Eternity famous quotes
The grave, where sets the orb of being, sets To rise, ascend, and culminate above Eternity's horizon evermore.
-- Abraham Coles -
Eternity! How know we but we stand On the precipitous and crumbling verge Of Time e'en now, Eternity below?
-- Abraham Coles -
Vain, weak-built isthmus, which dost proudly rise Up between two eternities!
-- Abraham Cowley -
in times like the present, men should utter nothing for which they would not willingly be responsible through time and eternity.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
When emptiness is still, that is eternity. When it moves, that is love.
-- Adyashanti -
A good man ("un homme de bien", Fr.) never wholly perishes, the best part of his being outlives (or survives) in eternity.
-- African Spir -
Everything that has existed, lingers in the Eternity.
-- Agatha Christie -
It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature.
-- Albert Einstein -
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
-- Albert Einstein -
Everyone else is waiting for eternity and the shamans are saying, 'How about tonight?'
-- Alberto Villoldo -
I am a moment illuminating eternity....I am affirmation...I am ecstasy.
-- Alexander Scriabin -
Eternity doth wear upon her face the veil of time. They only see the veil, and thus they know not what they stand so near!
-- Alexander Smith -
But it is the province of religion, of philosophy, of pure poetry only, to go beyond life, beyond time, into eternity.
-- Alfred de Vigny -
The foundation of reverence is this perception, that the present holds within itself the complete sum of existence, backwards and forwards, that whole amplitude of time, which is eternity.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
The ultimate fulfillment of God's mercy in Jesus is not something that is supplied in time to correct a default in the system, but is something that is planned from all of eternity.
-- Alistair Begg -
Present, n. That part of eternity dividing the domain of disappointment from the realm of hope.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Ever afterward, though the dance of creation change around me in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same.
-- Anandamayi Ma -
She stood lost in eternity... watching the immense sky...
-- Angela Carter -
The Rose which here on earth is now perceived by me, has blossomed thus in god from all eternity.
-- Angelus Silesius -
A little while, we are in eternity; before we find ourselves there, let us do much for Christ.
-- Ann Hasseltine Judson -
What to my Saviour shall I giveWho freely hath done this for me?I'll serve him here whilst I shall liveAnd Loue him to Eternity
-- Anne Bradstreet -
If the soul cannot find its jacket. it is condemned to an eternity of wandering--naked and alone
-- Anne Fadiman -
Heaven must be populated with some rather strange creatures if all they lived for was to go to a place where they can strum harps for eternity.
-- Anton Szandor LaVey -
The price of Justice is eternal publicity.
-- Arnold Bennett -
The more we can be raised above the petty vexations and pleasures of this world into the eternal life to come, the more shall we be prepared to enter into that eternal life whenever God shall please to call us hence.
-- Arthur Penrhyn Stanley -
Eternity. It is the sea mingled with the sun.
-- Arthur Rimbaud -
We must not forget that the issues of Eternity are settled in Time.
-- Arthur W. Pink -
In whatever position one is in, or in whatever condition in life one is placed, one must find balance. Balance is the state of the present - the here and now. If you balance in the present, you are living in Eternity.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
In so far as the mind sees things in their eternal aspect, it participates in eternity.
-- Baruch Spinoza -
The prophet and the martyr do not see the hooting throng. Their eyes are fixed on the eternities.
-- Benjamin Cardozo -
When I am in pain, I must know that beauty always has been and always will be. This is as close to eternity as I need to be.
-- Bill T. Jones -
Life is just a schoolroom with a glorious opportunity to prepare us for eternity.
-- Billy Graham -
When I consider the small span of my life absorbed in the eternity of all time, or the small part of space which I can touch or see engulfed by the infinite immensity of spaces that I know not and that know me not, I am frightened and astonished to see myself here instead of there … now instead of then.
-- Blaise Pascal -
The pursuit of eternity is no longer the prerogative of the gods - it is the business of us all, here and now.
-- Bob Brown -
Like Jonah, the whale had swallowed me; unlike him, I believed I would spend eternity inside the belly of the beast.
-- Bob Kerrey -
Nunc fluens facit tempus,nunc stans facit aeternitatum.(The now that passes produces time, the now that remains produces eternity.)
-- Boethius -
You are eternity's hostage A captive of mine.
-- Boris Pasternak -
We're all time's captives, hostages to eternity.
-- Boris Pasternak -
The end we ought to propose to ourselves is to become, in this life, the most perfect worshipers of God we can possibly be, as we hope to be through all eternity.
-- Brother Lawrence -
Our dreams, like the disciples’, are always too small. We are here to fulfill God’s dream—that we will bring Him glory through a remarkably abundant life. That’s how we find our greatest personal fulfillment, now and for eternity.
-- Bruce Wilkinson -
All that is not eternal is eternally out of date.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Everything that is not eternal is worthless in eternity.
-- C. S. Lewis -
The humans live in time but our Enemy (God) destines them for eternity.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Being a scientist and staring immensity and eternity in the face every day is as grand and inspiring as it gets,
-- Carolyn Porco -
More than a hygienic method of disposing of the dead, cremation enabled lovers and comrades to be mingled together for eternity:
-- Catharine Arnold -
The unfolding of our friendship with the Father will be a never-ending revelation strretching on into eternity
-- Catherine Marshall -
Awful as the consideration of eternity is, it is a source of great consolation to the righteous.
