Requirements famous quotes
No religion has mandated killing others as a requirement for its sustenance or promotion.
-- Abdul Kalam -
The main requirement for spiritual growth: A yearning to know who you really are.
-- Adyashanti -
I hate to put tags on things, because tags change, and they change with the requirements made on them.
-- Agnes Denes -
I would like it to be a legal requirement for all businesses to be linked to a charity.
-- Arabella Weir -
With respect to the requirement of art, the probable impossible is always preferable to the improbable possible.
-- Aristotle -
The first requirement for a composer is to be dead.
-- Arthur Honegger -
Fairness is an across-the-board requirement for all our interactions with each other ...Fairness treats everbody the same.
-- Barbara Jordan -
Whatever pursuit you undertake, the requirements should start with a love of what it is that you are pursuing.
-- Bill Toomey -
Accepting federal funding undermines state sovereignty as states become beholden to federal requirements in order to keep the money flowing.
-- Bob Barr -
If businesses don't know from state to state what the requirements are for taxes, they have to waste a lot of money on accountants and lawyers before deciding to expand their business into the state next door.
-- Bob Goodlatte -
Knowing how to deal with change effectively is a primary requirement for living successfully in perhaps the most exciting time in all of human history
-- Brian Tracy -
Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.
-- Brian Tracy -
Privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining the human condition with dignity and respect.
-- Bruce Schneier -
There is no proportional representation requirement in the Equal Protection Clause
-- Cass Sunstein -
Most of the research which is done is determined by the requirement that it shall, in a fairly obvious and predictable way, reinforce the approved or fashionable theories.
-- Celia Green -
To make a great dream come true, the first requirement is a great capacity to dream; the second is persistence.
-- Cesar Chavez -
Investment in infrastructure is a long term requirement for growth and a long term factor that will make growth sustainable.
-- Chanda Kochhar -
It is a common observation that those who dwell continually upon their expectations are apt to become oblivious to the requirements of their actual situation.
-- Charles Sanders Peirce -
Brokenness is God’s requirement for maximum usefulness.
-- Charles Stanley -
Feeling bad is not a requirement; it’s something we agree to. Cut it loose!
-- Cheri Huber -
The first requirement in using statistics is that the facts treated shall be reduced to comparable units.
-- Claude Bernard -
Now supposing I had the part of a young woman to give out, one that wanted some excellent acting. If I were to go to the stage for my actress I would have to take a matured woman, one who would act splendidly, but who would look too old for the requirements.
-- D. W. Griffith -
As far as your personal requirements are concerned, the ideal is to have fewer involvements, fewer obligations, and fewer affairs, business or whatever. However, so far as the interest of the larger community is concerned, you must have as many involvements as possible and as many activities as possible.
-- Dalai Lama -
It's a very valuable function and requirement that you're performing, so have a great day and keep a stiff upper lip.
-- Dan Quayle -
I wasn't a big fan of social anthropology. And, luckily, that created room for me to work in visual arts because I sort of ignored my requirements. I think I was attracted to social anthropology because I liked to travel and was always interested in far-off places.
-- Darren Aronofsky -
But, when we started our product portfolio, we focused the mixed signal requirements first for image processing devices and then in audio applications , targeting our technology into the growing use of digital technology in consumer markets.
-- David Milne -
We see portability in electronics being a continuing requirement, higher functionality, better battery life, requiring lower power for the actual electronics.
-- David Milne -
The first requirement of a statesman is that he be dull.
-- Dean Acheson -
the first requirement of war: allies must not kill each other.
-- Deborah Harkness -
One way we gave small businesses more money to invest was by extending tax provisions on expensing. This allows businesses to immediately write off things like equipment, without being burdened by depreciation requirements.
-- Dennis Hastert -
Many transition states have a well-defined preferred geometrical requirement.
-- Derek Barton -
Shoulder width is an absolute requirement for displaying the V taper that will make or break your physique.
-- Dorian Yates -
Generally, the craft of programming is the factoring of a set of requirements into a a set of functions and data structures.
-- Douglas Crockford -
It's not a question of happiness, it's a requirement. Consider the alternative.
-- Douglas Horton -
Time has always been used against us on a certain level. The invention of the clock made us accountable to the employer, gave us a standard measure and stopwatch management, and it also led to the requirement of interest-bearing currency to grow over time, the requirement of the expansion of our economy.
