Study famous quotes
My theory was that what I had to do was make a study of human behavior.
-- A. E. van Vogt -
Like most of those who study history, he (Napoleon III) learned from the mistakes of the past how to make new ones.
-- A. J. P. Taylor -
I'm always studying my craft because I want to be the best at what I do.
-- Aaron Carter -
The Civic Culture (and The Civic Culture Revisited) remains the best study of comparative political culture in our time.
-- Aaron Wildavsky -
If you study the Talmud you please God even more than you do by praying or fasting.
-- Abraham Cahan -
Every blade of grass is a study; and to produce two, where there was but one, is both a profit and a pleasure.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Study the Constitution. Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislatures, and enforced in courts of justice.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
If some student came up and wanted to know where to study painting, you'd want to suggest someplace, but there's no place. I wouldn't know where to send a student to study.
-- Ad Reinhardt -
I love the Bible. I read it every day. I spend 10 hours a week studying it. It has affected my life in profound ways. I am inspired when I read it.
-- Adam Hamilton -
I want to study marriage. I want to learn about it. I want to know it. I want to figure out whether or not I want to do it. I'm not just going to leap into it, because that's not good for anybody.
-- Adam Levine -
...the unprecedented rise of the Christian Social Party... was to assume the deepest significance for me as a classical object of study.
-- Adolf Hitler -
We study history in order to intervene in the course of history.
-- Adolf von Harnack -
Study the history of revival. God has always sent revival in the darkest days. Oh, for a mighty, sweeping revival today!
-- Adrian Rogers -
I studied the way I danced- to the point of dropping.
-- Agnes de Mille -
I study what I work with. I studied all these different fields of science that I needed for my work. I studied how to mine a landfill and what to plant in it. It's fascinating because you learn a new field each time.
-- Agnes Denes -
The comfortable thing about the study of history is that it inclines us to think hopefully of our own times.
-- Agnes Repplier -
If you study the writings of the mystics, you will always find things in them that appear to be paradoxes, as in Zen, particularly.
-- Alan Watts -
One should never impose one's views on a problem; one should rather study it, and in time a solution will reveal itself.
-- Albert Einstein -
Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn
-- Albert Einstein -
The more I study science, the more I believe in God.
-- Albert Einstein -
When you study natural science and the miracles of creation, if you don't turn into a mystic you are not a natural scientist.
-- Albert Hofmann -
Freemasonry is a science of symbols, in which, by their proper study, a search is instituted after truth, that truth consisting in the knowledge of the divine and human nature of God and the human Soul.
-- Albert Mackey -
One cannot make architecture without studying the condition of life in the city
-- Aldo Rossi -
I remember during my lifetime I would meet women, and it was almost like God would say to me, 'Now, this woman here is not the one you are going to end up with, but she is going to be a lot like this woman; look at this woman, study this woman.' And when my wife showed up, He was like, 'You recognize her now?'
-- Alec Baldwin -
I did not find my studies particularly enthralling.
-- Alex Cox -
One of my contemporaries, a colorless chap who worked much harder at his law studies, is now Prime Minister.
-- Alex Cox -
Just to prove that even the silliest idea can be pursued to its illogical conclusion, Legal Realism spawned Critical Legal Studies.
-- Alex Kozinski -
And many to study so much are inclined, that utterly they fall out of their mind.
-- Alexander Barclay -
I definitely want to study film. I'd like to have my own studio one day and just make a lot of movies.
-- Alexander Ludwig -
There is no study that is not capable of delighting us after a little application to it.
-- Alexander Pope -
I want to understand you, I study your obscure language.
-- Alexander Pushkin -
No battle can be won in the study, and theory without practice is dead.
-- Alexander Suvorov -
Studying is something I really love doing, and I just hope to have enough money for tuition.
-- Alexandra Kosteniuk -
By the time I had finished my studies at St. Paul's School, I knew I wanted to be an actor.
-- Alexis Denisof -
The studies indicate that focusing our attention on someone else, takes our mind off of our own problems. We stay healthier and thereby live longer.
-- Allen Klein -
In the piano, one has the instrument complete before he begins; but in the case of the voice, the instrument has to be developed by study.
-- Alma Gluck -
One does not study for a goal. The goal is a mere accident.
-- Alma Gluck -
Studious of ease, and fond of humble things.
-- Ambrose Philips -
Devotees of grammatical studies have not been distinguished for any very remarkable felicities of expression
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
Well, what is acting but the study of human behavior? And that's so fascinating to me.
-- Amy Smart -
It was almost forbidden in the Soviet Union to study the New Economic Policy.
-- Anatoly Chubais -
Music is a prerogative of those who are willing to spend time to study it, understand and love it, well aware of the fact that one life is not enough to improve just one single note of what has already been written and performed.
-- Andrea Bocelli -
...she studies to be equal in a world that is no longer surprised at anything
-- Andreï Makine -
While neurological studies have tried to identify components responsible for fear and greed, the impact on finance is less clear.
-- Andrew Lo -
Observation and study are necessary to achieve mastery of light and form
-- Andrew Loomis -
I'm not studying everything that can go wrong. What I'm studying is how much love there can be, even when everything appears to be going wrong.
-- Andrew Solomon -
I decided to teach because I think that any person who studies philosophy has to be involved actively.
-- Angela Davis -
I make such a good statistic, somebody should study me now; somebody's gotta be interested in how I feel, just cause I'm here, and I'm real.
-- Ani DiFranco -
I love studying how people are. Not just what they're saying, but how they are, what they're doing.
-- Anna Deavere Smith -
Classifying the stars has helped materially in all studies of the structure of the universe.
