Manipulation famous quotes
Too often we are Christians by assumption, manipulation or instruction, rather than Christians by regeneration.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
What is of man uses manipulation to conform. What is of #God uses implantation to transform.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
We live in a world where unfortunately the distinction between true and false appears to become increasingly blurred by manipulation of facts, by exploitation of uncritical minds, and by the pollution of the language.
-- Arne Tiselius -
The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.
-- Barbara Marciniak -
I would never have supposed that inexperienced girl was capable of such cold-blooded, calculating manipulation!
-- Barbara Mertz -
Are you trying to manipulate me? It's working.
-- Bridget Moynahan -
Then there is the worst part of Christianity, which is awful: power, corruption, manipulation... But then again, these feature are ever present in any organization.
-- Bruce Kent -
The maniacal lunatics in control of our society know exactly how human beings tick and they are masters at manipulation.
-- Bruce McDonald -
We also have the option of scanning in an image from outside the computer... a photo, or a sketch done with traditional tools; and we can then paint, manipulate, process, change, and further develop the image within the computer, watching our progress on the monitor.
-- Buffy Sainte-Marie -
As we get close to God, he is going to reveal things in our life that aren't pretty. We'll see the patterns of bitterness, anger, manipulation, and hurt that have cycled in our relationships.
-- Chip Ingram -
Most women are pragmatists who have allowed extremists on the left and right to manipulate the family issue for their own purposes.
-- Christopher Lasch -
Well, you always discover a lot in the editing room. Particularly the action, because you have to over-shoot a lot and shoot an enormous amount of material because many of the sequences have to be discovered in the editing and manipulation of it.
-- Christopher Nolan -
All writing is a form of manipulation, of course, but you realize that a plain sentence can actually do so much.
-- Colm Toibin -
Genuine sincerity opens people's hearts, while manipulation causes them to close.
-- Daisaku Ikeda -
Poetry is a street fighter. It has sharp elbows. It can look after itself. Poetry can't be used for manipulation; it's why you never see good poetry in advertising.
-- David Whyte -
I always try to just be honest ... As opposed to artifice or manipulation.
-- Demetri Martin -
The systematic study of mass psychology revealed to students the potentialities of invisible government of society by manipulation of the motives which actuate man in the group.
-- Edward Bernays -
As I have said a thousand times, no manipulation can put stocks down and keep them down.
-- Edwin Lefevre -
There is no question that advertising is an art, and manipulation is the art of advertising through the medium of the tape.
-- Edwin Lefevre -
Facts, I feel, should be ready to yield to manipulation. But unfortunately they're a stubborn lot.
-- Elizabeth Ferrars -
Science is now the craft of the manipulation, substitution and deflection of the forces of nature. What I see coming is a gigantic slaughterhouse, an Auschwitz, in which valuable enzymes, hormones, and so on will be extracted instead of gold teeth.
-- Erwin Chargaff -
Everything about a movie is manipulation.
-- Frederick Wiseman -
That's probably when I get the most angry at American movies, when they just so cynically manipulate the audience without even trying to give a good story.
-- Gene Siskel -
Americans are not only a less homogenous population than we were when we were 3 million ex-colonists, but we're less educated. On top of that, we have constant misinformation and manipulation by media.
-- Gore Vidal -
Fritzsche, radio propaganda chief, by manipulation of the truth goaded German public opinion into frenzied support of the regime and anesthetized the independent judgment of the population so that they did without question their masters' bidding.
-- Hans Fritzsche -
The manipulation of statistical formulas is no substitute for knowing what one is doing.
-- Hubert M. Blalock -
Any kind of manipulation with human embryos should be prohibited.
-- Ian Wilmut -
(Propaganda) proceeds by psychological manipulations, character modifications, by creation of stereotypes useful when the time comes - The two great routes that this sub-propaganda takes are the conditioned reflex and the myth
-- Jacques Ellul -
Most of the power of painting comes through the manipulation of space... but I don't understand that.
-- Jasper Johns -
Geoengineering - the deliberate, large-scale manipulation of the earth's climate to offset global warming - is a nightmare fix for climate change.
-- Jeff Goodell -
Whining is a form of manipulation. People will give anything to make you shut up.
-- Jessica Zafra -
Photography has always been capable of manipulation.
-- Joel Sternfeld -
When quick results are imperative, the manipulation of the masses through symbols may be the only quick way of having a critical thing done.
-- John Grierson -
The world cannot be governed without juggling.
-- John Selden -
Jury selection is strictly an emotional process. They're looking for people they can manipulate. Both sides are.
-- Joseph Wambaugh -
The photographer is a manipulator of light; photography is a manipulation of light.
-- Laszlo Moholy-Nagy -
Magic is the deliberate manipulation of coincidence.
-- Lawrence M. Schoen -
The difference between the student and the born composer is he really hears the thing, and they have to stage it and manipulate it by technical equipment.
-- Leo Ornstein -
Representative Leo J. Ryan understood the manipulation phenomena people were describing to him and he lost his life in a Guyanese jungle investigating how Jim Jones "bent minds.
-- Leo Ryan -
Art is manipulation without intervention.
