Complaining famous quotes
I really can't complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can't get paid to be smart.
-- Aaron Allston -
I hate to complain...No one is without difficulties, whether in high or low life, and every person knows best where their own shoe pinches.
-- Abigail Adams -
I'm not comically oriented. I get angry and I start complaining and then people start laughing. I don't even want them to laugh half the time.
-- Adam Carolla -
Never complain of that of which it is at all times in your power to rid yourself.
-- Adam Smith -
You can't complain about your dressing room or you'll look like Celine Dion.
-- Adele -
If you place your head in a lion's mouth, then you cannot complain one day if he happens to bite it off.
-- Agatha Christie -
The tourist may complain of other tourists; but he would be lost without them. He may find them in his way, taking up the best seats in the motors, and the best tables in the hotel dining-rooms; but he grows amazingly intimate with them during the voyage, and not infrequently marries one of them when it is over.
-- Agnes Repplier -
Am I going to complain about being typecast as smart? I don't think so.
-- Aisha Tyler -
Complaining is finding faults, wisdom is finding solutions
-- Ajahn Brahm -
This complaining rambling rubbish is the substitute which has taken the place of love.
-- Aleister Crowley -
In a sadly pleasing strain, let the warbling lute complain.
-- Alexander Pope -
The sea complains upon a thousand shores.
-- Alexander Smith -
Complaining doesn't change people... All that complain, this is terrible... It's not so terrible.
-- Alice Herz-Sommer -
When you are optimistic, when you are not complaining, when you look at the good side of your life, everybody loves you.
-- Alice Herz-Sommer -
I shall never complain of the tedium of the city again.
-- Alison Croggon -
Never complain or make excuses. If something seems unfair, just prove yourself by working twice as hard and being twice as good.
-- Amy Chua -
Often times people complain about the lack of time in television, but I have to say, you don't have any more time to film in feature films then you do in television. It's just a question of how many scenes you'll be doing in the course of a day.
-- Andre Braugher -
I am not going to spend any time whatsoever in attacking the Foreign Secretary. If we complain about the tune, there is no reason to attack the monkey when the organ grinder is present.
-- Aneurin Bevan -
I'm still a little bent, a little crooked, but all things considered, I can't complain.
-- Anthony Kiedis -
Property should be in a certain sense common, but, as a general rule, private; for, when every one has a distinct interest, men will not complain of one another, and they will make more progress, because every one will be attending to his own business.
-- Aristotle -
If White men were not complaining, it would be an indication we weren't succeeding and making the inroads that we are.
-- Arthur Ochs Sulzberger -
When we complain about the weather, we are, in reality, murmuring against God.
-- Arthur W. Pink -
If you ever, ever, ever want to complain about what's going on in the U.S., you should vote because then you have a right to. If you want to complain, you should vote.
-- Ashley Greene -
There's always haters, no matter what you're doing - whether they're complaining that everything you do sounds the same, or it's too different.
-- Avicii -
Just do your job. Get in early. Stay late, and don’t complain. Fight the big fights.
-- Barbara Walters -
If you're aware of injustice, you can either ignore it, say there is nothing you can do about it, complain about it and not do anything, or put your energies into doing something about it.
-- Ben Cohen -
Constant complaint is the poorest sort of pay for all the comforts we enjoy.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Unfortunately complaining is one thing Eeyores are not afraid to do. They grudgingly carry their thimbles to the Fountain of Life, then mumble and grumble that they weren't given enough.
-- Benjamin Hoff -
You can overcome anything if you don't bellyache.
-- Bernard Baruch -
People who do not speak our language very well do complain of feeling rebuffed by French people, who can sometimes be impatient, or even intolerant.
-- Bernard Pivot -
So when I was told to work, ten, twelve hours a day as an assistant pro, I didn’t complain. It was normal.
-- Bernhard Langer -
Complaining proves nothing but that you can hear the voice of the Devil
-- Bill Johnson -
Read the Bible. Work hard and honestly. And don't complain.
