Individual famous quotes
Nostalgia is a form of depression both for a society and an individual.
-- Abbie Hoffman -
A dialogue among civilizations can be seen as a dialogue between the individual and the universal.
-- Abdelaziz Bouteflika -
Mainstream medias representation, or its guerrilla decontextualization, of black mens lives in particular can set the stage for erroneous assumptions capable of damaging an individual or a nation.
-- Aberjhani -
Society's needs come before the individuals needs
-- Adolf Hitler -
Possessions of this world have not been for the exclusive use by such or such category of individuals.
-- African Spir -
The Internet changes the structure of society all the time—this massiveness made of individuals.
-- Ai Weiwei -
It requires two indiscreet persons to institute a quarrel; one individual cannot quarrel alone.
-- Aime Martin -
Elegance is stands the test of time!
-- Aishwarya Rai Bachchan -
Either we heal now, as a team, or we will die as individuals.
-- Al Pacino -
Evil is the interruption of a truth by the pressure of particular or individual interests.
-- Alain Badiou -
I'm not going to single individuals out but Yakubu has missed loads of great chances
-- Alan Brazil -
Nothing satisfies an individual incapable of enjoyment.
-- Alan Watts -
No longer were there individual destinies; only a collective destiny, made of plague and emotions shared by all.
-- Albert Camus -
When love ceases to be tragic it is something else and the individual again throws himself in search of tragedy.
-- Albert Camus -
Life is a great tapestry. The individual is only an insignificant thread in an immense and miraculous pattern.
-- Albert Einstein -
Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.
-- Albert Einstein -
Good is a product of the ethical and spiritual artistry of individuals; it cannot be mass-produced.
-- Aldous Huxley -
No social stability without individual stability.
-- Aldous Huxley -
Our vanity makes us exaggerate the importance of human life; the individual is nothing; Nature cares only for the species.
-- Aldous Huxley -
Behind each number is a person, a victim, whose individual story is ghastly.
-- Alec Baldwin -
The love for our native land strengthens our individual and national character.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
The liberty of the individual is the greatest thing of all, it is on this and this alone that the true will of the people can develop.
-- Alexander Herzen -
Clothes and jewellery should be startling, individual.
-- Alexander McQueen -
It's a lot about the individual and it's really up to you, how much you dedicate to the fight and how hard you are working and that's where the outcome will come.
-- Alexis Arguello -
It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.
-- Alfred Adler -
The intelligence of an individual in not a fixed quantity.
-- Alfred Binet -
The heterosexuality or homosexuality of many individuals is not an all-or-none proposition.
-- Alfred Kinsey -
Each human being is a more complex structure than any social system to which he belongs.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
Not easily may an individual escape the deep slavery of the herd.
-- Algernon Blackwood -
I had individuals in my life to help me make the right decisions because it wasn't about them accepting handouts. It was about them making the right decisions for me.
-- Alonzo Mourning -
To survive, to avert what we have termed future shock, the individual must become infinitely more adaptable and capable than ever before.
-- Alvin Toffler -
Every individual has the potentiality to become enlightened in the course of this life or later existences
-- Anagarika Govinda -
I am never interested in the individual, but in the human species and its environment.
-- Andreas Gursky -
I have deep respect for people's individual faith, but when faith gets connected to the machinery of state, or the machinery of hate, I find it very confronting.
-- Andrew Denton -
[Freedom is] the societal condition that exists when every individual has 100% control of his own property.
-- Andrew Joseph Galambos -
You show me a great program and I'll show you a passionate individual somewhere behind it.
-- Andy Hertzfeld -
It is essential to resist the depiction of history as the work of heroic individuals
-- Angela Davis -
I never saw myself as an individual who had any particular leadership powers.
-- Angela Davis -
As the old saying goes, 'money is power' and the more money the government takes, the more power it has over individuals.
-- Angela McGlowan -
I'm not sure I can say there is a clean line between me as an individual and me as a lawyer.
-- Anita Hill -
For me to stay healthy in a relationship, the individuals have to nurture themselves
-- Anne Heche -
I love to be individual, to step beyond gender.
-- Annie Lennox -
The dignity of the individual demands that he be not reduced to vassalage by the largesse of others.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
The personal pronoun "I" should be the coat of arms of some individuals.
-- Antoine Rivarol -
Efforts depend on individuals, but results rely on mere conditions.
-- Anuj -
For what is the best choice for each individual is the highest it is possible for him to achieve.
-- Aristotle -
The integrative tendencies of the individual are incomparably more dangerous than his self-assertive tendencies.
-- Arthur Koestler -
The definition of the individual was: a multitude of one million divided by one million.
-- Arthur Koestler -
For history is to the nation as memory is to the individual.
-- Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. -
I do not believe in the TRANSFER of an individual. I believe in the TRANSFER of entire villages.
-- Arthur Ruppin -
Educate a man and you educate an individual. Educate a woman and you educate a family.
-- Arthur Shearly Cripps -
In modern pharmacology it's so clear that even if you have a fixed dose of a drug, the individuals respond very differently to one and the same dose.
-- Arvid Carlsson -
We have spoken of beings so low in the scale that the individuals throughout their whole existence are not sufficiently specialized to be distinctively plant or animal: yet these are definite life in simpler shape.
