow -
One can go back toward safety or forward toward growth.
-- Abraham Maslow -
Including the value of natural resources and our social capital in national accounting is a vital step to achieve economic growth that is equitable and sustainable.
-- Achim Steiner -
The main requirement for spiritual growth: A yearning to know who you really are.
-- Adyashanti -
I believe one of the reasons we went through such a remarkable growth period was that we had this atmosphere of free discussion.
-- Akio Morita -
Some countries, like Saudi Arabia, where the population growth is very high, whereby you don't have the mortgage low yet. Still the demand outstrips supply by much.
-- Al-Waleed bin Talal -
Personal growth is not a matter of learning new information but of unlearning old limits.
-- Alan Cohen -
The first law of sustainability: population growth and/or growth in the rate of consumption of resources cannot be sustained
-- Albert Allen Bartlett -
There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat me well. And the world must be easy.
-- Albert Ellis -
A company is a multidimensional system capable of growth, expansion, and self-regulation. It is, therefore, not a thing but a set of interacting forces. Any theory of organization must be capable of reflecting a company's many facets, its dynamism, and its basic orderliness. When company organization is reviewed, or when reorganizing a company, it must be loked upon as a whole, as a total system.
-- Albert Low -
We often forget that growth requires sacrifice.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
Photography's future is infinite and bright. It's growing exponentially, so that's great, but for me as a practitioner, that exponential growth makes it even more problematic. And so for me, it's got me more engaged with storytelling.
-- Alec Soth -
The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance. The growth of democracy; the growth of corporate power; and the growth of corporate propaganda against democracy.
-- Alex Carey -
Patents are like fertilizer. Applied wisely and sparingly, they can increase growth. But if you apply too many chemicals, or make patents too strong, then you can leach the land, making growth more difficult.
-- Alex Tabarrok -
It was astonishing that for some considerable distance around the mould growth the staphococcal colonies were undergoing lysis. What had formerly been a well-grown colony was now a faint shadow of its former self...I was sufficiently interested to pursue the subject.
-- Alexander Fleming -
Drawing general conclusions about your main weaknesses can provide a great stimulus to further growth.
-- Alexander Kotov -
It is only by making the past alive again for a person that a true growth in the present is facilitated. If the past is cut off, the future does not exist.
-- Alexander Lowen -
Tis thus the mercury of man is fix'd, Strong grows the virtue with his nature mix'd.
-- Alexander Pope -
Do you find yourself making excuses when you do not perform? Shed the excuses and face reality. Excuses are the loser's way out. They will mar your credibility and stunt your personal growth.
-- Alexander Pope -
We have had actually a decline in government service overall, but the growth is in high-tech areas, specialty areas in the Labor Department and other departments.
-- Alexis Herman -
Punishments erode relationships and moral growth.
-- Alfie Kohn -
When I was younger I was always big; I was a fat boy at school. I had an early growth spurt, and when I went to secondary school I was tall enough to be a policeman.
-- Alfred Molina -
But harmony is limitation. Thus rightness of limitation is essential for growth of reality. Unlimited possibility and abstract creativity can procure nothing.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
Heaven is comfort, but it's still not living.
-- Alice Sebold -
If sex evolved so that your children are not condemned to be just like you, intelligence evolved so that you are not condemned to be just like yourself.
-- Alison Jolly -
If we have an honest discussion on whether the war on poverty should be fought with welfare or with economic growth in the private sector, Democrats will lose black votes.
-- Alveda King -
Making dances is an act of progress; it is an act of growth, an act of music, an act of teaching, an act of celebration, an act of joy.
-- Alvin Ailey -
Economic growth without investment in human development is unsustainable - and unethical
-- Amartya Sen -
Dictionary: a malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Hash, x. There is no definition for this word - nobody knows what hash is. Famous, adj. Conspicuously miserable. Dictionary, n. A malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic. This dictionary, however, is a most useful work.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
IDLENESS, n. A model farm where the devil experiments with seeds of new sins and promotes the growth of staple vices.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
The greatest threat to women (and by extension humanity) is the growth and acceptance of a misogynistic, authoritarian, and violent culture of militarism.
-- Amina Mama -
When we are aware of our inner-growth potential yet have no pretensions about ourselves, when we are vulnerable, then we can change.
