Roots famous quotes
There is more similarity in the marketing challenge of selling a precious painting by Degas and a frosted mug of root beer than you ever thought possible.
-- A. Alfred Taubman -
Hatred, intolerance, poor hygienic conditions and violence all have roots in illiteracy, so we're trying to do something to help the poor and the needy.
-- Abdul Qadeer Khan -
Coy Nature, (which remain'd, though aged grown, A beauteous virgin still, enjoy'd by none, Nor seen unveil'd by anyone), When Harvey's violent passion she did see, Began to tremble and to flee; Took sanctuary, like Daphne, in a tree: There Daphne's Lover stopped, and thought it much The very leaves of her to touch: But Harvey, our Apollo, stopp'd not so; Into the Bark and Root he after her did go!
-- Abraham Cowley -
And so, when I was a young writer I always worked hard on imagery, and I knew that the roots of imagery were the senses - and that if my readers could feel, taste and see what I was talking about, I would be able to tell them a story.
-- Adriana Trigiani -
Gaiety is forgetfulness of the self, melancholy is memory of the self: in that state the soul feels all the power of its roots, nothing distracts it from its profound homeland and the look that it casts upon the outer world is gently dismayed.
-- Adrienne Monnier -
Do you know that the tendrils of graft and corruption have become mighty interlacing roots so that even men who would like to be honest are tripped and trapped by them?
-- Agnes Sligh Turnbull -
The root of any film project for me is this inner need to express something. What nurtures this root and makes it grow into a tree is the script. What makes the tree bear flowers and fruit is the directing.
-- Akira Kurosawa -
I am a Minnesotan, and not just because I root for the Vikings and the Twins. I like the Minnesota-nice sensibility. I like the liberal tradition; I like the Hubert Humphrey tradition fighting for civil rights.
-- Al Franken -
Married sex is like being awake during your own autopsy. It is root canal work without anesthetic.
-- Al Goldstein -
The more deeply I search for the roots of the global environmental crisis, the more I am convinced that it is an outer manifestation of an inner crisis that is, for lack of a better word, spiritual... what other word describes the collection of values and assumptions that determine our basic understanding of how we fit into the universe?
-- Al Gore -
The main ingredient of the first quantum revolution, wave-particle duality, has led to inventions such as the transistor and the laser that are at the root of the information society.
-- Alain Aspect -
I write plays about things that I can't resolve in my mind. I try to root things out.
-- Alan Bennett -
Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation.
-- Alan Cohen -
This submission to the threshold of a cross is at the very root of our following Jesus; it changes the game completely.
-- Alan Hirsch -
At the root of the assault on our liberties is, in fact, an assault on our character--an assault that assumes that we are not good enough to be free, and that aims to make sure that we are no longer strong enough, courageous enough, disciplined enough to be a free people.
-- Alan Keyes -
All writers have roots they draw from - travel, work, family. My roots are in science and it is fertile ground for fiction.
-- Alan Lightman -
Obey God in all things today! Drive out the enemy! Lay the ax to the root of the tree, and the capacity for Jesus Christ will be increased tomorrow.
-- Alan Redpath -
Modern liberalism has many roots. One of the most important is the ideas of a man described by an American critic as 'his satanic free-trade majesty John Stuart Mill' and revered by others.
-- Alan Ryan -
Thus, in a middle course between these heights and depths, they drifted through life rather than lived, the prey of aimless days and sterile memories, like wandering shadows that could have acquired substance only by consenting to root themselves in the solid earth of their distress.
-- Albert Camus -
The superficial distinctions of Fascism, Bolshevism, Hitlerism, are the concern of journalists and publicists; the serious student sees in them only one root-idea of a complete conversion of social power into State power.
-- Albert J. Nock -
The place is good. How good, one must have circumnavigated the globe to discover. Why not stay? Take root? But roots are chains. I have a terror of losing my freedom. Free, without ties, unpossessed by any possessions, free to do as one will, to go at a moment's notice wherever the fancy may suggest--it is good. But so is this place. Might it not be better? To gain freedom one sacrifices something [...] and all that these things and people signify. One sacrifices something--for a greater gain in knowledge, in understanding, in intensified living? I sometimes wonder.
