Might famous quotes
Of beer, an enthusiast has said that it could never be bad, but that some brands might be better than others.
-- A. A. Milne -
Pay attention to where you are going because without meaning you might get nowhere.
-- A. A. Milne -
Have we forgotten that there is a Holy Ghost, that we must insist upon walking on crutches when we might fly?
-- A. B. Simpson -
One might regard architecture as history arrested in stone.
-- A. L. Rowse -
I might be deceiving myself but I do not think that I do have an inordinate fear of death.
-- A. N. Wilson -
The Jews are the living embodiment of the minority, the constant reminder of what duties societies owe their minorities, whoever they might be.
-- Abba Eban -
I was already headed for Hell, I might as well enjoy the ride.
-- Abbi Glines -
I might never breathe again once he walked away from me.
-- Abbi Glines -
The search which takes place in my studio might best be described as a mining operation, a vertical dig in which a number of discoveries are apt to surface from a single shaft.
-- Abe Ajay -
His faith, perhaps, in some nice tenets might Be wrong; his life, I'm sure, was in the right.
-- Abraham Cowley -
We are caught up in a paradox, one which might be called the paradox of conceptualization. The proper concepts are needed to formulate a good theory, but we need a good theory to arrive at the proper concepts.
-- Abraham Kaplan -
Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction ... nor of dungeons to ourselves. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
It has been said of the world's history hitherto that might makes right. It is for us and for our time to reverse the maxim, and to say that right makes might.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
I hope it will not be irreverent in me to say, that if it be probable that God would reveal his will to others, on a point so connected with my duty, it might be supposed he would reveal it directly to me
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Where was the human potential lost? How was it crippled? ...a good question might be not why do people create? But why do people not create or innovate?
-- Abraham Maslow -
Many persons who are not conversant with mathematical studies imagine that because the business of [Babbage’s Analytical Engine] is to give its results in numerical notation, the nature of its processes must consequently be arithmetical and numerical, rather than algebraical and analytical. This is an error. The engine can arrange and combine its numerical quantities exactly as if they were letters or any other general symbols; and in fact it might bring out its results in algebraical notation, were provisions made accordingly.
-- Ada Lovelace -
I understood that I might fail, but I wouldn't let it happen because I changed my compass along the way.
-- Adam Braun -
I’m not afraid of anything that might happen to me on this earth, because I know no matter what, nothing can take my spirit from me.
-- Adam Brown -
But this Christ or Redeemer took not upon him the nature of angels, but the seed of Abraham, that is, human nature, that in the nature which sinned he might make the expiation required.
-- Adam Clarke -
The past is so often unknowable not because it is befogged now but because it was befogged then, too, back when it was still the present. If we had been there listening, we still might not have been able to determine exactly what Stanton said. All we know for sure is that everyone was weeping, and the room was full.
-- Adam Gopnik -
I think the British audience might be more open-minded with some of my imagery and weird choices.
-- Adam Lambert -
I'm obsessed with the form of a toolbox. The idea of a portable kit that has everything you might need ignites something inside me. It's like Batman's utility belt.
-- Adam Savage -
Walking the floor at a con dressed as Chewbacca, you might as well be Bono. I mean it's ridiculous. People just walk up and grab you and hold you, because they love Chewbacca so much.
-- Adam Savage -
I'm beginning to grow into who I thought I might be.
-- Adele Parks -
If they don't let me coach, they might as well take me to the Lexington cemetery.
-- Adolph Rupp -
I thought I might be a band instructor, someone who plays all the instruments and teaches others.
-- Adrian Belew -
A revolutionary poem will not tell you who or when to kill, what and when to burn, or even how to theorize. It reminds you... where and when and how you are living and might live, it is a wick of desire.
-- Adrienne Rich -
You've got a big, big problem if you get caught up in what people say. If you're gonna live for what people say, you might as well lay down and forget it. Because it doesn't work that way.
-- Ahmad Jamal -
Even in India the Hindi film industry might be the best known but there are movies made in other regional languages in India, be it Tamil or Bengali. Those experiences too are different from the ones in Bombay.
-- Aishwarya Rai Bachchan -
Im not satisfied with the progress of the work, but I am happy that the talks are going on. It might have a negative effect if the United States joins.
-- Akbar -
I always felt like if you get to a point where you've got enough money to invest in something real, you gotta invest in anything that's related to a natural resource because that's gonna be here forever - so you might as well invest in something that's gonna be here, rather than invest in something that's gonna wear out.
-- Akon -
I have never forgiven myself…that I might have made a mistake.
-- Al Davis -
What we take for granted might not be here for our children.
-- Al Gore -
Bad art might be defined as a series of bad choices about what to show and what to leave out.
