Doctors famous quotes
She's a person; the doctor pronounces her dead, not the news.
-- Aaron Sorkin -
When you're brown and Indian, you get offered a lot of doctor roles.
-- Aasif Mandvi -
Finish last in your league and they call you idiot. Finish last in medical school and they call you doctor.
-- Abe Lemons -
I agree that ***** laws are overdue for an overhaul. I also favor the medical use of ***** -- if it's prescribed by a physician. I cannot understand why the federal government should interfere with the doctor-patient relationship, nor why it would ignore the will of a majority of voters who have legally approved such legislation.
-- Abigail Van Buren -
As for being much known by sight, and pointed out, I cannot comprehend the honor that lies withal; whatsoever it be, every mountebank has it more than the best doctor.
-- Abraham Cowley -
We come unbidden into this life, and if we are lucky we find a purpose beyond starvation, misery, and early death which, lest we forget, is the common lot. I grew up and I found my purpose and it was to become a physician. My intent wasn't to save the world as much as to heal myself. Few doctors will admit this, certainly not young ones, but subconsciously, in entering the profession, we must believe that ministering to others will heal our woundedness. And it can. but it can also deepen the wound.
-- Abraham Verghese -
That's another piece of advice: Don't go to college; follow your dreams. Unless you're a doctor - then go to college.
-- Adam DeVine -
I imagine a soul is a little perfect crystal egg floating in your chest. Somewhere deeper than where they put your heart. Somewhere so deep inside that the doctors can't find it with all their machines and microcameras.
-- Adam Rapp -
There is a real diversity of talent and background on the A list so as to better reflect our society in all walks. There are people who have been candidates before, Councillors, Doctors, business leaders, charity campaigners.
-- Adam Rickitt -
I want to be a child doctor. A pediatry... how do you call it, pediatrician? Do I like kids? No, not really.
-- Adriana Lima -
Since the pharmaceuticals don't make any money and they control the doctors. If the doctors don't make any money then all hell breaks loose. In communities like LA and New York they are using a lot of the youth for a test sight.
-- Afrika Bambaataa -
There are some people who're all doctors. Is it genetic?
-- Aida Turturro -
After going through a lot of procedures and spending a lot of money … the doctor said, ‘Look, based on what we’re seeing here, I just don’t think this is going to happen for you.'
-- Aisha Tyler -
Intern will resonate not only with doctors, but with anyone who has struggled with the grand question 'What should I do with my life?' In a voice of profound honesty and intelligence, Sandeep Jauhar gives us an insider's look at the medical profession and also a dramatic account of the psychological challenges of early adulthood.
-- Akhil Sharma -
If 98 out of 100 doctors tell me I've got a problem, I should take their advice. And if those two other doctors get paid by Big Snack Food, like certain climate deniers get paid by Big Coal, I shouldn't take their advice.
-- Al Franken -
David Agus is one of America's great doctors and medical researchers, a man dedicated to improving the health of as many people as he can. Written in a style and format that will truly engage readers, The End of Illness presents a dramatic, new way of thinking about our own health-a way that could lead to greatly improving the quality of life for millions, starting right now.
-- Al Gore -
Americans have the right to have their medical decisions made by them and their doctors, and not by those bureaucrats sitting behind a computer screen hundreds of miles away.
-- Al Gore -
The media are obsessed with spin doctors and with portraying them as a bad thing, yet seem addicted to our medicine.
-- Alastair Campbell -
If I wasnt a designer, I would love to be a doctor. That is my fantasy, my dream. A doctor will give you a tablet if you have a headache, and I will give you a dress, and we both make you feel good.
-- Alber Elbaz -
My dream is to be a doctor. I'm almost working in a laboratory, because I'm trying new techniques, new directions and fabrics, new weaving.
-- Alber Elbaz -
Who taught you all this, doctor?" The reply came promptly: "Suffering.
-- Albert Camus -
The doctor of the future will be oneself.
-- Albert Schweitzer -
Every patient carries his or her own doctor inside.
-- Albert Schweitzer -
Within every patient there resides a doctor, and we as physicians are at our best when we we put our patients in touch with the doctor inside themselves.
-- Albert Schweitzer -
Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside.
-- Albert Schweitzer -
It's supposed to be a secret, but I'll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help. And encourage the doctor within.
-- Albert Schweitzer -
I never took banned substances, but I have been courted by doctors who wanted to improve my blood in the laboratory. My mother always put them on a flight.
