Doctrine famous quotes
Only the continuous and steady application of the methods for suppressing a doctrine, etc., makes it possible for a plan to succeed.
-- Adolf Hitler -
Doctrine is the frame-work of life; it is the skeleton of truth, to be clothed and rounded out by the living graces of a holy life. It is only the lean creature whose bones become offensive.
-- Adoniram Judson Gordon -
We need to learn that truth consists not in correct doctrine, but in correct doctrine plus the inward enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
A striking feature of moral and political argument in the modern world is the extent to which it is innovators, radicals, and revolutionaries who revive old doctrines, while their conservative and reactionary opponents are the inventors of new ones.
-- Alasdair MacIntyre -
When a denomination begins to consider doctrine divisive, theology troublesome, and convictions inconvenient, consider that denomination on its way to a well-deserved death.
-- Albert Mohler -
Is it our task to force the biblical doctrine of God to answer to modern culture, or (is it our task) to address modern culture with the biblical doctrine of God? If modern culture-or any culture-establishes the baseline for the doctrine of God, such a doctrine will certainly bear little resemblance to the God of the Bible.
-- Albert Mohler -
To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (33rd Degree Masons), we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: 'The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.'
-- Albert Pike -
As some to Church repair, not for the doctrine, but the music there.
-- Alexander Pope -
It has been an unchallengeable American doctrine that cranberry sauce, a pink goo with overtones of sugared tomatoes, is a delectable necessity of the Thanksgiving board and that turkey is uneatable without it.
-- Alistair Cooke -
Redemption, n. Deliverance of sinners from the penalty of their sin through their murder of the deity against whom they sinned. The doctrine of Redemption is the fundamental mystery of our holy religions, and whoso believeth in it shall not perish, but have everlasting life in which to try to understand it.
-- Ambrose -
Pantheism, n. The doctrine that everything is God, in contradistinction to the doctrine that God is everything.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Optimist – A proponent of the doctrine that black is white.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
When lost in a forest go always down hill. When lost in a philosophy or doctrine go upward.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
In theology, the state of a luckless mortal prenatally damned. The doctrine of reprobation was taught by Calvin, whose joy in it was somewhat marred by the sad sincerity of his conviction that although some are foredoomed to perdition, others are predestined to salvation.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Although the doctrine of innate equality of the race has been proclaimed, yet so far as woman is concerned it has been a standing falsehood.
-- Amelia Bloomer -
Doctrines are meant to serve man, not the other way around.
-- Amin Maalouf -
The cardinal doctrine of a fanatic's creed is that his enemies are the enemies of God.
-- Andrew Dickson White -
The best doctrine may become the worst, if imperfectly understood, erroneously interpreted, or superstitiously followed.
-- Anna Leonowens -
Perfection spawns doctrines, dictators and totalitarian ideas.
-- Antonio Tabucchi -
In reviewing the most mysterious doctrines of revelation, the ultimate appeal is to reason, not to determine whether she could have discovered these truths; not to declare whether, considered in themselves, they appear probable; but to decide whether it is not more reasonable to believe what God speaks than to confide in our own crude and feeble conceptions. No doctrine can be a proper object of our faith, which is not more reasonable to believe than to reject.
-- Archibald Alexander -
When Pat Robertson says there is no constitutional doctrine of separation of church and state, I say he is wrong.
-- Arlen Specter -
There are no habits of man more alien to the doctrine of the Communist than those of the collector
-- Augustine Birrell -
Great thoughts are against all doctrines of conformity
-- Austin Osman Spare -
Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.
-- Ayn Rand -
There has never been a philosophy, a theory or a doctrine, that attacked (or 'limited') reason, which did not preach submission to the power of some authority.
-- Ayn Rand -
Persecution always acts as a jell for members of cults; it proves to them, in the absence of history, liturgy, tradition, and doctrine, that they are God's chosen.
-- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison -
Doctrine tied itself into infinite knots over the realities of sex.
