Tools famous quotes
As the Internet breaks down the last justifications for a professional class of politicians, it also builds up the tools for replacing them.
-- Aaron Swartz -
I believe that inside every tool is a hammer.
-- Adam Savage -
I've learned over decades of building that a deadline is a potent tool for problem-solving.
-- Adam Savage -
Of course, I love tools. I also love arranging them, to the point where I came up with a name for my organizing metric: first-order retrievability.
-- Adam Savage -
There's nothing an artist needs more - even more than excellent tools and stamina - than a deadline.
-- Adriana Trigiani -
A life I didn't choose chose me: even my tools are the wrong ones for what I have to do.
-- Adrienne Rich -
Hands are the tool of the painter, the artist.
-- Agnes Varda -
The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great-grandfather, Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities of the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us, and never allow them to have control over their future.
-- Ahmadu Bello -
If the only tool we use to analyse what's valuable is a price tag, then those things that don't have price tags begin to look like they have no value.
-- Al Gore -
I trained as a stage actor and was given a lot of technical tools to play with.
-- Alan Tudyk -
The content of most textbooks is perishable, but the tools of self-directedness serve one well over time.
-- Albert Bandura -
Twitter, to me, works if you're funny. Twitter doesn't work as a promotional tool unless you do it very, very, very occasionally.
-- Albert Brooks -
LSD is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be.
-- Albert Hofmann -
I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD. It is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be.
-- Albert Hofmann -
Nothing is forever, if you have enough power tools.
-- Albie Sachs -
Technology should be an important ingredient. It may be and should be a tool for social development.
-- Aleksander Kwasniewski -
Tying the little folks with the older folks is a great and powerful tool to preserve and to protect the family and the individual.
-- Alex Haley -
And when reality denies you the tools you need for survival you grab them from wherever you can.
-- Alexander Gordon Smith -
A king may be a tool, a thing of straw; but if he serves to frighten our enemies, and secure our property, it is well enough; a scarecrow is a thing of straw, but it protects the corn.
-- Alexander Pope -
The primary role of the music industry is to have artists be heard above the rest. It's a big needle in a haystack problem. The Internet has the service and tools to find the needle in a haystack.
-- Ali Partovi -
Writing and drawing are very therapeutic, but they are also an excellent manifestation tool. I teach my clients to draw what they want, or to write a story about it to bring the manifestation forward into the present.
-- Alice McCall -
Intellectuals ... advertise their superiority to political practice but are absolutely in its thrall. ... It is no accident that Marxist theory and practice use the intellectuals as tools and keep them in brutal subservience.
-- Allan Bloom -
First and foremost arms are tools in the service of rival nations, pointing at the possibility of a future war.
-- Alva Myrdal -
PATRIOT, n. One to whom the interests of a part seem superior to those of the whole. The dupe of statesmen and the tool of conquerors.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Language is the tool of my trade -and I use them all - all the Englishes I grew up with
-- Amy Tan -
The camera is my tool. Through it I give a reason to everything around me.
-- Andre Kertesz -
Conscious breath control is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed, clear state of mind.
-- Andrew Weil -
Your phone is a tool for communicating. You shouldn’t be communicating with the phone; you should be communicating with somebody on the other side of the phone.
-- Andy Rubin -
I have always used emotion as a writing tool. That goes back to me being on the stage
-- Anne McCaffrey -
As you get older, you have different tools, and you learn to use photography differently.
-- Annie Leibovitz -
Art is a tool by which society extends its perception.
-- Arne Glimcher -
When working on a project, if you put away a tool that you're certain you're finished with, you will need it instantly.
-- Arthur Bloch -
Life would be stunted and narrow if we could feel no significance in the world around us beyond that which can be weighed and measured with the tools of the physicist or described by the metrical symbols of the mathematician.
-- Arthur Eddington -
Man must shape his tools lest they shape him.
-- Arthur Miller -
The most I would do was use the shadow tool in Photoshop to bring out the muscular rips in my stomach, which were honestly there. Beneath the fat.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
A mystic is a man who treats his feelings as tools of cognition.
-- Ayn Rand -
The important thing about outsourcing or global sourcing is that it becomes a very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity and reduce work cycles.
-- Azim Premji -
Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing.
