Rhyming famous quotes
The heart, not the head, must be the guide.
-- Arthur Erickson -
You know, the music business is like the Lotto. Just put your numbers down and sometimes they hit, and sometimes they don't. There's just no rhyme or reason.
-- Barry McGuire -
The first album was 99 percent hard core to show you I was the best rhymer in the world.
-- Big Pun -
I aint choose to rhyme, Rhyming chose me...
-- Bubba Sparxxx -
I want you to see that I'm looking. Look at me look at you. I'm cool with that.
-- Busta Rhymes -
Jigging veins of rhyming mother wits.
-- Christopher Marlowe -
Poetry consists in a rhyming dictionary and things seen.
-- Gertrude Stein -
I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end.
-- Gilda Radner -
Criticism occupies the lowest place in the literary hierarchy: as regards form, almost always; and as regards moral value, incontestably. It comes after rhyming games and acrostics, which at least require a certain inventiveness.
-- Gustave Flaubert -
Like a French poem is life; being only perfect in structure when with the masculine rhymes mingled the feminine are.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -
Once in awhile you have a thought, and you rhyme it.
-- Howard Nemerov -
Those who have heard me speak from time to time know that quite often I cite the observation of that great American author, Mark Twain, who said, history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
-- J. D. Hayworth -
Children seem naturally drawn to poetry - it's some combination of the rhyme, rhythm, and the words themselves.
-- Jack Prelutsky -
As soon as war is declared it will be impossible to hold the poets back. Rhyme is still the most effective drum.
-- Jean Giraudoux -
I don't rhyme right now, but I may ten years from now.
-- Jill Scott -
In high school, we studied a lot of poetical forms. I was really interested in the math that was involved and the strange live break ups. That gave me a great amount of respect for a rhymed stanza.
-- Joanna Newsom -
I have a lot of interest in interior rhyming; not just rhyming at the end of the lines, but playing around with rhymes within the lines, playing with where the syllabic emphases in the sentences are, lining those up at strange moments in the line of the song. I'm not sure if that comes across or not.
-- Joanna Newsom -
Now between the meanings of words and their sounds there is ordinarily no discoverable relation except one of accident; and it is therefore miraculous, to the mystic, when words which make sense can also make a uniform objective structure of accents and rhymes.
-- John Crowe Ransom -
Constantly risking absurdity and death whenever he performs above the heads of his audience, the poet, like an acrobat, climbs on rhyme to a high wire of his own making.
-- Lawrence Ferlinghetti -
I mean, when it's time to rhyme rhyme, I can get down for mine.
-- Missy Elliot -
To me, playing an instrument and singing, all of these different things are just as natural to me as rhyming.
-- Mos Def -
I was always making up rhymes. But I never thought that poetry would become my life.
-- Saul Williams -
I work best in rhyme and meter. I was most confident of myself in that way.
-- Thom Gunn -
I like Fisher Price music, nursery rhymes, and the alphabet song.
-- Tre Cool -
I have my faithful rhyming dictionary that sits up there on my desk, but I have to tell you, there are very few new rhymes that I didn't think of. I often just go right through the alphabet in my head when I'm looking for a rhyme.
-- Mary Ann Hoberman -
I don't have a problem rhyming "bar" with "car" - I do it all the time - but sometimes it doesn't feel right.
-- Craig Finn