Becoming famous quotes
Each poem in becoming generates the laws by which it is generated: extensions of the laws to other poems never completely take.
-- A. R. Ammons -
An epiphany enables you to sense creation not as something completed, but as constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This transports you from a place where there is nothing new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything renews itself, where heaven and earth rejoice as at the moment of creation.
-- Abraham Isaac Kook -
For me, there was never an end game for becoming a director.
-- Adam Shankman -
Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.
-- Adyashanti -
As the antagonism between those who possess, and those who do not, is becoming more acute day after day, we can already foresee a moment when it will bring about ("entraînera", Fr.) severe (big, high, intense, - "grands", Fr.) disasters, if we do turn (direct, aim, - "dirige", Fr.) life in time the social life in new directions (or ways, - "dans des voies nouvelles", Fr.
-- African Spir -
The crash of 2008 was driven in no small part by unfair practices in the mortgage industry, which led to many consumers becoming trapped in loans they didn't understand and couldn't afford.
-- Al Franken -
As I am becoming older, the only thing that speeds up is time.
-- Alan Alda -
I've been in and out of Wall Street since 1949, and I've never seen the type of animosity between government and Wall Street. And I'm not sure where it comes from, but I suspect it's got to do with a general schism in this society which is really becoming ever more destructive.
-- Alan Greenspan -
Obviously I was challenged by becoming a Naval aviator, by landing aboard aircraft carriers and so on.
-- Alan Shepard -
You worry that we're becoming monsters. Merlin, we already were monsters. You didn't make us any worse.
-- Alastair Reynolds -
A profound thought is in a constant state of becoming; it adopts the experience of a life and assumes its shape.
-- Albert Camus -
The American lives even more for his goals, for the future, than the European. Life for him is always becoming, never being.
-- Albert Einstein -
I recognized him then; that is, I finally comprehended what I had known but had never been able to formulate: he had always been complete. He had finished the work of becoming himself, long before any of us could even imagine such a feat was possible.
-- Aleksandar Hemon -
I am becoming increasingly difficult to please as a reader, but I adore being surprised by a really wonderful book, written by someone I've never heard of before.
-- Alexandra Fuller -
I had always intended to make a living out of playing blues. But I never admitted it to myself. I don't suppose I could have given a logical reason for it ever becoming possible to do so.
-- Alexis Korner -
Duration is the transformation of a succession into a reversion. In other words: THE BECOMING OF A MEMORY.
-- Alfred Jarry -
Figuring out our gifts in life is part of our journey to becoming enlightened human beings.
-- Allison DuBois -
Many countries persecute their own citizens and intern them in prisons or concentration camps. Oppression is becoming more and more a part of the systems.
-- Alva Myrdal -
I'm suggesting that, ironically, the secret to becoming a world 'hyperpower' is tolerance. If you look at history, you see great powers being very tolerant in their rise to global dominance.
-- Amy Chua -
I think for a woman, the hardest thing about growing old is becoming invisible. There's something very front and center about being young.
-- Amy Grant -
Life is a process of becoming. A combination of states we have to go through.
-- Anais Nin -
Becoming is not a contradiction of being but the epiphany of being.
-- Ananda Coomaraswamy -
Wrongly do the Greeks suppose that aught begins or ceases to be; for nothing comes into being or is destroyed; but all is an aggregation or secretion of preexisting things; so that all becoming might more correctly be called becoming mixed, and all corruption, becoming separate.
-- Anaxagoras -
We are smart enough to realise that we are stupid, and stupid enough to make the problem of becoming smarter hard.
-- Anders Sandberg -
Chicken may be eaten constantly without becoming nauseating.
-- Andre Simon -
When you were a little girl, Madam.....was this the woman you dreamed of becoming?
-- Andrew Sean Greer -
What you are will show, ultimately. Start now, every day, becoming, in your actions, your regular actions, what you would like to become in the bigger scheme of things.
-- Anna Deavere Smith -
Science fiction is becoming more of a diverse kind of genre.
-- Anna Torv -
Becoming a mother doesn't always change every aspect of your personality.
