Christine Caine famous quotes
No weapon formed against you will prosper. But make no mistake, the weapon will be formed.
-- Christine Caine -
I also came to understand that our authenticity (or lack thereof) is made evident by the fruit that our life is bearing.
-- Christine Caine -
Christian life isn’t a one-person race. It’s a relay. You are not alone; you’re part of a team assembled by our unstoppable God to achieve his eternal purposes.
-- Christine Caine -
Don't allow any set back to become bigger than your come back
-- Christine Caine -
The amazing thing is that throughout Scripture and history it seems God has chosen the most seemingly unlikely and unqualified people to fulfill his plan and purpose on the earth. Most often, the response of those people has been to insist on their own unworthiness. And if they don’t-the people around them may do so, loudly and shrilly. And therein lies a danger: If we allow other people to tell us what we are and are not qualified to do, we will limit what God wants to do with us.
-- Christine Caine -
We have so many Christians who want to change the world, but they don't want to change themselves.
-- Christine Caine -
Just as God gave Moses exactly what he needed to accomplish great things, he will equip us in the same way. If he calls us to slay giants, he will make us into giant slayers.
-- Christine Caine -
Even when I cannot see him, I can hear the beautiful gallop of God's heartbeat for humanity.
-- Christine Caine -
When there is a fight between your heart and your head, experience has taught me that the best thing you can do is pick up your Bible and remind yourself of what God says.
-- Christine Caine -
Jesus didn't come to make us safe. He came to make us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness.
-- Christine Caine -
Settling for what is comfortable is one of the biggest enemies to our enlargement... In every season of life...we need to be committed to enlarging our personal capacity (even when it's not comfortable). We need to refuse to be satisfied with our latest accomplishments, as what we've accomplished is no longer our potential because it has been realized.
-- Christine Caine -
Even though I only just found out that I was adopted, God has always known, and he has always loved me. And since that has never changed, therefore nothing has essentially changed. I may not be who I thought I was, but I still am who he says I am. I am more. I am loved. I am his.
-- Christine Caine -
Nothing about my birth - or yours - was random or accidental. I was born for this time - and so were you. We were each chosen for a particular, cosmically important task that can be done by no one else.
-- Christine Caine -
Fulfilling our destiny and realizing our potential all begins in our mind. That's why the devil tries to bombard our thinking.
-- Christine Caine -
As you give God your time, your gifts, your resources and talents, He will use them to have a critically important and eternal impact on this world.
-- Christine Caine -
Life is too short, the world is too big and God's love is too great to live ordinary.
-- Christine Caine -
We also need to be willing to make room in our lives for the impending birth of our dreams. This might mean emptying our life of clutter such as wasted time, energy, resources, or draining relationships. These things can jeopardize our dreams by distracting us at a time when we should be more focused than ever.
-- Christine Caine -
Knowing what is right is not the same as doing what is right.
-- Christine Caine -
We were never created to settle for mere religion. Jesus did not die so that we could have a religious belief system - but rather a life-giving relationship with our Father.
-- Christine Caine -
The giant in front of you is never bigger than the God who lives in you.
-- Christine Caine -
When you care more about what others think of you than what God knows about you, you've lost perspective on what really matters.
-- Christine Caine -
Until we care more about what God thinks than what other people think we are never truly free
-- Christine Caine -
Light works most effectively in darkness.
-- Christine Caine -
The long series of disappointments you accumulate in a lifetime can stop you from moving forward into all the goodness God has planned for you – and that means they’ll be stopping not only you, but also all those God has destined you to reach along your life journey.
-- Christine Caine -
God is able to take the mess of our past and turn it into a message. He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony.
-- Christine Caine -
Often the very things that you think have disqualified you are the ones that qualify you to do what God has called you to do.
-- Christine Caine -
Spend more time building your character than trying to build your platform.
-- Christine Caine -
We're not a product of time. We are a product of eternity.
-- Christine Caine -
Your history doesn't need to dictate your destiny
-- Christine Caine -
God never consults your past to make your future.
-- Christine Caine -
Your history does not need to define your destiny.
-- Christine Caine -
We have been created for God and by God to transform the world around us.
-- Christine Caine -
When we feed our faith, we starve our doubts.
-- Christine Caine -
We also need to be willing to make room in our lives for the impending birth of our dreams.
-- Christine Caine -
Compassion is never compassion until you cross the street and go do something about it.
-- Christine Caine -
If you entrust God with your 'here,' He will take you 'there.' If you give Him your 'now,' He will take care of 'then.'
-- Christine Caine -
Allow God to continually soften your heart so that it beats for what his heart beats for - people.
-- Christine Caine -
Our relationship with God flows out of our love for God.