-- Alberto Tomba -
One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen. An ecologist must either harden his shell and make believe that the consequences of science are none of his business, or he must be the doctor who sees the marks of death in a community that believes itself well and does not want to be told otherwise.
-- Aldo Leopold -
Every region should retain representative samples of its original or wilderness condition, to serve science as a sample of normality. Just as doctors must study healthy people to understand disease, so must the land sciences study the wilderness to understand disorders of the land-mechanism.
-- Aldo Leopold -
The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who investigate heresies must be heretics; just as if a doctor who studies leprosy must be a leper. Indeed, it is only recently that science has been allowed to study anything without reproach.
-- Aleister Crowley -
Good to know: Doctors can't cure you of being a beast.
-- Alex Flinn -
In England, 'Doctor Who' has always been considered a children's show, at least by children.
-- Alex Kingston -
Who shall decide when doctors disagree, And soundest casuists doubt, like you and me?
-- Alexander Pope -
There aren't enough doctors in Africa. Those who choose to become doctors here don't do it for the money or because they want to do good. They do it because they have to heal, the way most people need to breathe or eat or love.
-- Alexandra Fuller -
I identify myself as an actor, because I feel like you don't go to the doctress, you go to the doctor; it doesn't matter what the gender is. I think actresses worry about eyelashes and cellulite, and women who are actors worry about the characters we are playing. A separate category is another way of making us a special-interest group.
-- Alfre Woodard -
One has a greater sense of degradation after an interview with a doctor than from any human experience.
-- Alice James -
Every theory in medicine, if medicine is to remain healthy, must be beaten out on the anvil of skepticism. So do we weed out charlatanism.
-- Alice Tisdale Hobart -
When other people first became aware of the cow, they expressed concern and anxiety. They suggested strategies for getting the animal out of Molly's parlor: remedies and doctors and procedures, some mainstream and some New Age. They related anecdotes of friends who had removed their own cows in one way or another. But after a while they had exhausted their suggestions. Then they usually began to pretend that the cow wasn't there, and they preferred for Molly to go along with the pretense.
-- Alison Lurie -
According to its doctors, my one intransigent desire is to have been a Confederate general, and because I could not or would not become anything else, I set up for poet and beg an to invent fictions about the personal ambitions that my society has no use for.
-- Allen Tate -
I will always fight for a woman's right to choose and the right to privacy. Reproductive issues are medical related issues and they should be kept private between a woman and her doctor.
-- Alma Adams -
Once my doctor began treating my kidney disease, my greatest challenge was the constant exhaustion. Fortunately, my doctor explained that anemia was causing my exhaustion and that people with serious illnesses, like kidney disease, may be at increased risk for anemia.
-- Alonzo Mourning -
All those years on the psychiatrist's couch and suddenly the couch is moving. Good God, she is on that couch when the big one hits. Maidy didn't tell you, but you know what her doctor said? She sprang from the couch and said, "My God, was that an earthquake?" The doctor said this: "Did it feel like an earthquake to you?
-- Amy Hempel -
I believe I can do anything. If I decide I want to be a doctor tomorrow, I'm going to be a doctor.
-- Amy Jo Johnson -
There are so many choices I made simply for health insurance. Is it the ideal role I wanted to play, or the TV show I wanted to be a part of? No, but it let me afford to go to the doctor.
-- Amy Ryan -
My parents told me I would become a doctor and then in my spare time I would become a concert pianist. So, both my day job and my spare time were sort of taken care of.
-- Amy Tan -
Over the centuries, and even today, the Bible and Christian theology have helped justify the Crusades, slavery, violence against gays, and the murder of doctors who perform abortions. The words themselves are latent, inert, harmless - until they aren't.
-- Amy Waldman -
Waiting in line for something mundane is very boring. Waiting for my doctor to see me and waiting for my dentist to see me, yes, that is boring.
-- Andre Leon Talley -
A doctor once told me I feel too much. I said, so does god. that’s why you can see the grand canyon from the moon.
-- Andrea Gibson -
The more fashionable doctors in Italy, began to delegate to slaves the manual attentions they deemed necessary for their patients ... that the art of medicine went to ruin.
-- Andreas Vesalius -
My right side is paralyzed. I need no doctor. I can overcome my own troubles.
-- Andrew Johnson -
The moment the doctor said he wanted to do a biopsy, in my heart I thought I'd probably got it. But I also know a lot of people who have also had prostate cancer, so I had a reasonably good idea what to expect.
-- Andrew Lloyd Webber -
I'm Doctor McMahon with a Ph.D. in sweet-ass rock with an emphasis in set list creation.
