Trade famous quotes
This high official, all allow, is grossly overpaid; there wasn't any Board, and now there isn't any Trade.
-- A. P. Herbert -
Every nation has to follow a certain policy: Commercial, trade, various other types of policies.
-- Abdul Kalam -
A lawyer's time and advice are his(her) stock in trade.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
You have to be very rich or very poor to live without a trade.
-- Albert Camus -
Don’t trade the ultimate for the immediate. Don’t settle for less, wait for God’s best.
-- Alex Gonzaga -
I have had no discussions for [Brad] Marchand and I have no plans to trade him.
-- Amalie Benjamin -
Someday we will dare to trade good for true
-- Andrea Gibson -
You don't trade in the devil you know for the one you don't know.
-- Ann Rinaldi -
I don't know why you would trade a stud pitcher.
-- Anna Benson -
I know what I have given you... I do not know what you have received.
-- Antonio Porchia -
All too often miners, and indeed other trade unionists, underestimate the economic strength they have.
-- Arthur Scargill -
Free trade is not a principle, it is an expedient.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Those who would trade in their freedom for their protection deserve neither.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
The best investment is in the tools of one's own trade.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Sound science must be a basis to governing our trade relations around the globe.
-- Bill Frist -
To the best of my knowledge, when I became national secretary and, indeed, Victorian secretary, the - my predecessors in the union had detected wrong activities, activities which arent in the best traditions of the AWU or, indeed, trade unionism.
-- Bill Shorten -
I don't have a no-trade clause. I figure someone is going to pick me up.
-- Bobby Bonilla -
Place your stops at a point that, if reached, will reasonably indicate that the trade is wrong, not at a point determined primarily by the maximum dollar amount you are willing to lose
-- Bruce Kovner -
Love is worth living. Why do you trade life for less?
-- Byron Katie -
Trade isn't about goods. Trade is about information. Goods sit in the warehouse until information moves them.
-- C. J. Cherryh -
You won't catch Liberal Democrats describing trade unionists as wreckers.
-- Charles Kennedy -
I'm a lifelong believer in trade unionism.
-- Charles Kennedy -
It's very hard to find things that rhyme with North American Free Trade Agreement.
-- Chris Martin -
It was tumultuous, it was crazy, but I would not trade it for anything.
-- Colin Quinn -
You cannot read any image of the World Trade Center without thinking of 9/11.
-- Colum McCann -
As if when someone close to us dies, we momentarily trade places with them, in the moment right before. And as we get over it, we’re really living their life in reverse, from death to life, from sickness to health.
-- David Levithan -
In the same manner if any nation wasted part of its wealth, or lost part of its trade, it could not retain the same quantity of circulating medium which it before possessed.
-- David Ricardo -
I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout
-- Dean Alfange -
So, after school, I needed to learn a trade and started to work as a tailor.
-- Desmond Dekker -
Don't trade future blessings for temporary pleasures.
-- Don Davis -
If we lose a couple in a row this season, it will be like the World Trade [Center] is coming down again.
-- Dwyane Wade -
Free trade is not based on utility but on justice.
-- Edmund Burke -
Yes, I will put it out there - I will work for anyone for free if they're prepared to make their clothing Fair Trade and organic. It's really hard to get people interested in it.
-- Emma Watson -
I'm not a jack of all trades; I'm a master of many. I don't feel there is anything I can't do if I want to.
-- Evel Knievel -
There is many a virtuous woman weary of her trade.
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld -
The balance of trade is an article of faith.
-- Frederic Bastiat -
The dissolution of the trade unions was in the air then.
-- Fritz Sauckel -
Seedsmen reckon that their stock in trade is not seeds at all ... it's optimism.
-- Geoff Hamilton -
There was free trade in Africa. There was free enterprise in Africa before the colonialists came.
-- George Ayittey -
I wouldn't trade the experiences I've had over the past 36 years for anything.
-- Gil Gerard -
The strength of his will was the tool of his trade.
-- Gordon Lightfoot -
Trade has ever been the extinguisher of war, the eradicator of prejudice, the diffuser of knowledge.