-- Barbara Tuchman -
I do not set myself up as an advocate of the woman's right doctrine, but would rather appear in the character of a quiet lady expressing her sentiments, not so much to the public as to her immediate friends.
-- Belle Boyd -
Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and economic sphere.
-- Benito Mussolini -
The Athanasian Creed is the most splendid ecclesiastical lyric ever poured forth by the genius of man.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
The people heard it, and approved the doctrine, and immediately practiced the contrary.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
First, then, State Socialism, which may be described as the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by the government, regardless of individual choice.
-- Benjamin Tucker -
The political process is not tied to any particular doctrine. Genuine political doctrines, rather, are the attempt to find particular and workable solutions to this perpetual and shifty problem of conciliation.
-- Bernard Crick -
To Marx the claim of the theory of ideology is that all doctrine is a derivative of social circumstance.
-- Bernard Crick -
One of the main causes of trouble in the world is dogmatic and fanatical belief in some doctrine for which there is no adequate evidence
-- Bertrand Russell -
The ultimate Truth is beyond words. Doctrines are words. They're not the Way.
-- Bodhidharma -
True conversion occurs as you continue to act upon the doctrines you know are true and keep the commandments, day after day, month after month.
-- Bonnie L. Oscarson -
True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. Preoccupation with unworthy behavior can lead to unworthy behavior. That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel.
-- Boyd K. Packer -
The study of doctrine and the teaching of doctrine will change behavior more than the study of behavior will change behavior.
-- Boyd K. Packer -
I say, if you want to enjoy exquisitely, become a Latter-day Saint, and then live the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
-- Brigham Young -
The doctrines contained in the Bible will lift to a superior condition all who observe them; they will impart to them knowledge, wisdom, charity, fill them with compassion and cause them to feel after the wants of those who are in distress.
-- Brigham Young -
This is the reason why the doctrine of plurality of wives was revealed, that the noble spirits who are waiting for tabernacles might be brought forth
-- Brigham Young -
It is my province to teach to the church what the doctrine is. It is your province to echo what I say or to remain silent.
-- Bruce R. McConkie -
Believers in the doctrines of modern Christendom will reap damnation to their souls.
-- Bruce R. McConkie -
The Word of truth teaches in the clearest and most positive terms that all of the dead will be raised. No doctrine of the faith rests upon a more literal and emphatic body of Scripture authority than this, nor is any more vital to Christianity.
-- C. I. Scofield -
Men of New England, I hold you to the doctrines of liberty which ye inherit from your Puritan forefathers.
-- Caleb Cushing -
In the John Paul II days, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had the advantage of staying in his cupboard - the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - exchanging views only with the Pope, and speaking publicly only through carefully written missives on doctrinal issues.
-- Carl Bernstein -
I consider it an extremely dangerous doctrine, because the more likely we are to assume that the solution comes from the outside, the less likely we are to solve our problems ourselves.
-- Carl Sagan -
Religions are tough. Either they make no contentions which are subject to disproof or they quickly redesign doctrine after disproof. ... near the core of the religious experience is something remarkably resistant to rational inquiry.
-- Carl Sagan -
Nothing can be more hopeless than to attempt to explain this similarity of pattern in members of the same class, by utility or by the doctrine of final causes.
-- Charles Darwin -
Panentheistic doctrine contains all of deism and pandeism except their arbitrary negations.
-- Charles Hartshorne -
No more soul-destroying doctrine could well be devised than the doctrine that sinners can regenerate themselves, and repent and believe just when they please.
-- Charles Hodge -
The Galatians are severely censured for giving heed to false doctrines, and are called to pronounce even an apostle anathema, if he preached another gospel.
-- Charles Hodge -
True zeal is connected with a holy life. It is remarkable how often the greatest zealots for God, the Church, and sound doctrine (as they regard it), have been unholy and even immoral in their lives.
-- Charles Hodge -
Hitherto, no rival hypothesis has been proposed as a substitute for the doctrine of transmutation; for 'independent creation,' as it is often termed, or the direct intervention of the Supreme Cause, must simply be considered as an avowal that we deem the question to lie beyond the domain of science.
