Genius famous quotes
My favorite types of movies definitely aren't thrillers, but at the same time you can't deny the genius of Hitchcock's films.
-- Aaron Yoo -
A Fool can become a Genius when he understands he is a Fool but. A Genius can become a Fool when he understands he is a Genius.
-- Abdul Kalam -
Genius is always more suggestive than expressive.
-- Abel Stevens -
Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
There is no such thing as unfortunate genius; if a man or woman is fit for work, God appoints the field.
-- Adah Isaacs Menken -
I wouldn't say jamie is an evil genius. I'm not sure he's evil and I'm not sure he's a genius.
-- Adam Savage -
Every new invention has been a protest of genius against the masses.
-- Adolf Hitler -
Genius is a will-o'-the-wisp if it lacks a solid foundation of perseverence and fanatical tenacity. This is the most important thing in all of human life...
-- Adolf Hitler -
Man is a genius when he dreams. Dream what you are capable of. The harder you dream it, the sooner it will come true.
-- Akira Kurosawa -
The true secret to genius is in creativity, not in technical mechanics.
-- Al Seckel -
The architects who benefit us most maybe those generous enough to lay aside their claims to genius in order to devote themselves to assembling graceful but predominantly unoriginal boxes. Architecture should have the confidence and the kindness to be a little boring.
-- Alain de Botton -
Some Italians are geniuses, but you have to find a balance.
-- Alain Prost -
It's too bad I'm not as wonderful a person as people say I am, because the world could use a few people like that.
-- Alan Alda -
The gut-feel of the 55-year old trader is more important than the mathematical elegance of the 25-year old genius.
-- Alan Greenspan -
Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.
-- Alan Perlis -
I am not a genius, I am just curious. I ask many questions. and when the answer is simple, then God is answering.
-- Albert Einstein -
Highly developed spirits often encounter resistance from mediocre minds.
-- Albert Einstein -
It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of Courage-to move in the opposite direction.
-- Albert Einstein -
Fraulein Noether was the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began.
-- Albert Einstein -
The genius of our institutions is democratic - baseball is a democratic game.
-- Albert Goodwill Spalding -
Almost all the noblest things that have been achieved in the world, have been achieved by poor men; poor scholars, poor professional men, poor artisans and artists, poor philosophers, poets, and men of genius.
-- Albert Pike -
In Goodfellas they have this one scene where the camera goes down some steps and walks through a kitchen into a restaurant and the critics were all over this as evidence of the genius of Scorsese and Scorsese is a genius.
-- Alex Cox -
Capablanca was snatched too early from the chess world. With his death we have lost a great chess genius, the like of whom we will never see again.
-- Alexander Alekhine -
All the genius I have lies in this; when I have a subject in hand, I study it profoundly.
-- Alexander H. Stephens -
To build a city where it is impossible to build a city is madness in itself, but to build there one of the most elegant and grandest of cities is the madness of genius.
-- Alexander Herzen -
Bobby Fischer is the greatest Chess genius of all time!
-- Alexander Kotov -
Genius creates, and taste preserves. Taste is the good sense of genius; without taste, genius is only sublime folly.
-- Alexander Pope -
Consult the genius of the place, that paints as you plant, and as you work.
-- Alexander Pope -
The world is not so much in need of new thoughts as that when thought grows old and worn with usage it should, like current coin, be called in, and, from the mint of genius, reissued fresh and new.
-- Alexander Smith -
What happens whenever we convert a writer into a symbol is that we lose the writer himself in all his indefeasible singularity, his particular inimitable genius.
-- Alfred Kazin -
Common sense is genius in homespun.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
The great geniuses are those who have kept their childlike spirit and have added to it breadth of vision and experience.
-- Alfred Stieglitz -
We are a people. A people do not throw their geniuses away. If they do, it is our duty as witnesses for the future to collect them again for the sake of our children. If necessary, bone by bone.
-- Alice Walker -
It was a vicious cycle, though. The more gratification we found in our own geniuses, the more isolated we grew.
-- Alison Bechdel -
Nobel prize-calibre geniuses often have certain core autistic features at their heart.
-- Allan Snyder -
What is a Gallagher Girl? She's a genius, a scientist, a heroine, a spy... a Gallagher Girl is whatever she wants to be.
-- Ally Carter -
Philosophy is the rational expression of genius.
-- Alphonse de Lamartine -
It is for truth that God created genius.
-- Alphonse de Lamartine -
Censor, n. An officer of certain governments, employed to supress the works of genius. Among the Romans the censor was an inspector of public morals, but the public morals of modern nations will not bear inspection.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Genius is nothing more nor less than doing well what anyone can do badly.
-- Amelia Barr -
Mediocrity is always in a rush; but whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing with consideration. For genius is nothing more nor less than doing well what anyone can do badly.
-- Amelia Barr -
A friendship formed in childhood, in youth,--by happy accident at any stage of rising manhood,--becomes the genius that rules the rest of life.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
Genius--the free and harmonious play of all the faculties of a human being.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
The stigma of oddness is the price a myopic world always exacts of genius.
-- Amy Lowell -
I also think if you're an actor and you can improvise, when you go on an audition and you can improvise you're just a genius. If you can, you know, take a Tide commercial and you can just say one funny line that's not in the commercial they think you're a genius.