-- Alain de Botton -
Blind impatience is equally evident in the fruit section. Our ancestors might have delighted in the occasional handful of berries found on the underside of a bush in late summer, viewing it as a sign of the unexpected munificence of a divine creator, but we became modern when we gave up on awaiting sporadic gifts from above and sought to render any pleasing sensation immediately and repeatedly available.
-- Alain de Botton -
Art cannot single-handedly create enthusiasm... it merely contributes to enthusiasm and guides us to be more conscious of feelings that we might previously have experienced only tentatively or hurriedly.
-- Alain de Botton -
Curiosity might be pictured as being made up of chains of small questions extending outwards, sometimes over huge distances, from a central hub composed of a few blunt, large questions.
-- Alain de Botton -
Instead of bringing back 1600 plants, we might return from our journeys with a collection of small unfêted but life-enhancing thoughts.
-- Alain de Botton -
A viewer as opposed to a filmmaker might see a film differently. But I'm extremely comfortable with my style.
-- Alain Resnais -
Have you ever thought, headmaster, that your standards might perhaps be a little out of date? Of course they're out of date. Standards are always out of date. That is what makes them standards.
-- Alan Bennett -
I cannot conceive of a politically feasible solution to this problem which will overdo cutting the deficit, where overdoing means harming the economy. It might be technically possible, but it is not realistic.
-- Alan Greenspan -
American consumers might benefit if lenders provided greater mortgage product alternatives to the traditional fixed-rate mortgage.
-- Alan Greenspan -
The quest for heroic adventure then is a quest for the gospel, although it might not be seen that way by everyone.
-- Alan Hirsch -
Back home everyone said I didn't have any talent. They might be saying the same thing here but it sounds better in French.
-- Alan Jay Lerner -
I could give 48 penalties in every match if I wanted to. It is a question of sometimes choosing what is - in your own mind - of material importance and what isn't, what might be a crucial potential penalty and what might not be.
-- Alan Lewis -
As human beings, don't we need questions without answers as well as questions with answers, questions that we might someday answer and questions that we can never answer?
-- Alan Lightman -
Those of you who are not aware of my brilliant career as a stand up comic, I'm not aware of it either so we might well wonder what we're doing here.
-- Alan Rickman -
The Exclusion Principle is laid down purely for the benefit of the electrons themselves, who might be corrupted (and become dragons or demons) if allowed to associate too freely.
-- Alan Turing -
The only serious side-effect of #‎ ***** is that you might get arrested.
-- Alan Watts -
I think I might have a glass of champagne, if there is any in Nagpur, and just enjoy the moment.
-- Alastair Cook -
It looked like a biology lesson for gods, or a snapshot of the kind of ***** which might be enjoyed by sentient planets.
-- Alastair Reynolds -
I don't want to represent man as he is, but only as he might be.
-- Albert Camus -
As might be supposed, my parents were quite poor, but we somehow never seemed to lack anything we needed, and I never saw a trace of discontent or a failure in cheerfulness over their lot in life, as indeed over anything.
-- Albert J. Nock -
A soldier's first duty is to obey, otherwise you might as well do away with soldiering.
-- Albert Kesselring -
If someone stands in front of one of my paintings and says, 'This is just a mess', the word 'just' is not so good, but 'mess' might be right. Why not a mess? If it makes you say, 'Wow, I've never seen anything like that', that's beautiful.
-- Albert Oehlen -
A scientist who is also a human being cannot rest while knowledge which might be used to reduce suffering rests on the shelf,
-- Albert Sabin -
You have to change things in order to get to where you want to go. And things might get worse. But if you're not getting where you want to be, already, in a sense, it's as bad as it can get.
-- Alberto Salazar -
No one's interested really in knowing what policies or diplomatic initiatives or arms negotiations might have been compromised by me.
-- Aldrich Ames -
The truth is, I'm not a coper. I hate stress. I might appear calm externally but internally it's all going on.
-- Alex Kingston -
I'd love to interview Mick Jagger, but that might be scary.
-- Alexa Chung -
In my first publication I might have claimed that I had come to the conclusion, as a result of serious study of the literature and deep thought, that valuable antibacterial substances were made by moulds and that I set out to investigate the problem. That would have been untrue and I preferred to tell the truth that penicillin started as a chance observation. My only merit is that I did not neglect the observation and that I pursued the subject as a bacteriologist. My publication in 1929 was the starting-point of the work of others who developed penicillin especially in the chemical field.
-- Alexander Fleming -
But might not his [the president's] nomination be overruled? I grant it might, yet this could only be to make place for another nomination by himself. The person ultimately appointed must be object of his preference, though perhaps not in the first degree. It is also not very probable that his nomination would often be overruled.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
If nations always moved from one set of furnished rooms to another -- and always into a better set -- things might be easier, but the trouble is that there is no one to prepare the new rooms. The future is worse than the ocean -- there is nothing there. It will be what men and circumstances make it.
