Concerned famous quotes
52 minutes ago
All men are more concerned to recover what they lose than to acquire what they lack.
-- Aesop -
God is never impressed with what a man can do. He is more concerned with what a man is.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
What I'm above all primarily concerned with is the substance of life, the pith of reality. If I had to sum up my work, I suppose that's it really: I'm taking the pith out of reality.
-- Alan Bennett -
Don't be concerned with what you can't do. Work on what you can do - then count your blessings.
-- Alan Robinson -
People become concerned with being more humble than other people.
-- Alan Watts -
Although the doctrine of innate equality of the race has been proclaimed, yet so far as woman is concerned it has been a standing falsehood.
-- Amelia Bloomer -
Nature is not concerned about fairness, it only interested in efficiency.
-- Amish Tripathi -
One doesn't make art for other people, even though I am very concerned with the viewer
-- Anish Kapoor -
One must not be shy where language is concerned.
-- Ann Patchett -
My work has been marginalized as far as the jazz-business complex is concerned, or the contemporary-music complex.
-- Anthony Braxton -
My personal conviction is that science is concerned wholly with truth, not with ethics.
-- Arthur Keith -
As far as we are concerned, we Syria have not changed.
-- Bashar al-Assad -
There's a lot to be concerned about; there's more to be hopeful for.
-- Bob Goff -
As far as I'm concerned, progress peaked with frozen pizza.
-- Bonnie Bedelia -
It’s not technically gossip if you start your sentence with “I’m really concerned about __________________ ,†(fill in the name of the person you’re not gossiping about).
-- Brian P. Cleary -
The more guitars we have onstage the better, as I'm concerned.
-- Bruce Dickinson -
What I am really concerned about is what art is supposed to be - and can become.
-- Bruce Nauman -
There is no such thing as neutrality where the gospel is concerned.
-- Bruce R. McConkie -
As far as I'm concerned, 'whom' is a word that was invented to make everyone sound like a butler.
-- Calvin Trillin -
Mathematics is concerned only with the enumeration and comparison of relations.
-- Carl Friedrich Gauss -
None of us have much idea where we are. Perhaps all our lives are too concerned with where, and not enough with who.
-- Catherine Fisher -
I had to keep from laughing when a male relative of mine became concerned about how often I danced.
-- Cesar Romero -
When I was first starting out, and I was less established, I was really concerned about being typecast.
-- Charisma Carpenter -
I just see myself as a human being that's concerned about life.
-- Charlie Haden -
As a Christian, you ought to be less concerned about where God is bringing you out from, rather, focus on where He's taking you to.
-- Chris Oyakhilome -
As far as I was concerned, either I was a homosexual or I wasn't, so making films would change nothing.
-- Claude Chabrol -
I am not concerned that I am not known, I seek to be worthy to be known.
-- Confucius -
Mathematics is concerned with "all possible worlds."
-- David Malet Armstrong -
But so far as countries are concerned, I don't go to a place to see what's there, but who is there.
-- David McCallum -
We are authors, all of us, concerned with beginning, with making, with sources and substance.
-- Diane Wakoski -
I'm concerned about getting Iraq on its feet.
-- Douglas J. Feith -
I was concerned about filling my life up with something important to me. To me, it was just necessary
-- Ed Harris -
They (theological liberals)seemed to know what the answer was supposed to be and weren't much concerned with how to get there. They knew only that whatever answers the Fundamentalists came up with must be wrong.
-- Eric Metaxas -
And the best way to quit being concerned with yourself is to be concerned about others.
-- Florinda Donner -
What the artist wishes to do — as far as you are concerned — is to take you out of yourself. As far as he is concerned, he wishes to express himself.
-- Ford Madox Ford -
It is right that we be concerned with the scientific probity of metaphysics.
-- Gabriel Marcel -
Grantland Rice can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.
-- Gene Autry -
Getting older is not something that you're not much concerned with.
-- George Clooney -
As far as I am concerned I would rather spend the rest of my life in prison than marry again.
-- George Sand -
I'm concerned about truth and credibility in government.
-- George W. Romney -
Where the U.N. is concerned, accountability is very thin on the ground in general.
-- Glenn Reynolds -
The major gossip columnists were more concerned with protecting the industry than with gunning down sinners.
-- Gloria Swanson -
All that I'm concerned about is that my fans understand & that they like the music.
-- Greyson Chance -
Even were sleep is concerned, too much is a bad thing.
-- Homer -
There are things which cannot be carried through even with the good will of everybody concerned
-- Isak Dinesen -
I am primarily concerned with the condition of man,
-- Jack Levine -
I am not concerned with being liked or disliked. I am concerned with being respected
-- Jackie Robinson -
As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure.
-- Jacques Chirac -
As far as the customer is concerned, the interface is the product.
-- Jef Raskin -
As far as I'm concerned, leopard is a neutral.
-- Jenna Lyons -
A book for everyone concerned about our common future.
-- Jim MacNeill -
I was concerned about doing a sequel and repeating myself. That was before I read the script.
