Recipes famous quotes
Giulia Melucci has written a wonderfully funny and moving book. It's like Eat, Pray, Love, with recipes.
-- A. J. Jacobs -
Trying to guess what the (mass) audience wants and then trying to satisfy that is usually a bad recipe for getting something good.
-- Aaron Sorkin -
One recipe for happiness is to have to sense of entitlement.' To this she added a star and noted at the bottom of the page: 'This is not a lesson I have ever been in a position to learn.
-- Alan Bennett -
Cooking is an observation-based process that you can't do if you're so completely focused on a recipe.
-- Alton Brown -
A home cook who relies too much on a recipe is sort of like a pilot who reads the plane's instruction manual while flying.
-- Alton Brown -
I have no recipe for how to combine things. But you must be sincere. And if you are, strangely, it will succeed.
-- Andree Putman -
My personal recipe for success is- Do what you love and don't look at the clock.
-- Ann Landers -
I can cook to please people, but it's quite conventional. I make a good sponge cake. I find it hard to follow recipes.
-- Anna Chancellor -
I bought an organic rice milk. Frozen.....I'm not going to make something I don't know how to make, I don't have a recipe for.
-- Art Smith -
A mixture of admiration and pity is one of the surest recipes for affection.
-- Arthur Helps -
You can't make a recipe for something as complicated as surgery. Instead, you can make a recipe for how to have a team that's prepared for the unexpected.
-- Atul Gawande -
There's nobody to guide through the process of becoming a man... to explain to them the meaning of manhood. And that's a recipe for disaster.
-- Barack Obama -
The Pigtronix Envelope Phaser pedal is a definite 'must have' for your Funk recipe adds definite Funkaliciousness to your WOO stew.
-- Bernie Worrell -
There will never be another woman who owns the look, the personality, and the experience that you do. Those ingredients make up the recipe that defines who you are, and it's your gift from the Lord - own it.
-- Candace Cameron -
The great decisions of human life have as a rule far more to do with the instincts and other mysterious unconscious factors than with conscious will and well-meaning reasonableness. The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. Each of us carries his own life-form- an indeterminable form which cannot be superseded by any other.
-- Carl Jung -
Evolution has meant that our prefrontal lobes are too small, our adrenal glands are too big, and our reproductive organs apparently designed by committee; a recipe which, alone or in combination, is very certain to lead to some unhappiness and disorder.
-- Christopher Hitchens -
It’s not that Egypt doesn’t have a recipe for a democratic transition. It seems to lack even the basic mental ingredients.
-- David Brooks -
We have history as a guide, and history suggests that this brand of comprehensive reform ... is a recipe for failure.
-- David Vitter -
Somehow, when everything is too easy it's not necessarily the right recipe for success
-- Debbie Moore -
This is one of those rare recipes, surprising in its flavors and wonderful in its simplicity -- an out-and-out favorite of mine.
-- Diana Kennedy -
The recipe for great art has always been misery and a good bowel movement.
-- Don Roff -
Everything I touched in the kitchen turned out crappy, no matter how closely I followed the recipe or copied the cooking show.
-- Drew Barrymore -
Recipes don't work unless you use your heart!
-- Dylan Jones -
My recipe for life is not being afraid of myself, afraid of what I think or of my opinions.
-- Eartha Kitt -
I can make dressing - or stuffing. Y'all call it stuffing up here, we call it dressing down there. It's really good dressing. That family recipe was passed on, and I love to make that.
-- Edie Brickell -
Recipe? Recipe? We don' need no stinkin' recipe.
-- Eli Wallach -
I don't copy recipes without trying them out. I don't reprint without trying them again.
-- Elizabeth David -
I had these recipes that say do this, do that. Who MAKES these rules?
-- Emeril Lagasse -
I'm a cook, and I'm like, "a dash of this, a pinch of that." I cook with a lot of passion and instinct. So that's the hardest thing - to put an actual recipe together.
-- Eva Longoria -
We opened El Bulli; there were no secrets there. The recipes were not secret. Anybody who came, the recipes were there for them. This was unthinkable then.
-- Ferran Adria -
You may say, "Oh, no. You can't touch a traditional recipe." But we ask: why can't you? Back in 1350, a vinaigrette was a stew, so we ask, why not? This can be applied to any kind of cooking, and that's the shocking part of it. It kind of bends all the traditions. It's a good thing.