-- Andrew McMahon -
To find health should be the object of the doctor. Any one can find disease.
-- Andrew Taylor Still -
I began to see during the civil war, in that part of the states of Missouri and Kansas where the doctors were shut out, the children did not die.
-- Andrew Taylor Still -
Millions of Americans today are taking dietary supplements, practicing yoga and integrating other natural therapies into their lives. These are all preventive measures that will keep them out of the doctor's office and drive down the costs of treating serious problems like heart disease and diabetes.
-- Andrew Weil -
My mother learned that she was carrying me at about the same time the Second World War was declared; with the family talent for magic realism, she once told me she had been to the doctor's on the very day.
-- Angela Carter -
I have as many pictures of my vocal cords as I do of my children. I have a great ear, nose and throat doctor, and we look at them - if there's some redness, maybe I'll take a little time off.
-- Anita Baker -
We also heard the usual old nonsense that banning hunting would affect employment if we abolished crime we would put all the police out of work. If we abolished ill-health we would put all the nurses and doctors out of work. Will anybody argue that we should preserve crime and ill-health in order to keep people in jobs?
-- Ann Widdecombe -
I am lucky: I have fantastic doctors and a fantastic dentist.
-- Anna Deavere Smith -
I have a lot of optimism about new doctors because I think it's really clear that it's a lot of hard work and no guarantee of a lot of money.
-- Anna Deavere Smith -
I know that if I feel any deprivation or fear [about money], the solution is to give. The solution is to go find some mothers on the streets of San Raphael and give them tens and twenties and mail off another $50 to Doctors Without Borders to use for the refugees in Kosovo. Because I know that giving is the way we can feel abundant. Giving is the way that we fill ourselves up.... For me the way to fill up is through service and sharing and getting myself to give more than I feel comfortable giving.
-- Anne Lamott -
I think any supernatural hero today, whether he's a vampire, werewolf, a resuscitated mummy, whatever he is, is going to have to deal with the fact that scientists are going to want to catch him and study him. His big enemy is not going to be Dr. Van Helsing today, it's going to be the doctor who wants to put him in a lab and get his blood for what it can do to cure disease or grant immortality.
-- Anne Rice -
We also have to make sure our children know the history of women. Tell them the rotten truth: It wasn't always possible for women to become doctors or managers or insurance people. Let them be armed with a true picture of the way we want it to be.
-- Anne Roiphe -
Keep away from physicians. It is all probing and guessing and pretending with them. They leave it to Nature to cure in her own time, but they take the credit. As well as very fat fees.
-- Anthony Burgess -
Flying back from New York, the flight attendant said 'God, I wished you were here yesterday, we had a stroke on the plane. I said, if I have a stroke on a plane, I hope the pretend doctor isn't the one on the plane. I want a real doctor.
-- Anthony Edwards -
Doctors are just the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too.
-- Anton Chekhov -
My advantage as a woman and a human being has been in having a mother who believed strongly in women's education. She was an early undergraduate at Oxford, and her own mother was a doctor.
-- Antonia Fraser -
It is almost impossible to be a doctor and an honest man, but it is obscenely impossible to be a psychiatrist without at the same time bearing the stamp of the most incontestable madness: that of being unable to resist that old atavistic reflex of the mass of humanity, which makes any man of science who is absorbed by this mass a kind of natural and inborn enemy of all genius.
-- Antonin Artaud -
This is really the common mentality of prisoners: they read with great attention all the articles that deal with illnesses and send away for treatises and "be your own doctor" or "emergency treatments" and end up by discovering that they have at least 300 or 400 illnesses, whose symptoms they are experiencing.
-- Antonio Gramsci -
Of all the doctors I have known, psychoanalysts, a congregation of lay priests with bible, rites, and the faithful, constitute the most sinister, the most ridiculous, the most unwholesome of the species.
-- Antonio Lobo Antunes -
I met Tom Baker doing a voice-over when David [Arabella's friend, David Tennant] wasn't at all well known. We were doing this voice-over together and I said to Tom, 'Oh, my friend's a really, really big Doctor Who fan,' and he replied, 'Wait!' He got his cheque book out and asked, 'What his name?' I said 'David Tennant'. He wrote, 'To David Tennant, seventeen pounds forty five', signed it and I asked him what it meant. He said, 'He'll know'
-- Arabella Weir -
I don't subscribe to the 'Doctor Who' magazine and we've only got the normal amount of 'Doctor Who' fridge magnets.
