Guides famous quotes
Don't be ashamed to let your conscience be your guide.
-- Aaron Neville -
You see, to find the brightest wisdom one must pass through the darkest zones. And through the darkest zones there can be no guide. No guide, that is, but courage
-- Adam Gidwitz -
Thou wert my guide, philosopher, and friend.
-- Alexander Pope -
I don't know what being an Everest guide means. I am a coach, not a guide.
-- Anatoli Boukreev -
I do believe that God is with us even when we're at our craziest and that this goodness guides, provides, and protects.
-- Anne Lamott -
Interviewing is a lot like talking, but you have to guide the conversation. You have to know what you want and go about getting it.
-- Anthony DeCurtis -
I have already explained to you that what is out of the common is usually a guide rather than a hindrance.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
The heart, not the head, must be the guide.
-- Arthur Erickson -
People come in with business plans and, I mean I know that no one is going to meet everything they say in a business plan but you got to have something to, to guide towards.
-- Arthur Rock -
The thing I love about God is He intentionally guides people into failure.
-- Bob Goff -
We all work with one Infinite Power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws.
-- Bob Proctor -
A good model guides your thinking, a bad one warps it.
-- Brian Marick -
As a good horse is not very apt to jump over a bank, if left to guide himself, I let mine pick his own way.
-- Buffalo Bill -
Trust that which gives you meaning and accept it as your guide
-- Carl Jung -
All dogs can be guide dogs of a sort, leading us to places we didn't even know we needed or wanted to go.
-- Caroline Knapp -
The Ten Commandments are the charter and guide of human liberty, for there can be no liberty without the law.
-- Cecil B. DeMille -
Our history shows that what we must do is assert domination over the machine, to guide it so that it works for the values of our choice.
-- Charles A. Reich -
As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessarily guide the future course of the science. Whenever any result is sought by its aid, the question will then arise — by what course of calculation can these results be arrived at by the machine in the shortest time?
-- Charles Babbage -
When we arrive at dilemmas in life and we are unable to decipher the right direction to go, if we hope to maintain our confidence in the process, we must (repeat must) allow the Lord to be our Guide, our Strength, our Wisdom - our all!
-- Charles R. Swindoll -
Guide them where you want them to interact with you.
-- Chris Brogan -
I understand it is 13-8 against Egon Ronay publishing a Good Betting Shop Food Guide by 1997.
-- Clement Freud -
I understand how to read people, and nurture them and guide them, and let them be free to do what they want to do.
-- Courteney Cox -
Sometimes God guides by what He withholds, rather than what He provides.
-- Craig Groeschel -
Wisdom is the best guide and faith is the best companion.
-- Dalai Lama -
Theology is a part of our lives. It's unavoidable. A thoughtless theology guides our lives with just as much force as a thoughtful and informed one.
-- Dallas Willard -
Retrospective analysis is not a useful guide to current problems.
-- David Ignatius -
The ability to sign a cheque is the least reliable guide to a company's fitness.
-- David Plowright -
If you ask the Universe to be your partner and guide you on the path to wholeness, it will oblige.
-- Debbie Ford -
Coincidences are not accidents but signals from the universe which can guide us toward our true destiny.
-- Deepak Chopra -
The grand assertion is that you must see the world through probability and that probability is the only guide you need.
-- Dennis Lindley -
The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.
-- Douglas Adams -
If progress is to be steady we must have long term guides extending far ahead.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower -
It is thought and feeling which guides the universe, not deeds.
-- Edgar Cayce -
I really haven't liked the commercialization of mountaineering, particularly of Mt. Everest. By paying $65,000, you can be conducted to the summit by a couple of good guides.
-- Edmund Hillary -
The maxims for success laid out by the powerful are never much good as guides for those who aren't powerful.
-- Elizabeth Janeway -
The truths that are found in the Bible are universal truths. And it shapes who you are and guides you throughout your life.
-- Ernie Hudson -
The sciences have ever been the surest guides to virtue.
-- Frances Wright -
Let no one trust so entirely to natural prudence as to persuade himself that it will suffice to guide him without help from experience.
-- Francesco Guicciardini -
Faith is stepping out into the unknown with nothing to guide us but a hand just beyond our grasp.
-- Frederick Buechner -
I said that this would be a Budget based on prudence for a purpose and that guides us also in our approach to public spending.
-- Gordon Brown -
To guide someone through the halls of hell is not the same as love.
-- Gregory Orr -
Spiritual power is the eternal guide, in this life and the life after, for man ranks supreme among all creatures. Led forward by spiritual power, man can reach the summit destined for him by the Great Creator.
-- Haile Selassie -
I once worked as a tour guide in the Costa del Sol of Spain.
-- Harlan Coben -
I value all things as nothing in comparison with having the spirit of God to guide me.
-- Heber J. Grant -
God's commands are designed to guide you to life's very best. You will not obey Him, if you do not believe Him and trust Him. You cannot believe Him if you do not love Him. You cannot love Him unless you know Him.
