Obedience famous quotes
You cannot obey God without your obedience spilling out in a blessing to all those around you.
-- Adrian Rogers -
Love is the foundation of all obedience.
-- Alexander MacLaren -
Obedience to a confessor is the most acceptable offering which we can make to God, and the most secure way of doing the divine will.
-- Alphonsus Liguori -
There was a time when we expected nothing of our children but obedience, as opposed to the present, when we expect everything of them but obedience.
-- Anatole Broyard -
...often, stepping outside your comfort zone is not careless irresponsibility, but a necessary act of obedience.
-- Andy Stanley -
Obedience keeps the rules. Love knows when to break them.
-- Anthony de Mello -
Nothing is more destructive of human dignity than a rule which imposes a mute and blind obedience.
-- Anthony Eden -
Religion is more like a response to a friend than it is like obedience to an expert.
-- Austin Farrer -
Defiance, not obedience, is the American's answer to overbearing authority.
-- Ayn Rand -
Because of the Chinese culture of obedience, you don't ask questions... You follow and obey.
-- Bai Ling -
A great many of us must move from words to acts - from words of dissent to acts of disobedience.
-- Barbara Deming -
Those who walk in radical obedience have made themselves ready for the storm, and they will overcome.
-- Bob Sorge -
You’ll come with us,†she said. “Sure,†Gavin said. “It wasn’t a request.†“Yes it was,†Gavin said. “When you don’t have power to compel obedience, by definition you’re making a request.
-- Brent Weeks -
God is responsible for the consequences of our obedience, WE are responsible for the consequences of our disobedience
-- Charles Stanley -
Obedience is the fruit of faith; patience is the early blossom on the tree of faith.
-- Christina Rossetti -
If the text is God's Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.
-- D. A. Carson -
As Elisabeth Elliot points out, not even dying a martyr’s death is classified as extraordinary obedience when you are following a Savior who died on a cross. Suddenly a martyr’s death seems like normal obedience.
-- David Platt -
My biggest fear, even now, is that I will hear Jesus' words and walk away, content to settle for less than radical obedience to Him.Â
-- David Platt -
When God calls you to something, He is not always calling you to succeed, He’s calling you to obey! The success of the calling is up to Him;the obedience is up to you.
-- David Wilkerson -
You can only learn what obedience is by obeying
-- Dietrich Bonhoeffer -
Teachability and trust always leads to total obedience.
-- Ed Townsend -
Obedience is an act of faith; disobedience is the result of unbelief.
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
A ton of prayer will never produce what an ounce of obedience will.
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
Obedience sets a woman apart, fills her with life, permits her to be God-blessed.
-- Elaine A. Cannon -
Obedience may have its uses, but it is no substitute for willing, uncoerced co-operation.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt -
God is God. Because he is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what he is up to.
-- Elisabeth Elliot -
Obedience to God's will is the secret of spiritual knowledge and insight. It is not willingness to know, but willingness to DO (obey) God's will that brings certainty.
-- Eric Liddell -
Obedience to God's will is the secret of spiritual knowledge and insight.
-- Eric Liddell -
Human history began with an act of disobedience and it is not unlikely that it will be terminated by an act of obedience
-- Erich Fromm -
The man who obeys is nearly always better than the man who commands.
-- Ernest Renan -
God clarifies in the midst of obedience, not beforehand.
-- Erwin McManus -
The greatest test of life is obedience to God.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
What religion cannot do, GRACE does! Grace empowered obedience beats striving and performing any time!! Every time!!
-- Floyd McClung -
Obedience to truth known, is the king's highway to that which is still beyond us.
-- Francis Quarles -
There is an awesome God of justice who is ready to move in power if you move in obedience,
-- Gary Haugen -
Every instance of obedience, from right motives, strengthens us spiritually, whilst every act of disobedience weakens us.
-- George Muller -
Intimate knowledge of God is possible if we habitually search His Holy Scriptures & translate what we find into obedience.
-- George Muller -
It is difficult to practice obedience; but it is even more difficult to practice leadership.
-- Gregory of Nazianzus -
Be firm and upright upon the commands of Allah, work to His obedience and keep away from His disobedience.
-- Hasan of Basra -
Every duty, even the least duty, involves the whole principle of obedience.
-- Henry Edward Manning -
Obedience, as it regards the social relations, the rules of society, and the laws of nature and nature's God, should commence at the cradle and end only at the tomb.
-- Hosea Ballou -
Surely the Lord loves, more than anything else, an unwavering determination to obey his counsel.
-- Howard W. Hunter -
The problem in this world is not civil disobedience...th e problem in this world is civil obedience.
-- Howard Zinn -
Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience.
