“I would sooner want a strong partnership with the United States - even with (US President George W.) Bush, who I think is the worst president in a long, long time. I would sooner want a friendship with Bush than with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin.”
Source : Source: www.spiegel.de
“The imperialist, genocidal, fascist attitude of the U.S. president has no limits. I think Hitler would be like a suckling baby next to George W. Bush,”
Source : "Handshake With Obama Belies Chavez's Contempt for America", www.foxnews.com. February 4, 2005.
“I like playing make-believe. And my brothers do it with me, so its fun. Its almost better than chocolate ice cream.”
“You can only get outside yourself by looking inside.”
“Special emphasis should be laid on this intimate interrelation of general statements about empirical fact with the logical elements and structure of theoretical systems.”
Source : Talcott Parsons (1968). “The structure of social action: a study in social theory with special reference to a group of recent European writers”
“Most people I've talked to are convinced that they're not getting valuable information from news media anymore. I'm not talking about tinfoil-hatters either, these are intelligent people who believe their news media has failed them.”
Source : "Fark's Drew Curtis On How "News" Isn't News". Interview with Brian Montopoli, www.cbsnews.com. May 23, 2007.
“There in the mist, enormous, majestic, silent and terrible, stood the Great Wall of China. Solitarily, with the indifference of nature herself, it crept up the mountain side and slipped down to the depth of the valley.”
“Let's go to Valhalla with the sun on our faces.”