Sanity famous quotes
Sanity, as the project of keeping ourselves recognizably human, therefore has to limit the range of human experience. To keep faith with recognition we have to stay recognizable. Sanity, in other words, becomes a pressing preoccupation as soon as we recognize the importance of recognition. When we define ourselves by what we can recognize, by what we can comprehend- rather than, say, by what we can describe- we are continually under threat from what we are unwilling and/or unable to see. We are tyrannized by our blind spots, and by whatever it is about ourselves that we find unacceptable.
-- Adam Phillips -
Humor hardens the heart, at least to the point of sanity ...
-- Agnes Repplier -
Computers no longer interface with humans--they interact, and the interaction will become steadily deeper, more subtle, and more crucial to our collective sanity and ultimate survival.
-- Alan Cooper -
And when reality goes, sanity has no reason.
-- Alexander Gordon Smith -
...Go somewhere else. Somewhere safer.†Anywhere else. God, please. Or he was likely to do something horribly awful, like surrender his sanity and kiss her.
-- Anne Mallory -
Every great genius has an admixture of madness.
-- Aristotle -
You never know what lurks just beneath the surface of my fragile sanity.
-- Ashly Lorenzana -
Don't be ashamed of reliving your childhood, Ox, because all of us must do it now and then to maintain our sanity.
-- Barry Hughart -
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable. We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves would restore us to sanity.
-- Bill W. -
Sanity is tenuous. Tenuous. Comes and goes. Many of the brightest people floating about this planet have only a finger's grip on sanity, if that.
-- Cathy Lamb -
Sanity lies somewhere between the inhibitions of conventional morality and the looseness of the extreme impulse
-- Chogyam Trungpa -
Sanity is permanent, neurosis is temporary.
-- Chogyam Trungpa -
It wouldn't make for sanity would it, living with the devil.
-- Daphne du Maurier -
Sanity is to be found in accurate honesty to oneself.
-- David Bain -
Having a sense of humor has served me more than it has hurt me - just in the sense that it has allowed me to keep my sanity.
-- Dee Dee Myers -
You have to keep your sanity as well as know how to distance yourself from it while still holding onto the reins tightly. That is a very difficult thing to do, but I'm learning.
-- Diahann Carroll -
Passion does not blind. No. Passion is sanity, and the woman you love, she is the only person you will ever really understand.
-- E. M. Forster -
Yet mad I am not...and very surely do I not dream.
-- Edgar Allan Poe -
Now this is the point. You fancy me a mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded...
-- Edgar Allan Poe -
If proportion is the good breeding of architecture, symmetry, or the answering of one part to another, may be defined as the sanity of decoration.
-- Edith Wharton -
Awareness is the enemy of sanity, for once you hear the screaming, it never stops.
-- Emilie Autumn -
That millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane.
-- Erich Fromm -
Sanity brings pain but madness is a vile thing.
-- Euripides -
Without bigots, eccentrics, cranks and heretics the world would not progress.
-- Gelett Burgess -
Sanity is the lot of those who are most obtuse, for lucidity destroys one's equilibrium: it is unhealthy to honestly endure the labors of the mind which incessantly contradict what they have just established.
-- Georges Bataille -
Sanity, it would seem, was a dangerously contagious disease.
-- H. Beam Piper -
and he would probably not agree with my conviction that a sense of humor is the main measure of sanity. But who can say for sure? Humor is a very private thing.
-- Hunter S. Thompson -
My grandmother had the most dramatic effect on my life because she set me in one direction, and I had to go back the other direction for my sanity, and for my ability to be a social human being.
-- James Earl Jones -
Running - and yoga, too - is my sanity and my saviour. It's just finding the time to do it!
-- Jill Hennessy -
Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.
-- Jim Butcher -
We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.
-- Jim Butcher -
Noise is an imposition on sanity, and we live in very noisy times.
-- Joan Baez -
Nothing I read about grief seemed to exactly express the craziness of it; which was the interesting aspect of it to me - how really tenuous our sanity is.
-- Joan Didion -
I have only one goal in golf - to leave it with my sanity.
-- Joe Inman -
Just stopping, is a radical act of sanity and love.
-- Jon Kabat-Zinn -
What is sanity, after all, except the control of madness?
-- Josephine Winslow Johnson -
Our sense of worth, of well-being, even our sanity depends upon our remembering. But, alas, our sense of worth, our well-being, our sanity also depend upon our forgetting.
-- Joyce Appleby -
Never question the sanity of a woman who can render you defenseless with a look.
-- Julie Anne Peters -
The nice thing about having a friend who is crazier than you are is that she bolsters your belief in your own sanity.