-- Ferran Adria -
My own recipe for world peace is a bit of land for everyone.
-- Gladys Taber -
If you want a recipe for relationship failure, just wait for the other person to change first.
-- Harriet Lerner -
I'm really a scientist. I follow recipes exactly - until I decide not to. And then I'll follow something else exactly. I may decide I could turn this peach tart into a plum tart, but if I'm following a recipe, I follow it exactly.
-- Ina Garten -
I measure everything, because I always think that if I've spent so much time making sure this recipe was exactly the way I want it, why would I want to throw things into a pot?
-- Ina Garten -
If you want to know what cram is, I can only say that I don’t know the recipe; but it is biscuitish, keeps good indefinitely, is supposed to be sustaining, and is certainly not entertaining, being in fact very uninteresting except as a chewing exercise.
-- J. R. R. Tolkien -
Tough times have always lent themselves to nativist sentiments and closed-door policies. But in the case of highly skilled immigrants, these policies are a recipe for stagnation.
-- James Surowiecki -
My general rule is that if everyone knew how to cook fresh produce from their local area, and Monday to Thursday within 20 minutes, you know, there's millions of recipes out there to be had.
-- Jamie Oliver -
I remember my first sexual encounter because I kept the recipe.
-- Jeffrey Dahmer -
Baking isLife. So when you describe what you're making, you must describe life. Do you see? It's not just recipes..
-- Jenny Colgan -
I tested a lot of old cornbread recipes and most of them were bland or tough.
-- Jeremy Jackson -
That said, there are certainly still cooks out there who make fantastic historical cornbreads, though the old recipes have often been changed to include modern techniques and ingredients.
-- Jeremy Jackson -
The theory of meaning says that joining and serving in things larger than you that you believe in while using your highest strengths is a recipe for meaning.
-- Joel Garreau -
Don't be afraid to adapt new ingredients into your own techniques, and traditional ingredients into new recipes.
-- Jose Garces -
My favourite types of cuisine are Asian and Caribbean, and I love cooking new recipes for my family.
-- Jourdan Dunn -
You learn to cook so that you don't have to be a slave to recipes. You get what's in season and you know what to do with it.
-- Julia Child -
A cookbook is only as good as its poorest recipe.
-- Julia Child -
Once you have mastered a technique, you barely have to look at a recipe again
-- Julia Child -
The World Cup was a huge frustration because I had prepared really hard for it. But in the World Cup there is no formula, no recipe for success.
-- Kaka -
. . . planning a brilliant menu and preparing it beautifully doesn't guarantee a recipe for success.
-- Kathy Lette -
Negotiating sugar trade in bilateral free trade agreements is a recipe for disaster for the U.S. sugar industry, and it is unnecessary.
-- Kent Conrad -
You do better in the gym with a trainer; you don't figure out how to cook without reading a recipe. Therapy is not something to be embarrassed about.
-- Kristen Bell -
The great recipe for success is to work, and always work.
-- Leon Gambetta -
Here is my recipe for a mood enhancer. Take a friend, preferably one with a really annoying fringe and outsize pants, and when she is rambling on swiftly, push her into a ditch and run away.
-- Louise Rennison -
Painting is sometimes like those recipes where you do all manner of elaborate things to a duck, and then end up putting it on one side and only using the skin.
-- Lucian Freud -
As I sit down and start to work, I often panic. I stare at the empty piece of music paper. How can I say that my piece will be ready for performance next January when I do not have a recipe for making it happen?
-- Lukas Foss -
Recipes are just descriptions of one person’s take on one moment in time. They’re not rules.
-- Mario Batali -
We cannot tax the same people we expect to create jobs. That is a recipe for keeping people out of work.
-- Martha Roby -
There is no single recipe for success. But there is one essential ingredient: Passion
-- Martha Stewart -
The recipe for success . . . customers will get what they want, when they want it . . . you will see more revenue, greater brand loyalty, real relationships, and a competitive edge.
-- Martin Zwilling -
Every time you go out there to do something, you wonder if you can do it. There's no assured success. There's no secret recipe for success. Every time you go out there, you go out there with the possibility of great failure.
-- Mel Gibson -
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown.
