Publicity famous quotes
A fool and his money get a lot of publicity.
-- Al Bernstein -
Personal publicity of every kind is utterly distasteful to me, and I have made greater efforts to escape it than most people make to get it.
-- Albert J. Nock -
Donate and do not talk about it, they say you do nothing for the society; do and talk about it, they say you seek publicity!
-- Amitabh Bachchan -
Frankly, I'm getting a lot of great publicity.
-- Ann Coulter -
The price of Justice is eternal publicity.
-- Arnold Bennett -
Hollywood - that's a place where love is viewed both pragmatically and philosophically in the saying, 'Tis better to have loved and divorced than never to have had any publicity at all.
-- Ava Gardner -
The power of publicity is more important than advertising.
-- Barbara Corcoran -
I know actors come around and they always talk like that, but I don't do publicity if I don't like the film.
-- Barbara Hershey -
I was obliged to stand there, holding the leash of this creature for their welcoming publicity shots, implying that this was some kind of image the decided to have of me.
-- Barbara Steele -
Here I am, one of the most colorful women of my time - if not of my block - being made to sound positively legumelike in printed interviews.
-- Bette Midler -
There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.
-- Brendan Behan -
There's no bad publicity except an obituary.
-- Brendan Behan -
All publicity is good, except an obituary notice.
-- Brendan Behan -
I do a lot of sexy publicity, but I have yet to have any bad experiences regarding jealousy.
-- Brooke Burke -
In the world of the celebrity, the hierarchy of publicity has replaced the hierarchy of descent and even of great wealth.
-- C. Wright Mills -
Madonna is her own Hollywood studio - a popelike mogul and divine superstar in one. She has a laserlike instinct for publicity, aided by her visual genius for still photography (which none of her legion of imitators has). Unfortunately, her public life has dissolved into a series of staged photo ops.
-- Camille Paglia -
Publicity is a great purifier because it sets in action the forces of public opinion, and in this country public opinion controls the courses of the nation
-- Charles Evans Hughes -
If it wasn't for the publicity, I would've been out of here and gone a long time ago.
-- Charles Manson -
Never lose your temper with the Press or the public is a major rule of political life.
-- Christabel Pankhurst -
Whenever I travel anywhere, I'm constantly asked if I'm Swedish. It's the burden of most Norwegians. The Swedes have just got a better publicity agent, I think.
-- Christopher Heyerdahl -
Technology, publicity and sexuality have their place in music, but they are all subordinate to the pleasures and power of true vocal talent.
-- Christopher John Farley -
You never know when the publicity people will feel it is a good time to release the film.
-- Colm Meaney -
Neither privacy nor publicity is dead, but technology will continue to make a mess of both.
-- danah boyd -
The more work I do and the more I put myself out there publicity-wise, it's gonna be less and less chances of me being able to just walk around without being noticed.
-- Daniel Cudmore -
I think they are looking for publicity and they are looking for a name for themselves.
-- David Baltimore -
If my work was good enough, I would never have to do publicity.
-- David Duchovny -
Let your family, staff, and friends know that you're still the same person, despite all the publicity and notoriety that accompanies your position.
-- Donald Rumsfeld -
Know that the amount of criticism you receive may correlate somewhat to the amount of publicity you receive.
-- Donald Rumsfeld -
Dead news like dead love has no phoenix in its ashes.
-- Enid Bagnold -
Every democracy is constructed day-to-day. And the electoral process reduces and minimalizes every single aspect of human complexity. We're putting it into pamphlets. We're doing a publicity show. We're becoming symbols.
-- Gael Garcia Bernal -
Squirrels are just rats with good publicity
-- Garrison Wynn -
I got more publicity for not doing a festival than for doing the festival.
-- George Wein -
The Paramount executives were so pleased with Sunset Boulevard that they asked me to do a publicity tour.
-- Gloria Swanson -
Some people say 'what would happen if we had a Communist Chancellor of the Exchequer?' I would ask in reply, 'what would happen if he had a lot of Fascist or Mosleyite bank chairmen?' In that event it might be thought disadvantageous to have publicity.
-- Hugh Dalton -
It's a good thing [James] Dean died when he did. If he'd lived, he'd never have been able to live up to the publicity.
-- Humphrey Bogart -
Probably everything we do is a publicity stunt ... we are not here to gather members, to please, to placate, to make friends. We're here to hold the radical line.
-- Ingrid Newkirk -
Where would anyone in publicity be if they allowed sensitivity, restraint, breeding or good taste to stand in their way?
-- Isabelle Holland -
Publicity can be terrible. But only if you don't have any.
-- Jane Russell -
They held up 'The Outlaw' for five years. And Howard Hughes had me doing publicity for it every day, five days a week for five years.
-- Jane Russell -
In terms of publicity and interviews, well, it's really hard in this modern world to keep a sense of mystery.
-- Jason Clarke -
To be honest, I am not happy about all the publicity.
-- Jean Alesi -
I am happy to exhibit, but not to put myself on exhibition.
-- Jean Cocteau -
Nowadays, in the contract that actors sign, you have to agree that you're going to do a certain amount of publicity-the hard part they don't pay you for.
-- Jeff Bridges -
Without publicity, no good is permanent; under the auspices of publicity, no evil can continue.
-- Jeremy Bentham -
Archaeologists are underpaid publicity agents for deceased royalty.
-- John Agar -
Publicity is the life of this culture - in so far as without publicity capitalism could not survive - and at the same time publicity is its dream.
-- John Berger -
All the publicity, the attention, the interviews, the photographs, were too much for me (after throwing his second no-hitter in 1938).
