Anatomy famous quotes


  • I often wonder if we were all characters in one of God's dreams.

  • I feel there is love and confidence in me somewhere and I want to find it. So far, music is the only medium that's allowed me to flirt with a sense of self-worth, with joy and comfort.

  • A racing tipster who only reached Hitler's level of accuracy would not do well for his clients.

  • Billie Holiday's voice was the voice of living intensity of soul in the true sense of that greatly abused word.

  • Integrity is my stock in trade.

  • 'Understanding' art is like having a sense of humour - if you don't have one, no amount of explanation is going to make you laugh.

  • I am unable to accept the idea that I should be an obedient subject of a gang of corrupt, unprincipled thugs who pontificate about freedom while enslaving the population.

  • In youth one has tears without grief; in age, griefs without tears

  • The highest qualities of character...must be earned....

  • Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something not true for you.