Beth Moore famous quotes
Faith is not believing in my own unshakable belief. Faith is believing an unshakable God when everything in me trembles and quakes.
-- Beth Moore -
God has promised to every single one of us that even in our hardest times, if we would just hang on long enough, the blessing will come.
-- Beth Moore -
People don't need Christians to act like we always have it together. People need us to be real! What kind of healing would come if we all just got real before God and others?
-- Beth Moore -
You cannot keep doing the same thing, the same way, and keep expecting something different to happen.
-- Beth Moore -
Sometimes God allows storms to come together in such a way that they ultimately fulfill something that would never have happened otherwise.
-- Beth Moore -
We must settle in our hearts that no matter what, God is sovereign.
-- Beth Moore -
Spiritual maturity does not mean that we will never make wrong plans. In fact, spiritual maturity often means having the courage to admit we've made the wrong plans.
-- Beth Moore -
If we wait for the needy to walk through our church doors, we may wait a long time. God doesn't wait for people to come to Him. He goes to them.
-- Beth Moore -
When God says go forward, don't even think about standing still.
-- Beth Moore -
It's a strange thought that sometimes God trusts us more than we trust Him. God trusts you - can you trust Him?
-- Beth Moore -
We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.
-- Beth Moore -
God often proves Himself when we feel we have the least to offer.
-- Beth Moore -
If we are leading but not closely following Christ, we are misleading.
-- Beth Moore -
God is the Deliverer, but we never know how He might deliver us.
-- Beth Moore -
You must go to God's Word to know what is true about yourself.
-- Beth Moore -
Christ sometimes provokes a question so that He can be the answer.
-- Beth Moore -
Peace is one of the most obvious earmarks of the authority of Christ. A sense of peace will virtually always accompany His will and direction, even when the direction might not have been our personal preference.
-- Beth Moore -
True intimacy with God always brings humility.
-- Beth Moore -
Regardless of who has betrayed you and what promises they didn’t keep- God is firm in His commitment to you.
-- Beth Moore -
God longs for us to freely pour out every single emotion, no matter how toxic, right before Him.
-- Beth Moore -
Trust God to take care of you in all circumstances. Do you realize what the enemy will lose if you surrender and trust God?
-- Beth Moore -
Insecurity is miserable. That's the bottom line. We don't need it. We don't want it. And we really can live without it. So what would happen if we quite being accomplices in our own misery?
-- Beth Moore -
Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that pride is a problem only for the lost. The most effective means the enemy has to keep believers from being full of the Spirit is to keep us full of ourselves. No wonder the Bible states and restates that God hates pride. It is the enemy of genuine ministry. It is the end of many homes.
-- Beth Moore -
Anyone who truly walks with God, walks humbly. The closer we draw near to Him, the more we behold His majesty!
-- Beth Moore -
When we end up in a situation where we have been rejected, there is an acceptance in Christ of a new place He is going to take us. It is like nothing we have ever experienced. You are accepted in Christ, never rejected by Him.
-- Beth Moore -
When we live to the glory of God, we show His goodness living through us instead of just ourselves.
-- Beth Moore -
Let your light shine today, and let your personality blossom, too. You don't have to be a people-pleaser, just a people-lover.
-- Beth Moore -
Knowing we’re saved by grace but still living under the law makes for a spiritually neurotic person.
-- Beth Moore -
Dirt is dirt, and we've all got it no matter where we come from. I'm not sure Christ sees one kind of dirt as dirtier than another. One thing is for sure: His blood is able to bleach any stain left by any kind of dirt.
-- Beth Moore -
Differences will always exist, but division doesn't always have to result.
-- Beth Moore -
Anyone with the maturity to surrender entirely to God is mature enough for God to use.
-- Beth Moore -
One of the most critical reasons believers experience defeat is because we categorize only a few areas of our lives as Christ's arena.
-- Beth Moore -
Whether we get to avoid pain and suffering or we must persevere in the midst of it, our deliverance comes when we're dragged from the enemy of our souls to the heart of God.
-- Beth Moore -
God honors a beautiful blend of gift and grit! He gives the gift, and He expects us to have the grit to practice and learn how to use it effectively.
-- Beth Moore -
To God, our journey is JUST as important as our destination!
-- Beth Moore -
When you walk with Jesus, defeat turns into victory.
-- Beth Moore -
God wants to bring victory to a people who recognize who brought it.
-- Beth Moore -
A person full of the Holy Spirit cannot be full of self. Pride never accompanies power in the fully yielded life.
-- Beth Moore -
Christ honors our submission even when our only motivation is obedience.
-- Beth Moore -
There is something very healthy about finding support from others during difficult times. I needed it for my own healing.
-- Beth Moore -
Anything God does, the enemy tries to counterfeit. We have to be on guard against the enemy!
-- Beth Moore -
We need to learn how to give a defense for our belief in Christ without getting defensive.
-- Beth Moore -
You haven't been through one thing that God cannot heal you from.
-- Beth Moore -
If we belong to Christ, Satan has no right to exercise authority over us, but he hopes we're too ignorant regarding Scripture to know it.
-- Beth Moore -
If you are still alive, then God is NOT finished with you!
-- Beth Moore -
We might not be able to change our circumstances, but we CAN change our attitude.
-- Beth Moore -
One of our greatest challenges as Christians is to be driven by the love of Christ rather than constantly seeking after God's comfort.
