Childhood famous quotes
From my childhood, obedience was something I could not get out of my system. When I entered the armed service at the age of twenty-seven, I found being obedient not a bit more difficult than it had been during my life to that point. It was unthinkable that I would not follow orders.
-- Adolf Eichmann -
One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.
-- Agatha Christie -
I like birthday cake. It's so symbolic. It's a tempting symbol to load with something more complicated than just 'Happy birthday!' because it's this emblem of childhood and a happy day.
-- Aimee Bender -
If you watch any John Hughes film of the eighties, that was my childhood experience.
-- Aimee Mullins -
I take the most wrenchingly painful moments of my life, brush them off and present them for the amusement of others. Luckily for me, my childhood was torture.
-- Aisha Tyler -
I'm sure I had low-level scurvy all of my childhood.
-- Aisha Tyler -
I was born in Somerville, but I don't remember very much about it because we moved from there to Arlington when I was five years old, and it was in Arlington that I spent most of my childhood.
-- Alan Hovhaness -
At one magical instant in your early childhood, the page of a book—that string of confused, alien ciphers—shivered into meaning. Words spoke to you, gave up their secrets; at that moment, whole universes opened. You became, irrevocably, a reader.
-- Alberto Manguel -
Childhood was the past. It couldn't be changed, only remembered.
-- Aleatha Romig -
Childhood and adulthood were not factors of age but states of mind.
-- Alex Shakar -
Everything in Italy that is particularly elegant and grand borders upon insanity and absurdity or at least is reminiscent of childhood.
-- Alexander Herzen -
You can go through life and make new friends every year - every month practically - but there was never any substitute for those friendships of childhood that survive into adult years. Those are the ones in which we are bound to one another with hoops of steel.
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
One has always had a childhood, whatever one becomes.
-- Alexandre Dumas-fils -
No one knows you like a person with whom you've shared a childhood. No one will ever understand you in quite the same way.
-- Alice Hoffman -
That is how you know you've left childhood behind-when you wish for time to go backward.
-- Alice Hoffman -
Let us turn to our own childhoods-no further-if we will renew our sense of remoteness, and of the mystery of change.
-- Alice Meynell -
Childhood is but change made gay and visible ...
-- Alice Meynell -
In childhood we all have ... a far higher sensibility for April and April evenings - a heartache for them, which in riper years is gradually and irretrievably consoled.
-- Alice Meynell -
I have never known a patient to portray his parents more negatively than he actually experienced them in childhood but always more positively--because idealization of his parents was essential for his survival.
-- Alice Miller -
The more we idealize the past and refuse to acknowledge our childhood sufferings, the more we pass them on unconsciously to the next generation.
-- Alice Miller -
The truth about childhood, as many of us have had to endure it, is inconceivable, scandalous, painful. Not uncommonly, it is monstrous. Invariably, it is repressed. To be confronted with this truth all at once and to try to integrate it into our consciousness, however ardently we may wish it, is clearly impossible.
-- Alice Miller -
We produce destructive people by the way we are treating them in childhood.
-- Alice Miller -
The truth about our childhood is stored up in our body, and although we can repress it, we can never alter it. Our intellect can be deceived, our feelings manipulated, and conceptions confused, and our body tricked with medication. But someday our body will present its bill, for it is as incorruptible as a child, who, still whole in spirit, will accept no compromises or excuses, and it will not stop tormenting us until we stop evading the truth.
-- Alice Miller -
It is possible to resolve childhood repression safely and without confusion - something that has always been disputed by the most respected schools of thought.
-- Alice Miller -
Sadism is not an infectious disease that strikes a person all of a sudden. It has a long prehistory in childhood and always originates in the desperate fantasies of a child who is searching for a way out of a hopeless situation.
-- Alice Miller -
She was learning, quite late, what many people around her appeared to have known since childhood that life can be perfectly satisfying without major achievements.
-- Alice Munro -
I have a love affair with tomatoes and corn. I remember them from my childhood. I only had them in the summer. They were extraordinary.
-- Alice Waters -
The satiric ethos of Mad was a much bigger childhood influence.
-- Alison Bechdel -
One of the most distinctive evolutionary features of human beings is our unusually long, protected childhood.
-- Alison Gopnik -
Never did I think that the university was properly ministerial to the society around it. Rather I thought and think that society is ministerial to the university, and I bless a society that tolerates and supports an eternal childhood for some, a childhood whose playfulness can in turn be a blessing to society.
-- Allan Bloom -
Baseball represents family. It represents my childhood.