-- Douglas Rushkoff -
The National Flood Insurance Program is a voluntary program. If a community really feels that the building insurance requirements are too burdensome, they don't have to participate.
-- Earl Blumenauer -
The films dramatic requirements should always take precedence over the mere aesthetics of editing.
-- Edward Dmytryk -
People do not have a constitutional right to be married any more than we could say that someone has a constitutional right to a driver's license. You either meet the requirements or you don't. In the case of marriage, homosexuals do not meet the requirements of marriage.
-- Erwin W. Lutzer -
The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm.
-- Florence Nightingale -
Beauty, of course, is the most important requirement and the paramount asset of the applicant.
-- Florenz Ziegfeld -
A requirement of creativity is that it contributes to change. Creativity keeps the creator alive.
-- Frank Herbert -
Adjusting to the requirement for perfection is, I think, the most difficult part of learning to program.
-- Fred Brooks -
I call people rich when they're able to meet the requirements of their imagination.
-- Henry James -
A balanced-budget requirement implies is that government has the constitutional right to spend as much as it takes in; that government is permitted to waste however much revenue it can extract from wealth producers, and that the bums must merely bring into balance what was stolen (taxes) with what is squandered (spending).
-- Ilana Mercer -
The chief requirement of the good life, is to live without any image of oneself.
-- Iris Murdoch -
Computer programmers, biotechnologists, environmental scientists, neuroscientists, nanotech engineers - all of these fields, and more, should have at least a course in ethics as part of their degree requirements.
-- Jamais Cascio -
The University of Cambridge, in accordance with that law of its evolution, by which, while maintaining the strictest continuity between the successive phases of its history, it adapts itself with more or less promptness to the requirements of the times, has lately instituted a course of Experimental Physics.
-- James Clerk Maxwell -
Once you eliminate quality as a requirement, the entire design process becomes a whole lot easier.
-- Jared Spool -
I don't think about it in terms of being a woman. Being gracious, attentive, curious, interested are requirements for everyone.
-- Jenna Lyons -
In both its precepts and penalty, the law of God in its most exacting requirements was fulfilled by Jesus. And He did this in our place as our representative and our substitute.
-- Jerry Bridges -
Jesus called fishermen, not graduates of rabbinical schools. The main requirement was to be natural and sincere.
-- Jim Cymbala -
The Supreme Court has never ruled that Congress can use the Commerce Clause to require individuals to engage in an activity they have chosen to avoid. Yet that is precisely what Obamacare does: It forces Americans without health insurance to purchase coverage. Such a requirement is unprecedented and unconstitutional.
-- John Cornyn -
Adding last-minute features, whether in response to competitive pressure, as a developer's pet feature, or on the whim of management, causes more bugs in software than almost anything else.
-- John Robbins -
Justice is but the distributing to everything according to the requirements of its nature.
-- Joseph Glanvill -
As a poet and writer, I deeply love and I deeply hate words. I love the infinite evidence and change and requirements and possibilities of language.
-- June Jordan -
Privacy - like eating and breathing - is one of life's basic requirements.
-- Katherine Neville -
The one indispensable requirement for producing godly, mature Christians is godly, mature Christians.
-- Kevin DeYoung -
Ministers must not be able to set rules governing solicitors on a whim, to suit their own requirements.
-- Kevin Martin -
The first, indeed the only, requirement of a diet is that it should lose you weight without reducing your alcoholic intake by the smallest degree.
-- Kingsley Amis -
You know, when you do standup there are certain requirements that you have to do like you have to go on stage and when you get introduced you have to say "Hey,how ya doin'? How are ya?" I couldn't do it. It was false.
-- Larry David -
I think it's a new feature. Don't tell anyone it was an accident.
-- Larry Wall -
Perhaps the chief requirement of [the conductor] is that he be humble before the composer; that he never interpose himself between the music and the audience; that all his efforts, however strenuous or glamorous, be made in the service of the composer's meaning - the music itself, which, after all, is the whole reason for the conductor's existence.
-- Leonard Bernstein -
The requirements of romantic love are difficult to satisfy in the back seat of a Dodge Dart.
-- Lisa Alther -
A person whose financial requirements are modest and whose curiosity, skepticism and indifference to reputation are outsized is a person at risk of becoming a journalist.
-- Louis Menand -
My only requirement for life is that I don't get stuck in a rut.