-- Beth Moore -
I'm a common woman sharing common problems seeking common solutions on a journey with an uncommon Savior.
-- Beth Moore -
It’s critical that we know what we believe, no matter what we feel...that we know what is true, no matter what we see.
-- Beth Moore -
God wants to wipe away your past and lift your burdens. Do you let Him?
-- Beth Moore -
He is not only a God of perfect time, but of perfect timing.
-- Beth Moore -
Think how our lives might be different if we became people with whom Christ could share the deep things of God.
-- Beth Moore -
Live by faith. Live out loud. And never stop believing God-day by day.
-- Beth Moore -
How often we expect big things from God without preparing for big things from him
-- Beth Moore -
The true determining factor of our belief system is not what we're saying, but how we are living.
-- Beth Moore -
Sometimes God allows us to explore the 'whys' of His instructions. Other times He wants us to obey 'because He said so.' Has God asked you to obey in a specific matter that still awaits your obedient response?
-- Beth Moore -
We can grow so accustomed to being spoon-fed the Word of God that we sometimes forget how to examine the Scriptures for ourselves.
-- Beth Moore -
When the Spirit of God moves within us, we must move with Him or be miserable.
-- Beth Moore -
What does the enemy have to gain by convincing you to never deal with your past because your mind will never make it all the way through? It is a lie from the pit of hell. Today, claim your healing in Christ. It is your right as His child.
-- Beth Moore -
A broken heart heals when we allow the healing to go as deep as the wound went
-- Beth Moore -
Being yielded to God's authority keeps us pliable and open-minded to a possible change of plans.
-- Beth Moore -
Forgiveness doesn't make the situation OK, it makes you OK.
-- Beth Moore -
I don’t want any of the things that I fear to happen, but this I know, if they do, my God will take care of me.
-- Beth Moore -
The giant step in the walk of faith is the one we take when we decide God no longer is a part of our lives. He IS our life.
-- Beth Moore -
If we only understood that when we devote our lives to the glory of God, our existence on planet earth will leave marks---eternal marks.
-- Beth Moore -
Nothing is of greater threat to the enemy than a believer with the Word of God living and active upon her tongue, readily applied to any situation.
-- Beth Moore -
God uses change to change us. He doesn’t use it to destroy us or to distract us, but to coax us to the next level of character, experience, compassion and destiny!
-- Beth Moore -
God's approval is a whole lot easier to get than man's.
-- Beth Moore -
Sometimes you have to hold tight to what God has already said because you can get so clouded over emotionally that you can no longer rely on what feels right or wrong.
-- Beth Moore -
The Son of Man has authority over whatever has you paralyzed. Get up and walk.
-- Beth Moore -
The only reason I can hold up my head is because when He set me free He gave me my dignity back.
-- Beth Moore -
Whatever crisis you are going through, fruit will come from it. Allow the crisis to bring fruit.
-- Beth Moore -
Kindness is willing to look in the face of the hurting.
-- Beth Moore -
When we think we’re at the mercy of our circumstances and past, we discount the power that is ours through the Holy Spirit.
-- Beth Moore -
If Jesus gives us a task or assigns us to a difficult season, every ounce of our experience is meant for our instruction and completion if only we'll let Him finish the work. I fear, however, that we are so attention-deficit that we settle for bearable when beauty is just around the corner.
-- Beth Moore -
Prayer guards hearts and minds and causes God to bring peace out of chaos
-- Beth Moore -
...if I die suddenly, my gravestone might appropriately offer this insight into my departure: "God got tired." I require lots of work.
-- Beth Moore -
Faith is the only thing that will ever close the gap between our theology and our reality.
-- Beth Moore -
The moment we decide to throw more energy into fighting for our mate than with him, the crack of a fist on the enemy's jaw splits the ears of angels.
-- Beth Moore -
A bruised heart that chooses to beat with a passion for God amid pulsing pain and confusion may just be the most expensive offering placed on the divine altar.
-- Beth Moore -
I want God’s Word to get into our bone marrow and change the way we walk...change what we do...change how we think.
-- Beth Moore -
If we remain compelled by comfort, we will miss the greatest adventures of our calling.
-- Beth Moore -
Jealousy takes root in the soil of insecurity.
-- Beth Moore -
Ultimately, our relationship with Christ is the one thing we cannot do without.
-- Beth Moore -
Peace comes in situations completely surrendered to the sovereign authority of Christ.
-- Beth Moore -
I don't know how, but I know Who
-- Beth Moore -
We know we're coming full circle with God when we stand at a very similar crossroad where we made such a mess of life before, but this time we take a different road.
-- Beth Moore -
Whatever God is urging you to clear away cannot begin to be compared to what He ultimately wants to bring you.
-- Beth Moore -
Even if the steering wheel fits, you don't have to keep gripping it.
-- Beth Moore -
Oddly, the most freeing thing we can ever do is to abdicate the throne of our own miniature kingdoms.
-- Beth Moore -
We long to find someone who has been where we've been, who shares our fragile places, who sees our sunsets with the same shades of blue. Soul mates. They somehow validate the depth of our experiences.
-- Beth Moore -
May God remind us daily-no matter what kind of obstacles we face-that we are loved and empowered by the One who brought the universe into existence with the mere sound of His voice. Nothing is impossible for Him.
-- Beth Moore -
If a person fears God, she has no reason to fear anything else.
-- Beth Moore -
Trust reverses the detours of adversity into highways of destiny.
-- Beth Moore
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