-- Louise Bourgeois -
How can I be expected to love someone who tries such crude manipulations as bringing me breakfast in bed?
-- Matt Groening -
The more the concept of reason becomes emasculated, the more easily it lends itself to ideological manipulation and to propagation of even the most blatant lies. ... Subjective reason conforms to anything.
-- Max Horkheimer -
When it comes to controlling human beings, there is no better instrument than lies. Because you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.
-- Michael Ende -
I will say that the idea of a woman being deceptive came from that original discussion with critics and reporters about if woman could do that kind of thing. Evelyn, herself, grew out of the discussions about how capable women are of deceit and lying and manipulation.
-- Neil LaBute -
Typography is a hidden tool of manipulation within society.
-- Neville Brody -
Mexico was conquered more by manipulation of myth and archetype.
-- Norman Spinrad -
One of the methods of manipulation is to inoculate individuals with the bourgeois appetite for personal success.
-- Paulo Freire -
It seems to me that dominant cinema seems to require an empathy or a sympathy between the film and the audience which is basically to do with the manipulation of the emotions and it seems to me again -- and this is a very subjective position -- that most cinema seems to trivialise the emotions, sentimentalising or romanticising them.
-- Peter Greenaway -
To the extent that people overpay as a result of the Libor manipulation, they should be able to get their money back. Individuals who have mortgages, pension funds who had pensioner investments - whoever was ripped off is entitled to get their money back.
-- Peter Welch -
... this task entrusted to us by God the Creator requires us to grasp the rhythm and logic of creation. But we are often driven by pride of domination, of possessions, manipulation, of exploitation; we do not "care" for it, we do not respect it, we do not consider it as a free gift that we must care for.
-- Pope Francis -
I was able to interpret the difference between the sharp, quick sound and the slow, deep sound of percussion and manipulate it, get a third sound out of things, if the beats were rapid enough.
-- Sunny Murray -
To toy with something is to manipulate it, to try it out within sets of contexts none of which is determinate.
-- Susan Stewart -
If there are four equations and only three variables, and no one of the equations is derivable from the others by algebraic manipulation then there is another variable missing.
-- Talcott Parsons -
The Left Elite only pretend to be concerned about what's best for everyone else because it is the most effective way to manipulate you and your children into their abyss.
-- Tammy Bruce -
The 'fires'n that produce thick, rarely innocent, often strategic smoke should therefore be scrutinized. they should be known and identified; and when they involve dishonesty, lies, or manipulation, they they should be ignored.
-- Tariq Ramadan -
Our society tends to regard as a sickness any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system and this is plausible because when an individual doesn't fit into the system it causes pain to the individual as well as problems for the system. Thus the manipulation of an individual to adjust him to the system is seen as a cure for a sickness and therefore as good.
-- Theodore Kaczynski -
The heart of manipulation is to empathize without being touched.
-- Vernor Vinge -
You promised you wouldn't tell her," she says, pointing at me. "What happened to protecting her?" "I changed my mind," I say. Tris laughs, harshly,"That's what you told him, that he would be protecting me? That's a pretty skillful manipulation. Well done.
-- Veronica Roth -
What a joy it is to see really professional media manipulation.
-- William Safire -
The German export successes are not the result of some sort of currency manipulation, but of the increased competitiveness of companies. The American growth model, on the other hand, is in a deep crisis.
-- Wolfgang Schauble -
Human beings are distinguished by a capacity for experience as well as by their behavior, and homosexuality is as much a matter ofemotion as of genital manipulation.... As we each examine our own sense of identity we realize how much more complex is the question of homosexuality than a mere Kinsey-like computation of orgasms.
-- Dennis Altman -
The richness of our contemporary visual world must be seen as a danger. It is an overwhelming and oppressive world. A world that manifests itself fundamentally through the image is only a few steps from totalitarian manipulation.
-- Edmundo Desnoes -
Unfortunately, manipulation and defamation are part of the bad manners that have been prevailing in Poland's politics for ten years now.
-- Jaroslaw Kaczynski -
The really big problem with China is that there are the unfair trade practices, like currency manipulation, illegal export subsidies and the theft of intellectual property, but then there's also things that the WTO doesn't cover that it should, which is the use of sweat shops and pollution havens.
-- Peter Navarro -
Neither logic nor scientific evidence supports such a belief. Although spinal manipulation can relieve certain types of back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal symptoms, there is no scientific evidence that it can restore or maintain health. As a result of expressing my opinion on this subject, I have been called a chiropractic heretic.
-- Samuel Homola -
Any familiarity with photographic history shows that manipulation is integral to photography.
-- Martha Rosler -
Despite everything we know about photo manipulation, a photo is still considered an objective document.
-- Molly Crabapple -
I'm constantly lying to my dog. He only responds to manipulation and blackmail.
-- Riley Keough -
Of course there's conscious manipulation! Everything about a movie is manipulation ... If you like it, it's an interpretation. If you don't like it, it's a lie - but everything about these movies is a distortion."
-- Frederick Wiseman -
There's no attempt to manipulate the audience. We made our choice at the start.
-- Stephen Hopkins