-- Julie Powell -
The one impulse in man which cannot be erased is his impulse toward freedom, his impulse toward sanity, toward higher levels of attainment in all of his endeavors.
-- L. Ron Hubbard -
The curve of imagination, the curve of brilliance and the curve of sanity are identical curves or at least similar curves... The more imagination a person has, why, the more intelligence, the more knowingness he has and the saner he's going to be.
-- L. Ron Hubbard -
You've got to have a sense of humor to keep your sanity.
-- Lance Bass -
it's better to be crazy on one point and happy, than sane on all points and unhappy.
-- Margaret Deland -
That she had so completely recovered her sanity was a source of sadness to her. One should never be cured of one's passion.
-- Marguerite Duras - sanity threatened to take a holiday without me.
-- Maria V. Snyder -
for business reasons, I must preserve the outward signs of sanity.
-- Mark Twain -
the only people who have proof of their sanity are those who have been discharged from mental institutions
-- Marshall McLuhan -
Sanity is sometimes a matter of going on, outwardly, as if everything is all right.
-- Mary McMullen -
You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head.
-- Matt Groening -
Stay optimistic to the point where people question your sanity.
-- Matthew Barnett -
There's a big difference between sanity and insanity.
-- Megan Gallagher -
I always made a point of telling the doctors I was sane, and asking to be released, but the more I endeavored to assure them of my sanity, the more they doubted it
-- Nellie Bly -
It's really scary when you have a moment of temporary sanity.
-- Nelson DeMille -
The ability to take pride in your own work is one of the hallmarks of sanity.
-- Nikki Giovanni -
Despite my vanity, I fear for my sanity.
-- Pseudonymous Bosch -
Where's your sense of adventure?" "Off on a beach somewhere with your sanity?
-- Rachel Caine -
Sanity is very rare; every man almost and every woman has a dash of madness.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
Sanity is all that stands between good and evil.
-- Raymond E. Feist -
Sanity ... is the most profound moral option of our time.
-- Renata Adler -
Neither conscience nor sanity itself suggests that the United States is, should or could be the global gendarme.
-- Robert McNamara -
Don't be afraid to tread new ground, but do a sanity test.
-- Sabeer Bhatia -
I do think there was a period there when my sanity was under intense pressure, and I didn't know what to say or do or how to act. I was literally living from day to day.
-- Salman Rushdie -
For I did not want him to see, or to question me, for here contains already secrets, and my secrets are my fortune and my sanity.
-- Sebastian Barry -
I hope for peace and sanity - it's the same thing.
-- Studs Terkel -
This was the door to both sustenance and sanity. And we were each other's key.
-- Suzanne Collins -
You gonna deal with Mr. Hot and Moody?" "Not sure. I may just pull out my e-reader." He nodded. "Probably safer for your sanity.
-- Sylvia Day -
The cost of sanity in this society, is a certain level of alienation
-- Terence McKenna -
Sanity? Sorry, I don't ever remember having something like that before.
-- Tite Kubo -
Give me solitude, give me Nature, give me again O Nature your primal sanities!
-- Walt Whitman -
It had always been a notion of mine that sanity is like a clearing in the jungle where the humans agree to meet from time to time and behave in certain fixed ways that even a baboon could master, like Englishmen dressing for dinner in the tropics.
-- Wilfrid -
There is no insanity so devastating in man's life as utter sanity.
-- William Allen White -
Life, this endless conversation with yourself. Silent in sanity, audible in madness.
-- Zohra Sehgal -
My crazy's working a lot better than your sanity.
-- Gini Koch -
The mad person who knows that they are mad is close to sanity.
-- Juan Ruiz de Alarcon -
The madman who knows that he is mad is close to sanity.
-- Juan Ruiz de Alarcon -
Paranoia can be a sign of a sanity in some circumstances, in some places and times.
-- Michael Helm -
Nothing seems too high or low for the humorist; he is above honor, above faith, preserving sense in religion and sanity in life.
-- Sean O'Casey -
Exercise is an absolute must. Period. That doesn't mean I'm a gym junkie - it just means that I have to get a few days doing something physical a week, even just for my mental sanity.
-- Matthew Hussey -
Sanity is an illusion caused by alcohol deficiency.
-- N. F. Simpson -
My job is to ensure the sanctity of this House. Ensuring the sanity of its Master seemed like a good start.
-- Chloe Neill -
I'm hoping for a return to at least partial sanity someday, but I'm not optimistic.
-- David Rosenfelt -
We all question our sanity. Everyone has had an experience of loss of control of something.
-- John Carpenter