Benefits famous quotes
Companies should be selling ideas more than benefits. Sell ideas. Not stuff.
-- Aaron Ross -
To the extent that language forces experiences into categories it is a screen between reality and the human being. In a word, we pay for its benefits... Therefore, while using language, as we must of necessity, we should be aware of its shortcomings.
-- Abraham Maslow -
If we create networks with the sole intention of getting something, we won’t succeed. We can’t pursue the benefits of networks; the benefits ensue from investments in meaningful activities and relationships.
-- Adam Grant -
The discipline of colleges and universities is in general contrived, not for the benefit of the students, but for the interest, or more properly speaking, for the ease of the masters. Its object is, in all cases, to maintain the authority of the master, and whether he neglects or performs his duty, to oblige the students in all cases to behave toward him as if he performed it with the greatest diligence and ability.
-- Adam Smith -
Knowledge is not what is memorised. Knowledge is what benefits.
-- Al-Shafi‘i -
We can guarantee cash benefits as far out and at whatever size you like, but we cannot guarantee their purchasing power.
-- Alan Greenspan -
American consumers might benefit if lenders provided greater mortgage product alternatives to the traditional fixed-rate mortgage.
-- Alan Greenspan -
It will take a brave person to cull the benefits system and analyse who deserves and who doesn't.
-- Alan Sugar -
The Exclusion Principle is laid down purely for the benefit of the electrons themselves, who might be corrupted (and become dragons or demons) if allowed to associate too freely.
-- Alan Turing -
When a beggar asks us for a quarter, our instinct is to say that the State has already confiscated our quarter for his benefit, and he should go to the State about it.
-- Albert J. Nock -
More retirees, longer life expectancy, larger benefits, and fewer workers - these trends have meant substantial increases in the payroll tax. Since the social security program began, the payroll tax has increased more than 500 percent.
-- Alex Tabarrok -
A durable, long-term U.S.-China strategic relationship is even more important now than in previous decades. The relationship will continue to grow and prosper to the mutual benefit of all peoples.
-- Alexander Haig -
Material goods consist of useful material things, and of all rights to hold, or use, or derive benefits from material things, or to receive them at a future time.
-- Alfred Marshall -
What will you do if your product still further increases next year? You should then destroy again the warehouses which you are now preparing to build, and build bigger. For the reason why God has given you fruitful harvests is that He might either overcome your avarice or condemn it; wherefore you can have no excuse. But you keep for yourself what He wished to be produced through you for the benefit of many - nay, rather, you rob even yourself of it, since you would better preserve it for yourself if you distributed it to others.
-- Ambrose -
gratitude, n. A sentiment lying midway between a benefit received and a benefit expected.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
I sometimes lament the fact that I do not have the benefit of a complete and ailment free body structure.
-- Amitabh Bachchan -
There are many benefits to a sports entity breaking news directly to their recipients: the entity has full control over the message and how it is shared versus previously relying on a media outlets to translate or distribute as they choose. Also, there's no quicker place for valuable information to spread than Twitter.
-- Amy Jo Martin -
I would prefer a public option that would be a competitive option that would allow people to buy into a Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, which is a series of private plans.
-- Amy Klobuchar -
No, no, it is obvious that the ECU should act as a close alliance for the benefit of chess.
-- Anatoly Karpov -
My studies with Botvinnik brought me immense benefit, particularly the homework assignments which forced me to refer to chess books and to work independently.
-- Anatoly Karpov -
I respect the state workers and I respect their unions, but we simply can't afford to pay benefits and pensions that are out of line with economic reality.
-- Andrew Cuomo -
Freemasonry is an institution calculated to benefit mankind.
-- Andrew Jackson -
Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges... which are employed altogether for their benefit.
-- Andrew Jackson -
Free services like Wikipedia I don't think benefit anyone - they don't benefit the professional because they're not paid.
-- Andrew Keen -
Many in local government will ask why should only a few areas have the freedoms and benefits of Enterprise Zone status while the majority lose out?
