Decision famous quotes
One's mind has a way of making itself up in the background, and it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.
-- A. C. Benson -
The key to making healthy decisions is to respect your future self. Honor him or her. Treat him or her like you would treat a friend or a loved one.
-- A. J. Jacobs -
Probably 90 percent of our life decisions are powered by the twin engines of inertia and laziness.
-- A. J. Jacobs -
To worry is to acknowledge that the world is unpredictable, and there is power in understanding one's own powerlessness at times. But too often worry takes on life of its own. Men are quite prone to this. They'll plague themselves with so many 'what if's and 'if only's that they soon forget to ponder the true possibilities before them. Which inevitably lead to poor decisions. Whatever happens will happen. Sometimes we have say over the future. Sometimes we don't. Either way, worrying alone never accomplishes anything.
-- A. Lee Martinez -
I believe that decisions about the timing and manner of death belong to the individual as a human right. I believe it is wrong to withhold medical methods of terminating life painlessly and swiftly when an individual has a rational and clear-minded sustained wish to end his or her life.
-- A.C. Grayling -
You can go left, you can go right, I don't give a damn. Just make a decision.
-- Aaron Eckhart -
Decisions are made by those who show up. Don't ever forget that you're a citizen of this world.
-- Aaron Sorkin -
I think we are constantly faced with the same decision. The decision to be blindly obedient to authority versus the decision to try and change things by fighting the powers that be is always, throughout history, the only decision.
-- Abbie Hoffman -
It seems like people my age are over-protected today, even to the point where a lot of parents refuse to put their kids in the position to make important decisions, to aspire to great things, because they don't want to put them in a position to fail.
-- Abby Sunderland -
So when I had to make a decision whether I would like to do honors degree course in Islamic studies and Malay studies too, so I thought Islamic studies would be good.
-- Abdullah Ahmad Badawi -
The people themselves, and not their servants, can safely reverse their own deliberate decisions.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
In this age, in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Most of society's decision making for young people happens without young people, and that could not happen without adultcentrism.
-- Adam Fletcher -
At a certain point you have to make a decision in your life about where will you best serve, and I decided that I would best serve as a producer as opposed to a studio executive. There are many upsides to being the studio executive, but one of the downsides is that you get removed from the actual process of making the movie.
-- Adam Leipzig -
Venture capitalists are like lemmings jumping on the software bandwagon.
-- Adam Osborne -
Money coming in says I've made the right marketing decisions
-- Adam Osborne -
You have to make sure that your assets and your back is protected before you make any big decisions.
-- Adam Rich -
I'm not making every decision due to my children. But I do hope they never see some movies I'm doing. But I do want to do more family-friendly movies.
-- Adam Sandler -
Be brave and fearless to know that even if you do make a wrong decision, you're making it for a good reason.
-- Adele -
Think Thousand times before taking a decision But - After taking decison never turn back even if you get Thousand difficulties!!
-- Adolf Hitler -
The parliamentary principle of vesting legislative power in the decision of the majority rejects the authority of the individual and puts a numerical quota of anonymous heads in its place. In doing so it contradicts the aristocratic principle, which is a fundamental law of nature.
-- Adolf Hitler -
The world is undoubtedly going through great changes. The only question is whether the outcome will be the good of Aryan humanity or profits for the Jew. The task of the national state will, therefore, be to preserve the race and fit it to meet the final and great decisions on this globe by suitable education of its youth.
-- Adolf Hitler -
A decision by the Fuhrer in the express form of a law or a decree may not be scrutinized by a judge. In addition, the judge is bound by any other decision of the Fuhrer.
-- Adolf Hitler -
Shelving hard decisions is the least ethical course.
-- Adrian Cadbury -
Food was celebration, conversation, and nourishment. The table is where the big decisions of the family are made and all the arguing takes place.
-- Adriana Trigiani -
The decision to feed the world is the real decision. No revolution has chosen it. For that choice requires that women shall be free.