-- Henry George -
Chinese mercantilism is not free trade, but it is far better than American militarism.
-- Ilana Mercer -
I won't trade humanity for patriotism.
-- Immortal Technique -
Pop flies, in a sense, are just a diversion for a second baseman. Grounders are his stock trade.
-- Jackie Robinson -
If you review the commercial history, you will discover anyone who controls oriental trade will get hold of global wealth.
-- James J. Hill -
Each one to his own trade; then would the cows be well cared for.
-- Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian -
I've never denied my sexual orientation. I just don't make a point of it. It isn't what I do. Clearly, I'm known for the work I've done on trade and Social Security.
-- Jim Kolbe -
People are willing to trade money for something that they can touch, not ones and zereos.
-- John Gruber -
Many of the French follow a Trade with the Indians, living very conveniently for that Interest.
-- John Lawson -
Free trade with Colombia is something that's a no-brainer.
-- John McCain -
Men cannot not live by exchanging articles, but producing them. They live by work not trade.
-- John Ruskin -
American consumers benefit from free trade and investment.
-- John Shadegg -
Gaining time is gaining everything in love, trade and war.
-- John Shebbeare -
Apollo was held the god of physic and sender of disease. Both were originally the same trade, and still continue.
-- Jonathan Swift -
If I had a hundred kingdoms, I would trade them all for you, my dearest love. I was nothing until you.
-- Judith McNaught -
The Montessori Method- learning by doing-once again became my stock in trade...
-- Katharine Graham -
cynicism ... is the trade-mark of failure ...
-- Katherine Cecil Thurston -
Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with.
-- Kelly Clarkson -
I'd trade all my tomorrows for one single yesterday.
-- Kris Kristofferson -
Americans wouldn't do that [cashing out the same day]. Then they would be in the great old thing we used to call the marketplace. You know, we have hundreds of millions of stock shares floating every day. People buy them and sell them and trade them.
-- Lamar Alexander -
If you ever have to ask someone else's opinion on a trade, you shouldn't be in it.
-- Linda Bradford Raschke -
Some of my friends who know me best say they wouldn't trade places with me for $1 million because of the pace I lead.
-- Loretta Lynn -
I don't mean to complain. I wouldn't trade my life for anything.
-- Lucinda Williams -
Nobody really tells me what's going on, and I find out via the trades myself.
-- Lucy Liu -
Free trade is very important if we respect equality among nations.
-- Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva -
That foreign trade should be fair rather than free.
-- Lyn Nofziger -
My purist comedy friends accuse me of being a Jack of all trades and master of none.
-- Marcus Brigstocke -
Let every man practise the trade which he best understands.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Glamour is what I sell, it's my stock in trade.
-- Marlene Dietrich -
The more competitive value of the dollar turned around the trade deficit.
-- Martin Feldstein -
NAFTA and GATT have about as much to do with free trade as the Patriot Act has to do with liberty.
-- Michael Badnarik -
Buzzwords and cliches - those are stock in trade. There's nothing wrong with them.
-- Michael Nesmith -
capital is the result of saving, and not of spending. The spendthrift who wastes his substance in riotous living decreases the capital of the country, and therefore the excuse often made for extravagance, that it is good for trade, is based upon false notions respecting capital.
-- Millicent Fawcett -
I see myself as a comedian rather than a female comedian. I happen to be a woman, but I am a comedian by trade.
-- Miranda Hart -
Certainly, Africa accounts for only l % of world trade, and we cannot assure our development on our own.
-- Omar Bongo -
By trade, I am a software programmer, so I never really had any experience with movies before. I started out with 'Paranormal Activity.
-- Oren Peli -
Bigotry does not consort easily with free trade.
-- Peter Ackroyd -
As an economist, I'm aware that life is full of trade offs.
-- Peter Blair Henry -
I certainly believe that we gain through open trade and liberalisation.
-- Peter Mandelson -
Are you so afraid that you are willing to trade your freedom for security?
-- Rand Paul -
Some in Washington say that you have to trade your liberty for security.
-- Rand Paul