Alternatives famous quotes
Surprise keeps the reader awake. The only alternative is to continue saying what the reader is expecting. What fun is that?
-- Aaron Belz -
Think deeply about things. Don’t just go along because that’s the way things are or that’s what your friends say. Consider the effects, consider the alternatives, but most importantly, just think.
-- Aaron Swartz -
Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the alternatives
-- Abba Eban -
I know that many people disagree with the way I disciplined my child. I also understand after meeting with a psychologist that there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate.
-- Adrian Peterson -
American consumers might benefit if lenders provided greater mortgage product alternatives to the traditional fixed-rate mortgage.
-- Alan Greenspan -
As in the piling up of hypothetical alternatives, creative accidents follow the law of probabilities the more we fish, the more likely we are to get a strike.
-- Alex Faickney Osborn -
Of course, there's a certain type of person who feels that anything which becomes mainstream has to be rejected immediately. And that's part of the indie-alternative snobbery and hierarchy and elitism.
-- Alex Kapranos -
Sometimes we face resistance in Alberta and Canada because we already have other power sources, but this is a competitive alternative.
-- Alison Thompson -
Freedom of the mind requires not only, or not even especially the absence of legal constraints but the presence of alternative thoughts.
-- Allan Bloom -
Freedom is the awareness of alternatives and of the ability to choose. It is contingent upon consciousness, and so may be gained or lost, extended or diminished.
-- Allen Wheelis -
You learned that if you're tired enough, you can sleep sitting up. That the unendurable is perfectly endurable if you just take it a minute at a time, and when the alternative is no more minutes ever...
-- Allison Pearson -
Reading keeps me sane. Growing up, it was my scape, my alternative; it provided both rebellion and peace.
-- Amber Heard -
I think anyone who comes upon a Nautilus machine suddenly will agree with me that its prototype was clearly invented at some time in history when torture was considered a reasonable alternative to diplomacy.
-- Anna Quindlen -
As incisively pointed out in the documentary Food Inc.," an overwhelmingly large percentage of "new," healthy," and "organic" alternative food products are actually owned by the same parent companies that scared us into the organic aisle in the first place. "They got you comin' and goin'" has never been truer.
-- Anthony Bourdain -
I think of [street food] as the antidote to fast food; it's the clear alternative to the king, the clown and the colonel.
-- Anthony Bourdain -
... the smaller the domain where choices among alternatives are made collectively, the smaller will be the probability that any individual's preference gets overruled.
-- Anthony de Jasay -
Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable.
-- Arthur Keith -
If youve got an industry where youve got massive investment, it doesnt matter whether you bring in alternative supplies. You still lose the money on that industry.
-- Arthur Scargill -
Of course, there's an alternative to terrorism: it's called justice.
-- Arundhati Roy -
What is the alternative to understanding the complexity of the world?
-- Atul Gawande -
Why am I an atheist? The short answer is that I cannot accept any of the alternatives. I simply don't find them believable.
-- Barbara Smoker -
It is important to emphasize again and again and again that finding a cure is not the problem The cures for many cancers, if not most cancers, exist. But they are not being offered to the patient who has cancer.... Being legally permitted to use an alternative cancer therapy is the problem
-- Barry Lynes -
We laugh a lot. That's for sure. Sure beats the alternative, doesn't it?
-- Betty White -
Teaching creationism in science class as an alternative to evolution is inappropriate.
-- Bill Nye -
Economics is the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses.
-- Bill Vaughan -
The resurrection blasts apart the finality of death, providing an alternative to the stifling, settling dust of death and opens the way to new life.
-- Billy Graham -
Legacy code" often differs from its suggested alternative by actually working and scaling.
-- Bjarne Stroustrup -
Tell the truth. All the time. About everything. What's the alternative to radical honesty? Waste. Wasted time, wasted money, wasted possibilities-a wasted life.
-- Brad Blanton -
Yeah, I always listen to both classic and newer folk-influenced music. Singer-songwriter, alternative music. I also listen to more experimental dance music.
-- Brad Delson -
Joy is not an alternative to opposition; it is part of a compound that includes opposition.
-- Bruce C. Hafen -
A cult classic is one that has been fully embraced by an alternative audience, not the popular audience.
-- Bruce Campbell -
India is a reservoir of alternative interpretations of what the global is, and these ways of viewing the world need to be exposed.