-- Asa Gray -
Being an artist is being an isolated individual.
-- Asger Jorn -
Is there one specific source that determines correct morality and everybody should follow that? Or should individuals come up with following that source or not depending on their situation?
-- Asghar Farhadi -
The bigger confrontation is the one an individual has with itself.
-- Asghar Farhadi -
Nobody is more individual than you, so be confident with who you are and what you have to offer because everybody has got things to offer.
-- Ashley Jensen -
It is not the most lovable individuals who stand more in need of love, but the most unlovable
-- Ashley Montagu -
That which exists in nature is a something purely individual and particular. Art, on the contrary, is essentially destined to manifest the general.
-- August Wilhelm von Schlegel -
The greatest gift for an individual or a nation... was abhaya, fearlessness, not merely bodily courage but absence of fear from the mind.
-- Aung San Suu Kyi -
The freedom of speech of private individuals includes the right to not agree, not to listen, and not to finance one's own antagonists.
-- Ayn Rand -
those who judge must take all aspects of an individual's personality into account.
-- Azar Nafisi -
Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.
-- B. F. Skinner -
The mob rushes in where individuals fear to tread.
-- B. F. Skinner -
You can only get discipline in the mass by discipline in the individual.
-- Baden Powell de Aquino -
Scoutmasters deal with the individual boy rather than with the mass.
-- Baden Powell de Aquino -
Individual goals never meant that much to me. The Heisman is no exception.
-- Barry Sanders -
They have accepted me as an individual, as a personality, as an entity. I belong! I am important! I am somebody!
-- Beatrice Sparks -
Stillness within one individual can affect society beyond measure.
-- Bede Griffiths -
Stories are the secret reservoir of values: change the stories individuals and nations live by and tell themselves, and you change the individuals and nations.
-- Ben Okri -
Individuals may form communities, but it is institutions alone that can create a nation.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
A nation, as an individual, has duties to fulfill appointed by God and His moral law.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
Individuals who cannot master their emotions are ill-suited to profit from the investment process.
-- Benjamin Graham -
If the individual has a right to govern himself, all external government is tyranny. Hence the necessity of abolishing the State.
-- Benjamin Tucker -
In philosophy an individual is becoming himself.
-- Bernard Lonergan -
The more one considers the matter, the clearer it becomes that redistribution is in effect far less a redistribution of free income from the richer to the poorer, as we imagined, than a redistribution of power from the individual to the State.
-- Bertrand de Jouvenel -
Politics is concerned with herds rather than with individuals, and the passions which are important in politics are, therefore, those in which the various members of a given herd can feel alike.
-- Bertrand Russell -
It is the gift of seeing the life around them clearly and vividly, as something that is exciting in its own right. It is an innate gift, varying in intensity with the individual's temperament and environment.
-- Bill Brandt -
Recognize the remarkable individuals in your life who help you envision a world far beyond yourself.
-- Bill Courtney -
A mathematician is an individual who believes that prophesying that his dog will die if he deprives it of food constitutes a prediction.
-- Bill Gaede -
A relativist is an individual who doesn't know the difference between an adjective and an adverb.
-- Bill Gaede -
A mathematician is an individual who calls himself a 'physicist' and does 'physics' and physical experiments with abstract concepts.
-- Bill Gaede -
He (God) doesn't need me, but He desires me.
-- Bill Vaughan -
Revolution is something that actually starts in individual hearts.
-- Bill Viola -
Avoid committees and consensus in developing big, distinctive business model advantages. Individuals have big, distinctive ideas; committees and consensus turn big, distinctive ideas into mundane ideas.
-- Bob Herbold -
Mere connection with what is known as a superior race will not permanently carry an individual forward unless the individual has worth.
-- Booker T. Washington -
Gregariousness is always the refuge of mediocrities, whether they swear by Soloviev or Kant or Marx. Only individuals seek the truth, and they shun those whose sole concern is not the truth.
-- Boris Pasternak -
The general tendency of evolution is from structure to function, from bondage to freedom of the individual elements.
-- Boris Sidis -
Psychology is the science of psychic states both as to content and form, regarded from an objective standpoint, and brought in relation to the living corporeal individual.
-- Boris Sidis -
Les masses ont tort et les individus toujours raison. The masses are wrong; individuals are always right.
-- Boris Vian -
I think being individual in the show business is what gives you life and longevity.
-- Boy George -
History doesn't choose individual people. History chooses everyone. Every day. The only question is: How long will you ignore the call?
-- Brad Meltzer -
Hence my obstinate emphasis on stylistic continuity from work to work rather than specific sibling relationships between the individual work and other members of its stylistic 'family' in the world outside.
-- Brian Ferneyhough -
In my model, important interference phenomena arise when individual strata come into contact. These chaotic fluctuations are, I suppose, what my music is really about.
-- Brian Ferneyhough -
In the long run no individual prospers beyond the measure of his faith.
-- Bruce Barton -
There were so many individual styles thirty or forty years ago.
-- Buddy Rich -
The absorption of the individual in the universal is only another term for its destruction.
-- C. H. Dodd