-- Andy Sawford -
Unions have been the best anti-poverty program that actually worked and did not cost the government a dime. But as unions grow smaller- not stronger- our ability to act as an economic mechanism to distribute the gains of our work and raise all workers' wages and benefits up is disappearing.
-- Andy Stern -
on the day that the intlligence and talents of women are fully honored and employed, the human community and the planet itself will benefit in ways we can only begin to imagine.
-- Anita Diament -
I believe we must protect Medicares guaranteed benefit, and I will oppose any effort to dismantle Medicare and turn it into a voucher system.
-- Ann Kirkpatrick -
There is some magic in wealth, which can thus make persons pay their court to it, when it does not even benefit themselves.
-- Ann Radcliffe -
I believe deeply in therapy. There's no one in the world who wouldn't benefit from it.
-- Antony Sher -
He who confers a benefit on anyone loves him better than he is beloved.
-- Aristotle -
The high-minded man is fond of conferring benefits, but it shames him to receive them.
-- Aristotle -
Patients describing the benefits of prayer often talk about how it provides a sense of well being.
-- Armstrong Williams -
The benefits of science are not only material ones. The truths that science teaches are of common interest the world over. The language of science is universal, and is a powerful force in bringing the peoples of the world closer together.
-- Arthur Compton -
Freedom of the press, or, to be more precise, the benefit of freedom of the press, belongs to everyone – to the citizen as well as the publisher… The crux is not the publisher’s ‘freedom to print’; it is, rather, the citizen’s ‘right to know.’
-- Arthur Hays Sulzberger -
The Bio-diversity Convention has not yielded any tangible benefits to the world's poor.
-- Atal Bihari Vajpayee -
I realized that the world did not exist for my benefit. It followed that the ratio of pleasant and unpleasant things around me would not change. It wasn't up to me. It was clear that the best thing to do was to adopt a sort of muddled cheerfulness.
-- Banana Yoshimoto -
We do not benefit from a relationship with China or any other country in which we put our values and our ideals aside.
-- Barack Obama -
The interests of the Soviet Union are in controlling highly developed countries and having the benefit of their economies so that they can run their own inefficient empire.
-- Barbara Amiel -
One thing is very clear: Illegal immigrants are not entitled to benefits.
-- Barbara Jordan -
I think most working relationships could benefit by excluding personal matters from the office chatter.
-- Barbara Walters -
If the Conservative is less anxious than his Liberal brethren to increase Social Security ‘benefits,’ it is because he is more anxious than his Liberal brethren that people be free throughout their lives to spend their earnings when and as they see fit
-- Barry Goldwater -
The benefit of appointing a hawkish central banker is the increased inflation-fighting credibility that such an appointment brings.
-- Ben Bernanke -
Criticism can never instruct or benefit you. Its chief effect is that of a telegram with dubious news. Praise leaves no glow behind, for it is a writer's habit to remember nothing good of himself. I have usually forgotten those who have admired my work, and seldom anyone who disliked it. Obviously, this is because praise is never enough and censure always too much.
-- Ben Hecht -
Silence - Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Marx, as we have seen, solved it by declaring capital to be a different thing from product, and maintaining that it belonged to society and should be seized by society and employed for the benefit of all alike.
-- Benjamin Tucker -
You benefit from getting in enough volume at the beginning of your training.
-- Bernard Lagat -
Pride only, the chief of all iniquities, can make us treat gifts as if they were rightful attributes of our nature, and, while receiving benefits, rob our Benefactor of His due glory.
-- Bernard of Clairvaux -
It's not about curing the disease, but healing the life; then the physical benefits come.
-- Bernie Siegel -
The "social contract," in the only sense in which it is not completely mythical, is a contract among conquerors, which loses its raison d'être if they are deprived of the benefits of conquest.
-- Bertrand Russell -
Anything that benefits the public and not just big banking, that's what I'm with.
-- Big Boi -
Four times I was honked at for having the temerity to proceed through town without the benefit of metal.
-- Bill Bryson -
Benefits are acceptable, while the receiver thinks he may return them; but once exceeding that, hatred is given instead of thanks.