-- Amit Goswami -
I think that life is about growth. You continue to grow and progress, hopefully.
-- Amy Smart -
Business as usual is dead. Green growth is the answer to both our climate and economic problems
-- Anders Fogh Rasmussen -
The very things we wish to avoid, neglect and flee from turn out to be the 'prima materia' from which all real growth comes.
-- Andrew Harvey -
Growth has failed on its own terms. You can't have infinite growth in a world of finite resources.
-- Andrew Simms -
You think you're developing and getting better and then you see something you did years ago. Looking at your early work.. sometimes it has a depth that surprises you.
-- Andrew Wyeth -
The Kyoto Protocol is a death pact, however strange it may sound, because its main aim is to strangle economic growth and economic activity in countries that accept the protocol's requirements.
-- Andrey Illarionov -
Everybody wants to be on the mountaintop, but if you'll remember, mountaintops are rocky and cold. There is no growth on the top of a mountain. Sure, the view is great, but what's a view for? A view just gives us a glimpse of our next destination-our next target. But to hit that target, we must come off the mountain, go through the valley, and begin to climb the next slope. It is in the valley that we slog through the lush grass and rich soil, learning and becoming what enables us to summit life's next peak.
-- Andy Andrews -
Everybody wants to reach the top of the mountain, but there is no growth at the peak. It is in the valley that we slog through the lush grass and rich soil, learning and becoming what enables us to summit life's next peak.
-- Andy Andrews -
Time gives growth, it gives continuity and it gives change. And in the case of some sculptures, time gives a patina to them.
-- Andy Goldsworthy -
Movement, change, light, growth, and decay are the life-blood of nature, the energies that I try to tap through my work.
-- Andy Goldsworthy -
Growth is kinda built into everyone's genes. It's built into management's genes, the salesman's genes, the investors' desires. People expect companies to grow.
-- Andy Grove -
Budget consolidation and economic growth are two sides of the same coin.
-- Angela Merkel -
I will not let anyone tell me we must spend more money. This crisis did not come about because we issued too little money but because we created economic growth with too much money and it was not sustainable growth.
-- Angela Merkel -
It is a fact that, if I single out Germany, our rate of growth is too low and we have very high unemployment.
-- Angela Merkel -
I think that the EU with the Lisbon agenda has put the right emphasis on growth and employment.
-- Angela Merkel -
The people I chose to work with me on this album are there because I have a personal relationship with them.
-- Angie Martinez -
When you can completely love your ego unconditionally and accept it as part of how you express in this life, you'll no longer have a problem with it. It won't impede your growth - on the contrary, it will be an asset.
-- Anita Moorjani -
Where there is age there is evolution, where there is life there is growth.
-- Anjelica Huston -
Ten years ago I was not heavily involved in the film world but on reflection it was a boom time with the mineral boom happening, so there was immense growth for industrial training films, documentaries to do with the mining, and the outback world.
-- Ann Macbeth -
Of all the wastes of human ignorance perhaps the most extravagant and costly to human growth has been the waste of the distinctive powers of womanhood after the child-bearing age.
-- Anna Garlin Spencer -
Religion must be life made true; and life is action, growth, development - begun now and ending never. And a life made true cannot confine itself - it must reach out and twine around every pulsing interest within reach of its uplifting tendrils.
-- Anna Julia Cooper -
A stream cannot rise higher than its source.
-- Anna Julia Cooper -
Regional exchange can be a source of growth and development, and of enhancing good governance.
-- Anna Lindh -
You cannot hide; your growth as an artist is not separate from your growth as a human being: it is all visible.
-- Anne Bogart -
...the only continuity possible in life, as in love, is in growth, in fluidity - in freedom. The only real security is... living in the present and accepting it as it is now.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
Suffering of sentient beings is like decay; it fertilizes the growth of their souls.
-- Anne Rice -
It is a rare privilege to watch the birth, growth, and first feeble struggles of a living mind; this privilege is mine.
-- Anne Sullivan Macy -
Life: a constellation of vital phenomena—organization, irritability, movement, growth, reproduction, adaptation.
-- Anthony Marra -
I think that obstacles lead to growth and ultimately, the most learning I've done in my life is between jobs.
-- Anthony Michael Hall -
If you want to work on your art, work on your life.
-- Anton Chekhov -
The actual growth in a person's life is the rise in his wisdom and not the raise in his pay or income.
