Fasting famous quotes
If you study the Talmud you please God even more than you do by praying or fasting.
-- Abraham Cahan -
He who buries his head deep into a nosebag full of food cannot hope to see the invisible world.
-- Al-Ghazali -
The best of all medicines is resting and fasting
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Fasting reduces the power of self so that the Holy Spirit can do a more intense work within us.
-- Bill Bright -
I am not naturally that thin, so I had to go through everything from using drugs to diet pills to laxatives to fasting. Those were my main ways of controlling my weight.
-- Carre Otis -
Fasting confirms our utter dependence upon God by finding in Him a source of sustenance beyond food.
-- Dallas Willard -
If you're having a difficult time making the best decision then consider fasting. Fasting is simply taking something you regularly do and replacing it with praying and seeking God. For example instead of eating a meal you can take that time to seek God and allow Him to speak to you about the decision.
-- Dan Black -
I was obsessed with the idea of fasting and isolation.
-- David Blaine -
A fast is not a hunger strike. Fasting submits to God's commands. A hunger strike makes God submit to our demands.
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen the body and the spirit.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
Fasting (is) for the maintainance and firmness of your sincerity.
-- Fatima bint Muhammad -
Fasting detaches you from this world. Prayer reattaches you to the next world.
-- Fulton J. Sheen -
To know something, then, we must be scrubbed raw, the fasting heart exposed.
-- Gretel Ehrlich -
If a man has nothing to eat, fasting is the most intelligent thing he can do.
-- Hermann Hesse -
The candidate was required to prepare himself by confession, fasting, and passing the night in prayer.
-- Horatio Alger -
Every person has a zakaat (to pay) and the zakaat of the body is fasting.
-- Ibn Majah -
Fasting is not nearly so deadly as feasting.
-- J. Harold Smith -
Fasting is what prepares you for a new anointing.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting is a constant means of renewing yourself spiritually.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting breaks the spirit of heaviness.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting is truly a secret source of power.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
When the Holy Spirit calls your to fast, He is preparing you for what is ahead.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Many times the rewards of fasting come after the fast, though from time to time answers can come during the fast.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
When you are hunger for God, He will fill you.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting stirs a hunger in your spirit that goes deeper than the temporary you experience in your flesh.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting will break poverty from your life.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
When you faithfully follow the three duties of a Christian, God rewards you openly.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting keeps you sensitive to His (God) Spirit, enabling you to live holy.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
The discipline of fasting breaks you out of the world's routine.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Three duties of every Christian are giving, praying, and fasting.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Health and healing will follow fasting.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
For me, fasting has just been a huge part of everything God has done in my life, Fasting means I am putting everything on hold, and I am spending the time with God. It brings everything in focus, and I become eternity-minded.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Blessing will happen to you and your family throughout the year because you faster in January.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
His [Daniel] fast broke the power of the delayer and released the angels of God so that God's purposes could be revealed and served.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
There is power in corporate fasting and power in corporate praise.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting gives your body time to heal itself. It relieves nervousness and tension and gives your digestive system a rest.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
We walk by faith. We don't stay still, drowning in our misery.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting humbles you and brings clarity, even allowing you to get unforgiveness and bitterness out of your heart.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Begin a fast, and trust God to work that in your heart.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting will also overcome sexual additions and demonic powers.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting lowers your blood pressure and can lower your cholesterol.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
If you want to please God, believe God.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting is a tremendous weapon and a source of power in the life of a believer.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting is like spring cleaning for your body.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
God knows there is never a convenient time to fast.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
The Son of God fasted because He knew there were supernatural things that could only be released that way.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Fasting is not just a physical discipline; it can be a spiritual feast.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
There is a prophetic release that occurs in a church or an individual who fasts continually for forty days.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
Periodic fasts are necessary to flush out the poisons.
-- Jentezen Franklin -
You priests. You're all the same. You think fasting helps you think about God, when anyone who can cook would tell you that fasting just makes you think about food.
-- Joanne Harris -
The time may come when not offering this substantially more effective nutritional approach will be considered malpractice.
-- Joel Fuhrman -
Fasting and natural diet, though essentially unknown as a therapy, should be the first treatment when someone discovers that he or she has a medical problem.
-- Joel Fuhrman -
Whether the patient has a cardiac condition, hypertension, autoimmune disease, fibroids, or asthma, he or she must be informed that fasting and natural, plant-based diets are a viable alternative to conventional therapy, and an effective one.
-- Joel Fuhrman -
The malcontent is neither well, full nor fasting; and though he abounds with complaints, yet nothing dislikes him but the present; for what he condemns while it was, once passed, he magnifies and strives to recall it out of the jaw of time. What he hath he seeth not, his eyes are so taken up with what he wants; and what he sees he careth not for, because be cares so much for that which is not.
-- Joseph Hall -
Fasting was good for the imagination but bad for logic.
-- Josephine Tey -
Regarding Fasting: Have the faith to bind the Lord.
-- L. Tom Perry -
Having soon discovered to be great, I must appear so, and therefore studiously avoided mixing in society, and wrapped myself in mystery, devoting my time to fasting and prayer.
-- Nat Turner -
Fasting is the greatest remedy-- the physician within.
-- Paracelsus -
Fasting reminds us that we are sustained by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). Food does not sustain us; God sustains us.
-- Richard J. Foster -
Fasting gives you confidence to know that your spirit can master appetite . . . and helps to protect against later uncontrolled cravings and gnawing habits.
-- Russell M. Nelson -
When the stomach is full, it is easy to talk of fasting.
-- St. Jerome -
The philosophy of fasting calls upon us to know ourselves, to master ourselves, and to discipline ourselves the better to free ourselves. To fast is to identify our dependencies, and free ourselves from them.
-- Tariq Ramadan -
There are some who died because they were fasting, and they were crammed in tight.
-- Thaksin Shinawatra -
Juice fasting destroys your metabolic rate. I see a lot of women who are like, 'Oh, I lost seven pounds and then I gained 10.' That's not what detoxification is about.
-- Tracy Anderson -
I have read the Bible many times. But after fasting, and being baptized Orthodox, it's like reading a whole new Bible. You see the depth behind the words so much more clearly.
-- Troy Polamalu -
Do not be misled by a person's prayers and fasting. [Instead] look [at their] sincerity and wisdom.
-- Umar -
Taqwaa is not by praying all night and fasting all day but rather it is abiding by the commands of Allah and staying away from His prohibitions.
-- Umar -
Through fasting. . .I have found a perfect health, a new state of existence, a feeling of purity and happiness, something unknown to humans.
-- Upton Sinclair -
One of the reasons intermittent fasting can work is that it reconnects you with what hunger feels like.
-- Chris Mohr -
We must continue in prayer if we are to get an outpouring of the Spirit. Christ says there are some things we shall not get, unless we pray and fast, yes, "prayer and fasting." We must control the flesh and abstain from whatever hinders direct fellowship with God.
-- Bonar Law -
The body and the soul join in doing the work of the soul, ie. praying, meditating, praising and coming in communion with God.
-- Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria -
Fasting and feasting are universal human responses, and any meal, shared with love, can be an agape.
-- Elise M. Boulding