-- Bill Vaughan -
Careful economic research has shown public-sector workers receive a level of compensation, pension benefits, and retiree health coverage in excess of what comparable workers in the private sector enjoy. In some instances, the total premium can be 30 percent or higher.
-- Bob Beauprez -
Every person whose heart is moved by love and compassion, who deeply and sincerely acts for the benefit of others without concern for fame, profit, social position, or recognition expresses the activity of Chenrezig.
-- Bokar Rinpoche -
The Complete Idiots Guide to Eating Raw is ideal for anyone looking to seamlessly adopt eating habits that will benefit overall health and boost athletic performance.
-- Brendan Brazier -
If, in 2008, I could have not been in equities, I wouldn't have been in equities. If I could have not bet on the Seahawks in the Super Bowl, I wouldn't have bet on the Seahawks. Life and statesmanship are not lived with the benefit of hindsight.
-- Bret Stephens -
You always think in terms of customer benefit. You always think, "How could I really benefit people at such a high level that they would love to buy my product or service and recommend it to others?"
-- Brian Tracy -
I'm a big believer in education. If people learn the truth, they'll see the benefit if they have gender neutral policies.
-- Brigid Schulte -
Many states can no longer afford to support public education, public benefits, public services without doing something about the exorbitant costs that mass incarceration have created.
-- Bryan Stevenson -
He plants to benefit another generation.
-- Caecilius Statius -
The welfare of the weakest and the welfare of the most powerful are inseparably bound together. ... The general welfare cannot be provided for in any one act, but it is well to remember that the benefit of one is the benefit of all, and the neglect of one is the neglect of all,
-- Calvin Coolidge -
I regard affirmative action as pernicious-a system that had wonderful ideals when it started but was almost immediately abused for the benefit of white middle-class women.
-- Camille Paglia -
I don't benefit by minimizing his accomplishments Andre Ward.
-- Carl Froch -
The older we get the more we realize that service to others is the only way to stay happy. If we do nothing to benefit others we will do nothing to benefit ourselves.
-- Carl Holmes -
Girls Scouts taught me to succeed (cookie selling) and to fail (knot tying) and to learn and benefit from both.
-- Carol Bellamy -
It's mainly a few elite women who benefit greatly from standing with the forces that keep women down.
-- Catharine MacKinnon -
Who gets the risks? The risks are given to the consumer, the unsuspecting consumer and the poor work force. And who gets the benefits? The benefits are only for the corporations, for the money makers.
-- Cesar Chavez -
Currently, more than 4.7 million African Americans receive Social Security benefits, and nearly 8 million people with disabilities depend on Social Security for their daily sustenance.
-- Chaka Fattah -
Is it too much to ask, to live in a world where our human gifts go toward the benefit of all? Where our daily activities contribute to the healing of the biosphere and the well-being of other people?
-- Charles Eisenstein -
Pity is not enough better than indifference to benefit materially either agent or recipient.
-- Charles Henry Parkhurst -
Since the masses are always eager to believe something, for their benefit nothing is so easy to arrange as facts.
-- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand -
I can't criticize what I don't understand. If you want to call this art, you've got the benefit of all my doubts.
-- Charles Rosin -
Let your cares drive you to God. I shall not mind if you have many of them if each one leads you to prayer. If every fret makes you lean more on the Beloved, it will be a benefit.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
When I look at all the people that I have working for me and the company I've started and all the people that benefit from it and have a living because of it, it's very motivating to continue to do it.
-- Chelsea Handler -
If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, never forget it.
-- Chilon of Sparta -
Ego is constantly attempting to acquire and apply the teachings of spirituality for its own benefit.
-- Chogyam Trungpa -
It was always intended, though, that where Australian workers could negotiate better benefits as well with their employer, that those benefits come in in addition to the existing paid parental leave scheme.
-- Chris Bowen -
We have so many people retiring that we do not have enough people paying into the system to be able to provide the benefits for those collecting those benefits.