-- Aldous Huxley -
To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
Roots is not just a saga of my family. It is the symbolic saga of a people.
-- Alex Haley -
My fondest hope is that 'Roots' may start black, white, brown, red, yellow people digging back for their own roots. Man, that would make me feel 90 feet tall.
-- Alex Haley -
A person with faith does not question its roots, for he knows that if he subjected it to the critical examination of his intellect, he would end up without faith. The same thing can be said of any feeling. You can analyze any feeling to death, but when you do that, you end up without feeling and without a meaninful life.
-- Alexander Lowen -
So true is it that all sin is ultimately against the Lord; so bitter is the root of self.
-- Alfred Edersheim -
Representative democracy betrays the electorate when laws have no roots in the people but in oligarchies. Studies on the concept and modalities of direct democracy are therefore becoming more topical
-- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas -
Fruits are always of the same nature with the seeds and roots from which they come, and trees are known by the fruits they bear: as a man begets a man, and a beast a beast, that society of men which constitutes a government upon the foundation of justice, virtue, and the common good, will always have men to promote those ends; and that which intends the advancement of one man's desire and vanity, will abound in those that will foment them.
-- Algernon Sidney -
He sprang from the grass roots of the country clubs of America.
-- Alice Roosevelt Longworth -
I guess, like most foreigners, when you're away, you see your own culture being even more strange. But where I come from and my roots mean a lot. I miss my family and my friends. Something I've realized as I've been traveling is that it's more about the actual people than the actual place.
-- Alicia Vikander -
Watching everyone root through their psyche, it just delights me. Especially R. Crumb's stuff.
-- Alison Bechdel -
If the weeds are pulled out of the garden too soon, the too shallow roots of the plants developing around it get pulled up with the weed also. Time is what is needed before criticism can be useful.
-- Allison Mackie -
When we read dystopia, we root for these people to break free because we are these people; hoping and fighting against things that are bigger than ourselves.
-- Ally Condie -
The economic and political roots of the conflicts are too strong for us to pretend to create a lasting state of harmonious understanding between men.
-- Alva Myrdal -
Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives. Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness.
-- Alveda King -
To survive, to avert what we have termed future shock, the individual must become infinitely more adaptable and capable than ever before. We must search out totally new ways to anchor ourselves, for all the old roots - religion, nation, community, family, or profession - are now shaking under the hurricane impact of the accelerative thrust. It is no longer resources that limit decisions, it is the decision that makes the resources.
-- Alvin Toffler -
Your roots, your family, your friends all become so much more important to you as you get older, especially if you are a wandering minstrel like me.
-- Amanda Donohoe -
Nothing endures unless it has first been transposed into a myth, and the great advantage of myths is that they are ladies with portable roots.
-- Anais Nin -
The first notes I still play when I start a sound check are classical. Those are my roots.
-- Andrew Bird -
The root of all virtue and grace, of all faith and acceptable worship, is that we know that we have nothing but what we receive, and bow in deepest humility to wait upon God for it.
-- Andrew Murray -
After all, the seeds of depression cannot take root in a grateful heart.
-- Andy Andrews -
The root of anger is the perception that something has been taken. Something is owed you, and now a debt to debtor relationship has been established.
-- Andy Stanley -
Radical simply means 'grasping things at the root.'
-- Angela Davis -
If we remind ourselves of the fact that every fifth American today rightly points and perhaps also with a certain degree of pride to his German ancestry or her German ancestry, we can safely say that we, indeed, share common roots.
-- Angela Merkel -
God does not care what good you did, but why you did it. He does not grade the fruit but probes the core and tests the root.
-- Angelus Silesius -
It's always nervewracking to put yourself out there. But it's the root of joy.
-- Ann Brashares -
I'm quite interested in the absolute roots of narrative, why we tell stories at all: where the monsters come from.
-- Anne Enright -
The earth is rocky and full of roots; it's clay, and it seems doomed and polluted, but you dig little holes for the ugly shriveled bulbs, throw in a handful of poppy seeds, and cover it all over, and you know you'll never see it again - it's death and clay and shrivel, and your hands are nicked from the rocks, your nails black with soil.