-- Alyssa Milano -
Heaven lies about us in our infancy and the world begins lying about us pretty soon afterward.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
A happy childhood is the pledge of a ripe manhood.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
A friendship formed in childhood, in youth,--by happy accident at any stage of rising manhood,--becomes the genius that rules the rest of life.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
My mother had a very difficult childhood, having seen her own mother kill herself. So she didnt always know how to be the nurturing mother that we all expect we should have.
-- Amy Tan -
In my childhood diary I wrote: “I have decided that it is better not to love anyone, because when you love people, then you have to be separated from them, and that hurts too much.
-- Anais Nin -
The mind which plunges into Surrealism, relives with burning excitement the best part of childhood.
-- Andre Breton -
The death of childhood is the beginning of poetry.
-- Andrei Tarkovsky -
I had this rare privilege of being able to pursue in my adult life, what had been my childhood dream.
-- Andrew Wiles -
I grew up in Cambridge in England, and my love of mathematics dates from those early childhood days.
-- Andrew Wiles -
Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.
-- Andy Goldsworthy -
I don't carry any early childhood trauma around with me, if that's what you're hinting at. The story of the bicycles - and there were three of them which were stolen from me - I've dealt with it well.
-- Angela Merkel -
The older ones recently saw Mr and Mrs Smith and I think they thought that was the funniest thing they'd ever seen because, of course, watching your parents fight as spies is some strange sort of childhood fantasy.
-- Angelina Jolie -
Do you know anyone who would - secretly, sincerely, in his innermost self - really prefer to return to childhood?
-- Anita Desai -
I would have stayed forever within the garden of Re-mose's childhood, but time is a mother's enemy.
-- Anita Diament -
My early childhood was spent in Newark, New Jersey, but my family moved to Denver when I was 12.
-- Anita Diament -
A sibling is the lens through which you see your childhood.
-- Ann Hood -
When I was seven years old, I fell in love with a series published by Bobbs-Merrill called 'The Childhood of Famous Americans.' In it, historical figures like Clara Barton, Nancy Hanks, Elias Howe, Patrick Henry, and dozens more came to life for me as children.
-- Ann Hood -
... he is rewarded with a form of eternal childhood, with the bounty and vigilance of the stars, the whole world was his inheritance and he shared it with everyone.
-- Anna Akhmatova -
Childhood sometimes does pay a second visit to man; youth never.
-- Anna Brownell Jameson -
What if we never 'get over' certain deaths, or our childhoods? What if the idea that we should have by now, or will, is a great palace lie? What if we're not supposed to? What if it takes a life time...?
-- Anne Lamott -
Investing in early childhood nutrition is a surefire strategy. The returns are incredibly high.
-- Anne M. Mulcahy -
The shape of my life is, of course, determined by many things; my background and childhood, my mind and its education, my conscience and its pressures, my heart and its desires.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
I hated childhood, and spent it sitting behind a book waiting for adulthood to arrive.
-- Anne Tyler -
My early childhood equipped me really well for my portrait work: The quick encounter, where you are not going to know the subject for very long. These days I am much more comfortable with the fifteen minute relationship, than I am with a life long relationship.
-- Annie Leibovitz -
A lot of my characters are underdogs or sad or lonely, but I had a comfortable, golden sort of childhood.
-- Anthony Browne -
You bury your childhood here and there. It waits for you, all your life, to come back and dig it up.
-- Anthony Doerr -
I would like to go back to Wales. I'm obsessed with my childhood and at least three times a week dream I am back there.
-- Anthony Hopkins -
Childhood, after all, is the first precious coin that poverty steals from a child.
-- Anthony Horowitz -
I knew there was never anyone to blame when people get into drugs. They're always responsible for their own behavior, and it's not the dealer, it's not the friend, it's not the bad influence, it's not the childhood.
-- Anthony Kiedis -
I had a great childhood. I think writers are always better off when they have more twisted childhoods, but I didn't.
-- Anthony Shadid -
My parents were lenient. My mother believed God was another word for nature. I took up Satanism not out of desperation, but out of logic. I rebelled, not but because of a religious or repressive childhood. I wanted to join the French Foreign Legion.
-- Anton Szandor LaVey -
The concentration in my book on Marie Antoinette's childhood and on her family influences. It is surprising how some books actually start with her arrival in France!
-- Antonia Fraser -
My father, when he went, made my childhood a gift of a half a century.
-- Antonio Porchia -
I spent my entire childhood living abroad because of my father's occupation, so we were on long-haul flights all the time.