-- Banksy -
Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing. And even if you don't come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make someone smile while they're having a piss.
-- Banksy -
Shaming is one of the deepest tools of imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy because shame produces trauma and trauma often produces paralysis.
-- Bell Hooks -
Life Insurance is the only tool that takes pennies and guarantees dollars.
-- Ben Feldman -
The best investment is in the tools of one's own trade.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
The theory of probability is the only mathematical tool available to help map the unknown and the uncontrollable. It is fortunate that this tool, while tricky, is extraordinarily powerful and convenient.
-- Benoit Mandelbrot -
My size has helped make me an amazing performer too. The cliche of the Funny Fat Friend: I absolutely was that character - I am that character... It's a complicated bag of tools I acquired, and I've put them all to work onstage.
-- Beth Ditto -
When we have this description, of what a sketch is, itsattributes, we can then start inventing new things thatshare those attributes, and therefore improve our currenttechnics by inventing new and better tools that help ussketch.
-- Bill Buxton -
I think Twitter is a fabulous tool. Crowd-sourcing by Twitter is useful in getting early warnings.
-- Bill Keller -
My view of social media is that it is a set of tools, not a religion.
-- Bill Keller -
As I mentioned previously, the tools that allow for optimum health are diet and exercise.
-- Bill Toomey -
Machines aren't replacing proofreaders at all. Copy editors, who proofread and much, much more, use spellcheck as a tool but read every word that appears in the paper
-- Bill Walsh -
If I couldn't do it, then I'd be defeated. I've got the tools to do it. I never did question my tools.
-- Billy Higgins -
The mug is a tool. My ace in the hole. To have looks is the bonus on top of what motivates me to be an actor. Not to realize they're an asset would be counterproductive to the cause; they serve the common good.
-- Billy Zane -
Even the simplest tools can empower people to do great things.
-- Biz Stone -
First, I'd like to see the basic tools such as compilers, debuggers, profilers, database interfaces, GUI builders, CAD tools, and so forth fully support the ISO standard
-- Bjarne Stroustrup -
I would encourage nonproprietary standards for tools and libraries
-- Bjarne Stroustrup -
Personally, I look forward to better tools for analyzing C++ source code.
-- Bjarne Stroustrup -
Justice and truth are too such subtle points that our tools are too blunt to touch them accurately.
-- Blaise Pascal -
Stopping crime before it occurs is the most effective crime fighting tool of all.
-- Blanche Lincoln -
I do believe CDSs [credit default swaps] have been miscast, much as poor workmen tend to blame their tools.
-- Blythe Masters -
Reasoning is the mental tool that use to think with
-- Bob Proctor -
Pretty Powerful symbolises my belief that all women are pretty, and with the right tools, are empowered to a higher level of pretty - it's about being confident and about being who you are
-- Bobbi Brown -
The right tools are just as important as the makeup itself.
-- Bobbi Brown -
I probably use my chef's knives more than any other tool in the kitchen. I'm not married to a particular brand, because they all work, they all have sharp blades.
-- Bobby Flay -
Small businesses no longer need to feel like a deer in the headlights when considering constructing or updating their Web sites. With ClickThings what you see is what you get, unlike some other competitive Web-based Website building tools.
-- Boomer Esiason -
One of the adversary's sharpest tools is to convince us that we are no longer worthy to pray. No matter who you are or what you may have done, you can always pray.
-- Boyd K. Packer -
Relaxing, embracing, surrendering, trusting - these are the only tools of a lover of truth. So, turn from warrior into a lover.
-- Brandon Bays -
The camera for an artist is just another tool. It is no more mechanical than a violin if you analyze it. Beyond the rudiments, it is up to the artist to create art, not the camera.
-- Brett Weston -
The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with judiciously placed print statements.
-- Brian Kernighan -
Stevie didn't use the technology to drive the song. He used it to enhance. I use the tools to further my work, I don't use my work to further the tools.
-- Brian McKnight -
Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship.
-- Bruce Coville -
Perl is like vise grips. You can do anything with it but it is the wrong tool for every job.
-- Bruce Eckel -
When my mother gets a prompt 'Do you want to download this?' she's going to say yes. It's disingenuous for Microsoft to give you all of these tools with which to hang yourself, and when you do, then say it's your fault.