-- Johnny Vander Meer -
Everest has always been a magnet for kooks, publicity seekers, hopeless romantics and others with a shaky hold on reality.
-- Jon Krakauer -
It's not fair that the accused is not protected from adverse publicity whilst the accuser is guaranteed anonymity, whatever the verdict.
-- Jonathan King -
High-level, big-deal publicity has a way of getting old for me, but what never fails to thrill me is when I make personal appearances.
-- Joseph Barbera -
Publicity, publicity, PUBLICITY is the greatest moral factor and force in our public life.
-- Joseph Pulitzer -
Direct, forceful, energetic. Loves power, eats up publicity and flattery... Can turn on charm at will and knows it.
-- Joseph Stilwell -
My first full year of touring, I did 300 days on the road. That was not including the travel time or publicity or anything else - that was just dates. I was home probably less than 50 days that year.
-- Josh Turner -
I never had any real expectations about what sort of success I would have or all the publicity.
-- Joshua Bell -
Life is a publicity stunt. A shill. You've been had.
-- Kate Millett -
There's an old press-agents' slogan that's good advice: Don't read your publicity - weigh it.
-- Kathleen Winsor -
It can't hurt, publicity is publicity, controversy and all that, it's all good.
-- Keith David -
Bruce Sterling is one terrific writer and he's relatively new, but I don't know how long he's been doing it; he probably doesn't need the publicity anymore!
-- Larry Niven -
Actually, 19 is in charge of our career at that point. FOX publicity is in charge of the publicity that we get. I'm fine with it, it is really organized.
-- LaToya London -
Don't believe your own publicity. You can't; you'll start thinking that you're better than you are.
-- Leif Garrett -
Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.
-- Louis D. Brandeis -
Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases,
-- Louis D. Brandeis -
Everybody on a championship team doesn't get publicity, but everyone can say he's a champion.
-- Magic Johnson -
Personal publicity is apt to be dangerous to any writer's integrity; for the moment he begins to fancy himself as quite a person, a taint creeps into his work.
-- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings -
In Czechoslovakia there is no such thing as freedom of the press. In the United States there is no such thing as freedom from the press.
-- Martina Navratilova -
It's just as difficult to live in a self-made hell of privacy as it is to live in a self-made hell of publicity.
-- Michael Hutchence -
Interviews are usually a follow-up, like a press junket or a publicity junket, or something like that, and I'm not doing any of that right now. I don't have any axes to grind.
-- Michael Nesmith -
My popularity plunged three years ago and I didn't try to court publicity.
-- Namie Amuro -
Let us give publicity to HIV/AIDS and not hide it, because [that is] the only way to make it appear like a normal illness
-- Nelson Mandela -
Never attempt to catch a whale with a minnow.
-- P. T. Barnum -
Without publicity a terrible thing happens: nothing.
-- P. T. Barnum -
If the guidebook used to be critical, today it seems largely a celebratory adjunct to the publicity operations of hotels, resorts, and even countries.
-- Paul Fussell -
I don't like publicity, being in the limelight.
-- Paul Ince -
I could be a jerk and get a lot more publicity, but that's not who I am.
-- Pete Sampras -
All publicity is good publicity.
-- Pierre Choderlos de Laclos -
I turned down Prince William's invitation for me to sing at his birthday bash because he was spearing animals in Africa and bringing publicity to it, and I thought that was pretty disgusting!
-- Pink -
I'm shy, but not on a one-to-one basis. Over the years, I have become acclimatised to a bit of publicity.
-- Raf Simons -
Cricket is just something that I am good at, just like various people are good at various things. What's lucky is that cricket gets enormous publicity.
-- Rahul Dravid -
The soundtrack of O Brother is the most publicity I've gotten. I don't feel that I have lost any of my old fans, but I have gained new ones.
-- Ralph Stanley -
There is arguably something wrong with a method of persuasion that cannot pass the test of publicity.
-- Randal Marlin -
Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front page ad.
-- Richard Branson -
Publicity, discussion, and agitation are necessary to accomplish any work of lasting benefit.
-- Robert M. La Follette, Sr. -
Audience response to The Man From U.N.C.L.E. back in the '60s - well, I was frankly surprised by the show's success and the attendant publicity for David and myself.
-- Robert Vaughn -
I do not know of any credible evidence that suggests Dr. Zavos can clone a human being. This seems to be yet another one of his claims to get publicity.
-- Robert Winston -
Live by publicity, you'll probably die by publicity.
-- Russell Baker -
I do worry about young people in the business who have experienced a lot of success and are punted around doing those manic publicity trails, when you don't really know who you are yet.
-- Sally Hawkins -
I consider Madonna a friend, and she sure knows how to work the publicity machine. Of course, I don't have breasts. If I did have, I'd be in the number one spot over Madonna.
-- Spike Lee -
I defy any newcomer not to believe his or her publicity at the very beginning. It's only natural. At least it was for me.
-- Susan Hayward -
Whatever you have read I have said is almost certainly untrue, except if it is funny, in which case I definitely said it.
-- Tallulah Bankhead -
Writers say many true things about their own experiences with publicity and promotion.
-- Teresa Nielsen Hayden -
Sometimes writers say true things about the overall nature of publicity, promotion, and the publishing industry; but alas, not always.
-- Teresa Nielsen Hayden -
Hollywood is a bit of a publicity game where it's constantly trying to portray things and put up this image and I was not interested in that.
-- Terry Crews -
I hate publicists and publicity. But I love the people.
-- Tom Hardy -
Awards sell tickets, and they're a clever publicity stunt.
-- Tony Randall