-- Arabella Weir -
I studied, I met with medical doctors, scientists, and I’m here to tell you that the way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is: getting enough sleep.
-- Arianna Huffington -
I married someone 30 years older than me, a doctor, a playboy who had a terrible Don Juan reputation.
-- Arielle Dombasle -
Why do they call it proctology? Is it because analogy was already taken?
-- Aristotle -
It is well said, then, that it is by doing just acts that the just man is produced, and by doing temperate acts the temperate man; without doing these no one would have even a prospect of becoming good. But most people do not do these, but take refuge in theory and think they are being philosophers and will become good in this way, behaving somewhat like patients who listen attentively to their doctors, but do none of the things they are ordered to do.
-- Aristotle -
When I was in New York, a lot of my friends were studying filmmaking and would bring their scripts to me, as I was a good script doctor. I would read their scripts and make corrections to them for $20 per script and was fascinated by films.
-- Arjun Rampal -
We made, actually, history, because it was the first time ever that doctors could prove that a lifelong Republican has a heart.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
When I first came to Arsenal, I realised the back four were all university graduates in the art of defending. As for Tony Adams, I consider him to be a doctor of defence. He is simply outstanding.
-- Arsene Wenger -
At one point in my career, while still hosting 'The Arsenio Hall Show,' I was told by my doctor that it might not be physically possible for me to have children.
-- Arsenio Hall -
The time to talk about it [genetic engineering to improve a baby's genes] in schools and churches and magazines and debate societies is now. If you wait, five years from now the gene doctor will be hanging out the MAKE A SMARTER BABY sign down the street.
-- Arthur Caplan -
You will remember that I remarked the other day, just before we went into the very simple problem presented by Miss Mary Sutherland, that for strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination.†“A proposition which I took the liberty of doubting.†“You did, Doctor, but none the less you must come round to my view, for otherwise I shall keep on piling fact upon fact on you until your reason breaks down under them and acknowledges me to be right.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
Man may have the most excellent judgment in all other matters, and yet go wrong in those which concern himself; because here the will comes in and deranges the intellect at once. Therefore let a man take counsel of a friend. A doctor can cure everyone but himself; if he falls ill, he sends for a colleague.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
This was the trouble with families. Like invidious doctors, they knew just where it hurt.
-- Arundhati Roy -
The doctor has been taught to be interested not in health but in disease. What the public is taught is that health is the cure for disease.
-- Ashley Montagu -
No matter what measures are taken, doctors will sometimes falter, and it isn't reasonable to ask that we achieve perfection. What is reasonable is to ask that we never cease to aim for it.
-- Atul Gawande -
Are doctors who make mistakes villains? No, because then we all are.
-- Atul Gawande -
As economists have often pointed out, we pay doctors for quantity, not quality. As they point out less often, we also pay them as individuals, rather than as members of a team working together for their patients. Both practices have made for serious problems.
-- Atul Gawande -
A smart mother makes often a better diagnosis than a poor doctor.
-- August Bier -
An ignorant doctor is the aide-de-camp of death.
-- Avicenna -
Doctors are not servants of their patients, they are traders like everyone else in a free society and they should bear that title proudly considering the crucial importance of the services they offer.
-- Ayn Rand -
"I'm going over the valley." (Dying from throat cancer, his doctor found him wandering around his room, asked him where was he going?)
-- Babe Ruth -
Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind. He arrived in our lives as an alien - but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. He made us laugh. He made us cry. He gave his immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most - from our troops stationed abroad to the marginalized on our own streets. The Obama family offers our condolences to Robin’s family, his friends, and everyone who found their voice and their verse thanks to Robin Williams.
-- Barack Obama -
If you have health insurance, then you don't have to do anything. If you've got health insurance through your employer, you can keep your health insurance, keep your choice of doctor, keep your plan.
-- Barack Obama -
This is about respect for women, the judgments that women make and their doctors about their reproductive health. It's an important part of who women are, their reproductive health.
-- Barack Obama -
Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny ... and everything in between. But he was one of a kind.
-- Barack Obama -
Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind....He arrived in our lives as an alien but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit
-- Barack Obama -
We have the greatest hospitals, doctors, and medical technology in the world - we need to make them accessible to every American.
-- Barbara Boxer -
Recently, I was in Africa monitoring elections when right on the street, this guy started beating a woman. I got out of my car, pulled her inside and drove her to the hospital. But after the doctors treated her, she was too afraid to press charges. I've seen this over and over in America, too.
-- Barbara Lee