Alexander MacLaren famous quotes
Being in Christ, it is safe to forget the past; it is possible to be sure of the future; it is possible to be diligent in the present.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
The prayer that begins with trustfulness, and passes on into waiting, will always end in thankfulness, triumph, and praise.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Only he who can say, "The Lord is the strength of my life" can say, "Of whom shall I be afraid?"
-- Alexander MacLaren -
We believe that the history of the world is but the history of His influence and that the center of the whole universe is the cross of Calvary.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
There can be no faith so feeble that Christ does not respond to it.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Fruitful and acceptable worship begins before it begins.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Faith refers to Christ. Holiness depends on faith. Heaven depends on holiness.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Why should we live halfway up the hill and swathed in the mists, when we might have an unclouded sky and a radiant sun over our heads if we would climb higher and walk in the light of His face?
-- Alexander MacLaren -
If God sends us on stony paths, He will provide us with strong shoes.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
The world takes its notions of God from the people who say that they belong to God's family. They read us a great deal more than they read the Bible. They see us; they only hear about Jesus Christ.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
"Oh, when we are journeying through the murky night and the dark woods of affliction and sorrow, it is something to find here and there a spray broken, or a leafy stem bent down with the tread of His foot and the brush of His hand as He passed; and to remember that the path He trod He has hallowed, and thus to find lingering fragrance and hidden strength in the remembrance of Him as "in all points tempted like as we are," bearing grief for us, bearing grief with us, bearing grief like us."
-- Alexander MacLaren -
If you would win the world, melt it, do not hammer it.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
You cannot put patience and experience into a parenthesis, and, omitting them, bring hope out of tribulation.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
God is His own motive. His love is not drawn out by our loveableness, but wells up, like an artesian spring, from the depths of His nature.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Every sin is a mistake, as well as a wrong; and the epitaph for the sinner is, "Thou fool!"
-- Alexander MacLaren -
The tears of Christ are the pity of God. The gentleness of Jesus is the long-suffering of God. The tenderness of Jesus is the love of God. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Our work, abiding, shall bring to us the endless glory with which God at last overpays the toils, even as now He overanswers the poor prayers of His laboring servants.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Christ's voice sounds now for each of us in loving invitation; and dead in sin and hardness of heart though we be, we can listen and live. Christ Himself, my brother, sows the seed now. Do you take care that it falls not on, but in, your souls.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Love is the foundation of all obedience.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Life should be a constant vision of God's presence. Here is our defense against being led away by the gauds and shows of earth's vulgar attractions.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
If our faith in God is not the veriest sham, it demands, and will produce, the abandonment sometimes, the subordination always, of eternal helps and material good.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
So for us, the condition and preparation on and by which we are sheltered by that great hand, is the faith that asks, and the asking of faith. We must forsake the earthly props, but we must also believingly desire to be upheld by the heavenly arms. We make God responsible for our safety when we abandon other defense, and commit ourselves to Him.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Ah, there is nothing more beautiful than the difference between the thought about sinful creatures which is natural to a holy being, and the thought about sinful creatures which is natural to a self-righteous being. The one is all contempt; the other, all pity.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Transiency is stamped on all our possessions, occupations, and delights. We have the hunger for eternity in our souls, the thought of eternity in our hearts, the destination for eternity written on our inmost being, and the need to ally ourselves with eternity proclaimed by the most short-lived trifles of time. Either these things will be the blessing or the curse of our lives. Which do yon mean that they shall be for you?
-- Alexander MacLaren -
We must have Christ in our hearts, that He may shine forth from our lives.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
As the flowers follow the sun, and silently hold up their petals to be tinted and enlarged by its shining, so must we, if we would know the joy of God, hold our souls, wills, hearts, and minds, still before Him, whose voice commands, whose love warns, whose truth makes fair our whole being. God speaks for the most part in such silence only. If the soul be full of tumult and jangling voices, His voice is little likely to be heard.
-- Alexander MacLaren
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