-- Billy Graham -
Kyoya: I don't like this food. But do you think I'd be so inhuman as to complain after you treated me? That's a rude assumption.
-- Bisco Hatori -
Do not complain beneath the stars about the lack of bright spots in your life.
-- Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson -
Instead of complaining that God had hidden himself, you will give Him thanks for having revealed so much of Himself.
-- Blaise Pascal -
every pleasure's got an edge of pain, pay your ticket and don't complain
-- Bob Dylan -
Where else but in America could the women's liberation movement take off their bras, then go on TV to complain about their lack of support?
-- Bob Hope -
Most of us complain about Congress. We say it's a place that doesn't reflect us; they don't listen to us. Actually, Congress well reflects the American people. It gives us exactly what we ask for.
-- Bob Inglis -
Sure the body count in this movie bothers me, but what are you gonna do? It's what everybody likes. At least it's not an awful body count - it's a fun body count.
-- Bonnie Bedelia -
The story goes that a public sinner was excommunicated and forbidden entry to the church. He took his woes to God. 'They won't let me in, Lord, because I am a sinner.' 'What are you complaining about?' said God. 'They won't let Me in either.
-- Brennan Manning -
...if reality is hard and flat and unjust, then it's better to adjust to what really is than to complain that it isn't what you wish. That was what made me lose faith..... But having lost it, soon I doubted my lack of faith. There were niggling hints of meaning everywhere.
-- Brent Weeks -
Refuse to criticize, condemn, or complain. Instead, think and talk only about the things you really want.
-- Brian Tracy -
Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses.
-- Brian Tracy -
Microsoft knows that reliable software is not cost effective. According to studies, 90% to 95% of all bugs are harmless. They're never discovered by users, and they don't affect performance. It's much cheaper to release buggy software and fix the 5% to 10% of bugs people find and complain about.
-- Bruce Schneier -
If you're a person who complains about everything all the time, then you're just the boy who cried 'wolf.' But if you do it on occasion and about the right reasons, then people listen.
-- Bryan Cranston -
Deal with the Devil if the Devil has a constituency - and don't complain about the heat.
-- C. J. Cherryh -
My core belief is that if you're complaining about something for more than three minutes, two minutes ago you should have done something about it.
-- Caitlin Moran -
I have two children who died before reaching 30, so who am I to complain about being alive?
-- Carlos Fuentes -
Well, I've cleaned bathrooms in a warehouse. That was pretty terrible. But I can't complain because I'm sure other people have done worse.
-- Cee Lo Green -
I am what you designed me to be.I am your blade. You cannot now complain if you also feel the hurt
-- Charles Dickens -
I am not disposed to complain that I have planted and others have gathered the fruits.
-- Charles Goodyear -
I have a face like the behind of an elephant.
-- Charles Laughton -
As long as a man is alive and out of hell, he cannot have any cause to complain.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
In all pursuits men complain of failure when they have not attained the measure of success they proposed to themselves.
-- Charles Tomlinson -
She could not complain about not having shoes when the person she was talking to had no legs.
-- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie -
Never complain, about the number of hours you have put in, to do a job, Your nobility must estimate how much of you Was put into each hour of your daily work
-- Chinmayananda Saraswati -
I get to stay active and that is my job at the moment, so I can't complain.
-- Chris Hemsworth -
Complaint is. more contemptible than pitiful.
-- Christian Nestell Bovee -
I'm not about talking and finger-pointing and complaining. I'm about getting things done.
-- Christine Quinn -
Here the people could stand it no longer and complained of the long voyage; but the Admiral cheered them as best he could, holding out good hope of the advantages they would have. He added that it was useless to complain, he had come [to go] to the Indies, and so had to continue it until he found them, with the help of Our Lord.
-- Christopher Columbus -
I have a low tolerance for people who complain about things but never do anything to change them. This led me to conclude that the single largest pool of untapped natural resources in this world is human good intentions that are never translated into actions.