-- Anuj -
If the selection process is right and its members GOOD, then there could be no reason why the collection of the teammates be not BETTER and bright who would work in the BEST interest of the organization, either individually or jointly, to bring sustainability in achieving newer growth height.
-- Anuj -
I was very young when I was in RNBDJ and that journey had enabled me as an actor. I am not very confident of my growth as an actor but I am very confident of my growth as a person.
-- Anushka Sharma -
Everyone now has a sacred cow in the tax code. For my money, the most sacred thing of all is our country and its growth, but the sacred cows have turned into a pack of wolves.
-- Ari Fleischer -
He who thus considers things in their first growth and origin ... will obtain the clearest view of them.
-- Aristotle -
Here and elsewhere we shall not obtain the best insight into things until we actually see them growing from the beginning.
-- Aristotle -
The ensouled is distinguished from the unsouled by its being alive. Now since being alive is spoken of in many ways, even if only one of these is present, we say that the thing is alive, if, for instance, there is intellect or perception or spatial movement and rest or indeed movement connected with nourishment and growth and decay. It is for this reason that all the plants are also held to be alive . . .
-- Aristotle -
Adversity is the source of our deepest growth and greatest blessings; embrace it, dare to seek it.
-- Aron Ralston -
When you look at the world, everyone in the world who cares about his or her family wants to have a major portion of their assets in the United States because we are the growth country and the freedom loving country.
-- Arthur Laffer -
Firms need to ensure that their ability to provide effective customer service keeps pace with their growth. If you're marketing your firm to new customers, you better be able to provide them service when they do business with you.
-- Arthur Levitt Jr -
Don't tell me how talented you are. Tell me how hard you work.
-- Arthur Rubinstein -
Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself from above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity for pain, and it is only with the highest degree of intelligence that suffering reaches its supreme point.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
In our work and in our living, we must recognize that difference is a reason for celebration and growth, rather than a reason for destruction.
-- Audre Lorde -
I end with a word on the new symbols which I have employed. Most writers on logic strongly object to all symbols. ... I should advise the reader not to make up his mind on this point until he has well weighed two facts which nobody disputes, both separately and in connexion. First, logic is the only science which has made no progress since the revival of letters; secondly, logic is the only science which has produced no growth of symbols.
-- Augustus De Morgan -
As a businessman, I know President Obama understands what it takes to spark economic growth, because I have seen him in action.
-- Austin Ligon -
Margins on other sales and revenues grew as a result of the growth in extended service plan revenues, which have no associated cost of sales, and the growth in our service margin, reflecting improved overhead expense absorption.
-- Austin Ligon -
If we want to be loved, we are looking for a support system. If we want to love, we are looking for spiritual growth.
-- Ayya Khema -
You must continue to go back to the beginning, to the foundation, and question the foundation. Even once you‘ve reached Samadhi you must go back so you can create it at will. Samadhi is the beginning of spiritual growth, not the end. You must always be questioning. Enlightenment comes as an accident at first, then you have to learn to recreate it.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
Yoga is firstly for individual growth, but through individual growth, society and community develop.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth – these are one and the same fight.
-- Ban Ki-moon -
Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.
-- Ban Ki-moon -
I put forward a budget of what I called "middle-class economics" that continues to be fiscally prudent but makes necessary investments for us to continue the economic momentum and job growth.
-- Barack Obama -
What you have to do is to look at what's going to keep our economic growth going, what's going to make sure jobs are being created.
-- Barack Obama -
Laughter is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles. It won't take the potholes out of the road, but it sure makes the ride smoother
-- Barbara Johnson -
Our crisis is a birth. We are one living system and we have come to the limit of one phase of natural growth on a finite planet We must learn ethical evolution quickly As we seek to facilitate a gentle birth, a graceful and nonviolent transition to the next stage of our evolution, we will discover a natural pattern, a design of our birth transition, and develop a plan to cooperate with this design.
-- Barbara Marx Hubbard -
By adopting the control strategy, the nation's environmental program has created a built-in antagonism between environmental quality and economic growth.
-- Barry Commoner -
No culture has yet solved the dilemma each has faced with the growth of a conscious mind: how to live a moral and compassionate existence when one is fully aware of the blood, the horror inherent in all life, when one finds darkness not only in one’s own culture but within oneself.
-- Barry Lopez