-- Howard Zinn -
But remember, this power of the people on top depends on the obedience of the people below. When people stop obeying, they have no power.
-- Howard Zinn -
The most beloved manifestation of obedience to God is trust in Him
-- Ibn Ata Allah -
There are multitudes in our congregations who are just waiting while they ought to be acting. They must work, if they would have God work in them. There can be no religion without obedience.
-- Ichabod Spencer -
After the knowledge of, and obedience to, the will of God, the next aim must be to know something of His attributes of wisdom, power and goodness as evidenced by His handiwork.
-- James Prescott Joule -
Liberty is obedience to the law which one has laid down for oneself
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -
Force does not constitute right... obedience is due only to legitimate powers.
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -
Obedience isn’t a lack of fear. It’s just doing it scared.
-- Jen Hatmaker -
Note this, I beseech you: in active obedience we worship God by doing what pleases God, but by passive obedience we do as well worship God by being pleased with what God does.
-- Jeremiah Burroughs -
I don't see success as the goal. Obedience is the goal.
-- Jerry B. Jenkins -
Faith enables us to obey when obedience is costly or seems unreasonable to the natural mind.
-- Jerry Bridges -
God is worthy of my loving obedience because of who He is, not because of what he does.
-- Jerry Bridges -
When you yield yourself in complete and whole-hearted obedience to God, He can do great things through you.
-- Jim George -
True humility is absolute obedience and dependence on God. It puts Him first, others second, and ourselves third in all things.
-- John Bevere -
What God says is best, is best, though all the men in the world are against it.
-- John Bunyan -
Obedience is the burial of the will and the resurrection of humility.
-- John Climacus -
The second duty of the wife is constant obedience and subjection.
-- John Dod -
Ethics is obedience to the unenforceable.
-- John Fletcher Moulton, Baron Moulton -
I'm so thankful for the active obedience of Christ. No hope without it.
-- John Gresham Machen -
Obedience to the word in humility of mind never confuses.
-- John Nelson Darby -
To rest satisfied with existing evils, as if we could do nothing, is not obedience; but neither is it obedience to imitate the actions of the apostles.
-- John Nelson Darby -
See in the meantime that your faith brings forth obedience, and God in due time will cause it to bring forth peace.
-- John Owen -
There is no broader way to apostasy than to reject God’s sovereignty in all things concerning the revelation of himself and our obedience...
-- John Owen -
We admit no faith to be justifying, which is not itself and in its own nature a spiritually vital principle of obedience and good works.
-- John Owen -
The strength of the claims of formal justice, of obedience to system, clearly depend upon the substantive justice of institutions and the possibilities of their reform.
-- John Rawls -
Obey something, and you will have a chance to learn what is best to obey. But if you begin by obeying nothing, you will end by obeying the devil and all his invited friends.
-- John Ruskin -
Greatness in the kingdom of God is measured in terms of obedience.
-- John Stott -
Grades don't measure anything other than your relevant obedience to a manager.
-- John Taylor Gatto -
Obedience to God is the pathway to the life you really want to live.
-- Joyce Meyer -
Women are perfectly well aware that the more they seem to obey the more they rule.
-- Jules Michelet -
The virtue of Christianity is obedience.
-- Julius Charles Hare -
Since when has obedience to Christ and His Gospel become optional to Christianity?
-- K.P. Yohannan -
One of the greatest fruits of obedience is bold confidence in prayer.
-- Karen Wheaton -
Casual obedience and lukewarm commitment weaken faith.
-- Kevin W. Pearson -
once a policy, like a set of steel rails, had been laid down for him by his superiors, his obedience ran along it unswerving.
-- Kylie Tennant -
Obedience is an emblem of our faith in the wisdom and power of the highest authority, even God.
-- L. Tom Perry -
Maturity comes from obedience, not necessarily from age.
-- Leonard Ravenhill -
The severest prosecutions have never been followed by revelations changing a divine law, obedience to which brought imprisonment or martyrdom. Though I go to prison, God will not change his law of celestial marriage.
-- Lorenzo Snow -
I follow nature as the surest guide, and resign myself with implicit obedience to her sacred ordinances.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Come when you're called; And do as you're bid; Shut the door after you; And you'll never be chid.
-- Maria Edgeworth -
If obedience invariably leads to cruelty, disobedience is our moral duty.
-- Martin Firrell -
Obedience is the crown and honour of all virtue.
-- Martin Luther -
Love is not just a sentiment. Love is a great controlling passion and it always expresses itself in terms of obedience.
-- Martyn -
It is for each of us freely to choose whom we shall serve, and find in that obedience our freedom.
-- Mary Caroline Richards