-- Charles Buck -
We cannot play at preaching. We preach for eternity.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
Eternity is not something that begins after you are dead. It is going on all the time.
-- Charlotte Perkins Gilman -
We're not a product of time. We are a product of eternity.
-- Christine Caine -
The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become. That's what you will take into eternity.
-- Dallas Willard -
Love is the last relay and ultimate outposts of eternity.
-- Dante Gabriel Rossetti -
Even a minute of dying is better than an eternity of nothingness.
-- Darren Shan -
Obedience to the law of chastity will increase our happiness in mortality and make possible our progress in eternity.
-- David A. Bednar -
When the coherence of the parts of a stone, or even that composition of parts which renders it extended; when these familiar objects, I say, are so inexplicable, and contain circumstances so repugnant and contradictory; with what assurance can we decide concerning the origin of worlds, or trace their history from eternity to eternity?
-- David Hume -
If you can trust God to save you for eternity, you can trust him to lead you for a lifetime.
-- David Platt -
Living in the present moment creates the experience of eternity.
-- Deepak Chopra -
God is more concerned with our character than with our achievements. Achievements have importance only in the realm of time. Character is eternal. It determines what we will be through eternity.
-- Derek Prince -
Sherrill On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.
-- Douglas Horton -
Things of today? Deeds which are harvest for Eternity!
-- Ebenezer Elliott -
Consider and act with reference to the true ends of existence. This world is but the vestibule of an immortal life. Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.
-- Edwin Hubbel Chapin -
The Lord, creator of life, has given us information to act upon that is guaranteed by him to guide us to our goal of life eternal.
-- Elaine A. Cannon -
A year is an eternity in politics - though less than a moment in history.
-- Eliot Spitzer -
I'm looking for someone to quench my thirst-for all eternity" -Luna Maxwell
-- Ellen Schreiber -
Commitment. That's what it's all about. Taking that convenant together. Bonding yourselves for all eternity. Isn't that what we are all looking for? Maybe Alexander wasn't ready to do that with me, but it's obvious he isn't ready to do that with you, either.
-- Ellen Schreiber -
Eternity is a circle, a serpent that swallows its own tail.
-- Elsa Barker -
Our citizenship is in eternity; history is our temporary residence.
-- Erwin McManus -
If we haven't learned to be worshipers it doesn't really matter how well we do anything else. Worship changes us or it has not been worship. To stand before the Holy One of eternity is to change. Worship begins in holy expectancy, it ends in holy obedience.
-- Erwin W. Lutzer -
Only eternal values can give meaning to temporal ones. Time must be the servant of eternity.
-- Erwin W. Lutzer -
Time will discover everything to posterity; it is a babbler, and speaks even when no question is put.
-- Euripides -
For an instant she felt his touch on her cheek then he stepped back. There that was my ration for all eternity. People have died for less I dare say.
-- Eva Ibbotson -
A father's calling is eternal and its importance transcends time. It is a calling for both time and eternity.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
Thoughts lead to acts, acts lead to habits, habits lead to character - and our character will determine our eternal destiny.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
If infinity is as they describe it, all things are not just possible but in the end certain ...
-- Fay Weldon -
I drink eternally. For me it is an eternity of drinking, and a drinking up of eternity.
-- Francois Rabelais -
We have eternity, beloved." "You may have eternity. I have only now." "But this is eternity.
-- Frank Herbert -
And in eternity, faith is the only currency that counts.
-- Franklin Graham -
But eternity is not temporality at a standstill. What is oppressive about the concept of the eternal is the justification, incomprehensible to us, that time must undergo in eternity and the logical conclusion of that, the justification of ourselves as we are.
-- Franz Kafka -
No man can pass into eternity, for he is already in it.
-- Frederic Farrar -
For a person who is dying only eternity counts.
-- Friedrich Durrenmatt -
When their minds mingle with His magnanimity, something of eternity rubs off on their imaginations.
-- Geoffrey Wood -
Eternal life is personal existence in continuity with the present life, but transfigured.
-- Georgia Harkness -
A human life is a schooling for eternity.
-- Gottfried Keller -
And when it's all done, when there's no one left you'll come back for me. And tell me who I am and why I have to do what I do. And explain 'Eternity.' You'll come back
-- Grant Morrison -
The thought of eternity consoles for the shortness of life.
-- Guillaume-Chretien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes -
Music, being identical with heaven, isn't a thing of momentary thrills, or even hourly ones. It's a condition of eternity.
-- Gustav Holst -
Nothing can separate you from God's love, absolutely nothing. God is enough for time, God is enough for eternity. God is enough!
-- Hannah Whitall Smith -
It is so pleasant to learn about new things. Every day I find how little I know, but I do not feel discouraged since God has given me an eternity in which to learn more.
-- Helen Keller -
Eternity: The interval between the time when a woman discovers that a man is in love with her and the time when he finds it out himself and tells her about it.
-- Helen Rowland