-- Anna Torv -
Becoming a writer is about becoming conscious.
-- Anne Lamott -
Because this business of becoming conscious, of being a writer, is ultimately about asking yourself, How alive am I willing to be?
-- Anne Lamott -
I've always resisted the idea of becoming a David Hasselhoff, and I hope I'm still resisting it.
-- Anthony Head -
The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned.
-- Antonio Gramsci -
Increasingly, staying in the middle class - let alone aspiring to become middle class - is becoming a game of chance.
-- Arianna Huffington -
There is nothing like becoming a mom to fill you with fear.
-- Arianna Huffington -
If you start becoming withdrawn and looking over your shoulder, being careful about what you say, that's being paranoid. This is an open, accessible team. That's been my trademark for years.
-- Art Modell -
The universe will finally become a ball of radiation, becoming more and more rarified and passing into longer and longer wave-lengths. The longest waves of radiation are Hertzian waves of the kind used in broadcasting. About every 1500 million years this ball of radio waves will double in diameter; and it will go on expanding in geometrical progression for ever. Perhaps then I may describe the end of the physical world as-one stupendous broadcast.
-- Arthur Eddington -
There is an increasing awareness of the interrelatedness of things. We are becoming less prone to accept an immediate solution without questioning its larger implications.
-- Arthur Erickson -
It is just because civilization is ever evolving, changing, and becoming more complicated, that experts find it so difficult to define it in explicit terms.
-- Arthur Keith -
Becoming a book collector is like joining a religion: it’s for life.
-- Arturo Pérez-Reverte -
There are personal reasons, psychological reasons, but there could also be political reasons for becoming a terrorist.
-- Asne Seierstad -
Everything I did, all my actions, all of the problems I had I dedicate to God and to Chile, because I kept Chile from becoming Communist.
-- Augusto Pinochet -
There's nobody to guide through the process of becoming a man... to explain to them the meaning of manhood. And that's a recipe for disaster.
-- Barack Obama -
I thought being faithful was about becoming someone other than who I wasn't until I failed that I began to wonder if my human wholeness might be more useful to God than my exhausting goodness.
-- Barbara Brown Taylor -
Sometimes life isn't about who you were or are, but it's about who you are becoming.
-- Barbara Sher -
As Beverly Hills becomes more Iranian-Jewish, it is becoming politically conservative.
-- Ben Stein -
I was a bad student. I liked archaeology actually, I was interested in maybe becoming an archaeologist but I was such a bad student and had such bad grades that I wasn't going to get into any really good college so I fell back on acting.
-- Ben Stiller -
It is altogether as worthy of God and as much becoming Him to pardon and show mercy, in case of repentance and submission and reformation, as to punish, in case of impenitency and obstinacy.
-- Benjamin Whichcote -
I believe there are two periods in life, one for the bike, the other for becoming active on one's work.
-- Bernard Hinault -
In philosophy an individual is becoming himself.
-- Bernard Lonergan -
Life is supposed to be a series of peaks and valleys. The secret is to keep the valleys from becoming Grand Canyons.
-- Bernard Williams -
There's a danger in Hollywood of becoming self-obsessed.
-- Beth Broderick -
Becoming number one is easier than remaining number one.
-- Bill Bradley -
The most critical variable [to becoming a change-maker] is one's willingness to give oneself permission. To break the mental chains that make us small because everyone tells us we cannot.
-- Bill Drayton -
We're not at the point of trying to stop global warming; it's too late for that. We're trying to keep it from becoming a complete and utter calamity
-- Bill McKibben -
SAP is becoming the standard for business software. Oracle is in a state of chaos.
-- Bill Vaughan -
Becoming a Christian is the work of a moment; being a Christian is the work of a lifetime.
-- Billy Graham -
And no again: My studio is not a first or any step toward becoming any type of businessman on my part.
-- Billy Sheehan -
You have to fall in love with the process of becoming great.
-- Blake Griffin -
We can create the ultimate job security by becoming less dependent on the organization for which we work and more dependent on our own resources
-- Bo -
We have never arrived. We are in a constant state of becoming.