-- Anne Lamott -
It draws it's strength, this big secret, from the same root from which I draw my strength, both the good and the bad, because in the end, they cannot be separated.
-- Anne Rice -
The word 'religion' takes on a sinister cast when one examines its root, religare, meaning 'to bind,' which in turn means 'to hold, to make prisoner, to restrain.
-- Annie Laurie Gaylor -
The roots of creativity of cooking are hungry people trying to figure out how to take something that's not particularly fresh or tender and transform it into it something delicious that everyone will love.
-- Anthony Bourdain -
Currents of energy shimmer through our bodies. Like shooting stars, we rocket through spacious stillness. But this silent, unmoving background is nothing like the granite ideas we use trying to take root in groundless soil.
-- Anthony Lawlor -
Familiarity is the root of the closest friendships, as well as the interests hatreds.
-- Antoine Rivarol -
Starting with approaching the spot where the painting is to be done, meanwhile realising the emptiness of the mind, up to the method of 'the flying white', of the rule of the singular stroke of the brush... there is a proper tradition in which the artist is fully aware of the fact that only the pure and empty spontaneity enables him to embrace without hesitating all apparitions and to truly penetrate into the roots of things.
-- Antoni Tapies -
Leave the caves of being. Come. The mind breathes outside the mind. The time has come to abandon your lodgings. Surrender to the Universal Thought. The Marvelous is at the root of the mind.
-- Antonin Artaud -
Square root of a cosine? How is that ever going to be useful?
-- Aprilynne Pike -
Rap actually took root in the Negro community, and then in the Hispanic community, long before it impacted on the larger American community as a whole.
-- Archie Shepp -
Let's start with the church. As you know, it's my background, it's a natural setting for me and it's definitely my roots.
-- Aretha Franklin -
We never leave our roots. We just grow new branches.
-- Audrey Meadows -
Imagine a person with a gift of ridicule [He might say] First that a negative quantity has no logarithm; secondly that a negative quantity has no square root; thirdly that the first non-existent is to the second as the circumference of a circle is to the diameter.
-- Augustus De Morgan -
The root of a nation's misfortunes has to be sought in the moral failings of the government.
-- Aung San Suu Kyi -
I can say-not as a patriotic bromide, but with full knowledge of the necessary metaphysical, epistemological , ethical, political and esthetic roots-that the United States of America is the greatest, the noblest and, in its original founding principles, the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand -
Look after the root of the tree, and the fragrant flower and luscious fruits will grow by themselves. Look after the health of the body, and the fragrance of the mind and richness of the spirit will follow.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Why? Because every human being has a root in the Unity, and to reject the minutest particle of the Unity is to reject it all.
-- Baal Shem Tov -
Aw, everybody knows that game, the day I hit the homer off ole Charlie Root there in Wrigley Field, the day October first, the third game of that thirty-two World Series. But right now I want to settle all arguments. I didn't exactly point to any spot, like the flagpole. Anyway, I didn't mean to, I just sorta waved at the whole fence, but that was foolish enough. All I wanted to do was give that thing a ride... outta the park... anywhere.
-- Babe Ruth -
The points or tips of the chakras, where they connect to the main power current, are called the roots or the hearts of the chakras. Within these hearts are seals which control exchange of energy between layers of the aura through that chakra. That is, each of the seven chakras has seven layers, each corresponding to a layer of the auric field.
-- Barbara Brennan -
Subtly, in the little ways, joy has been leaking out of our lives. The small pleasures of the ordinary day seem almost contemptible, and glance off us lightly...Perhaps it's a good time to reconsider pleasure at its roots. Changing out of wet shoes and socks, for instance. Bathrobes. Yawning and stretching. Real tomatoes.
-- Barbara Holland -
Perhaps it's a good time to reconsider pleasure at its roots. Changing out of wet shoes and socks, for instance.
-- Barbara Holland -
Root out all the "to be" verbs in your prose and bludgeon them until dead. No "It was" or "they are" or "I am." Don't let it be, make it happen.
-- Barbara Kingsolver -
You can't learn anything from saguaro cactus, from ocotillo. They are just passing through; their roots, their much heralded dormancy in the dry season, these are only illusions of permanence. They know even less than you do.