-- Bruno Latour -
At the present time, the alternative is not between change or no change, but between change for the better and change for the worse.
-- C. H. Douglas -
From the moment a creature becomes aware of God as God and of itself as self, the terrible alternative of choosing God or self for the centre is opened to it.
-- C. S. Lewis -
A good plan will therefore include alternative actions, the choice between them being left open until the passage of time indicates which is feasible and which is not.
-- Carl Eckart -
Until suitable alternatives are found, this vital work should continue so that hundreds of millions more lives can be saved in the future
-- Caroline Flint -
To be a DJ was to be God. To be a DJ at an alternative public radio station ? That was being God with a mission. It was thinking you were the first person to discover The Clash and you had to spread the word.
-- Carrie Vaughn -
The Negroes are facing the alternative of rising in the sphere of production to supply their proportion of the manufacturers and merchants or of going down to the graves of paupers.
-- Carter G. Woodson -
An individual's treatment and alternatives in life may depend as much on the reputation of the group to which that person belongs as on their own merit.
-- Catharine MacKinnon -
More than a mere alternative strategy, regenerative agriculture represents a fundamental shift in our culture’s relationship to nature.
-- Charles Eisenstein -
If you believe that health care is a public good to be guaranteed by the state, then a single-payer system is the next best alternative. Unfortunately, it is fiscally unsustainable without rationing.
-- Charles Krauthammer -
If you will not have death unto sin, you shall have sin unto death. There is no alternative. If you do not die to sin, you shall die for sin. If you do not slay sin, sin will slay you.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
A long apprenticeship is the most logical way to success. The only alternative is overnight stardom, but I can't give you a formula for that.
-- Chet Atkins -
You just have to stand and grit your teeth and know your poll numbers are going to go down - and mine have - but you gotta grit through it because the alternative is unacceptable.
-- Chris Christie -
The bottom of the oil barrel is now visible.
-- Christopher Flavin -
Most of these alternative arrangements, so-called, arise out of the ruins of marriages, not as an improvement of old fashioned marriage.
-- Christopher Lasch -
Homeopathy offers a safe, natural alternative that causes no side effects or drug interactions.
-- Cindy Crawford -
In our lives and in our careers, whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly navigating a path by deciding between our deliberate strategies and the unanticipated alternatives that emerge.
-- Clayton Christensen -
The first music I ever got into was the '80s alternative bands that my brother listened to, like The Cure and The Smiths and R.E.M. and Fugazi. I can remember specifically saying The Cure was my favorite band back in second grade.
-- Conor Oberst -
The only alternative to soul winning is disobedience to Christ.
-- Curtis Hutson -
I do have a lot of difficulty figuring out what I want to be working on, but what's the alternative? To be one of those people who has a million things they want to do, and then never does any of them? And then where will you be?
-- Cyndi Lauper -
Conventional agriculture has never succeeded in feeding the world, and it's never produced anything good to eat. For the future, we need to look toward alternatives.
-- Dan Barber -
The only answer to the endless chains of why, why, why is that the alternatives died
-- Daniel Dennett -
There are no practical alternatives to air transportation.
-- Daniel Goldin -
There are really funny alternative comics and really funny straight comics who write and perform traditionally.
-- David Cross -
It's a difficult business, creating a new, alternative civilization.
-- David Graeber -
Animal research saves lives, but wherever possible alternatives should be used
-- David Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Turville -
Flexibility requires an open mind and a welcoming of new alternatives.
-- Deborah -
I became a vegetarian in 1958 and it was very difficult in those days to really maintain that because there weren't many options... alternatives. But, now, it's a growing trend because... the economics are there. See, there's simply enough people demanding it that it's profitable to supply vegetarians with those products.
-- Dennis Weaver -
It kills me when I see some metal band trying to pass themselves off as an 'alternative band.
-- Dimebag Darrell -
Maximise the alternative forms in which a user might receive a service, and the alternative sources of supply.
-- Don Chipp -
I am a person who continually destroys the possibilities of a future because of the numbers of alternative viewpoints I can focus on the present.
-- Doris Lessing -
It's not a question of happiness, it's a requirement. Consider the alternative.
-- Douglas Horton -
We have the alternative. "Do I want to be on the subway looking at these people, or do I want to be in my phone looking at my people?"
-- Douglas Rushkoff -
If the material consumption of a fraction of humanity is already harming the planet, is there an alternative path that enables all of humanity to live more lightly upon the Earth while experiencing a higher quality of life?