-- Bruce Schneier -
The most powerful tools of revolution through intention are humility and consciousness.
-- Bryant H. McGill -
EFT is destined to be a top healing tool for the 21st Century.
-- Candace Pert -
Science is not perfect. It's often misused; it's only a tool, but it's the best tool we have. Self-correcting , ever changing, applicable to everything: with this tool, we vanquish the impossible.
-- Carl Sagan -
Our passion for learning ... is our tool for survival.
-- Carl Sagan -
All times are good time for those who know how to work and have the tools to do so.
-- Carlos Slim -
At the World Food Programme we have recognized what a valuable tool food aid can be in changing behaviour. In so many poorer countries food is money, food is power.....
-- Catherine Bertini -
One of the many quotes on love..."Love can come only with time and sentience. We learn it as we learn language--and some never learn it well. Love is like a tool, though it is not a tool; something strange and wonderful to use, difficult to master, and mysterious in its provenance.
-- Catherynne M. Valente -
There is no such thing as a people who are all wicked or even all good. Everyone chooses. But even they, even they looked at people and saw only tools. No one is a cup for another to drink from.
-- Catherynne M. Valente -
The difference between a tool and a machine is not capable of very precise distinction; nor is it necessary, in a popular explanation of those terms, to limit very strictly their acceptation.
-- Charles Babbage -
At each increase of knowledge, as well as on the contrivance of every new tool, human labour becomes abridged.
-- Charles Babbage -
China has legally purchased high performance computers, advanced machine tools, and semiconductor-manufacturing equipment from several American companies.
-- Charles Bass -
Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others.
-- Charles Bukowski -
The budget evolved from a management tool into an obstacle to management.
-- Charles Edwards -
It is much simpler and easier to collect and caress the trophies of our democratic inheritance than it is to fashion up-to-date tools with which to work on our current problems.
-- Charles Ferguson -
A vast engine of wonderful delicacy and intricacy, a machine that is like the tools of the Titans put in your hands. This machinery, in its external fabric so massive and so exquisitely adjusted, and in its internal fabric making new categories of thought, new ways of thinking about life.
-- Charles Ferguson -
Have thy tools ready. God will find thee work.
-- Charles Kingsley -
No tools have yet been met with in any of the gravels occurring at the higher levels of the valley of the Seine; but no importance can be attached to this negative fact, as so little search has yet been made for them.
-- Charles Lyell -
Thank the Lord for using each person as a tool in your life to deepen your insight into His grace and conforming you to the image of His Son.
-- Charles Stanley -
Anybody can claim to be a member of the ALF when rescuing animals, destroying "tools of torture" (such as research equipment) or financially depleting a corporation that abuses animals.
-- Charlotte Laws -
The merit of Marx is that he suddenly produces a qualitative change in the history of social thought. He interprets history, understands its dynamic, predicts the future, but in addition to predicting it (which would satisfy his scientific obligation), he expresses a revolutionary concept: the world must not only be interpreted, it must be transformed. Man ceases to be the slave and tool of his environment and converts himself into the architect of his own destiny.
-- Che Guevara -
The most powerful tool that I can share with you to transform any situation is the power of blessing with love. No matter where you work or how you feel about the place, bless it with love.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
While face-to-face is just as important as it ever was, now that we've got all kinds of new tools, let us tighten bonds in between those in-person moments.
-- Chris Brogan -
Without the right tools, we can't police our markets from illegal trade.
-- Chris Chocola -
Highlighting expensive repair costs to your vendor can also be a powerful negotiating tool.
-- Chris Humphreys -
The use of 'conspiracy theory' as a derogatory - as an epithet almost - is something the propagandists have perfected over the decades, and it's a useful tool for eliminating articulate dissent and other points of view, and information that might be inconvenient for a policy agenda.
-- Chris Sanders -
As we have all said, we understand that electronic surveillance is a vital tool in the war on terror. We all want to know when Osama bin Laden is calling: when he is calling, who he is calling, and what he is saying.
-- Chris Van Hollen -
Perhaps the most important thing I could say is to never be thrown by failure and mistakes. Each and everything that happens, even if it was not what you hoped would happen, is a valuable, life-learning tool. And you will only achieve success if you know how to learn from your failures and mistakes. It’s vital.
-- Christiane Amanpour