-- Adrienne Rich -
Don't try to make intelligent decisions when your brain is hyped
-- Aeschylus -
great artists can be uncertain. Of course they are while strugggling to find solutions. Tolstoi's scripts are almost indecipherable. Emily Dickinson provided four or more alternates for every word; Beethoven wrestled with endings to the point of exhaustion; in our day Jerome Robbins and his lack of decision are a byword in the dance profession. But all of these knew very well what they did not want, and what they did not want was the current coin, the well-worn usage. What they wanted was something newly experienced, and therefore unknown and hard to attain.
-- Agnes de Mille -
At some point your heart will tell itself what to do.
-- Ajahn Chah -
If (the West) shows its rigidity by making unjust decisions and putting their threats into practice, the Iranian people will not be the only ones to pay the price.
-- Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani -
When I find an employee who turns out to be wrong for the job, I feel it is my fault because I made the decision to hire him.
-- Akio Morita -
Jerry Rice made the decision and we honestly tried to accommodate him the best way we can.
-- Al Davis -
I've chosen not to challenge the rule of law, because in our system there really is no intermediate step between a Supreme Court decision and violent revolution. When the Supreme Court makes a decision, no matter how strongly one disagrees with it, one faces a choice are we, in John Adams' phrase, a nation of laws, or is it a contest made on raw power?
-- Al Gore -
I have faith in the United States and our ability to make good decisions based on the facts.
-- Al Gore -
Americans have the right to have their medical decisions made by them and their doctors, and not by those bureaucrats sitting behind a computer screen hundreds of miles away.
-- Al Gore -
Our life is looking forward or looking back, that's it. Where is the moment?
-- Al Pacino -
I'm always a little leery about doing shows where I'm not the headliner because when I first started playing in 1982 I opened for Missing Persons and got pelted for 45 minutes. After that, I made the decision to headline no matter what, even if I was playing to seven people. I wanted people to be there to see me.
-- Al Yankovic -
Choosing a spouse and a choosing career: the two great decisions for which society refuses to set up institutional guidance.
-- Alain de Botton -
Leadership requires the courage to make decisions that will benefit the next generation.
-- Alan Autry -
The club continued to make significant player decisions without involving me. In the end, such a breach of trust and confidence meant that I had no option but to leave.
-- Alan Curbishley -
It has been my experience that competency in mathematics, both in numerical manipulations and in understanding its conceptual foundations, enhances a person's ability to handle the more ambiguous and qualitative relationships that dominate our day-to-day financial decision-making
-- Alan Greenspan -
Given our inevitably incomplete knowledge about key structural aspects of an everchanging economy and the sometimes asymmetric costs or benefits of particular outcomes, a central bank needs to consider not only the most likely future path for the economy but also the distribution of possible outcomes about that path. The decision makers then need to reach judgment about the probabilities, costs and benefits of the various possible outcomes under alternative choices for policy.
-- Alan Greenspan -
Investment in the eradication of hunger today is a good business decision. If we fail to make this investment, it is doubtful that we can sustain healthy economic growth. Without this investment, our nation may disintegrate into a country sharply divided between those who have enough to eat and those who do not.
-- Alan Hassenfeld -
We feel that our actions are voluntary when they follow a decision and involuntary when they happen without decision. But if a decision itself were voluntary every decision would have to be preceded by a decision to decide - An infinite regression which fortunately does not occur. Oddly enough, if we had to decide to decide, we would not be free to decide
-- Alan Watts -
Eating is always a decision, nobody forces your hand to pick up food and put it into your mouth.
-- Albert Ellis -
Authentic Christian Preaching carries a note of authority and a demand for decisions not found elsewhere in society.
-- Albert Mohler -
At headquarters, where everyone lived under the tremendous pressure of responsibility, probably nothing was more welcome than a dictate from above. That meant being freed of a decision and simultaneously being provided with an excuse for failure.
-- Albert Speer -
I wanted us to share the sense that the number of wrong moves far exceeds the number of good moves, to share the frightening instability of the correct decision, to bond in being confounded.
