Assumption famous quotes
Photography has the power to undo your assumptions about the world.
-- Aaron Huey -
Start with the assumption that the best way to do something is not the way it's being done right now.
-- Aaron Levie -
Mainstream medias representation, or its guerrilla decontextualization, of black mens lives in particular can set the stage for erroneous assumptions capable of damaging an individual or a nation.
-- Aberjhani -
Until we know the assumptions in which we are drenched, we cannot know ourselves.
-- Adrienne Rich -
Too often we are Christians by assumption, manipulation or instruction, rather than Christians by regeneration.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
And just as the false assumption that we are not connected to the earth has led to the ecological crisis, so to the equally false assumption that we arenot connected to each other that has led to our social crisis.
-- Al Gore -
The Democratic Party hasn't whipped anybody into a frenzy. The assumption is that the people that are marching and protesting and standing up against this don't have enough sense to stand up for their own interests.
-- Al Sharpton -
Love can only consist in failure...on the fallacious assumption that it is a relationship. But it is not. It is a production of truth.
-- Alain Badiou -
The universe is full of dead people who lived by assumption.
-- Alan Dean Foster -
It is unfortunately none too well understood that, just as the State has no money of its own, so it has no power of its own. All the power it has is what society gives it, plus what it confiscates from time to time on one pretext or another, there is no other source from which State power can be drawn. Therefore every assumption of State power, whether by gift or seizure leaves society with so much less power; there is never, nor can be, any strengthening of State power without a corresponding and roughly equivalent depletion of social power.
-- Albert J. Nock -
The criterion of simplicity requires that the minimum number of assumptions be postulated.
-- Albert Low -
When I was raped I lost my virginity and almost lost my life. I also discarded certain assumptions I had held about how the world worked and about how safe I was.
-- Alice Sebold -
Beware of economists who hide assumptions.
-- Anat R. Admati -
The assumption that humans could be a reliable back up for the system was a fallacy!
-- Astro Teller -
The technical explanation is that the market-sensitive risk models used by thousands of market participants work on the assumption that each user is the only person using them.
-- Avinash Persaud -
I like the rough impersonality of New York ... Human relations are oiled by jokes, complaints, and confessions-all made with the assumption of never seeing the other person again.
-- Bill Bradley -
We must strive for literacy and education that teach us to never quit questioning and probing at the assumptions of the day.
-- Bryant H. McGill -
The trouble with most coaches is that they start with the assumption that everybody is a turd. And that ain't right.
-- Bum Phillips -
But you are making assumptions without all the facts, and that's not a sign of intelligence.
-- C.C. Hunter -
When I started, there was more of a cultural assumption that many readers would find gay characters irrelevant or repugnant.
-- Carol Anshaw -
Never was there a dogma more calculated to foster indolence, and to blunt the keen edge of curiosity, than the assumption of the discordance between the former and the existing causes of change.
-- Charles Lyell -
People, please remember that I choose my words very carefully. Assumptions are your enemy.
-- Chris Kluwe -
I like the assumption that everyone is trying his best, and we should all just be kind to each other.
-- Christina Baker Kline -
Reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions.
-- Chuck Palahniuk -
Agnosticism is epistemologically self-contradictory on its own assumptions because its claim to make no assertion about ultimate reality rests upon a most comprehensive assertion about ultimate reality.
-- Cornelius Van Til -
When I was a kid, and I was odd, the default assumption was that I was odd, not that I was gay. Now when a kid is odd in a Greensburg, gay or straight, the default assumption is gay.
-- Dan Savage -
We all make basic assumptions about things in life, but sometimes those assumptions are WRONG. We must never trust in what we assume, only in what we KNOW.
-- Darren Shan -
Assumptions are dangerous things. I like facts a lot better.
-- David Baldacci -
Beware of assumptions that seem "obvious" in one decade. They may become quaint in the next.
-- David Brin -
The assumption is that your personal life has to be a mess to create, but how much chaos can you allow in before it takes over?
-- David Byrne -
There is no word for the recipient of the love. There is only a word for the giver. There is the assumption that lovers come in pairs.
-- David Levithan -
The dangerous assumption we unknowingly accept in the American dream is that our greatest asset is our own ability.
-- David Platt -
You must stick to your conviction, but be ready to abandon your assumptions.