-- Arabella Weir -
When I was born here on one of the farms in Israel, my childhood, I never thought for one day that we will not be living together with Arabs.
-- Ariel Sharon -
The habits we form from childhood make no small difference, but rather they make all the difference.
-- Aristotle -
Mathematics is like childhood diseases. The younger you get it, the better.
-- Arnold Sommerfeld -
The four stages of man are infancy, childhood, adolescence, and obsolescence.
-- Art Linkletter -
In reality, childhood is deep and rich. It's vital, mysterious, and profound. I remember my OWN childhood vividly; I knew terrible things, but I knew I mustn't let the adults *know* I knew... it would scare them.
-- Art Spiegelman -
Genius is the recovery of childhood at will.
-- Arthur Rimbaud -
They were not friends, Comdrade Pillai and Inspector Thomas Matthew, and they didn't trust each other. But they understood each other perfectly. They were both men whom childhood had abandoned without a trace. Men without curiosity. Without doubt. Both in their own way truly, terrifyingly, adult. They looked out into the world and never wondered how it worked, because they knew. They worked it. They were mechanics who serviced different parts of the same machine.
-- Arundhati Roy -
If I have brightened up one single sad childhood, then I have at least accomplished something in my life.
-- Astrid Lindgren -
If I have managed to brighten up even one gloomy childhood – then I’m satisfied.
-- Astrid Lindgren -
I was taught from childhood of the sanctity of food. Not a piece of bread could be thrown away without kissing it and raising it to one's eyes as with all things holy.
-- Attia Hosain -
When I was a teenager, I thought nothing would ever happen to me because my childhood was so normal. I had this complex of normality.
-- Audrey Tautou -
Religion is an illusion of childhood, outgrown under proper education.
-- Auguste Comte -
Childhood is what ended me up in the hospital and teetering on the edge of deathly alcoholism. It was really good for me to accept it. To accept all the embarrassment and the shame so I don't feel like I used to.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
I really look at my childhood as being one giant rusty tuna can that I continue to recycle in many different shapes.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
I consider myself to have been formed by a lot of the locutions and aesthetics and principles of the Muslim way of life, and those are an important part of my childhood and my identity.
-- Ayad Akhtar -
I was forgiven by forgiving many things Including my long-ago childhood I was healed, but I intended [ to ] heal I've just noticed, the way I was saved by love Though I tried to keep love away.
-- Ayumi Hamasaki -
No one can survive childhood without being wounded. Everyone remembers at least one time when their parents rejected them, pushed them away, even though they may have still been in the womb, blind, and unable to speak. That's why, as adults, we all look for someone to become our parents again, and for someone to look after us in times of need. And we search for a person to live with who can provide the companionship we so desperately want.
-- Banana Yoshimoto -
We invest in early childhood education. We invest additional job training dollars. We make sure that we've got a strong research and development strategy so that we continue to innovate. Rebuilding our infrastructure, which we know will attract businesses.
-- Barack Obama -
the gardens of our childhood are all beautiful.
-- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison -
Something in me was always watching life from the outside, permanently obsessed with the notion of belonging vs. not-belonging [to a group]. It did not make for a happy childhood, but it was excellent training for a writer.
-- Barbara Kingsolver -
The older I get, the more I appreciate my rural childhood. I spent a lot of time outdoors, unsupervised, which is a blessing.
-- Barbara Kingsolver -
Policy is formed by preconceptions, by long implanted biases. When information is relayed to policy-makers, they respond in terms of what is already inside their heads and consequently make policy less to fit the facts than to fit the notions and intentions formed out of the mental baggage that has accumulated in their minds since childhood.
-- Barbara Tuchman -
I've been following what's happening in Colombia because it's the country of my childhood.
-- Barbet Schroeder -
Don't be ashamed of reliving your childhood, Ox, because all of us must do it now and then to maintain our sanity.
-- Barry Hughart -
With childhood comes a brief grace period of ignorant bliss -- when you're not aware of the pain around you. That is the most special, truly unique time. It is the core of adult lament.
-- Barry Privett -
I believe there are few whose view of life has not been affected by the stern or kindly influences of their early childhood, which threw them in upon themselves in timidity and reserve, or drew them out in genial confidence and sympathy with their fellow creatures.
-- Basil W. Maturin -
But still I dream that somewhere there must be The spirit of a child that waits for me.
-- Bayard Taylor -
An enthusiastic desire of visiting the Old World haunted me from early childhood. I cherished a presentiment, amounting almost to belief, that I should one day behold the scenes, among which my fancy had so long wandered.
-- Bayard Taylor