-- Annie Jump Cannon -
I became an actor because I love solving problems. I'm a big crossword puzzle person. I love doing research. One of the reasons I became Jewish is because I love text study.
-- Anthony Heald -
I started studying mythology, just on my own. Joseph Campbell, mysticism.
-- Antoine Fuqua -
It's worth living abroad to study up on genteel and delicate manners. The maid smiles continuously; she smiles like a duchess on a stage, while at the same time it is clear from her face that she is exhausted from overwork.
-- Anton Chekhov -
I am interested in study, reflection, philosophy - but always as a dilettante. I also consider myself a dilettante as a painter.
-- Antoni Tapies -
Columbia University, where I went to study in 1993, insisted its undergraduates learn a foreign language, so I discovered French.
-- Aravind Adiga -
How can I study from below, that which is above?
-- Aristophanes -
We are better able to study our neighbors than ourselves, and their actions than our own.
-- Aristotle -
The student of politics therefore as well as the psychologist must study the nature of the soul.
-- Aristotle -
We often think that when we have completed our study of one we know all about two, because 'two' is 'one and one.' We forget that we still have to make a study of 'and.'
-- Arthur Eddington -
In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of my death.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
There is only one safeguard against error, and that is to be established in the faith; and for that, there has to be prayerful and diligent study, and a receiving with meekness the engrafted Word of God. Only then are we fortified against the attacks of those who assail us.
-- Arthur W. Pink -
No Fridolf, bother all this learning. I can't study anymore because I must climb the mast to see what kind of weather we're going to have tomorrow.
-- Astrid Lindgren -
When an Englishman has professed his belief in the supremacy of Shakespeare amongst all poets, he feels himself excused from the general study of literature. He also feels himself excused from the particular study of Shakespeare.
-- Aubrey Beardsley -
Nothing is going to remain the way it is. Let us, in the present, study the past, so as to invent the future.
-- Augusto Boal -
Petting is the study of the anatomy in braille.
-- Ava Gardner -
Now it is established in the sciences that no knowledge is acquired save through the study of its causes and beginnings, if it has had causes and beginnings; nor completed except by knowledge of its accidents and accompanying essentials.
-- Avicenna -
One can study what exists and how consciousness functions; but one cannot analyze (or “proveâ€) existence as such, or consciousness as such. These are irreducible primaries. (An attempt to “prove†them is self-contradict ory: it is an attempt to “prove†existence by means of nonexistence, and consciousness by means of unconsciousness .)
-- Ayn Rand -
If you study carefully, you will see that Buddhism is based on reason. There is an element of flexibility inherent in it, which is not found in any other religion
-- B. R. Ambedkar -
The study of asana is not about mastering posture. It's about using posture to understand and transform yourself.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
Study the rules so that you won't beat yourself by not knowing something.
-- Babe Didrikson Zaharias -
we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities
-- Barack Obama -
You can't study to be an entrepreneur. Sometimes, you just have to jump.
-- Barbara Corcoran -
I am not like my image; I take my work so seriously. Everyone thinks I just bounce in, but I study and everything has to be just right.
-- Barbara Windsor -
You have to study a great deal to know a little.
-- Baron de Montesquieu -
I'm a professor of national security studies, and I know a lot more about fighting than Rumsfeld does.
-- Barry McCaffrey -
Most coaches study the films when they lose. I study them when we win -to see if I can figure out what I did right
-- Bear Bryant -
The study of the victim is called victimology because everything sounds better with and ology tacked on the end.
-- Ben Aaronovitch -
Amusement to an observing mind is study.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
In the study of the fine arts, they mutually assist each other.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
Gentlemen, as we study the universe we see everywhere the most tremendous manifestations of force. In our own experience we know of but one source of force, namely will. How then can we help regarding the forces we see in nature as due to the will of some omnipresent, omnipotent being? Gentlemen, there must be a GOD.
-- Benjamin Peirce -
The techniques I developed for studying turbulence, like weather, also apply to the stock market
-- Benoit Mandelbrot -
As patience leads to peace, and study to science, so are humiliations the path that leads to humility.
-- Bernard of Clairvaux -
I like reading my bible, I like bible studies where I get together with others and talk about the word of God and how it relates to us and how we can change to become more like him.
-- Bernhard Langer -
All traditional logic habitually assumes that precise symbols are being employed. It is therefore not applicable to this terrestial life but only to an imagined celestial existence... logic takes us nearer to heaven than other studies.
-- Bertrand Russell -
I wanted to be a forensic scientist when I was younger. For a long time, I was studying because I wanted to do that sort of stuff.
-- Bex Taylor-Klaus -
Because his basic idea that he got from the study of gall wasps is that everyone's sexuality is unique.
-- Bill Condon -
Intellectuals are people who go to study things other people do naturally.
-- Bill Cosby -
The novel is a penetrating study of morals and ethics.
-- Bille August -
I think that I failed by not studying more, and praying more, and spending more time with my family.
-- Billy Graham -
I'm going to be working on my shot. Working on extending my range. Keep working on everything, and really studying the game.
-- Blake Griffin -
Studies indicate that these children are more susceptible to advertising and even less likely to understand the purpose of this advertising.
-- Bob Filner -
I had to study acting to basically educate myself.
-- Boris Kodjoe -
The study of doctrine and the teaching of doctrine will change behavior more than the study of behavior will change behavior.
-- Boyd K. Packer -
I loved the college experience of studying.
-- Bradley Cooper -
My biggest mentor is myself because I've had to study, so that's been my biggest influence.
-- Brendan Rodgers -
The Word we study has to be the Word we pray.
-- Brennan Manning -
Women aren't very bright," Rip says. "Studies have been done.
-- Bret Easton Ellis