-- Aleksandar Hemon -
You have to be in movies that make money to be offered work. Basically that's the equation. There's no real way around that. That said, you don't ever make decisions solely for that reason.
-- Alessandro Nivola -
The need to engage businesses and decision makers with customers can only increase in importance, and as it does, the market research industry must recognise that engagement is a facet of what we do.
-- Alex Johnston -
There's more to being an environmentalist than occasionally signing an online petition and mailing your check to the Sierra Club. Really the most effective environmental actions you can take have to do with crafting your home and surroundings, your workplace decisions and your investment habits.
-- Alex Steffen -
Cities are responsible for the vast majority of the creation of the economy. They're also places into which we pour the vast majority of resources, the vast majority of energy and the places where a huge percentage of the decisions about how systems are built and how products designed, etc., happen.
-- Alex Steffen -
The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge right or make good decision.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
The one thing about program television that's absolutely incompatible with any concept of art is that all decisions have to be made by program directors, whereas art is autonomous. It may be dependent, but it knows no superiors.
-- Alexander Kluge -
It is the photographer's decision at the two levels of seeing the picture - when it is shot and when it is chosen and printed that determines his personal style.
-- Alexey Brodovitch -
Children learn how to make good decisions by making decisions, not by following directions.
-- Alfie Kohn -
The modern joint stock firm is the outcome of innumerable decisions made by individual entrepreneurs, owners and managers. For these decision makers the choices among alternatives were limited and the outcomes uncertain, but almost always there were choices. Despite the variability of these individual decisions, taken cumulatively they produced clear patterns of institutional change
-- Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. -
If we are all in agreement on the decision - then I propose we postpone further discussion of this matter until our next meeting to give ourselves time to develop disagreement and perhaps gain some understanding of what the decision is all about.
-- Alfred P. Sloan -
We of the richer societies, who have had access to more energy than we have the experience to wield intelligently are making decisions we are not qualified to make almost every time we enter the voting booth, go to the grocery store or step into a car show room. We do not know what is "normal." Because our whole life and in some respects a generation or two before us have only known this era of fossil fuel exploitation and resource grabbing; we call this normal.
-- Alfred W. Crosby -
Big, sweeping life changes really boil down to small, everyday decisions.
-- Ali Vincent -
The decisions you make are a choice of values that reflect your life in every way.
-- Alice Waters -
It's impossible to make a record when you're ill because it affects how you listen to things. You can't make decisions. It all sounds terrible.
-- Alison Krauss -
Of course, the character of my garden is also determined by things beyond any human decision, mine or anyone else's.
-- Allen Lacy -
Decisions can be like car accidents, sudden and full of consequences.
-- Allison Glock -
I said last week that the number on Jean's back does not matter. He stays effective as a runner, decision-maker and leader.
-- Allister Coetzee -
All my life, the mistakes I've made have been honorable ones.
-- Alma Kruger -
I had individuals in my life to help me make the right decisions because it wasn't about them accepting handouts. It was about them making the right decisions for me.
-- Alonzo Mourning -
Have you ever visited that portion of Erin's plot that offers its sympathetic soil for the minute survey and scrutinous examination of those in political power, whose decision has wisely been the means before now of converting the stern and prejudiced, and reaching the hand of slight aid to share its strength in augmenting its agricultural richness?
-- Amanda McKittrick Ros -
I have great friends around me that are positive and I think that's the key to life is making your own path. Set your own rules because there is no set rule, there is no set look, there is no set anything. You make your own rules in your life. You make your own decisions.
-- Amber Riley -
Idiot - A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling. The Idiot's activity is not confined to any special field of thought or action, but "pervades and regulates the whole." He has the last word in everything; his decision is unappealable. He sets the fashions and opinion of taste, dictates the limitations of speech and circumscribes conduct with a dead-line.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Had I not made it big, my family would have told me to recheck my decision. Now that I am successful, there is no way. They have to accept it gracefully.
