Dying famous quotes
Kids are dying from causes of sexual activity. You're not going to find a tombstone stating that Frankie died because he was a virgin.
-- A. C. Green -
Ned passed the next few minutes quietly not dying in his office, and was pleased with how well it was going. He'd stayed alive longer, but now that he was concentrating on it, it felt more like an accomplishment.
-- A. Lee Martinez -
Slowly, my brain let me in on the fact that I had just come this close to dying.
-- Abby Sunderland -
I'm not a big fan of talking about dying. And then I make a movie where I kill everybody.
-- Abel Ferrara -
I love music videos, I really do. I think it's kind of sad that it's a dying art form.
-- Adam Levine -
I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will inevitably come. And then - I go on to the next thing, whatever it is. One doesn't, luckily, have to bother about that.
-- Agatha Christie -
Patriotism is not dying for one's country, it is living for one's country. And for humanity. Perhaps that is not as romantic, but it's better.
-- Agnes Macphail -
There's something dreadfully decisive about a beheading.
-- Agnes Smedley -
They say we die twice - once when the last breath leaves our body and once when the last person we know says our name.
-- Al Pacino -
Think of mission like the paddles of a defibrillator applied to the chest of a dying church.
-- Alan Hirsch -
This city is dying of rabies. Is the best I can do to wipe random flecks of foam from its lips?
-- Alan Moore -
There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for.
-- Albert Camus -
Capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders, to which no criminal's deed, however calculated can be compared. For there to be an equivalency, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life.
-- Albert Camus -
Instead of killing and dying in order to produce the being that we are not, we have to live and let live in order to create what we are.
-- Albert Camus -
What is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying.
-- Albert Camus -
I was afraid of the pain of dying and terribly reluctant to leave the world behind because I liked life a lot, even if it had been pretty tough sometimes.
-- Alexander Dolgun -
Even if we die at 100, we're still dying young. I want at least 700 years. There's a lot of travelling and books to read and movies to see. I'm not going to squeeze it all in in 85 years.
-- Alexander Payne -
Good God! how often are we to die before we go quite off this stage? In every friend we lose a part of ourselves, and the best part.
-- Alexander Pope -
No silver saints, by dying misers giv'n, Here brib'd the rage of ill-requited heav'n; But such plain roofs as Piety could raise, And only vocal with the Maker's praise.
-- Alexander Pope -
For one who thinks food in itself is the source of life, eating is the communion with the dying world, it is communion with death. Food itself is dead, it is life that has died and it must be kept in refrigerators like a corpse.
-- Alexander Schmemann -
The optimum frequency with which comedians should do a series is every year. I do one every three years. My audience is literally dying off.
-- Alexei Sayle -
I've handed life and death back to the people who do the living and the dying.
-- Alfred Bester -
This was a Golden Age, a time of high adventure, rich living and hard dying... but nobody thought so. This was a future of fortune and theft, pillage and rapine, culture and vice... but nobody admitted it. This was an age of extremes, a fascinating century of freaks... but nobody loved it.
-- Alfred Bester -
I am dying. Please ... bring me a toothpick.
-- Alfred Jarry -
A year after Hemingway died on the front page, Faulkner went off after a binge, as if dying was nobody's business but his own.
-- Alfred Kazin -
The difficulty about all this dying, is that you can't tell a fellow anything about it, so where does the fun come in?
-- Alice James -
I don't know much about death and the sorriest lesson I've learned is that words, my most trusted guardians against chaos, offer small comfort in the face of anyone's dying.
-- Alison Hawthorne Deming -
Epitaph: An inscription on a tomb showing that virtues acquired by death have a retroactive effect.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
You speak of giving up my dreams. Have you ever, since Maeve's coven split, had a dream? Have you ever had anything worth dying for?
-- Amelia Atwater-Rhodes -
No one is promiscuous in his way of dying. A man who has decided to hang himself will never jump in front of a train.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
Those who cannot live fully often become destroyers of life.
-- Anais Nin -
The descent into Hades is much the same from whatever place we start.
-- Anaxagoras -
I'm just dying to return to the Octagon and do the thing I most love in my life. That's what I want right now.
-- Anderson Silva -
The power of god has given men the ability to realize that he does not exist.
-- Andre Santos -
This was a kind of dying. Losing the woman I truly had loved, and still loved more than anything, was just unfathomable. To me, she was the world.
-- Andres Lokko -
People in the BBC are always dying to get out of their open-plan offices.
-- Andrew Davies -
He [Martin Luther King Jr.] always used to say you have no choice about being born or dying. The only thing you have a choice about is what you die for.
-- Andrew Young -
You must have something new in a landscape as well as something old, something that's dying and something that's being born.
-- Andy Goldsworthy -
When have you heard a story about the hero dying for the villain?
-- Andy Mineo -
Dying is the most embarrassing thing that can ever happen to you, because someone's got to take care of all your details.
-- Andy Warhol -
It's impossible to write and produce a record when your parents are dying. I really tried, I really, really tried, but it just wouldn't come.
-- Anita Baker -
One of the biggest lessons I learned from nearly dying of cancer is the importance of loving myself unconditionally. In fact, learning to love and accept myself unconditionally is what healed me and brought me back from the brink of death.
-- Anita Moorjani -
Dying isn’t like living; it requires no effort at all.
-- Ann Aguirre -
I want to go where you're going. I'm not scared of dying. I want to stay together and come back together. You said that souls cohere. I want to stay with you.
-- Ann Brashares -
Maybe it didn’t matter if you were a world-famous heartthrob or a painful geek. Maybe it didn’t matter if you friend was possibly dying. Maybe you just got through it. Maybe that was all you could ask for.
-- Ann Brashares -
I'm dying with you before I'm living without you.