-- Henry Blackaby -
God's commands are designed to guide you to life's very best.
-- Henry Blackaby -
The most perfect guide is nature. Continue without fail to draw something every day.
-- Irving Stone -
Utopias have their value -- nothing so wonderfully expands the imaginative horizons of human potentialities -- but as guides to conduct they can prove literally fatal.
-- Isaiah Berlin -
Even a poor tour guide is entitled to some happiness.
-- Jacob M. Appel -
Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us, For we have no help but Thee.
-- James Edmeston -
Nature of course is the best guide in the matter of choosing a pursuit.
-- James Payn -
[Richard Crossley's] previous bird guide, for ID'ing Eastern birds, is the most imaginative, original attempt to re-envision the birding guide and set his approach apart from that of Sibley, Kaufman, Peterson, Nat'l Geo, and the other bibles in the field.
-- James Wolcott -
Some writers maintain arithmetic to be only the only sure guide in political economy; for my part, I see so many detestable systems built upon arithmetical statements, that I am rather inclined to regard that science as the instrument of national calamity.
-- Jean-Baptiste Say -
What guides Marxism, then, is a different model of society, and a different conception of the function of the knowledge that can be produced by society and acquired from it
-- Jean-Francois Lyotard -
Duty is a better guide than stars or statutes.
-- Jenkin Lloyd Jones -
For it is better, with closed eyes, to follow God as our guide, than, by relying on our own prudence, to wander through those circuitous paths which it devises for us.
-- John Calvin -
To create the power of competence without creating a corresponding direction to guide the use of that power is bad education.
-- John Dickey -
Really, the only thing a psychiatrist can do that a good (fishing) guide can't is write prescriptions.
-- John Gierach -
Scientific theories tell us what is possible; myths tell us what is desirable. Both are needed to guide proper action.
-- John Maynard Smith -
David Boaz has been my guide to the history, economics, and politics of freedom for years.
-- John Stossel -
My mother taught me that the universe guides, teaches, and offers up gifts... even when bad things happen.
-- John Wozniak -
An opening statement is like a guide or a road map. It's a very delicate thing.
-- Johnnie Cochran -
science is a smorgasbord, and google will guide you to the study that's right for you.
-- Jonathan Haidt -
But to us, probability is the very guide of life.
-- Joseph Butler -
My teachers helped guide and motivate me; but the responsibility of learning was left with me, an approach to learning which was later reinforced by my experiences at Amherst.
-- Joseph Stiglitz -
It is our feelings that guide us and they can never lead us wrong
-- Jude Morgan -
I just really allowed my muse to be my guide and I just go with whatever I'm feeling.
-- K. D. Lang -
The most important knowledge is that which guides the way you lead your life.
-- Leo Tolstoy -
Experience is a truer guide than the words of others.
-- Leonardo da Vinci -
You are a light that will always guide me, a whisper I'll always strain to hear.
-- Lora Leigh -
Remove any of your fear with faith. Trust the power of God to guide you.
-- M. Russell Ballard -
O Lord! You are the guide of those who are passing through the Valley of Bewilderment. If I am a heretic, enlarge my heresy.
-- Mansur Al-Hallaj -
The gods sustain and guide all their works.
-- Marcus Aurelius -
Probability is the very guide of life.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Your feelings will guide you if you have the courage to tap into them and listen.
-- Marie Forleo -
I know not the way God leads me, but well do I know my Guide.
-- Martin Luther -
Let this great maxim be my virtue's guide,- In part she is to blame that has been tried: He comes too near that comes to be denied.
-- Mary Wortley Montagu -
No one will guide you in the right direction, in the end you have to learn for yourself. You have to grow up yourself.
-- Matthew Macfadyen -
It is death that is the guide of our life, and our life has no goal but death.
-- Maurice Maeterlinck -
Your automatic guidance system cannot guide you when you're standing still.
-- Maxwell Maltz -
I wouldn't have thought of myself as a person who could guide anybody and then it turned out that I can.
-- Meg Ryan -
Where's my syllabus to guide me through life?
-- Megan McCafferty -
I just feel, in life, I'm searching for something I can rely on, something that's constant and something that's going to guide me through. And I felt that the Northern Star is a very beautiful image of that.
-- Melanie Chisholm -
A coach is someone that sees beyond your limits and guides you to greatness!
-- Michael Jordan -
Always Wear Flats and Have Your Friends Sleep Over: A Step-by-Step How-To Guide for Avoiding Getting Murdered
-- Mindy Kaling -
For each album, I let the music that I love at that point in my life be my guide.
-- Miranda Lambert -
Science is the most reliable guide in life.
-- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk -
Science is the only true guide in life.
-- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk -
Traditions tell us where we have come from. Scripture itself is a better guide as to where we should now be going.
-- N. T. Wright -
You have a right to your feelings. Your feelings are there to tell you something, but they are not infallible guides to behavior.
-- Nathaniel Branden -
For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death.
-- Octavius Winslow