-- Malin Akerman -
Multi-Tenancy is a requirement for a SaaS vendor to be successful
-- Marc Benioff -
Most happy is he who is entirely self-reliant, and who centers all his requirements in himself alone.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
The one requirement for success in our business lives is effort. Either you make the commitment to get results or you don't.
-- Mark Cuban -
I saw how greatly he suffered the requirement of being clever. It separated him from his soul, and it didn't get him anything other than a living
-- Mark Helprin -
Solve 90% of the problem as simply as you can, and then remove the other 10% from the problem requirements.
-- Marshall Rose -
It is necessary to ensure that the requirement to combat terrorism is not used to clamp down on freedom of expression, legitimate dissent, freedom of association and so on.
-- Mary Robinson -
There are thousands of grant programs and every program has different requirements and deadlines.
-- Matthew Lesko -
Thinking consists in envisaging, realizing structural features and structural requirements; proceeding in accordance with, and determined by, these requirements; thereby changing the situation in the direction of structural improvements.
-- Max Wertheimer -
I have no requirements for a style of architecture.
-- Michael Graves -
The elimination of unnecessary collateral requirements on foreign insurers and reinsurers is not only beneficial for the individual companies, but for the industry as a whole.
-- Mike McGavick -
I know as an actor there is a certain liberation auditioning for a role that has no beauty requirements.
-- Mireille Enos -
Holiness is not for wimps and the cross is not negotiable, sweetheart, it's a requirement.
-- Mother Angelica -
shocked to realize how much vitality is required simply to support our primitive requirements, we wonder, bewildered, where Art fits in.
-- Muriel Barbery -
In 70s America, protest used to be very effective, but in subsequent decades municipalities have sneakily created a web of 'overpermiticisation' - requirements that were designed to stifle freedom of assembly and the right to petition government for redress of grievances, both of which are part of our first amendment.
-- Naomi Wolf -
...the indispensable requirement for a good newspaperman - as eager to tell a lie as the truth.
-- Norman Mailer -
It is possible that, post-Kyoto, the developed countries will recognise the requirements of the developing world.
-- P. Chidambaram -
Oppressed groups are frequently placed in the situation of being listened to only if we frame our ideas in the language that is familiar to and comfortable for a dominant group. This requirement often changes the meaning of our ideas and works to elevate the ideas of dominant groups.
-- Patricia Hill Collins -
No matter what your laundry list of requirements in choosing a mate, there has to be an element of good luck and good fortune and good timing.
-- Patty Duke -
...It is a legal requirement to carry out animal testing to ensure they are safe and effective
-- Paul Drayson, Baron Drayson -
Faith in people is an a priori requirement for dialogue.
-- Paulo Freire -
To desire the common good and strive towards it is a requirement of justice and charity.
-- Pope Benedict XVI -
The thesis that the universe has an originating divine cause is logically inconsistent with all extant definitions of causality and with a logical requirement upon these and all possible valid definitions or theories of causality.
-- Quentin Smith -
The only righteousness that meets the requirements of the Law is the righteousness of Christ.
-- R. C. Sproul -
There's only one requirement for enjoying God's grace: being broke . . . and knowing it.
-- Randy Alcorn -
The adult public's taste is not necessarily ready to accept the logical solutions to their requirements if the solution implies too vast a departure from what they have been conditioned into accepting as the norm.
-- Raymond Loewy -
This is a basic requirement the meaning of globalization is that we should admit that the economy of each country is dependent on the economy of all the others.
-- Richard Grasso -
To accept on faith is the basic requirement for getting on with life.
-- Robert Breault -
I find in old age that it's possible to revisit the past, the one requirement being that you come as you are.
-- Robert Breault -
Most writers agree on the fact that Zen is not to be understood but to be lived; and far from being incompatible with the requirements of everyday life, Zen confers on it its own full revealing value.
-- Robert Linssen -
Young players calculate everything, a requirement of their relative inexperience.
-- Samuel Reshevsky -
The problem with competition is that it takes away the requirement to set your own path, to invent your own method, to find a new way.
-- Seth Godin -
And autos are not the only product that could be made more energy efficient if we just put in place sensible requirements. This is also true of many appliances and even of entire buildings.
-- Sherwood Boehlert -
Human requirements are the inspiration for art.
-- Stephen Gardiner -
Our first object is... the obtaining of sovereignty, assured by international law, over a portion of the globe sufficiently large to satisfy our just requirements.
-- Theodor Herzl