-- Ann Brashares -
There is some comfort in dying surrounded by one's children.
-- Ann Radcliffe -
Imagine that you are dying. If you had a terminal disease would you Âfinish this book? Why not? The thing that annoys this 10-weeks-to-live self is the thing that is wrong with the book. So change it. Stop arguing with yourself. Change it. See? Easy. And no one had to die.
-- Anne Enright -
Sometimes a little near death experience helps them put things into perspective.
-- Anne Shropshire -
Write as if you were dying. At the same time, assume you write for an audience consisting solely of terminal patients. That is, after all, the case. What would you begin writing if you knew you would die soon? What could you say to a dying person that would not enrage by its triviality?
-- Annie Dillard -
It's easier to die if others around you are dying.
-- Annie Proulx -
Among other things they picked out a detail that Charles had been offered the Governorship of Hong Kong in its dying days by Thatcher in return for shutting up about the inner cities. He quite rightly in my view led the paper on this story.
-- Anthony Holden -
Even as the words came out of my mouth, my heart was dying a million deaths.
-- Anthony Kiedis -
The general opinion of Revenge of the Sith seems to be that it marks a distinct improvement on the last two episodes, The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. True, but only in the same way that dying from natural causes is preferable to crucifixion.
-- Anthony Lane -
And what does it mean -- dying? Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and only the five we know are lost at death, while the other ninety-five remain alive.
-- Anton Chekhov -
The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born
-- Antonio Gramsci -
The old is dying and the new cannot be born. In this interregnum there arises a great diversity of morbid symptoms.
-- Antonio Gramsci -
The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters
-- Antonio Gramsci -
Around, around the sun we go: The moon goes round the earth. We do not die of death: We die of vertigo.
-- Archibald MacLeish -
Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.
-- Aristotle -
It's inspirational to see someone who is dying smile.
-- Arlen Specter -
I stopped dying the moment I started writing
-- Arnon Grunberg -
You never really feel somebody's suffering. You only feel their death.
-- Art Carney -
When the Sun shrinks to a dull red dwarf, it will not be dying. It will just be starting to live and everything that has gone before will merely be a prelude to its real history.
-- Arthur C. Clarke -
Is boredom anything less than the sense of one's faculties slowly dying?
-- Arthur Helps -
Every battle, every war - is fought for things worth dying for.
-- Arthur M. Jolly -
What can I do if everyone from the president to a junior bureaucrat is dying to convict me. If I am such a criminal, what was I doing outside jail before my marriage to Benazir?
-- Asif Ali Zardari -
I don't mind dying, I'll gladly do that, but not right now, I need to clean the house first.
-- Astrid Lindgren -
Our reluctance to honestly examine the experience of aging and dying has increased the harm we inflict on people and denied them the basic comforts they most need.
-- Atul Gawande -
What is there possibly left for us to be afraid of, after we have dealt face to face with death and not embraced it? Once I accept the existence of dying as a life process, who can ever have power over me again?
-- Audre Lorde -
the fear of death is that you are dying too soon. Nobody wants to, but at the point that you die you can pray that you are no longer the same person. I pray that when I am about to die I will not be the same person that I am now.
-- Audre Lorde -
The ancients dreaded death: the Christian can only fear dying.
-- Augustus Hare -
We are made of emotions, we are all looking for emotions, it's only a question of finding the way to experience them. There are many different ways of experience them all. Perhaps one different thing, only that, one particular thing that Formula One can provide you, is that you know we are always expose to danger, danger of getting hurt, danger of dying.
-- Ayrton Senna -
I don't believe in God, so I'm not afraid of dying.
-- B. F. Skinner -
I will be dead in a few months. But it hasn't given me the slightest anxiety or worry. I always knew I was going to die.
-- B. F. Skinner -
"I'm going over the valley." (Dying from throat cancer, his doctor found him wandering around his room, asked him where was he going?)
-- Babe Ruth -
There is a time for everything - a time for being born and a time for coming of age. There is a time for death, too.
-- Barbara Bel Geddes -
Well, the first thing that clued me in to the fact that there was something really scary about breast cancer, way beyond the thought of dying, was coming across an ad in the newspaper for pink breast cancer teddy bears. I am not that afraid of dying, but I am terrified of dying with a pink teddy bear under my arm.
-- Barbara Ehrenreich -
There is something worse than dying, and that is humiliation - at least so it seemed to me ...
-- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison -
The Prophet's words were true; The mouth of Ali is the golden door Of Wisdom." When his friends to Ali bore These words, he smiled and said: "And should they ask The same until my dying day, the task Were easy; for the stream from Wisdom's well, Which God supplies, is inexhaustible.
-- Bayard Taylor -
They say that when you're about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. They never tell you that when you watch someone you once loved dying, hovering between this life and the next, it's twice as painful, because you're reliving two lives that traveled one road together.
-- Becca Fitzpatrick -
I'm more afraid of falling than I am of flying high. I'm not as scared of dying as I am of growing old. Every battle has its glory and its consequence.
-- Ben Harper -
You can have your own watch and always doubt it. If I had a watch I'd probably always be doubting it or the batteries would be dying. I just know that people always have trouble with their watches, and that's why I like public clocks.
-- Ben Katchor -
I don't think the public is dying to see me necessarily be funny all the time.
-- Ben Stiller -
He comic page is dying; I didn't want to go with it.
-- Berkeley Breathed -
In the end, living is defined by dying. Book- ended by oblivion, we are caught in the vice of terror, squeezed to bursting by the approaching end. Fear is ever-present, waiting to be called to the surface. Â Â Â Change brought fear, and fear brought destruction.
-- Bernard Beckett -
Going to prison is like dying with your eyes open.
-- Bernard Kerik -
Death is but an instant, life a long torment.
-- Bernard-Joseph Saurin