Enlightened famous quotes
52 minutes ago
An ordinary man seeks freedom through enlightenment. An enlightened man expresses freedom through being ordinary.
-- Adyashanti -
Do not try to become anything. Do not make yourself into anything. Do not be a meditator. Do not become enlightened. When you sit, let it be. What you walk, let it be. Grasp at nothing. Resist nothing.
-- Ajahn Chah -
The mind of an enlightened human being is flexible and adaptable. The mind of the ignorant person is conditioned and fixed.
-- Ajahn Sumedho -
The condition of an enlightened mind is a surrendered heart.
-- Alan Redpath -
Sexuality is one of the ways that we become enlightened, actually, because it leads us to self-knowledge.
-- Alice Walker -
Every individual has the potentiality to become enlightened in the course of this life or later existences
-- Anagarika Govinda -
I feel that what mathematics needs least are pundits who issue prescriptions or guidelines for presumably less enlightened mortals.
-- Armand Borel -
The social and industrial structure of America is founded upon an enlightened citizenship.
-- Bainbridge Colby -
Just Detach From False Mental Objects And Be Enlightened To Being-As-Is
-- Baizhang Huaihai -
Be prepared to be enlightened, enraged, amused, engaged, and above all provoked.
-- Beatrix Campbell -
If I say, if I talk about, 'I want to be enlightened...' it implies a future. And there isn't any.
-- Byron Katie -
It's possible to be completely enlightened... except with your family.
-- Chogyam Trungpa -
When a poet digs himself into a hole, he doesn't climb out. He digs deeper, enjoys the scenery, and comes out the other side enlightened.
-- Criss Jami -
Nonresistance, nonjudgment, and nonattachment are the three aspects of true freedom and enlightened living.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
Even my desire to become free or enlightened is just another craving for fulfillment or completion in the future. So don’t seek to become free or desire or “achieve†enlightenment. Become present.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
I have been further enlightened by the conversation and correspondence of some illustrious Italians, whom I would gladly name, were I not afraid of exposing them to danger.
-- Edmond Francois Valentin About -
The part of me that is both a spiritual seeker and a social activist meet in this understanding of enlightened power coming from a deep, genuine well within each person.
-- Elizabeth Lesser -
The ignorant ever shun and dread the gifted and enlightened.
-- Francis Alexander Durivage -
Innumerable Buddhas Enlightened... innumerable Christs crucified... always the same Christ, the same Buddha!
-- Frederick Franck -
There will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived.
-- Henry David Thoreau -
Cannibals? Who is not a cannibal? I tell you it will be more tolerable for the Fejee that salted down a lean missionary in his cellar against a coming famine; it will be more tolerable for that provident Fejee, I say, in the day of judgement, than for thee, civilized and enlightened gourmand, who nailest geese to the ground and feastest on their bloated livers in thy pate de fois gras.
-- Herman Melville -
Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm.
-- James Madison -
But, is it possible for princes and ministers to be enlightened, when private individuals are not so?
-- Jean-Baptiste Say -
To be enlightened is to know that heaven is not "coming." Heaven is here.
-- Joan D. Chittister -
I understood that the will could not be improved before the mind had been enlightened.
-- Johann Heinrich Lambert -
Enlightened people like Osho are ahead of their times. It is good that more and more young people are now reading his works.
-- K. R. Narayanan -
I have been enlightened. I have fallen into poetry and it has swallowed me up.
-- Keith Haring -
Many people eat salad dutifully because they feel it is good for them, but more enlightened types eat it happily because it is good.
-- Laurie Colwin -
Only a couple of times have I ever been to church and felt enlightened by it
-- Lynn Johnston -
Positions are just a social construct that mean nothing to the enlightened man.
-- Manuel Neuer -
Even enlightened despots don't make very good teachers.
-- Marilyn Wallace -
Those who are enlightened never stop forging themselves.
-- Morihei Ueshiba -
How can anybody be enlightened? Truth is after all so poorly lit
-- Neil Peart -
If you think you are enlightened; go home for Thanksgiving.
-- Ram Dass -
No enlightened person would deny its premise, but as an ongoing program it is monotonous, limited, locked in a perception of victimization.
-- Robert Brustein -
It is within your power at this very moment not only to consumate an act of enlightened statesmanship, but, as the instrument of the Almighty, to restore to freedom a race of men.
-- Robert Dale Owen -
The kind who live for music and are constantly seeking it out, anywhere they can. Who can't imagine a life without it. They're enlightened.
-- Sarah Dessen -
Strictly speaking, there are no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity.
-- Shunryu Suzuki -
There is nobody who is so enlightened that they don't need to work on themselves.
-- Terence McKenna -
Not everyone who is enlightened by an angel knows that he is enlightened by him.
-- Thomas Aquinas -
True religion extends alike to the intellect and the heart. Intellect is in vain if it lead not to emotion, and emotion is vain if not enlightened by intellect; and both are vain if not guided by truth and leading to duty.
-- Tryon Edwards -
Reading nurtures the soul, and an enlightened friend brings it solace.
-- Voltaire -
You can’t change the mind with the mind alone, or we’d all be enlightened
-- Wendy Palmer -
Self-interest, be it enlightened, works indirectly for the public good.
-- William H. Prescott -
The enlightened man is one with the law of causation.
-- Wumen Huikai -
With an open mind, seek and listen to all the highest ideals. Consider the most enlightened thoughts. Then choose your path, person by person, each for oneself.
-- Zoroaster -
We were enlightened people and we fell for this; why wouldn't Muslims fall for this?
-- Alfons Heck -
It's only important to differentiate between patriotism and nationalism. I speak of enlightened patriotism.
-- Charlotte Knobloch -
To be enlightened is to know oneself and not run away.
-- Veronique Vienne -
If you're meditating and it's easy, you're either enlightened or you're cheating.
-- Dan Harris