-- Charles Lyell -
The skeptic may deny your doctrine or attack your church but he cannot honestly ignore the fact that your life has been changed.
-- Charles R. Swindoll -
The grandest discourse ever delivered is an ostentatious failure if the doctrine of the grace of God be absent from it.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
I believe the doctrine of election, because I am quite sure that if God had not chosen me I should never have chosen him; and I am sure he chose me before I was born, or else he never would have chosen me afterwards; and he must have elected me for reasons unknown to me, for I never could find any reason in myself why he should have looked upon me with special love.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
Believing right doctrine will no more save you, than doing good works will save you.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
It is no novelty, then, that I am preaching; no new doctrine. I love to proclaim these strong old doctrines, that are called by nickname Calvinism, but which are surely and verily the revealed truth of God as it is in Christ Jesus.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
Learning to fully understand the doctrines of the gospel is a process of a lifetime and comes 'line upon line, precept upon precept.
-- Cheryl A. Esplin -
Religious doctrines do not and clearly cannot be adopted as the criminal code of a state.
-- Clarence Darrow -
The doctrine of the absolute uniqueness of events in history seems nonsense.
-- Crane Brinton -
Zen has nothing to teach us in the way of intellectual analysis; nor has it any set doctrines which are imposed on its followers for acceptance.
-- D.T. Suzuki -
Pulling a crystalline, cogent rule out of the murk of the court's First Amendment, public forum, and Establishment Clause doctrine is an act of creation too complicated for mere mortals.
-- Dahlia Lithwick -
A mere inference or theory must give way to a truth revealed; but a scientific truth must be maintained, however contradictory it may appear to the most cherished doctrines of religion.
-- David Brewster -
Cuba's poverty is caused by the crackpot Marxist doctrines imposed by its sociopathic ruler and promoted by half the liberal arts professors on American faculties.
-- David Horowitz -
Doctrine is to be the balm of a healing experience of God, not a theological scalpel to wound and exclude people.
-- Diana Butler Bass -
In The Field Of Public Education, The Doctrine Of 'Separate But Equal' Has No Place
-- Earl Warren -
Education is in danger of becoming a religion based on fear; its doctrine is to compete. Our children are being led to believe that they are doomed to failure in a world which has room only for those at the top.
-- Eda LeShan -
The doctrine of the equality of man was never intended to apply to the equality of the Englishman and the Chinaman.
-- Edmund Barton -
Much more profitable and gracious is doctrine by example than by rule.
-- Edmund Spenser -
Out of the doctrine of original sin grew the crimes and miseries of asceticism, celibacy and witchcraft; woman becoming the helpless victim of all these delusions.
-- Elizabeth Cady Stanton -
But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms.
-- Ellen G. White -
A doctrine of endurance flows easily from our lips when we are enduring jam and our neighbors dry bread, and it is still possible for us to become resigned to the afflictions of our brother.
-- Ellen Glasgow -
I have always been resistant to doctrine, and any spirituality I had experienced thus far in my life had been much more abstract and not aligned with any recognized religion. For me, the most trustworthy vehicle for spirituality had always proven to be music. It cannot be manipulated, or politicized, and when it is, that becomes immediately obvious.
-- Eric Clapton -
The Book of Mormon is the 'keystone' of our religion, and the Doctrine and Covenants is the 'capstone,' with continuing latter day revelation. The Lord has placed His stamp of approval on both the keystone and the capstone.
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
Is that which was deemed to be of so fundamental a nature as to be written into the Constitution to endure for all times to be the sport of shifting winds of doctrine?
-- Felix Frankfurter -
The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.
-- Florence Nightingale -
The purest expression of the doctrine of Liberalism was probably that of Benjamin Constant
-- Francis Parker Yockey -
At first it was the incomes of corporations, then of rich citizens, then of well-provided widows and opulent workers, and finally the wealth of housemaids and the tips of waitresses. This is all in line with the ability to pay doctrine. The poor, simply because there are more of them, have more ability to pay than the rich.