-- Cindy Gallop -
I'm not an Uncle Tom. . .. I'm going to be here for 40 years. For those who don't like it, get over it.
-- Clarence Thomas -
Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbor’s roof when your own doorstep is unclean.
-- Confucius -
Somebody did complain to me and tell me that my clothes were so loud they couldn't hear me sing.
-- Cyndi Lauper -
When I hear modern people complain of being lonely then I know what has happened. They have lost the cosmos.
-- D. H. Lawrence -
Its hard for me to listen to any actors whine or moan about anything acting-related because look at the world. We really have nothing to complain about. Just to be working is a blessing.
-- Dan Byrd -
Even if the music industry simply gave away all their music people would complain that they don't have the bandwidth to download all the stuff - the problem would merely shift from availability to distribution.
-- Dan Farmer -
The public's perception of your show is what it is, and you don't get to complain how people perceive your show or talk about it.
-- Dan Harmon -
What I do see in New York and I am amazed is how many rich women will complain about the cost of something and get things for free.I would never want to be like them, but I can see why they save money.
-- Dana Perino -
The surest sign that you're working with the life-affirming kind of discipline, rather than the spirit-depressing kind, is that you don't complain very much about doing what it takes.
-- Danielle LaPorte -
Why do people complain that there's no time to get their work done? Because there is more work to do than the work they think they have to do.
-- David Allen -
Do not complain of life's unfairness. It is never fair - at best it is impartial.
-- David Gemmell -
the old man dance, where I tense up, shuffle my feet intermittently, complain about the music volume, and sit down for a rest.
-- David Thorne -
Some people complain there are too many people on earth, Some people complain about secret societies, Some people accuse others of not being able to wake up early. Almost all people complain about something.
-- Dejan Stojanovic -
Complaining is never powerful because at the root of a complaint is powerlessness
-- Dennis Prager -
The more we complain, the more unhappy we get
-- Dennis Prager -
Raising the standard of the work, not complaining about somebody not voting.
-- Denzel Washington -
You walk on water, and complain that you can't find anything to drink!
-- Diane Duane -
I think kids have got to learn how to work with what's happening, work with social, work with everything. To complain about how things aren't the way they used to be...
-- Diplo -
I was the first woman to burn my bra - it took the fire department four days to put it out.
-- Dolly Parton -
Forget the complaints against complexity; instead, complain about confusion.
-- Donald A. Norman -
Kids today do nothing. They're so apathetic. We used to go out and protest. All they do is shop and complain.
-- Douglas Coupland -
They keep telling me don't save you. If I ignore all that advice and something isn't right then who will I complain to?
-- Drake -
Women need attention therefore women will complain, develop hatred for men and say that you're the one to blame.
-- Drake -
My limbs work, so I'm not going to complain about the way my body is shaped.
-- Drew Barrymore -
The truth is, I've made about 30 movies in 30 years, and I've been criticized for 30 years for not making more movies.
-- Dustin Hoffman -
If the laws could speak for themselves, they would complain of the lawyers.
-- E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax -
Don't complain about growing old — many, many people do not have that privilege.
-- Earl Warren -
When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation or accept it, all else is madness.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
Complaining is one of the ego's favorite strategies for strengthening itself.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
When you complain, you make yourself a victim. When you speak out, you are in power.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
I think all actors have a similar deal. You want some people who understand. Although it looks great - and is great - there are also shoddy moments when you feel really rotten, and when it's going well, you're not allowed to complain.
-- Eddie Redmayne -
The biggest lesson I've learned . . . was that if you have all the fresh water you want to drink and all the food you want to eat, you ought never to complain about anything.
-- Eddie Rickenbacker -
It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
-- Edmund Burke -
To complain of the age we live in, to murmur at the present possessors of power, to lament the past, to conceive extravagant hopes of the future, are the common dispositions of the greatest part of mankind.
-- Edmund Burke