-- JoBeth Williams -
I became good at defending myself, but as far as I was concerned, that was a transient skill.
-- Jock Sturges -
As far as Zarqawi is concerned, there is a network of extremists; it's not just Zarqawi.
-- John Abizaid -
Be more concerned with what you can do for others than what others can do for you. You’ll be surprised at the results.
-- John Wooden -
The more concerned we become over the things we can't control, the less we will do with the things we can control
-- John Wooden -
I'm a yes person. I'm too concerned with trying to make too many people happy.
-- Jorja Fox -
Camo never goes out of style as far as I'm concerned.
-- Joy Bryant -
God is more concerned about your heart than your performance. If your heart is right, your performance will eventually catch up.
-- Joyce Meyer -
I'm a mutt as far as music is concerned, because I listen to everything.
-- Justin Timberlake -
As far as the press is concerned, they're going to say what they want to say. Probably about 10-15 percent of the time It's accurate.
-- Justin Timberlake -
I wasn't concerned about the hardships because I always felt I was doing what I had to do, what I wanted to do and what I was destined to do.
-- Katherine Dunham -
Roxy, stop being so obnoxious!" -Joy "I'm never obnoxious; I'm just concerned." -Roxy
-- Katie MacAlister -
Art should be concerned more with life than with art.
-- Kimon Nicolaides -
I don't have the inclinations that other people seem to have as far as the business is concerned.
-- Kristin Hersh -
If lightning is the anger of the gods, then the gods are concerned mostly about trees.
-- Laozi -
When you're not concerned with succeeding, you can work with complete freedom.
-- Larry David -
If someone puts up $100 million on a movie, they're gonna be concerned about whether they'll get it back. So they're not gonna make a movie about three girls, you know?
-- Lili Taylor -
As a microbiologist, I am particularly concerned with Mr. Bush's blatant disregard for science.
-- Louise Slaughter -
I am not concerned with truth, nor with conventional notions of what is beautiful.
-- Mark Strand -
Be concerned about your brother...eithe r we go up together, or we go down together.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr. -
All I'm saying is, where relationships are concerned, don't confuse length with strength.
-- Matt Dunn -
When I was 15, I did not know nothing about what concerned the world of music.
-- Maurice Jarre -
There is no such thing, as far as I'm concerned, as ownership in love.
-- Max Frisch -
Wherever injustice occurs, we all need to be concerned.
-- Millicent Fenwick -
I can spend somebody else's money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else's money on somebody else, I'm not concerned about how much it is, and I'm not concerned about what I get. And that's government. And that's close to 40 percent of our national income.
-- Milton Friedman -
The value of our good is not measured by what it does, but by the amount of good it does to the one concerned.
-- Milton S. Hershey -
As far as we are concerned, we are not the toys of any country, including the United States.
-- Mohammed Reza Pahlavi -
We are selfish when we are exclusively or predominantly concerned with the good for ourselves. We are altruistic when we are exclusively or predominantly concerned with the good of others.
-- Mortimer Adler -
We are not to be so concerned about who approves or disapproves of us, but remember that God's approval is what counts. Those whom God approves are approved indeed.
-- Myles Munroe -
To eat or be eaten, to escape or be takena matter of utmost importance to the one concerned, yet it happens all the time and we don't even notice.
-- Nahoko Uehashi -
Even where friendship is concerned, it takes me a long time to trust people.
-- Namie Amuro -
Being moderate with oneself and generous with others; this is what is meant by having a just relationship with money, by being free as far as money is concerned.
-- Natalia Ginzburg -
Charlie Xâ€)? Those were the hints, as far as I’m concerned.
-- Nichelle Nichols -
As far as I am concerned, war itself is immoral.
-- Omar N. Bradley -
I'm putting you in Dink Meeker's toon. From now on, as far as you're concerned, Dink Meeker is God." "Then who are you?" "The personnel officer who hired God.
-- Orson Scott Card -
Faith is the state of being ultimately concerned.
-- Paul Tillich -
One thing about me, as far as my career is concerned, is that I'm very confident. I know I'm good.
-- Persis Khambatta -
Anyone who lives in this time is concerned with grottiness.
-- Peter Reading -
I don't have to be concerned about everybody else's character.
-- R. Lee Ermey -
It isn’t happiness I am concerned with but experience.
-- Raymond Queneau -
On the theoretical side, I was concerned with stochastic resonance.
-- Richard Ernst -
What they were doing was extremely wrong as far as I was concerned, and to this day, I don't know what I was thinking except bowl them over.
-- Rick Monday -
And in a marriage you can't TRY and be married. You're married or you're not married... as far as I'm concerned.
-- Ringo Starr -
You can now modify the genes of large animals, and the largest animal we are concerned with is the human.
-- Robert Winston -
If we would serve science, we must extend her limits, not only as far as our own knowledge is concerned, but in the estimation of others.
-- Rudolf Virchow -
Peaceful is the one who is not concerned with having more or less.
-- Rumi