-- Michael Jackson -
It wouldn't be fair to say that conservatives cherish property the way liberals cherish equality. But it would be fair to say that the takings clause is the conservatives recipe for judicial activism just as they say liberals have misused the equal protection clause.
-- Michael Kinsley -
Whats more important than recipes is how we think about food, and a good cookbook should open up a new way of doing just that.
-- Michael Symon -
If you learn a recipe, you can cook the recipe. If you learn the technique, you can cook anything.
-- Michael Symon -
A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe.
-- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi -
I was once married to a woman who could eat anything and tell you what was in it: the most complicated recipes. Her memory of taste - now that's what I call memory!
-- Morton Feldman -
When you're in an economic downturn, what you want is to create jobs and economic growth. And the recipe isn't Republican or Democrat. It's low taxes, low spending, less regulation, free trade.
-- Nancy Pfotenhauer -
There is no recipe for success - it is as unique as you are
-- Natalie Massenet -
Don't let the secret recipe die with the inventor.
-- Nathan Myhrvold -
Oral history is a recipe for complete misrepresentation because almost no one tells the truth, even when they intend to.
-- Niall Ferguson -
Even though I'm big on recipes, I love to make up my own dishes and when you take a risk in the kitchen, you learn a lot about food!
-- Nina Dobrev -
Superior numbers versus superior firepower. A recipe for unending slaughter.
-- Patrick Ness -
Unequal group rights, the politics of redistribution and a Constitution whose meaning varies with changeable coalitions are a recipe for civil war.
-- Paul Craig Roberts -
When I finally gathered, invented, stole, simplified, borrowed, and found a publisher for a clutch of reasonably foolproof recipes, I learned I had friends I hadn't known about—more proof that a mutual dislike can be quite as sound a basis for friendship as a mutual devotion.
-- Peg Bracken -
History shows that tax increases during a recession are a recipe for greater unemployment and economic loss.
-- Pete Sessions -
In a few generations you can breed a racehorse. The recipe for making a man like Delacroix is less well known.
-- Pierre-Auguste Renoir -
I'm not an amazing cook. But I can follow a recipe!
-- Rachel McAdams -
- I'm so busy doing what I must do that I don't have time for what I ought to do... and I never get a chance to do what I want to do! - Son, that's universal. The way to keep that recipe from killing you is occasionally to do what you want to do anyhow.
-- Robert A. Heinlein -
There is no recipe to be a great teacher, that's what is unique about them.
-- Robert Sternberg -
Americans treat history like a cookbook. Whenever they are uncertain what to do next, they turn to history and look up the proper recipe, invariably designated "the lesson of history.
-- Russell Baker -
I do a lot of recipe creation. Translation: cooking tempting dishes that must be eaten.
-- Ruth Glick -
You don't have to stick with these recipes. They're guides. As I say, they're a way in. Have fun with them. It's an easier way to cook in a busy life, once you get the hang of it.
-- Sally Schneider -
Wanting more is just a recipe for heartache.
-- Stephen King -
Believing that you must do something perfectly is a recipe for stress, and you'll associate that stress with the task and thus condition yourself to avoid it
-- Steve Pavlina -
A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.
-- Thomas Keller -
A cookbook must have recipes, but it shouldn't be a blueprint. It should be more inspirational; it should be a guide.
-- Thomas Keller -
One of the problems with writing a cookbook is that recipes exist in the moment.
-- Thomas Keller -
Some of the recipes in the book have evolved for us. Many haven't.
-- Thomas Keller -
I wanted to write about what we were doing at the French Laundry, the recipes and the stories.
-- Thomas Keller -
Recipes tell you nothing. Learning techniques is the key.
-- Tom Colicchio -
I don't have the recipe for happiness, but I think the engine is simply having the desire.
-- Vanessa Paradis -
[Making meth] is a complex process. The truth of it is that we live in a post-Google world where you can find six recipes for meth in 30 seconds on a search engine.
-- Vince Gilligan -
Recipe for the upbringing of a poet: 'As much neurosis as the child can bear.
-- W. H. Auden -
Taxing less and spending more.. it's fun in the short run, but it's a recipe for disaster.
-- William J. Clinton -
If there is one recipe for unhappiness it is that: expectations.
-- Yasmin Mogahed