-- Alexander Herzen -
Why should we live halfway up the hill and swathed in the mists, when we might have an unclouded sky and a radiant sun over our heads if we would climb higher and walk in the light of His face?
-- Alexander MacLaren -
I see no point in being despondent. We might as well enjoy ourselves during our brief tenure of this life.
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
Each of us is born into our own mysteries...but the mystery of another might just take us in and embrace us. And then what a sense of homecoming, of belonging!
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
Its okay, Beth.I don't want my life to go back to the way it was before i met you.I thought i had it all,but really i was missing something. feel like a completely different person now.This might sound corny,but i feel like i've been asleep for a long time and you've just woken me up...
-- Alexandra Adornetto -
They were never scared of the kids who might die, or the empty spaces they would leave behind. They were afraid of us-the ones who lived.
-- Alexandra Bracken -
If you wish to discover the guilty person, first find out to whom the crime might be useful.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
We are only beginning to learn what to say in a photograph. The world we live in is a succession of fleeting moments, any one of which might say something significant.
-- Alfred Eisenstaedt -
Whatever you might say the object "is", well it is not.
-- Alfred Korzybski -
Swords were given to men, that none might be Slaves, but such as know not how to use them.
-- Algernon Sidney -
Sex outdoors is great. I'm not an exhibitionist, but I love the possibility that people might be able to see.
-- Ali Landry -
All we are is eyes looking for the unbroken or the edges where the broken bits might fit each other.
-- Ali Smith -
Real love, after all, was worth the price you paid, however briefly it might last.
-- Alice Hoffman -
This world crisis came about without women having anything to do with it. If the women of the world had not been excluded from world affairs, things today might have been different.
-- Alice Paul -
I guess people might just get tired of my face.
-- Alicia Vikander -
I would rather die than stay there." "Well, you might die.
-- Alison Croggon -
Lyrics are kind of the whole thing; it's the message. Something might have a beautiful melody but if it's not the truth coming out of your mouth, it's not appealing
-- Alison Krauss -
The contempt which men feel for the prostitute, and the fact that they have always regarded themselves as far superior to her, even when they made use of her, suggests an attempt to rationalize the situation; it might be explained as an unconscious transference to the woman of the shame they feel for themselves in these relations.
-- Alison Roberta Noble Neilans -
I cannot go with you all the way on your journey, but I would go as far as I might
-- Alison Weir -
May the spirit of Christ so fill us afresh that we might in turn be a refreshment and an encouragement to one another.
-- Alistair Begg -
Education in our times must try to find whatever there is in students that might yearn for completion, and to reconstruct the learning that would enable them autonomously to seek that completion.
-- Allan Bloom -
A "Normal" person is the sort of person that might be designed by a committee. You know, "Each person puts in a pretty color and it comes out gray."
-- Allan Sherman -
Every head turned to see two more security guards appear, each holding a Bagshaw by the back of the neck (which might have been considerably less conspicuous had the Bagshaws not been dressed as chimney sweeps). Kat turned back to Hale. 'The Mary Poppins?' 'Seemed like a good idea at the time.
-- Ally Carter -
Easy there," Zach said when I stumbled into him. "Now's probably not the time to get handsy. You might want to control yourself.
-- Ally Carter -
Kat didn't know what to say. It's good to see you too? Thanks for getting me kicked out? Is it possible you've gotten even hotter? I think I might have missed you?
-- Ally Carter -
I realize now how much courage it takes to choose the life you want, whatever that might be.
-- Ally Condie -
If Arsenal don't finish third, they might not finish in third place.
-- Alvin Martin -
And a lot of times in slam poetry I feel like people are so worried about the performance that the words might not be as strong.
-- Amber Tamblyn -
GUNPOWDER, n. An agency employed by civilized nations for the settlement of disputes which might become troublesome if left unadjusted.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Magpie, n.: A bird whose theivish disposition suggested to someone that it might be taught to talk.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
There have been times of late when I have had to hold on to one text with all my might: "It is required in stewards that a man may be found faithful." Praise God, it does not say "sucessful.
-- Amy Carmichael -
You have to treat people gently because we're all in a process. What might seem like a good idea to somebody at 21 is probably not going to seem like a good idea at 50, but you don't know that until you get there.
-- Amy Grant -
An idea might spark an essay, but never a story.
-- Amy Hempel -
Had I been a man I might have explored the Poles or climbed Mount Everest, but as it was my spirit found outlet in the air. . . .
-- Amy Johnson -
It might not look it but rocking in a corset is harder than you think
-- Amy Lee -
It's not about breaking down borders. It's about pushing off of them, and seeing what amazing places they might bring us.
-- Amy Purdy -
I don't feel any sense of competition at all, and that might be my naïveté, but I don't feel pitted against anyone at all.
-- Amy Schumer