-- Bob Dylan -
Don't let who you were talk you out of who you are becoming.
-- Bob Goff -
As I get older, I don't think the world is becoming that funny. Comedy is changing a bit.
-- Bobby Lee -
I have as much chance of becoming Prime Minister as of being decapitated by a frisbee or of finding Elvis.
-- Boris Johnson -
The only value of ideology is to stop things becoming showbiz.
-- Brian Eno -
There are times when I flick through magazines and think I'm in danger of becoming a prisoner of my own hair.
-- Brian May -
The Lord created you and me for the purpose of becoming Gods like himself.
-- Brigham Young -
As work weeks get longer and leisure time shrinks, people are becoming sicker, more distracted, absent, unproductive, and less innovative.
-- Brigid Schulte -
Becoming famous was never what I wanted to do. There's a lot of things that come with fame - it's what people in the limelight have to do.
-- Bruno Mars -
Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Edmund, who was becoming a nastier person every minute, thought that he had scored a great success, and went on at once to say, 'There she goes again. What's the matter with her?
-- C. S. Lewis -
Becoming a woman is an act partly of nature and partly of self-invention.
-- Caitlin Flanagan -
Becoming a great preacher, like becoming a great artist, requires a life commitment.
-- Calvin Miller -
When you start playing a character every day for seven weeks, it suddenly starts becoming easier
-- Carey Mulligan -
Becoming conscious is of course a sacrilege against nature; it is as though you had robbed the unconscious of something.
-- Carl Jung -
Experience is, for me, the highest authority. The touchstone of validity is my own experience. No other person's ideas, and none of my own ideas, are as authoritative as my experience. It is to experience that I must return again and again, to discover a closer approximation to truth as it is in the process of becoming me.
-- Carl Rogers -
My parents were skeptical about me becoming a footballer and encouraged me to study.
-- Carles Puyol -
By its very nature, the novel indicates that we are becoming. There is no final solution. There is no last word.
-- Carlos Fuentes -
You end up becoming someone you see in the eyes of those you love.
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafon -
Becoming famous is a strange thing in your own right.
-- Carnie Wilson -
Upon becoming fifty the one thing you can't afford is habit.
-- Carolyn Heilbrun -
I think the more you do this and the more comfortable you become on stage, you start speaking more and becoming more of a character in yourself.
-- Carrot Top -
The present system under the control of the whites trains the Negro to be white and at the same time convinces him of the impropriety or the impossibility of his becoming white... the Negros will have no outlet but to go down a blind alley, if the sort of education which they are now receiving is to enable them to find the way out of their present difficulties.
-- Carter G. Woodson -
I got told so many times I needed a manager. For a long time I resisted, and I finally got one so I can pay my mortgage, and it helped me from becoming a homeless person.
-- Cat Power -
I can't sit around doing nothing. If I'm not working, I have a habit of becoming rather insular.
-- Catherine McCormack -
The fact that you can love something that you've lost is all the incentive you need to love again, as opposed to becoming comfortably numb.
-- Cee Lo Green -
Children are becoming disobedient why, because of the lack of rules boundaries and limitations.
-- Cesar Millan -
People thought becoming an adult meant that all your acts had consequences; in fact it was just the opposite.
-- Chad Harbach -
YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination.
-- Chad Hurley -
Are you becoming what you've always hated?
-- Charles Bukowski -
It's not just about creativity. It's about the person you're becoming while you're creating.
-- Charlie Peacock -
ONE OF MY girlfriends was getting married. This was becoming an annoying pattern.
-- Chelsea Handler -
Unless you're willing to look a little foolish, forget the possibility of becoming great.
-- Cher -
Becoming "awake" involves seeing our confusion more clearly.
-- Chogyam Trungpa -
Becoming vegan is the most important and direct change we can immediately make to save the planet and its species.
-- Chris Hedges -
Dieting is becoming easier and easier for me because I'm finding out things that I love.
-- Chrissy Teigen