-- Ameesha Patel -
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure , the process is its own reward.
-- Amelia Earhart -
One can't realize difficulty arriving at a momentous decision until one comes to do so.
-- Aminu Kano -
In our twenties, when there is still so much time ahead of us, time that seems ample for a hundred indecisions, for a hundred visions and revisions—we draw a card, and we must decide right then and there whether to keep that card and discard the next, or discard the first card and keep the second. And before we know it, the deck has been played out and the decisions we have just made will shape our lives for decades to come.
-- Amor Towles -
No one is promiscuous in his way of dying. A man who has decided to hang himself will never jump in front of a train.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
We don't want to be afraid to make a choice because we're afraid to make a mistake because most decisions aren't final. Feelings change all the time. You can always change your mind and taking risks and making choices is what makes life so exciting because we never know what's going to happen. Every day something new comes our way.
-- Amy Poehler -
Boredom is usually what spurs either bad decisions or any decision at all.
-- Amy Seimetz -
I'm just kind of taking whatever life gives me and hoping that I make the right decision.
-- Amy Smart -
There were in life rarely, if ever, "right" decisions, never perfect ones, only the best to be made under the circumstances.
-- Amy Waldman -
(Game theory is) essentially a structural theory. It uncovers the logical structure of a great variety of conflict situations and describes this structure in mathematical terms. Sometimes the logical structure of a conflict situation admits rational decisions; sometimes it does not.
-- Anatol Rapoport -
We're strongly in favor of the U.N. plan for a solution to the Cyprus conflict. Hopefully a solution can be found before the end of this summit, but we cannot and will not let it block our decisions on enlargement.
-- Anders Fogh Rasmussen -
I know very well that Berlin attaches great importance to NATO and solidarity, in terms of sharing the burden. For this reason, I feel confident that the German government will take the right decision, one that serves both German and NATO interests.
-- Anders Fogh Rasmussen -
I understand why people might be interested. But I just don't talk about my personal life. It's a decision I made a long time ago, before I ever even knew anyone would be interested in my personal life.
-- Anderson Cooper -
We should make decisions in life with our hearts, not our brains, not only in music but in daily life.
-- Andre Rieu -
The call to make that decision is not mine, because obviously I won't resign and I'm not a quitter.
-- Andre Villas-Boas -
Films are all about decisions, and that's what I love.
-- Andrea Arnold -
It's just a logical guess that they are very very wise to put someone from the old series in it, and if you had to choose, it would be a very difficult decision.
-- Andreas Katsulas -
Affirmative action is an effort to include every aspect of society in the decision making.
-- Andrew Young -
When faced with a decision, many people say they are waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me.
-- Andy Andrews -
We begin to forgive by choosing to forgive . . . by deciding, not by feeling. Our feelings don't lead us to forgive. Most times, our feelings lead us the other way. That's why a person has to decide to forgive first. Our feelings always follow along behind our decisions.
-- Andy Andrews -
Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Failures make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly.
-- Andy Andrews -
The size of budgets does not alter my decision if I should do it. If there's a movie with a budget of only $1 million that I find interesting, then I'll sign up, but it has to be in the hands of a director who can do something with it. Ultimately, it's a director's medium.
-- Andy Garcia -
Authority does not equal competency. Pass decisions down to those who can best handle them.
-- Andy Stanley -
Personal Vision is often the catalyst for wise decisions.
-- Andy Stanley -
In the shadow of my hurt, forgiveness feel like a decision to reward my enemy. But in the shadow of the cross, forgiveness is merely a gift from one undeserving soul to another.
-- Andy Stanley -
There will be very few occasions when you are absolutely certain about anything. You will consistently be called upon to make decisions with limited information. That being the case, your goal should not be to eliminate uncertainty. Instead, you must develop the art of being clear in the face of uncertainty.
-- Andy Stanley -
What is really a stretch to me is to make quick decisions.
-- Ang Lee