-- Amy Poehler -
Only a great fool or a great genius is likely to flout all social grace with impunity, and neither one, doing so, makes the most comfortable companion.
-- Amy Vanderbilt -
I must know, he thinks. It must be clear to me. There is a world which is closed to him, a world of shadings, gradations, nuances, and subtleties. He is a genius and yet he is too explicit. June slips between his fingers. You cannot posses without loving.
-- Anais Nin -
Genius is not perfected, it is deepened. It does not so much interpret the world as fertilize itself with it.
-- Andre Malraux -
An artist discovers his genius the day he dares not to please.
-- Andre Malraux -
Genius consists of equal parts of natural aptitude and hard work.
-- Andre Maurois -
I admire Johann Strauss a lot. I believe he was a genius of his time.
-- Andre Rieu -
The genius of any slave system is found in the dynamics which isolate slaves from each other, obscure the reality of a common condition, and make united rebellion against the oppressor inconceivable.
-- Andrea Dworkin -
I have had the great good fortune of working with a true genius of yoga, Karuna Erickson, in developing a new system called Heart Yoga.
-- Andrew Harvey -
Genius is a starry word; but if there ever was a chess player to whom that attribute applied, it was Paul Morphy.
-- Andrew Soltis -
The Prime Minister has an absolute genius for putting flamboyant labels on empty luggage.
-- Aneurin Bevan -
While Genius was thus wasting his strength in eccentric flights, I saw a person of a very different appearance, named Application.
-- Anna Letitia Barbauld -
A book can teach you, a conversation can assure you, a poem can seduce you, a genius can inspire you but only you can save yourself.
-- Anthony Anaxagorou -
Unless one is a genius, it is best to aim at being intelligible.
-- Anthony Hope -
I loved Stephen Wright, and I loved Mitch Hedberg, but they seemed like geniuses you could never emulate. You'd just be ripping them off.
-- Anthony Jeselnik -
Treason implies responsibility for something, control over something, influence upon something, knowledge of something. Treason in our time is a proof of genius. Why, I want to know, are not traitors decorated?
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
Every student deserves to be treated as a potential genius.
-- Anton Ehrenzweig -
I know people I feel are extremely talented, but I don't know that I've ever heard any geniuses.
-- Aretha Franklin -
There's pressure to come up with something genius every time. I feel like I keep letting myself down with my Twitter posts. I have to start keeping a journal of rough drafts of prophetic ideas about the world.
-- Ari Graynor -
The greatest thing by far is to have a command of metaphor. This alone cannot be imparted by another; it is the mark of genius, for to make good metaphors implies an eye for resemblances.
-- Aristotle -
Every great genius has an admixture of madness.
-- Aristotle -
a masterpiece doesn't so much transcend its time as perpetuate it; it keeps its moment alive.
-- Arlene Croce -
True genius doesn't fulfill expectations, it shatters them.
-- Arlene Croce -
There are no more geniuses, only critics.
-- Arnold Schoenberg -
Genius has its fatality. Must we not see in its works a manifestation of the will of Providence?
-- Arsene Houssaye -
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but that you are a conductor of light. Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
Skill is fine, and genius is splendid, but the right contacts are more valuable than either.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
Genius is nothing more than an extraordinary manifestation of the body.
-- Arthur Cravan -
Talent is like a marksman who hits a target which others cannot reach; genius is like a marksman who hits a target which others cannot see.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
Genius is to other gifts what the carbuncle is to the precious stones. It sends forth its own light, whereas other stones only reflect borrowed light.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
A man of genius can hardly be sociable, for what dialogues could indeed be so intelligent and entertaining as his own monologues?
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
You certainly can't tell anything from the microscopic structure of the brain whether the person was an idiot or a genius.
-- Ashley Montagu -
Better is possible. It does not take genius. It takes diligence. It takes moral clarity. It takes ingenuity. And above all, it takes a willingness to try.
-- Atul Gawande -
It is a mark of genius not to astonish but to be astonished.
-- Aubrey Menen -
Genius only comes to those who know how to use their eyes and their intelligence.
-- Auguste Rodin -
Indulge, and to thy genius freely give, For not to live at ease is not to live.
-- Aulus Persius Flaccus -
Anyone is capable of anything (will plus belief is ability) if they themselves create the opportune moment and incentive. Heaven gives no genius to disbelievers and no vengeance worse than the body denied.
-- Austin Osman Spare -
A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race - and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.
-- Ayn Rand -
Chaos breeds geniuses. It offers a man something to be a genius about.
-- B. F. Skinner -
The only geniuses produced by the chaos of society are those who do something about it. Chaos breeds geniuses. It offers a man something to be a genius about.
-- B. F. Skinner -
Poetry is the fiery index to the genius of the age.
-- Babette Deutsch -
the possession of wealth, and especially the inheritance of wealth, seems almost invariably to sterilize genius.
-- Beatrice Webb -
Jim Carrey, a comic genius, has a harder time overcoming the public's desire for him to be funny simply because he's so good at it.
-- Ben Stiller -
Mediocrity can talk, but it is for genius to observe.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
The Athanasian Creed is the most splendid ecclesiastical lyric ever poured forth by the genius of man.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
The difference between talent and genius is this: while the former usually develops some special branch of our faculties, the latter commands them all. When the former is combined with tact, it is often more than a match for the latter.
-- Benjamin Disraeli