-- Denis Waitley -
All forms of yoga involve occult assumptions, even hatha yoga, which is often presented as a merely physical discipline.
-- Douglas Groothuis -
Masculinity is the glad assumption of sacrificial responsibility.
-- Douglas Wilson -
When you write a play, you make a set of assumptions -- that you have something to say, that you know how to say it, that its worth saying, and that maybe someone will come along for the ride.
-- Edward Albee -
Euclid taught me that without assumptions there is no proof. Therefore, in any argument, examine the assumptions.
-- Eric Temple Bell -
Society cannot continue to disable themselves through their need to categorize people or make assumptions as to another individual's abilities.
-- Evelyn Glennie -
Along with others, I have tried to pry economists away from narrow assumptions about self interest. Behavior is driven by a much richer set of values and preferences.
-- Gary Becker -
Every economic opinion is associated with a set of assumptions.
-- Gautam Adani -
Most disagreements are the result of faulty assumptions.
-- Geoff Tate -
We cannot be effective if we continue to cling to the old ways, the old strategies, the old assumptions.
-- George Barna -
The right to know is like the right to live. It is fundamental and unconditional in its assumption that knowledge, like life, is a desirable thing.
-- George Bernard Shaw -
You had to live - did live, from habit that became instinct - in the assumption that evey sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every moment scrutinized.
-- George Orwell -
Without the ontological assumption which goes with it, what is called science, is nothing but the dreamer's well-ordered dream.
-- George Trumbull Ladd -
If you begin with the assumption of freedom, the preoccupation is always how to keep freedom in check, how to bind; But if you begin with the assumption of bondage, the preoccupation is always how to set out the word that frees.
-- Gerhard -
A fair trial is one in which the rules of evidence are honored, the accused has competent counsel, and the judge enforces the proper courtroom procedures - a trial in which every assumption can be challenged.
-- Harry Browne -
The inquiries of the jurist are in truth prosecuted much as inquiry in physic and physiology was prosecuted before observation had taken the place of assumption.
-- Henry James Sumner Maine -
You cannot reach a correct conclusion if you begin with an incorrect assumption
-- Herbert W. Armstrong -
Competitiveness always rests on the assumption of a life-and-death struggle.
-- Hugh Nibley -
Study the assumptions behind your actions. Then study the assumptions behind your assumptions.
-- Idries Shah -
Postulates are based on assumption and adhered to by faith. Nothing in the Universe can shake them.
-- Isaac Asimov -
The underlying assumption that human nature is basically the same at all times, everywhere, and obeys eternal laws beyond human control, is a conception that only a handful of bold thinkers have dared to question.
-- Isaiah Berlin -
We are going on the assumption that this is not socialized medicine. Let me tell you here and now it is socialized medicine.
-- James B. Utt -
Our military plans should be based on the assumption of unpredictability, rather than on carefully drawn, static models of the world.
-- James Fallows -
There's often an assumption you're more privileged if you belong to a family with people who have made a success.
-- James Fox -
To assume that a bigger pipeline is a better pipeline is a dangerous assumption.
-- Jason Jordan -
We believe the currently one cannot speak of a revolutionary situation, just as there is no concrete possibilities of an immediate and comprehensive assumption of power by the people.
-- Joe Slovo -
Your working assumption, when you meet a homophobe, should be that they are gay.
-- Johann Hari -
My way of thinking as I approach any human being on this planet is, 'What are you doing now?' That's what interests me. I don't come at anybody with a whole bunch of assumptions.
-- John Lydon -
Assumptions allow the best in life to pass you by.
-- John Sayles -
Meet every person with the assumption that they are your equal.
-- Julian Burnside -
The assumption that seeing is believing makes us susceptible to visual deception.
-- Kathleen Hall Jamieson -
The strategist's method is very simply to challenge the prevailing assumptions with a single question: Why?
-- Kenichi Ohmae -
Truth is the only healthy place from which to speak. Assumption is the birthplace of godless chatter.
-- Lysa TerKeurst -
Treat with utmost respect your power of forming opinions, for this power alone guards you against making assumptions that are contrary to nature and judgments that overthrow the rule of reason.
-- Marcus Aurelius -
Equality is an unconscious assumption, and if you feel you are treating someone as an equal, then you are not doing it.