-- Barry Lopez -
I think the Flecktones are a mixture of acoustic and electronic music with a lot of roots in folk and bluegrass as well as funk and jazz.
-- Bela Fleck -
To be truly visionary we have to root our imagination in our concrete reality while simultaneously imagining possibilities beyond that reality.
-- Bell Hooks -
And where she went, the flowers took thickest root, As she had sow'd them with her odorous foot.
-- Ben Jonson -
All the great writers root their characters in true human behaviour.
-- Ben Kingsley -
In short, I don't root against President Obama because I hate America. I root against President Obama because I hate his vision for America.
-- Ben Shapiro -
I was put into office by the people who believed in my idea that corruption is the root of poverty; that an end to corruption would mean an end to poverty.
-- Benigno Aquino III -
An infallible Remedy for the Tooth-ach, viz Wash the Root of an aching Tooth, in Elder Vinegar, and let it dry half an hour in the Sun; after which it will never ach more; Probatum est.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Agriculture is the greatest and fundamentally the most important of our industries. The cities are but the branches of the tree of national life, the roots of which go deeply into the land. We all flourish or decline with the farmer.
-- Bernard Baruch -
In the 50 years I've spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most peoples' health problems.
-- Bernard Jensen -
The spiteful tongue strikes a deadly blow at charity in all who hear him speak and, so far as it can, destroys root and branch, not only in the immediate hearers but also in all others to whom the slander, flying from lip to lip, is afterwards repeated.
-- Bernard of Clairvaux -
Love should be a tree whose roots are deep in the earth, but whose branches extend into heaven.
-- Bertrand Russell -
The twin conceptions of sin and vindictive punishment seem to be at the root of much that is most vigorous, both in religion and politics.
-- Bertrand Russell -
Roots of the weed sucked first life from the genesis of earth and hold the essence of it still. Always the weed returns; the cultured plant retreats before it.
-- Beryl Markham -
Jealousy takes root in the soil of insecurity.
-- Beth Moore -
Ancestral habits of mind can be constricting; they also confer one's individuality.
-- Bharati Mukherjee -
I have to put down roots where I decide to stay. It wasn't enough for me to be an expatriate Indian in Canada. If I can't feel that I can make social, political and emotional commitments to a place, I have to find another place.
-- Bharati Mukherjee -
I think I am a radical. I have never deviated from that. By radical, I mean someone trying to go to the root of things.
-- Bill Ayers -
It is a cultural tradition that makes New Orleans what it is. It also represents the roots of American music and an important part of the African-American community in New Orleans. It unites people in some of the poorer neighborhoods of the city. It is absolutely critical to continue.
-- Bill Taylor -
The Ancient Games are relatively obscure to most Olympians, but to understand just what the Games are about, it is really necessary to investigate the roots and the meaning that has transformed culture and society for so many years.
-- Bill Toomey -
I love to promote our sport. I love grass-roots tennis. I love coaching. I love all parts of the sport. I love the business side.
-- Billie Jean King -
Like any good tree that one would hope to grow, we must set our roots deep into the ground so that what is real will prosper in the Light of Love.
-- Billy Corgan -
Far too many young people today have no spiritual roots. The've been deprived of values by an agnostic, contemporary culture.
-- Billy Graham -
It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then, that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds.
-- Black Elk -
Generally we are occupied either with the miseries which now we feel, or with those which threaten; and even when we see ourselves sufficiently secure from the approach of either, still fretfulness, though unwarranted by either present or expected affliction, fails not to spring up from the deep recesses of the heart, where its roots naturally grow, and to fill the soul with its poison.
-- Blaise Pascal -
You're not going to hear me do a rap song, you're not going to hear me do a jazz song. We have to be true to our roots, do what we do, and try to do it a little better each time.
-- Bob Seger -
If we're all led to believe that poverty is just a matter of laziness or stupidity or whatever other justifications we can come up with, then we're not likely to be in a real position to do much about it when it comes to attacking the root cause of the problem. Instead of demanding a more equitable system for the distribution of social and economic goods, we blame the victim. This is insidious, because ideology is something we carry around with us in our heads; it forms the basis of our day-to-day understanding of the world.
-- Bob Torres