-- Duane Elgin -
This operation is not being planned with any alternatives. This operation is planned as a victory, and that's the way it's going to be. We're going down there, and we're throwing everything we have into it, and we're going to make it a success.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower -
Perfection, fortunately, is not the only alternative to mediocrity. A more sensible alternative is excellence. Striving for excellence is stimulating and rewarding; striving for perfection--in practically anything--is both neurotic and futile.
-- Ed Bliss -
I do not believe that I am made of the stuff which constitutes heroes, because, in all of the hundreds of instances that my voluntary acts have placed me face to face with death, I cannot recall a single one where any alternative step to that I took occurred to me until many hours later.
-- Edgar Rice Burroughs -
People who want alternative information have to try so hard to find it.
-- Edwidge Danticat -
Part of being an actor is being able to contribute to a character's rhythms. If there's room to explore, you find a happy medium. We almost always get it as written, and then, we throw some improvs in or some alternatives.
-- Elizabeth Meriwether -
Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.
-- Elon Musk -
Even though we require flexibility to negotiate our changing circumstances, we are rather built to anxiously turn away from alternatives.
-- Eric Maisel -
Of course, C proved indispensible to the developers of all its alternatives. Dig down through enough implementation layers under any of the other languages surveyed here and you will find a core implemented in pure, portable C
-- Eric S. Raymond -
People are given a false alternative: the choice between an unenlightened belief and an enlightened unbelief. Most intellectuals seem to pay homage to the second variant.
-- Eugen Drewermann -
When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.
-- Frederic Bastiat -
An honest money system is the only alternative.
-- Frederick Soddy -
I think margins will be destroyed for a bunch of people. If that's true, then it will be good to have alternatives to hedge against that eventuality.
-- Gabe Newell -
There is always a choice, even if the alternatives don't appear to be equal.
-- Garth Nix -
In the age of revolution you have to be able to imagine revolutionary alternatives to the status quo. If you can't, you'll be relegated to the swollen ranks of keyboard-pounding automatons.
-- Gary Hamel -
-- Gary Jobson -
If one could have a wish, or an alternative life, I would've liked to have been John Lennon.
-- Gary Oldman -
If the system exhibits a structure which can be represented by a mathematical equivalent, called a mathematical model, and if the objective can be also so quantified, then some computational method may be evolved for choosing the best schedule of actions among alternatives. Such use of mathematical models is termed mathematical programming.
-- George Dantzig -
Ageing's alright, better than the alternative, which is not being here.
-- George H. W. Bush -
Most modern biologists, having reviewed with satisfaction the downfall of the spontaneous generation hypothesis, yet unwilling to accept the alternative belief in special creation, are left with nothing.
-- George Wald -
I think the Mussolinean institution of a third way alternative to comunism is currently still very relevant.
-- Gianfranco Fini -
The only alternative to war is peace and the only road to peace is negotiations.
-- Golda Meir -
Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God as a radical alternative to all versions of the kingdom of the world, whether they declare themselves to be "under God" or not.
-- Gregory A. Boyd -
Everyone is born into a certain era. I wouldn't want to see anyone faced with the circumstances that prevailed at the time, when there were few or no alternatives.
-- Gunter Grass -
...desperation can toy with you and if you give desperation any wiggle room, it will find alternative answers
-- Harlan Coben -
When facing a dilemma, choose the more morally demanding alternative.
-- Harold S. Kushner -
The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.
-- Henry A. Kissinger -
Free is not an alternative. My company did not turn a profit last year.
-- Howard Stringer -
Any candidate who'd offered a real possibility of an alternative to Nixon - someone with a different concept of the presidency - could have challenged him and come very close to beating him.
-- Hunter S. Thompson -
With the truth so dull and depressing, the only working alternative is wild bursts of madness and filigree.
-- Hunter S. Thompson -
Science fiction is trying to find alternative ways of looking at realities.
-- Iain Banks -
I don't know how to do anything else other than be an actor. If I wasn't in this, I would be in alternative energy and conservation.
-- Ian Somerhalder -
Better to be safe than to be sorry' is a remark of value only when these are the actual alternatives.
-- Idries Shah -
A lot of Arabs have proven to themselves that there is an alternative to Bin Laden-ism if they want to do away with the corrupt, autocratic regimes in their countries.
-- Irshad Manji