-- Frank Chodorov -
It is an old saying, abundantly justified, that where sciences meet there growth occurs. It is true moreover to say that in scientific borderlands not only are facts gathered that [are] often new in kind, but it is in these regions that wholly new concepts arise. It is my own faith that just as the older biology from its faithful studies of external forms provided a new concept in the doctrine of evolution, so the new biology is yet fated to furnish entirely new fundamental concepts of science, at which physics and chemistry when concerned with the non-living alone could never arrive.
-- Frederick Gowland Hopkins -
It is not in understanding a set of doctrines; not in outward comprehension of the "scheme of salvation," that rest and peace are to be found, but in taking up, in all lowliness and meekness, the yoke of the Lord Jesus Christ.
-- Frederick William Robertson -
Jesus died too soon. If he had lived to my age he would have repudiated his doctrine.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche -
They know that it is human nature to take up causes whereby a man may oppress his neighbor, no matter how unjustly. ... Hence they have had no trouble in finding men who would preach the damnability and heresy of the new doctrine from the very pulpit...
-- Galileo Galilei -
[Copernicus] did not ignore the Bible, but he knew very well that if his doctrine were proved, then it could not contradict the Scriptures when they were rightly understood.
-- Galileo Galilei -
God is known by nature in his works, and by doctrine in his revealed word.
-- Galileo Galilei -
Philosophy itself cannot but benefit from our disputes, for if our conceptions prove true, new achievements will be made; if false, their refutation will further confirm the original doctrines.
-- Galileo Galilei -
Revelation is beyond doctrines and belief systems. It is beyond everything imaginable. It is beyond because it is so close. Revelation is more direct than every word, for it arises out of the truth of who you are. This truth is all you have ever longed for, all you have ever needed.
-- Gangaji -
Believe nothing, O monks, just because you have been told it, or it is commonly believed, or because it is traditional or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings - that doctrine believe and cling to and take as your guide.
-- Gautama Buddha -
The doctrine that man is infinitely tough and resourceful and not easily cheated of his freedom to sin.
-- George C. Homans -
Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist.
-- George C. Marshall -
A doctrine is something that pins you down to a given mode of conduct and dozens of situations which you cannot foresee, which is a great mistake in principle. When the word 'containment' was used in my 'X' article, it was used with relation to a certain situation then prevailing, and as a response to it.
-- George F. Kennan -
Most expositions of Aristotle's doctrines, when they have not been dictated by a spirit of virulent detraction, or unsympathetic indifference, have carefully suppressed all, or nearly all, the absurdities, and only retained what seemed plausible and consistent. But in this procedure their historical significance disappears.
-- George Henry Lewes -
If God allows us to remain Methodist, Baptist, or Episcopalian, it may be on account of the unconverted, that they may be without excuse; that every type of man may be confronted with a corresponding type of doctrine and of method. Surely there are means adapted to your state, and ministries fitted to your peculiar temperament.
-- George Horace Lorimer -
By preaching the doctrine that nothing is to be admired except steel and concrete, one merely makes it a little surer that human beings will have no outlet for their surplus energy except in hatred and leader worship.
-- George Orwell -
Antisemitism, for instance, is simply not the doctrine of a grown-up person.
-- George Orwell -
So far as I am acquainted with the principles and doctrines of Freemasonry, I conceive it to be founded in benevolence and to be exercised only for the good of mankind.
-- George Washington -
It is an undoubted truth that every doctrine that comes from God, leads to God; and that which doth not tend to promote holiness is not of God.
-- George Whitefield -
[Nietzsche's doctrine of the eternal return] is what makes moments caught up in the immanence of return suddenly appear as ends. In every other system, don't forget, these moments are viewed as means: Every moral system proclaims that "each moment of life ought to be motivated." Return unmotivates the moment and frees life of ends.
-- Georges Bataille