-- Christine Caine -
The biblical model is that God deliberately chooses imperfect vessels - those who have been wounded, those with physical or emotional limitations. Then he prepares them to serve and sends them out with their weakness still evident, so that his strength can be made perfect in that weakness.
-- Christine Caine -
It's not possible to be close to God without thinking about the lost. They never leave His mind.
-- Christine Caine -
Until we choose to deal with our yesterday today, we're never going to step into tomorrow.
-- Christine Caine -
If we don't build our Spiritual Core our world is going to collapse.
-- Christine Caine -
We need to replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of God; to do so we need to know the truth of God.
-- Christine Caine -
Greater is He that is in you than anything that surrounds you.
-- Christine Caine -
Spending time in the presence of Jesus is a non-negotiable. Don't wait until you have time to do it. MAKE time.
-- Christine Caine -
To step into tomorrow's possibilities you must let go of yesterday's realities. Be careful of your choices between what was, is and will be. It is very hard to fully step into your destiny while you are still holding on to your history.
-- Christine Caine -
When you are not sure what to do now just keep doing what God told you to do last!
-- Christine Caine -
Let's not hold anything back in 2015. We only have one life to live and this is not a dress rehearsal!! #‎ allornothing
-- Christine Caine -
When God has assigned you, He knows where and when to find you.
-- Christine Caine -
Replace what you don't know about the future with what you do know about God!
-- Christine Caine -
Believe the truth of God's Word over the facts of your circumstances.
-- Christine Caine -
You do what you want to for Passion, you do what you have to for Obligation.
-- Christine Caine -
God loves it when His children pray BIG, BOLD PRAYERS. Don't be afraid to ask your Father for anything!
-- Christine Caine -
God uses rescued people to rescue people.
-- Christine Caine -
God uses the tension, complexity, and challenge of doing His kingdom work to transform us into champions.
-- Christine Caine -
We have a responsibility to carry the baton of faith to the next generation.
-- Christine Caine -
A pair of skinny jeans and a tattoo does not make you a leader.
-- Christine Caine -
The same God who brought you here is the same God that will take you there! Stop worrying about how and trust Him. He who promised is faithful!
-- Christine Caine -
You need to return to the truth of God's Word that will last forever, not meditate on circumstance that will fade and change. It is this truth that enables us to go into the future undaunted.
-- Christine Caine -
When you believe God is who he says he is, when you hang onto him and his Word in faith, his truth sets you free.6 The truth you store up in silence comes back to you in the storm, and it lifts you away as on a life raft from the fears and disappointments that would otherwise pull you under. When you abide in his Word, he abides in you.
-- Christine Caine -
Sophie is asking mum ‘Why am I NOT a doll NOT an adult NOT a boy NOT a giraffe?’ It’s so easy to miss all we are when we focus on what we are not!
-- Christine Caine -
Thoughts are like a train, they'll take us somewhere. Protect by filling with the word of God.
-- Christine Caine -
If we don't put our faith to work we will soon discover that we have a faith that doesn't work!
-- Christine Caine -
The pain of recovery is sometimes worse than the pain of the injury. Allow Jesus Christ to heal your soul.
-- Christine Caine -
As leaders, it all comes down to trust. Do you trust the sovereignty of God?
-- Christine Caine -
Praying the sinners prayer does not heal you. It saves you
-- Christine Caine -
Sometimes, all you need to do is pull back a little to protect your heart, not turn your back entirely.
-- Christine Caine -
Our faith is really proven in the way we talk to ourselves. The loudest human voice you will listen to is your own. Choose your words wisely.
-- Christine Caine -
If you are marked by God, you don't need to be marketed by man.
-- Christine Caine -
God prunes us when He is about to take us into a new season of growth and expansion.
-- Christine Caine -
I have realized that nothing else matters besides this: Am I doing everything God has put me on this earth to do?
-- Christine Caine -
A commitment to growth is a commitment to risk, courage, faith, strength, hope, and a willingness to make mistakes, get back up and try again.
-- Christine Caine -
Being faithful doesn’t mean you are fearless. It just means that your faith is greater than your fear.
-- Christine Caine -
At the threshold of every transition in our lives the devil send a spirit of fear. Therefore be strong and very courageous!
-- Christine Caine -
Even if people have disappointed you or circumstances have not turned out as you had hoped or prayed, know that God is with you, cares for you, and loves you. He is working all these things together for your good right at this very moment.
-- Christine Caine -
We need to stop making what people did to us bigger than what Jesus did for us.
-- Christine Caine -
It is one thing to be awakened to injustice and quite another to be willing to be inconvenienced and interrupted to do something about it.
-- Christine Caine -
Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words...
-- Christine Caine -
Your talent will open the door but only your character can keep you there.
-- Christine Caine -
In Christianity, nobody wins until everybody crosses the line.
-- Christine Caine -
I don't want to just live delivered but I want to live free.
-- Christine Caine
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