-- Chris Chocola -
There is no evidence that government under Republicans will shrink. It`s simply a question of what the government will do and who will benefit.
-- Chris Hayes -
The overall campaign launch is designed to break through the clutter and reach out to consumers. At the end of the day, consumers are the ones who benefit from the convenience and value never before seen in a free checking account.
-- Chris Matthews -
Trust me. If you do not decide where you are heading, and refuse to take the appropriate action, you will end up being shaped into what others would have you become. Then any change will not be made for your benefit but for theirs.
-- Chris Murray -
You can open to the idea that whatever happened to you in the past eventually turned out or will turn out to be a benefit to you.
-- Chris Prentiss -
choose to feel happy about whatever the situation is, knowing it will ultimately be to our benefit.
-- Chris Prentiss -
There is something about the medium [in comics] that allows for a simulation of actual experience with the added benefit of actually reading. You're reading pictures, but you are also looking at them. It's a sort of combined activity that I can't really think of any other medium having, other than, say, a foreign film when you are reading and seeing. It allows for all sorts of associations that might not come up with just words or just pictures.
-- Chris Ware -
But some one will say that this supreme Being, who made all things, and those also who conferred on men particular benefits, are entitled to their respective worship.
-- Christian Lacroix -
He who is running a race ought to endeavor and strive to the utmost of his ability to come off victor; but it is utterly wrong for him to trip up his competitor, or to push him aside. So in life it is not unfair for one to seek for himself what may accrue to his benefit; but it is not right to take it from another.
-- Chrysippus -
I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
-- Claudia Christian -
We are not to throw away those things which can benefit our neighbor. Goods are called good because they can be used for good: they are instruments for good, in the hands of those who use them properly.
-- Clement of Alexandria -
In our current society, it is considered a weakness to be female and a treason to protest this. Highlighting inequality results in aggressive insults and threats, all of which are propped up by the repeated narrative now that women are 'playing the gender card'. And this is the final insult. That of all the unfair things associated with women - the violence and insults, the financial oppression, the very undermining of our worth as human beings - it is the acknowledgement of these inequalities that gives us some kind of unfair advantage over the men who benefit from them.
-- Clementine Ford -
A decade ago, critics suggested biotech crops would not be valuable in the developing world. Now 90 percent of farmers who benefit are resource-poor farmers in developing countries. These helped alleviate 7.7 million subsistence farmers in China, India, South Africa, the Philippines from abject poverty.
-- Clive James -
The phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber- all of the healthful components of plant foods- originate in plants, not animals. If they are present, it is because the animal ate plants. And why should we go through an animal to get the benefits of the plants themselves? To consume unnecessary, unseemly, and unhealthy substances, such as saturated fat, animal protein, lactose, and dietary cholesterol, is to negate the benefits of the fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are prevalent and inherent in plants.
-- Colleen Patrick-Goudreau -
Never, under any circumstances, accept a position of responsibility. You will be forced to work harder with no other benefits than a few extra bucks - 'peanuts,' as they say, if that.
-- Corinne Maier -
You can tell it any way you want but that's the way it is. I should of done it and I didn’t. And some part of me has never quit wishin I could go back. And I cant. I didn’t know you could steal your own life. And I didn’t know that it would bring you no more benefit than about anything else you might steal. I think I done the best with it I knew how but it still wasn’t mine. It never has been.
-- Cormac McCarthy -
In Washington, the U.S. House passed a bill unanimously. Every single member of both parties voted for it. What was it? To deny Social Security benefits to Nazis. So from now on, no SS for the SS.
-- Craig Ferguson -
The true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.
-- Cullen Hightower -
That's got to be at least one of the benefits of heaven - never having to act normal again.
-- Cynthia Rylant -
We can benefit others through our actions by being warm and generous toward them, by being charitable, and by helping those in need.
-- Dalai Lama -
A positive state of mind is not merely good for you, it benefits everyone with whom you come into contact, literally changing the world.
-- Dalai Lama -
Whether or not we follow any particular spiritual tradition, the benefits of love and kindness are obvious to anyone.
-- Dalai Lama