-- Margaret Halsey -
I've found that I can only change how I act if I stay aware of my beliefs and assumptions. Thoughts always reveal themselves in behavior.
-- Margaret J. Wheatley -
There is nothing more effectual in showing us the weakness of any habitual fallacy or assumption than to hear it sympathetically through the ears, as it were, of a skeptic.
-- Margaret Oliphant -
Be a sponge. Curiosity is life. Assumption is death. Look around.
-- Mark Parker -
Every human being relies on and is bounded by his knowledge and experience to live. This is what we call “realityâ€. However, knowledge and experience are ambiguous, thus reality can become illusion. Is it not possible to think that, all human beings are living in their assumptions?
-- Masashi Kishimoto -
While analogies are useful, however, they can also be misleading. They smuggle in assumptions that can be wrong.
-- Michael Mandelbaum -
Julian Jaynes's theories for the nature of self-awareness, introspection, and consciousness have replaced the assumption of their almost ethereal uniqueness with explanations that could initiate the next change in paradigm for human thought.
-- Michael Persinger -
When we believe in lies, we cannot see the truth, so we make thousands of assumptions and we take them as truth. One of the biggest assumptions we make is that the lies we believe are the truth!
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
There is nobody as enslaved as the fanatic, the person in whom one impulse, one value, has assumed ascendancy over all others.
-- Milton Sapirstein -
The human mind inherently seeks intelligible order. Thus the conviction that such an order exists to be found is a crucial assumption.
-- Nancy Pearcey -
We should not assume; however, that just because something is unexplainable by us, it is unexplainable.
-- Neal A. Maxwell -
The least questioned assumptions are often the most questionable.
-- Paul Broca -
It follows from the assumption of a universally valid ideology, just as night follows day, that other positions are heresy.
-- Paul Watzlawick -
Usually a person relates to another under the tacit assumption thatthe other shares his view of reality, that indeed there is only onereality....
-- Paul Watzlawick -
Implicit in the banking concept is the assumption of a dichotomy between human beings and the world: a person is merely in the world, not with the world or with others; the individual is spectator, not re-creator.
-- Paulo Freire -
My assumption is that fundamentally the picture of the human animal, as developed by Freud, is largely right.
-- Peter Gay -
Mental models are deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures of images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action.
-- Peter Senge -
Modernist discourse [...] incorporates semantic devices - such as the labeling of theism as 'religion' and naturalism as 'science' - that work to prevent a dangerous debate over fundamental assumptions from breaking out in the open.
-- Phillip E. Johnson -
The assumption that nature is all there is, and that nature has been governed by the same rules at all times and places, makes it possible for natural science to be confident that it can explain such things as how life began.
-- Phillip E. Johnson -
Given our abundance, the burden of proof should always be on keeping, not giving. Why would you not give? We err by beginning with the assumption that we should keep or spend the money God entrusts to us. Giving should be the default choice. Unless there is a compelling reason to spend it or keep it, we should give it.
-- Randy Alcorn -
The New Atheists are not open or willing to go where the evidence leads, unless that evidence sustains their own naturalistic assumptions. They have covertly reduced all philosophical thought and deduction to-- ironically-fait h!
-- Ravi Zacharias -
In the end, my reasons for moving down the timeline and introducing a new cast have more to do with keeping myself entertained, on the assumption that if I get bored, my readers are going to be even more bored.
-- Raymond E. Feist -
The assumption that individuals act objectively in accordance with purely mathematical dictates to maximize their gain or utility cannot be sustained by empirical observation.
-- Richard Arnold Epstein -
we need to break the habit of overreacting because of our speedy assumption and judgments
-- Richard Carlson -
Our enemy is fear. Blinding, reason-killing fear. Fear consumes the truth and poisons all the evidence, leading us to false assumptions and irrational conclusions.
-- Rick Yancey -
Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are wiser than one man. How's that again? I missed something.
-- Robert A. Heinlein -
What hadn't been realized in the literature until now is that merely to describe how severely something has been tested in the past itself embodies inductive assumptions, even as a statement about the past.
-- Robert Nozick -
Assumption Theory: The only safe assumption in life is that the person who assures you that everything is all right is all wrong.
-- Robert Ringer -
I began attempting to write for children under the mistaken assumption that writing for children was easy.
-- Robin Hobb